Alex – Heart Of The Vanguard

62. Snakes

Nathan, or Echo, whatever he wanted to be called... he had been quiet since I told him that I hadn't put anything in his head, besides after a few seconds of calming down, merely said 'Follow me'. So that's what I had been doing, trudging through the snow, when I asked him where we were going, he simply told me that we were 'taking the long way home, so that he doesn't get seen.' So we walked, for a good hour, Nathan on all fours, me keeping up just about at a fast walking pace, further out of the heart of this small town. He eventually lead us to a gated and locked drive that snaked up to house, just atop a small hill.

Echo: "Err... The key is in the house, I remember now... Either I can jump us both over the fence or I'll have to go up to the house, grab the key and come back-..." I crouched and jumped up and over the 8 foot hight gate, landing with the slightest of grunts inside the boundary, on the drive. I turned and looked back at him through the black iron gate with a slight smug smile "...huuh..." He said sounding impressed, "...Who'd a funked it..." He crouched and leapt over himself, landing just beside me, "'re not quite what you seem, are you?"

Me: "I presume no one else will be here?" I gestured up at the dark, unlit and lifeless house ahead.

Echo: "No, why's that?"

Me: "Mind if I show you then?"

He gave me a suggestive shrug, gesturing me to do so, so I changed my look, transforming back into my normal Hybrid self, all my Draconian extremities appearing from under the usual red and purple mists through my clothes.

Echo: "Whoa, I err... Wasn't expecting that..." He said while briefly point at me, " err... What are you? Sorta Dragon-y but not quite... Sky High Technologies experiment gone wrong? Orrr?..."

Me: "I've lived a complicated life the last few months, long story short, I was Human, then Dragon... Then I died... I was brought back as this Hybrid with magic, with magical abilities as well now that I can use..." I fluttered my hand through the air, a little purple mist followed it, much like Sora use to when she was showing off, " I'm on a mission. Reikon- someone at SkyTech stole something of mine, and I'm going to get them back. But I need your help. So can you tell me why we're here?"

Echo: "Hmm... Come on." He gestured me to follow, so again I begrudgingly followed. He made his way up the drive and to the front door of the posh yet dull and lifeless looking house.

Echo: "Now that I remember, I don't have to keep breaking in... Hopefully no one's moved it..." There was a small shrub pot either side of the front porch, he tipped the right hand pot over slightly, knocking some of the settled snow off of it, revealing a key hidden underneath, he scooped it up with his free hand and repositioned the pot. Using the key in the lock on the door, he let himself in. "... Come on in. It's my house... Or at least it use to be." He called back from inside. I sighed and followed him in. I made my way into a wide and dark reception hall, which Echo had already made decent headway down so I closed the front door and followed.

Echo: "Can I get you something to drink? Eat?" He asked while stepping into a doorway on the far left of the hall, flicking the light on as he entered.

Me: "I'm good. Thanks. Listen, Nathan-"

Echo: "ECHO!"

Me: "Alright, fine, 'Echo'. Time really is not on my side, ok? I really need your help, otherwise I might as well try on my own." I called after him as I followed him into the door way. This room was a very large kitchen... It had a bit of a rustic yet modern feel to it. Any appliances were stainless steel, which were sat on worktops made of what looked like some sparkling black marble, the cabinet doors were made of solid oak.

Echo: "I might have some noodles... You want some noodles?" He asked while opening one of the cupboards and grabbing a packet out, then grabbed one of the hanging saucepans and wandered over to the central island worktop.

Me: "Nooo, I don't want noodles, I want to-" I was actually getting rather irritated now, I didn't have time for this...

Echo: "Lucy use to love noodles..." 'Ok... Now I'll keep quiet... Give him a minute to explain at least...' "...You know my record. But you don't know ME. Now I'm a killer, it was my job, got paid well for it, as you can see with my house, because I was good, I killed A LOT of people... but never, EVER, have I killed a child. If I was given a job to kill a child, there was a reason behind it, a reason for someone wanting them dead. But I see it as it usually it comes down to bad parenting. So rather than killing that child, I did what I could to make sure that kid had a decent life still, a second chance to do something good with themselves. You came to me because you want to bust into the facility in Iceland, right?..." I gently nodded, wondering where he was going with this, "...Sky High Technologies, or 'SkyTech' as you call them... They didn't just murder my family, they butchered them. And I had to watch." He now looked very angry and distraught indeed.

Echo then stared down at the noodle packet in his hand while placing the pan on the side, lost in thought, for a long time too.

Echo: "I was in a lot of pain at the time. But NOTHING is more painful than seeing your little girl strapped to the table next to yours, calling and screaming for you in fear and pain, and you being completely unable to do anything about besides lying to her! Telling her that everything will be alright when you know darn well it's not!... They died... My family died from what they did to them, their, little experiments... And I had to watch the life leave their eyes... AND I LIVED to remember it!..." He growled, his eyes now filled with tears, but none escaped, he somehow held them in place, "...Sky High Technologies aren't scientists, they're not people, they're monsters! You came to me because you wanted me to get you in, why else would you be here. But I'm telling you now, I'm not doing it, I won't go back there."

Me: "They have my kids!..." I blurted out and Echo just stared at me, "...I gave birth, to eggs!, just a couple of days ago! Now there is this all powerful Draconian bitch who believes she should be queen of her homeworld who has a grudge against me. She TOOK MY KIDS and I KNOW she's hiding them there... Please... I am sorry about your family, truly, I'm sorry that it's too late for them, but it's not too late for mine. I can't let SkyTech keep doing this, ruining families! I have to put a stop to this, YOU can put a stop to this if you get me in. Please! If not for me or anyone else, at least make this right by Lucy and Sandy."

He nodded very slowly, then looked back down at the unopened noodle packet still in hand,

Echo: "Ok.... Okay... I'll help you stop the big evil corporation from destroying people's lives... But noodles first." And he tore open the packet.

Me: "Ok, fine... But thank you... I've got to make a call."

I left the room, walking back into the main entrance hall and called Michael in my head... He took a long time to answer...

Michael: "Mnn-hello?"

Me: "Michael, it's Alex. It's that phone call. It's time."

Michael: "Oh heeyy... *Groan* speaking of time, what time is it even?"

Me: "You're about 3 hours ahead, so about 2 in the morning."

Michael: " *Long drawn out groan* so this is it then? You're finally ready to give me the interview?"

Me: "Better than an interview. I'm gonna crack SkyTech wide open, expose them to the world for who they truly are. Wanna be the one to do that still?"

Michael: "Err, yeah, sure. Where and when are we talking?"

Me: "How soon can you get to Iceland?"

Michael: "Ice- ICELAND?! are you shitting me?"

Me: "No. I'm not shitting you. Iceland - how long Michael?"

Michael: "Erm... Christ... What's that? 6 or 7 hour flight? Gotta get to work, get some guys together, that might take a while this time of the morning, gear ready. Then get to wherever in Iceland you need us to be-"

Me: "You've got 12 hours Michael, or I'm starting without you. I'll send you some coordinates on where to meet me."

Michael: "Shit, alright alright. This had better be worth it or I'm in the shit big time."

Me: "Oh it will definitely be worth it. Got a confirmed source of location and how to access the facility. It will be like Christmas for you."

Michael: "Alright, I'm on it... Send me the address."

Me: "Coordinates. It's in the middle of nowhere really. Sending them now." Then I ended the call, sending him the coordinates in a message and then made another call... He answered almost instantly...

Wrex: "Alex??"

Me: "Hey..."* I replied sheepishly,

Wrex: "Are you ok?"*-*Me: "I'm sorry." We both said at exactly the same time.

Me: "Err, you first."

Wrex: "I erm, no you, go first, please."

Me: "Okay... Ok, sorry, I'm sorry I ran off."

Wrex: "-Again." He added, correcting me.

Me: "Alright alright... 'again' ."

Wrex: " *Sigh*... it's ok, I get it, but I want them back too you know, you know I could help."

Me: "I know I know... I can just get things done a lot faster on my own- no offence!"

Wrex: "Hmm... Some taken. But don't worry about it, where are you?"

Me: "Maple Falls in the states. How about you?"

Wrex: "Err right now? Escaping Tokyo."

Me: "What? Tokyo? What are you doing there?"

Wrex: "Looking for you, or so we thought. But I'm hoping Sarah is going to explain very shortly..." He replied, actually sounding rather irritated.


---2 hours earlier---

Aboard Thunder Child, In low orbit over Sao Paulo, Wed 9th Mar 22 00:01

I let out an unwanted yawn, sending a shiver down my spine as I stood on the bridge of Thunder Child, looking out across the bridge crew. This bridge had the typical Frigate bridge lay out, It was long but narrow and cramped. Stations were arranged more in pairs down the sides of the room, with only small gangway to separate them, nothing like the room that was given on the bridge of Thor.

Thor and many other classes of ships gave a good all around perspective of the bridge, each station in full view of the ship commander. Frigates seemed to be the only class that have a narrow and restrictive view.

Eishin: "How long have you been up?" Eishin asked from behind and to the right from his captain's chair.

Wrex: "Not long enough to warrant sleep."

Eishin: "Doesn't do any harm to get some shut eye, the rest of your team have gone to do so."

Wrex: "I will have trouble sleeping anyway, I know it."

Eishin: "You miss her?"

Wrex: "Hmm?" I replied partially dazed. You see I wasn't just tired, I was also stood here doing nothing, if I had something to do, I'd be more with it.

Eishin: "Alex? I understand you grew fond of each other very quickly."

Wrex: "Hmm... We did, yes."

Eishin: "I hear almost a tone of regret?"

Wrex: "No, noo... Just... She's very determined to do things on her own I have come to realise. Very independent. Even if she usually ends up getting into trouble in doing so. Once she's got something in her head, something she's determined to do, there's no stopping her and you had better keep up."

Eishin: "Ahh... So is it true? You 2 have already conceived some young of your own? If it's not too out of place for me to ask."

Wrex: "We have... There's more to this story than you know. I'll have to tell you when there's less prying ears..." I gestured to the small and heavily populated bridge, "...But there is a reason why Alex ran off again, I know why and I get it. I just wish she would involve me."

Eishin: "Hmm... Maybe sit down and talk with her about it when we find her."

Wrex: "That's the plan. But until the SkyTech are dealt with, I think she will always be a loose cannon." I tried to fight off another yawn, but failed miserably, causing me to shudder again.

Eishin: "Go get some sleep Wrex. I'll let you know when we find anything."

Wrex: "I'm fine, I don't need-"

Eishin: "And that's an order Wrex. I hate to pull rank on you but if you won't listen..." He trailed off while staring at me with a hint of a smile. He didn't need to finish the sentence, I knew what he was saying.

Wrex: "As you insist... SIR." I replied as I turned and went to pass him, he gave me a subtle nod as I got along side him.

I had barely made it to the door at the back of the bridge when one of the consoles in the room frantically beeped. I snapped round to see it was the operations console. The Draconian lieutenant sat at the station turn back to Eishin,

Ops: "Sir, I have a hit. Shard radiation spike detected. It's small, but it's fresh."

Eishin: "Location?" The lieutenant spun back to his screen,

Ops: "Northern hemisphere, Japan... Looks like it's in a city called Tokyo, Japan."

Wrex: "Take us in." I demanded stepping up besides the admiral again..

Ops: "Sir, it's still daylight hours in Japan." It took just a moment to think it through...

Wrex: "Then take us to a higher altitude. Fury will still be able to drop in."

Eishin: "A Roclaw will be spotted, Wrex, you know that."

Wrex: "I never mentioned a Roclaw."

Eishin: "You won't survive the drop from that sort of altitude Wrex."

Wrex: "These suits are tougher than they look. We'll make it admiral."

He paused for a brief few seconds then nodded to me before looking out across his bridge crew.

Eishin: "Very well, you heard the man. Helm, bring is up to 60,000 feet and get us over Japan, make sure we're still in cloud cover... Best get you team back up Wrex. Good luck. Reinforcements will be standing by if you need them."


"Captain, are you sure you can make the fall from this altitude?" The lieutenant manning the drop bay control room called to us as we passed his doorway.

Wrex: "We'll be fine lieutenant, thank you."

LT: "Very well, drop bay one at your disposal when you're ready." I just about saw him nod before he closed and sealed his door. A claxon sounded and flashing yellow lights filled the bay with an automated female voice making the standard announcement...

"All personnel: Vacate the hangar. Decompression and Roclaw drop imminent. Decompression and Roclaw drop imminent." - Which of course, wasn't true, there was no Roclaw being dropped, just us, but I guess they didn't have a specific warning for us.

All 4 of us snapped our face plates shut, almost in sync, as the few remaining members of the hangar crew in the room did as instructed, briskly making for their way to their nearest exits. As soon as the last door closed, the claxon changed tone and increased pace. The bay hissed as as the air was evacuated and equalised with that of the low atmosphere pressure of the outside. Myself, Sarah, 42 and Jinx made our way towards the drop bay one in a line.

Wrex: "Ready Fury?..." I asked over the coms, a status light appeared next to each of their names on my HUD, acknowledging their readiness. The doors on drop bay number one opened "...alright then. Let's go!" I leapt over the edge and dropped through the sky.

Wrex: "Drop zone is located near enough in the center of the city. Ops managed to narrow the flare to a 30 meter radius, shouldn't be too difficult to find either Alex or Reikon. It's middle of the day time so get to the ground ASAP..." The radius appeared on my HUD, highlighting the small area of the city below as we hurtled towards it. As we got close enough, I could see the best place to land, "...aim for the alleyway Fury." As we all got close enough we spun ourselves out of our nose dives, fired our jets and spread our wings. We skimmed between the buildings and each landed with a large bang on the tarmac floor.

42: "Shit... That's a lot of bodies."

There was indeed, a lot of guys in smart casual suits littered the floor around us in varying conditions, some had no obvious injuries, some lay in a pool of their own blood, others were blown apart by plasma fire.

42: "Plasma burns?"

Jinx: "Alex wouldn't do this, surely?"

42: "No, I wouldn't have thought so, unless they work for SkyTech. And as far as we know, Reikon doesn't have access to plasma weapons."

Sarah: "And SkyTech haven't perfected plasma jets enough to use them yet, last time any of us saw a suit of theirs."

Wrex: "Indeed. Be on your guard, we don't know what we're dealing with here-..." I was interrupted by a burst of SMG fire... Not aimed at me, but it sounded nearby, if slightly muffled.

Sarah: "That came from in here." She notioned to an open door way a few paces away which had a higher population of bodies surrounding it than the rest of the alley. It was then I heard sirens way off in the distance, shortly followed by more SMG and small arms fire from inside the building that Sarah had notioned to.

Wrex: "Right, inside, before the authorities arrive. Clear the building, find out what the hell is going on, grab Alex if she's here and get out of here."

We pushed down a corridor that had a couple of bodies in, these were trying to run, shot in the back by plasma rounds, now dead on the floor on their fronts. Thumping music could now be heard as we made our way down the hall. At the end of the hall, there were 3 choices. Straight ahead was a door, to the right lead another hall, to the left a set of stairs. I chose the door in front first, gingerly and slowly opening the door into the room beyond... The room was empty of people, but the red and purple dimly lit club still had it spot lights dancing around the place in time with the beat of some overly sexualised music. The main catwalk had 3 poles at the end of it, and many of the tables also each had a pole as the center of attention to... A strip club??

Someone on the far side of the room shouted something in Japanese, but his voice came through my helmet's speakers translated into perfect English...


SMG fire followed as two guys appeared and started firing at me. The rounds harmlessly pinged off of the front of my helmet and upper torso as I brought one of my arms up. I charged and fired 2 quick shots, one for each as they stupidly ran into the room towards me, so they both went down with minimal fuss.

Jinx: "Why did I understand him?" She asked from behind?

Sarah: "Our suits have built in translators that translate pretty much every language on the planet on the fly. More importantly, did you hear what he said? 'Theres another one'. Alex has gotta be here!"

Wrex: "Sounds logical...-" gun fire echoed from down the hall to the right. 42 immediately covered that hallway, leveling his arm and scanning around, "...push forward Fury, 42, take point." He headed down the hall, kicking in the door at the end, the smashing door sound was quickly followed by screaming girls. We piled into the room, which was clearly the working girl's dressing room. 9 of them were huddled in the far corner of the room, some dressed, some were clearly in the middle of changing and were completely topless. They whimpered and cowered down more upon the sight of us.

Wrex: "Shhh..." I sounded while holding a lone index finger up to my the center of my face plates, "... easy, Fury, they're just the workers. Proceed on."  I gestured the girls to stay down and keep quiet once more as we passed from one side of the room to the other, 42 leading us once more to the opposite door and up the stairs to the left that were behind it, littered with yet more bodies. Gun fire started again and was more or less constant as we reached the top of the stairs. A majestic looking hallway lay at the top, in traditional Japanese style architecture, red and gold decoration lined dark oak wooden walls and yet more bodies laid strewn randomly over a red carpet that lead to wards the a double doored room at the end of the hallway.

One of these doors was ever so slightly open, allowing fresh screams of panic and pain to escape, accompanied by yet more gun fire. At the same moment the gun fire stopped a Japanese man in a grey suit was sent flying through one of the double doors, smashing it off of it's hinges and narrowly missing 42, and finally crashed into some of his deceased comrades and joined them in their silent and motionlessness activity on the hallway floor.

All 4 of us crept up to the open door, arms raised and ready to fire. 42 stepped around the open door slowly scanning the room, Jinx quickly following around the corner and joining the sweeping where ever 42 had yet to.

Jinx: "There's no one here?"

A man spoke Japanese from behind the desk that was placed in front of a large window thay spanned the width of the room as myself and Sarah also stepped into the room, his words quickly translated in my helmet.

Man: "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!", His head slowly rose from behind the table.

Wrex: " 'FROM you'? We came to help. Who did this?"

Man: "You did!" He now replied speaking English.

Wrex: "We're looking for someone, we only came in because we found bodies and gun fire."

Man: "I know who you are, Wrex. You are a bringer of misery and death."

Wrex: "Wh- how do you know my name?!"

Man: "Anyone who's anyone, knows who you are, Admiral Wrex of the Draconian Vanguard. I recognise your armour from the news."

Wrex: "It's now just Captain, actually. So who are you then?" The man stood up slightly more from behind his desk. Dark grey suit which looked rather ruffled, the knot in his black tie had worked itself slightly loose so he promptly tightened it back up.

Man: "I am Matsuura Takeshi..." Sarah gave a short sharp gasp, and although I couldn't see her face, she started shifting a bit uneasily on the spot and looking around, "...and you have killed all my men in my esteemed establishment! And for what purpose?!"

Wrex: "I already said, this wasn't us! We are looking for Alex! We thought she was here!"

Matsuura: "Alex? The white armoured hybrid Dragon-Girl? We know of her as well. This wasn't her, I barely caught a glimpse..." Something seemed to snap, a realisation in his eyes, his angry expression returning to that of a fearful one, "...Oh no... If it wasn't you, or Alex... Then it could only have been-"

The air frizzled and gave a large pulse along with a wave of familiar energy... Red and purple washed over us and everything in the room. Suddenly, standing behind the desk, holding Matsuura up against the glass, was a black armoured Dragon. The armour had gold banding around the edges of some of the armour plates, mainly head, shoulders, chest and knees, but armour just like ours nevertheless! Jarvie Tech armour! The figure dropped Matsurra and with no warning using the same arm, the figure fired 3 plasma shots. The first striked Matsurra in the gut, undoubtedly a killing blow, sending him flying back and smashing through the window. The second and third shots would have definitely finished him off, one to the chest and one to the head as his body continued to fall back out the window and down.

Sarah: "EMBER!"

The figure, this 'Ember', that Sarah had called out indeed reacted to the name, it spun their head in our direction... That helmet was actually somewhat spooky... Carved... Scratched into the black paint and back to bare metal, was a rough, ghostly, Draconian skull. The skull print was perfectly lining up with the shape of the helmet. The horn covers were etched, the shape of the skull followed the slight contours of the triangular helmet, the dark eye sockets were only illuminated by the gold glow of the sensors.

The snout had the cut out of a nasal aperture and even the bare jaw line seemed to be half open, showing 2 rows of sharp teeth. All the etchings weren't prescise, - amateurish 'art' form. But it got the message across - this 'Ember' looked as though she meant business. The gold glowing eye sensors that also served as the 'eyes' in the artistic skull seemed to be directly stared in Sarah's direction and cocked it's head in confusion. The figure, quickly steeled themself though as 42, Jinx and myself were already raising our gauntlets to sight them. 'Ember' brought their arm up in an upwards batting motion, glowing red and purple as it did. The long, executive desk in front of the figure reacted to the motion and powers, being ripped from the floor from it's mounts and sent rolling out direction.

The rest of Fury just about had time to dive out of the way, but me, standing in the middle of the room, I had no time and nowhere to go. The desk walloped me, sending me flying backwards out into the hall. I quickly fired my jets mid air before crashing into the hallway, uprighting myself and skidding to halt on my hands and feet as the desk crashed into the door frame, smashing it into pieces and shattering it onto splinters and chunks of wood, following me down the hall. I sprinted back into the room, hoping to capture and question this 'Ember', but she was nowhere to be seen, even the others were looking all around for her, even with 42 and Jinx jogging over to the window to look at the club floor down below.

42: "I got no visual."

Jinx: "Nothing on motion tracker either, he's gone."

Sarah: " 'He' is a 'she'... F.Y.I. ..."

42: "How do you know? It had horns on the helmet?"

Sarah: "Erm, kind of an odd story, a couple of reasons. But doesn't matter right now... you alright?" She asked as she approached me from the side of the room.

Wrex: " 'Am I alri-'?! 'SHE'?! Who the hell was she?! You know her?!"

Sarah: "I use to..." She trailed off, sounding disappointed, "...That Matsuura Tatsuo, I think he was the first lieutenant of a Yakuza gang... And her uncle."

Jinx: "Wait, she just killed her own uncle?!" Stepping closer from the window.

Sarah: "Well she and her family didn't exactly see eye to eye... It's a long story."

Wrex: "I think you had better start telling it. Better still, start by explaining why she has one of your armours! That wasn't SkyTech armour! Too sleek, too advanced. And why didn't we know about her?! We agreed no more secrets!"

Sarah: "I did tell Ale-"

42: "Maybe save it for another time, we've got company. Authorities have arrived." he stated, still looking out of the window onto the floor below but backing up slowly.

Wrex: "Agreed. Let's get out of here Fury. Fall back to Thunder Child. Let's find a roof access. We'll discuss this mess later." I directed this last comment to Sarah who gave no reply or acknowledgement whatsoever.

42: "I'm accessing schematics of the buildings floorplans from the city's office... There's 2 accesses to the roof, there's one very close, but we need to move now if we don't want to get caught, updating our navs."

Wrex: "Let's move for the nav marker Fury." Perfectly timed with the end of my instruction, a nav marker indeed appeared on the same floor, not far away at all, a couple dozen feet away maybe. We headed back out into the hallway, made it to the marker which was just one of the doors down this decorative hall. I opened the door to reveal a set of stairs leading up.

Wrex: "Move Fury." I stepped to the side allowing the rest of the team to step through the doorway, just in time to see flashlights flickering up the stairs, accompanied by the voices of the Japanese police. I was about to head through the door myself, but I froze, but not willingly... Like my armour had locked up, it was only for a couple of seconds. I grunted in attempt to break myself free but I wasn't allowed to move. It was all the police needed to catch up though. Several officers sweeped up the stairs, their translated voices filtering through my helmet audio,

"Police! Discard any weapons and surrender!... ARRGGHH! DEMON!" The male officer looking dead at me screamed.

Suddenly I unfroze and immediately bolted up the stairs, meeting the others out on the rooftop after barging through the escape door.

Wrex: "We need to go, now!"

And with that, we all jetted off for a marker indicating Thunder Child's current position.

Wrex: "Wrex to Thunder Child, Fury is inbound on return, request drop bay vector."

Ops: "Roger Captain, we've got you on scanners. We presume you have Alex?"

Wrex: "Negative control, she wasn't down there."

Ops: "Huh... Who's with you then Captain?"

Wrex: "Only Fury... Why?"

Ops: "We're occasionally getting a fifth blip rising with you, but the signal is sporadic, no IFF marker either. Sure no one is with you?" I looked all around as we climbed, so did the rest of Fury.

Wrex: "There's no one here control, just myself, 42, Sarah and Jinx. Confirm?"

Ops: "We have visual on your team now Wrex and can confirm. Must be a sensor glitch. I'll have it checked out."

Wrex: "Roger control. Best have a security team meet us in the main hangar, Just to be sure."

Ops: "Wilco Captain, security team will meet you at drop bay one. Ops out."

We quickly made our way up to to the underside of the ship, the usually hidden ship was now easily recognisable as a frigate. It was a relatively skinny ship, a bit odd in shape, covered in dark grey armour for it's hull. It had a vertical axe blade shape to the front end, widening out to accommodate the widest part of the ship, the hangar bay. It only had 8 drop bays, but to be fair, it was only a small ship, it was meant for quick insertions of small teams more than full on assaults. The hull tapered down before widening again as it reached the rear of the ship where the engines were housed and a triangular fin sat attached either side, parallel with the hull. It wasn't a massive ship at just over half a mile long, but then again, it didn't need to be big, it was just a frigate.

We all promptly flew in through the open drop bay number 1, landing on the deck of the Hangar and the doors quickly closing behind us again. We were met with a Strike team, the open face satin black armours and 2 members having stripes over their shoulders giving it away, rather than the security team I requested. My HUD quickly identified this as Strike Team Noble, identifying each team member's name and rank. Lieutenant Righ, Lieutenant Commander Atad, Lieutenant Shon, Commander Blisk and finally Captain Ash. This wasn't the Strike Team Noble I knew when I was last enlisted in the Vanguard, clearly the team I knew had moved on or retired.

Ash: "Confirmed control, only 4 individuals present." She spoke into her Gauntlet. Once realising Noble were the security I had asked for and they were satisfied with the situation I opened my face plates, my team shortly following.

Ops: "Roger Captain, understood."

One of her team did something a bit odd though, the Lieutenant Shon...

Shon: "Hey..." She said, but not directed at us, she almost seemed to intently watch something pass her, then she lost her balance and hook her head. I wasn't the only one to notice this though,

Ash: "Are you alright?" She asked her team member.

Shon: "I... Yeah, I'm fine, just a dizzzy spell."

Ash: "Need to get yourself checked out?"

Shon: "No. Thank you, I'm fine." She responded confidently and proudly standing more upright again.

Ash: "Okay..." she turned her attention back to me, "...Captain Wrex." She greeted me cautiously.

Wrex: "Captain Ash."

Ash: "Huh... I have to say, I learnt about you in my history lessons, I thought you'd be taller." Jinx snorted a bit of laughter, trying her best to keep it under wraps... But it didn't work at all.

Wrex: "Thank you, Jinx..."

Ash: "Sorry Captain, I mean to say, I've researched a great deal into your service record, you are lengendary, it's an honour to get a chance to be serving along side you."

Wrex: "The honour is mine Captain, any Draconian worthy of wearing Strike Team armour is a legend themselves. Please though, just call me Wrex."

Ash: "Then in return I ask that you call me Ash. This is Righ, Atad, Shon and Blisk." She gestured to each of her team.

Wrex: "And these are Jinx, as you know already, Sarah and 42."

Ash: "Pleased to meet you. I guess you didn't find Alex in the city?

Wrex: "No unfortunately n-..." Right then a call came through, her name appearing to one side of my HUD... It was Alex! "... Excuse me, I need to take a call." I flicked my face plates shut and stepped away from the groups while answering the call.

Wrex: "Alex??"

Alex: "Hey..." I recognised that tone, the tone of guilt.

Wrex: "Are you ok?" - Alex: "I'm sorry." We both said at exactly the same time.

Alex: "Err, you first."

Wrex: "I erm, no you, go first, please."

Alex: "Okay... Ok, sorry, I'm sorry I ran off."

Wrex: "Again." I added to correct her.

Alex: "Alright alright... 'again' ."

Wrex: "But hey, it's ok, I get it, but I want them back too you know, you know I could help."

Alex: "I know I know... I can just get things done a lot faster on my own- no offence!"

Wrex: "Hmm... Some taken. But don't worry about it, where are you?"

Alex: "Maple Falls in the states. How about you?"*

Wrex: "Err right now? Escaping Tokyo."

Alex: "What? Tokyo? What are you doing there?"

Wrex: "Looking for you, or so we thought. But I'm hoping Sarah is going to explain very shortly..." I growled slightly, looking back at the rest of Fury and Noble talking, but in particular, at Sarah.

Alex: "Get her to explain on the way over. I need you in Iceland, asap."

Wrex: "Iceland? Why-?"

Alex: "One of the bases is there Wrex, it makes complete sense, how many times has Iceland come into the mix? Plus... Our children MUST be there."

Wrex: "Alex... My lovely... Please don't get your hopes up too much, what if they're not there?"

Alex: "Then I will burn every one of their bases to the ground until I find them. This is the beginning of the end Wrex, now I want your help, I NEED your help, will you-"

Wrex: "You don't even need to finish that sentence, you know I will do anything for you. Now where exactly do I meet you?"

Alex: "I'll send you the coordinates now... Wrex... I love you."

Wrex: "And I love you too... I'll see you soon and I'll bring some backup. Don't start without me."

Alex: "Good... And I won't, I promise."


After the phone call with Wrex and after I had waited for Echo to finish his noodles, Echo told me he needed to get something before we made a move, so I followed him down to his basement. He lifted 2 very large hatches that were hidden below a rug, right at the bottom of the stairs. Underneath the hatches was, and there was no other way to describe it, an impressive weapons stash. Automatic rifles, pistols, SMGs, sniper rifles, shotguns, blades, body armour, grenades...

Me: "Jesus... what are you? John Wick?"

Echo: "You could say that..." He skipped over all if the other weapons, pulling out a wide plastic case, "...yeah, this will do." Case in hand, he stood back up and dropped the hatches back down.

Me: "What's in there?"

Echo: "Poetic justice." He stepped over to the side of the basement to where the tumble drier and washing machines were, placing the case down on the worktop next to them and opening the case.

Inside was a beautiful compound bow, pearlescent orange with red tinge riser, plain black limbs, black and orange strings and cables.

Me: "Ahh... Not John Wick then, you're Hawkeye."

Echo: "Heh, call me what you want. But this bow is something special. And special to me."

Me: "How so?"

Echo: "It's based off of the Bear Archery Legend series, with a few bespoke custom upgrades. Lucy bought it for me... Well no, that's a lie... Lucy wanted to get me something special, but of course, as kids go, wouldn't have been able to afford this on her allowance... so Sandy had this made on her behalf... One off custom riser made of carbon fibre, which has also been made longer to give me a 34 inch axle to axle length... I was a pretty big guy, even as a Human, I needed the extra draw length. The limbs are also custom made to include this faring design, makes the limbs slightly more rigid so increases the draw weight range of 60 to 85 foot pounds... that's a pretty rare range in a bow really... I use to fire it at 60, but I guess I might need that full range now that I'm stronger... giving me a top speed of about 380, maybe 385 feet per second I guess. Anyway, as you can see, it's all finished up in a lovely pearlescent orange and gloss black paint job."

Me: "Soo... You wanna use that against the SkyTech? A bow and arrow??" I asked doubtfully.

Echo: "As I said, poetic justice."

Me: "Alright then. If you insist. You ready to move?"

Echo: "Err... well I'm gonna have to adjust it out, make some new arrows, these won't be up to the task anymore-"

Me: "Really?!"

Echo: "Hey! I'm a little bigger and stronger than I use to be! My draw length will be longer, I can probably draw more weight, my arrows will need to be longer, which is a good thing I have a new unmade set-" he replied picking an arrow out from the holder on the case, examining it's length.

Me: " *Exasperated Grunt/growl* Alright, alright! Just get on with it already!"

Echo: "Hey! You can't rush art!" He defended, jabbing the fletching end of the arrow at me.

Me: "Good thing we have a bit of time to kill." I grumbled.

(-Miyavi and PVRIS)

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