Alex – Heart Of The Vanguard

61. If You Want Blood (You Got It)


Over Rio De Jeneiro, Tue 8th Mar 22 19:15

I accepted the whisper in my mind as we approached the end of the Jump.

*Alex: "Are you at least gonna tell them?"*

*Craven: "Huh? Tell them what?"*

*Alex: "That we're about to exit, I usually do, just out of courtesy. They can't see the whisper if you do it that way, don't forget so they won't know the end of the Jump is coming."* I rolled my eyes and gave a little sigh before turning back to the rest of Strike Team Fury...

Craven: "Nearly at the end of the Jump guys."

Wrex: "Then I can only assume you did the whisper in your mind then?"

Craven: "Indeed."

Wrex: "How do you know how to do that then?"

Craven: "Alex showed me how."

Wrex: " 'Alex showed you'?" He repeated disbelievingly.

Craven: "Why is that so hard for you to believe? I've told you there's a fragment of her in my head, she's teaching me things, showing me what it's like to be human. I'm more like her now than you realise. I actually WANT to help, I promise you." Wrex turned adverted his gaze and closed his face plates. I know he didn't trust me but I was doing everything that he asked me to, what more could I do? The end of the Jump approached in seconds and we burst through, each of us spreading our wings as we hit the warm morning air.

Wrex: "Scanning... Thunder Child won't be here for a good 4 hours yet. We'll make land now and wait until she gets a bit closer. Craven DO NOT use this opportunity to run, or you will regret it."

*Craven: "Wow, what is his problem?"* I asked the fragment of Alex in my head.

*Alex: "I haven't got a clue, he's not normally this bad. Best do as he says."*

*Craven: "Oh I plan to, don't worry."* I replied as I dove in formation with the others as we swooped down towards the hillside. Wrex circled us around a very large statue of a man with his arms opened wide, invitingnly, atop of the hillside. I had seen this monument before, I knew it was a well known landmark of Rio, the city this man looked down over, but I had no idea who it was or why he was important. To be honest, up until I had Alex's splinter in my head, I had no interest in Earth's culture, now I actually found myself curious.

We landed on the path that lead up behind the statue before promptly and silently, following Wrex into the wooded area to one side of the path, heading in and down the bank enough to shelter us from view.

Wrex: "We'll lay low here until the ship arrives."

Jinx: "Such a beautiful city..." She said somewhat dreamily looking through the foliage over the city the lay below the cliff side, "...I've always wanted to come here."

Sarah: "Yeah, great place, full thieves and beggars, drug dealers and crime lords."

Jinx: "Heeey, that's not fair, what city doesn't?"

Wrex: "She is unfortunately right Jinx, Rio is a pretty dangerous city to visit. It's in the top 30 cities with the highest homicide rate in the world."

Jinx: "Top 30 is not even close to number 1 then is it."

Sarah: "Good old Jinx, always got to look for the positive in things." She retorted, actually sounded like she was at least partially admiring Jinx's positive outlook.

Sarah: "If I didn't, I wouldn't be here right now, so yeah, it's good to look out for the positives in life, no matter how small, and try to have fun while you do..." She set back to gazing out over the city again with 42 settling down beside her. "...Hey, why have we got to wait for the ship? Couldn't it come to us in like an instant?"

Wrex: "Our ship's hulls are coated with a material that blocks basic sensors from tracking them, like radar, infrared... But if you look up at the ships, you can still physically see them. So we always use to follow the night sky as it rolls around the globe, and even then, ideally use cloud cover to hide them."

Jinx: "Ohh... Make sense I suppose."

Craven: "Who is the statue meant to be?" I gestured over to the tall structure that was a couple hundred feet away maybe. All 4 of their helmeted heads turned to look at me and I suddenly felt under scrutiny.

42: "That's 'Christ, the redeemer'."

Craven: "And he is?" I asked cautiously.

Jinx: " 'Jesus Christ'? Son of our God?"

Sarah: "Supposed God might I add."

Jinx: "We all have our beliefs."

Sarah: "I didn't know you were Christian?"

Jinx: "I'm not... Well I am, kinda, I suppose... it was drummed into me when I was a kid. My dad was heavily Christian, mum was atheist. DON'T ask me how it worked, 'cause I don't know. Well, I guess that's why it didn't last between them really. So yeah, sometimes I like to think theres a higher power, other times I'm reminded that science is a bit more believable, you know, like evolution... oh and meeting and turning into alien Dragons."

Craven: "So you only have 1 God that you believe in?"

42: "It will depend on which religion you follow."

Craven: "You have more than 1?"

42: "There's at least 10 main religions and thousands of sub divisions, beliefs and followings."

Wrex: "Why so many questions, Craven?" He abruptly cut in.

Craven: "I... I'm genuinely curious. I've been to Earth before but, I never cared before now."

Wrex: "So why care now?"

Craven: "I'm 1990 years old, I've only ever been a killer, that's all I was ever brought up to be, that's all I was trained to do. Now, thanks to Alex, I want to learn, I want to experience a life, not take one."

Wrex: "How sentimental..." He replied mockingly, "...Craven, firstly, you have no right to mention Alex by name, so I don't want you talking about her as if you're best buds. Secondly, no one changes to the extent you're trying to suggest, especially not you Executioners. You're all heartless - Ice cold killers. That's what you were raised to be and that's all you'll ever be."

Jinx: "Wrex?!"

Wrex: "No!..." He snapped back at Jinx before focusing back on me, "...You might fool others fooled Craven, but I am not so gullible."

Craven: "I- I'm not trying to fool anyone Wrex, honestly! I don't want to kill anymore!"

Sarah: "Maybe we should at least give her a chance, she is only asking questions after all, what's the harm in that?"

Wrex: "Enough, everyone! Craven, you don't deserve any chances, you threw those away when betrayed the Throne, the Vanguard and your people. I don't want to hear another word from you until spoken to, got it?" I dropped my head and lightly nodded, I never use to be told what to do and I've never been ordered around like that, not in a long long time anyway. I probably never would have put up with it before either, but now, now I actually felt guilty, felt like I had done something wrong... Well, ok, I had done wrong really, but I'm trying my best to make up for it... I just hope that someone some day will accept my mistakes...


We hid in the small wooded area for the 4 hours or so, all of us just leaning up against the trees or laying on the floor. Being on the edge of a cliff and well off the trail, no-one came to bother us... But It was so awkward and weird for that whole 4 hours. I wasn't use to spending time around anyone else, on or off mission, except for Kaiya of course... Gods I was missing her right now... On the rare occasion we'd work on missions together and we had to stake out, we'd talk between us, or even just hold each other until either we had to move or our target presented itself.

But these guys... They never said anything... well, it didn't seem so anyway... They all kept their helmets closed the whole time, so it was hard to tell, but the ones called 'Jinx' and '42' their heads moved lightly as though they were talking to and throw, but there was no sound made.

*Alex: "Their suits can shut off all external audio output and stick to private channels."* Alex's fragment explained to me, clearly listening in on my thoughts.

*Craven: "Well that's pretty advanced. More so than even my armour, and Executioners have the best armour tech in the Vanguard. The only way we can go silent is just keeping our mouths shut. But anyway, listening in on me?, are we?"*

*Alex: "A bit hard not to to be honest. Hearing you think to yourself is like being sat next to someone and they're yabbering away. Even if you stick your fingers in your ears you can still hear them. Plus I thought you could use someone to talk to."*

*Craven: "I don't need to talk to anyone."*

*Alex: "You don't have to shut me out, you just thought to yourself 'I miss Kaiya'!"*

*Craven: "Yes, I miss her, I miss talking to HER. I didn't say I wanted to talk to anyone else."*

*Alex: "You're lonely, why else would make a comment about the others here not including you in the conversations?"*

*Craven: "So why would I want to talk to you?"*

*Alex: "Same reason that I'm talking to you, we have no one else. I'm only trying to be nice. I miss Wrex. He's right there in front of you and I can't talk to him and I'm probably never going to be able to again."*

*Craven: "What are you talking about, you'll be back together in no time."*

*Alex: "No, this version of me, I'm not the real me, even if I was able to leave your mind I have nowhere to go. I'll never be able to feel Wrex's embrace again."*

*Craven: "You took my love away from me, I guess we can call it even."*

*Alex: "Woww... a bit low... I had nothing to do with Kaiya's death."*

*Craven: "You killed her! Drove a blade straight through her!"*

*Alex: "I am sorry! I wish I had more control over Reikon, but I didn't! Need I remind you as well who attacked who at the time?!"*

*Craven: "The Shard was our mission."*

*Alex: "And did it bother you? When you ran Difaren through? What about Queen Arisu? When you allowed her-, no, you HELPED Reikon murder her?!"

*Craven: "YES!... Well, It does now anyway. We- Kaiya and I loved each other... It's only now that after her death I'm starting to understand how important life is."*

*Alex: "I don't believe that, that's not true."*

*Craven: "You're a firm believer of it, aren't you? Saving every life you can?!"

*Alex: "No, not that. That you and Kaiya were romantically involved."*

*Craven: "Who are you to tell me who I do and do not love?!"*

*Alex: "I'm in your head, I can see your memories. You liked each other, but I think it was never love, merely friends with benefits. I've got to say, for someone that use to be so fearsome and respected in a fight, you were certainly a little submissive in the bedroom eh?"*

*Craven: "Fuck you! Those memories are private! None of your business!"*

*Alex: "Unfortunately I slipped into them. You know when you accidentally remember things? That's happening with me with your memories as if they were my own... I am sorry, I didn't mean to accuse you of having poor intentions with your significant other. I just could tell you were very laid back with each other to be a couple."*

*Craven: "Meaning...?"*

*Alex: "You knew she was seeing a guy as well behind your back and it never bothered you?"*

*Craven: "When you're an Executioner, no one likes you... Kaiya and I had a lot in common. We both hated guys but she still missed the sex, that was all. She assured me of that, there was no romance there."*

*Alex: "Still doesn't scream loyalty to me."*

*Craven: "I'm 1990 years old... You're in my memories, you look through them and you tell me how many times I landed a successful relationship! Kaiya was the best I ever found. So she was special to me, I'll never find another like her again so can we just leave it at that please?! I don't want to keep talking about her."*

*Alex: "I shouldn't have said any of that, Sorry Craven."*

*Craven: "As I say, let's just drop it please. Let's please not talk about relationships... So apart from the 2 there that seem like a couple, they talk to each other, but none of them seem to interact with the each other otherwise, don't you think?"* I gestured with subtle nods while looking around the ones called 'Jinx' and '42' before looking over the whole team of Fury once more.

*Alex: "You're forgetting that Sarah, 42 and Jinx were once Human and they know next to nothing about your way of life and Wrex has been more or less on his own for past 1000 years on Earth, he's not use to being sociable."*

*Craven: "I think the fact that they don't trust me has more do with it."*

*Alex: "Yeah... Maybe... Just behave and do as they ask."*

*Craven: "I am!"*

*Alex: "Good, keep it up."*

Wrex: "Ok, Thunder Child is 5 minutes out, let's move. Craven, stick in the center of the formation as we climb."

We made our way back out and up to the pathway and once we had enough wing room, Wrex and Sarah took off first, myself following. A quick glance over my shoulder confirmed that Jinx and 42 had taken off and were now following. We all climbed fast, beating our wings hard to gain altitude quickly. Eventually we saw the belly of the familiar looking Draconian Frigate - Thunder Child, just barely through the cloud cover.

Wrex: "Drop bay 6 will open for us as we approach. Hurry and get in or the ship will be all over the Human's radar!" Wrex lead us to the underside of the hull where the large doors opened of one of the Roclaw drop bays was situated. We all flew up and inside the ship, landing on the deck beside the drop bay doors which were now promptly closing

I caught Wrex giving the chest bump salute while opening his helmet and bowing his head, then the rest of Fury followed suit, then I saw who they were bowing to. A Draconian in typical Vanguard Strike Team black armour with 6 red lines painted over his right chest plate and shoulder - An Admiral - I knew this one though, the missing and scarred left nostril with the missing chunk of lip directly below was the real giveaway. Even though Executioners were their own separate branch that didn't answer to anyone but the Queen herself, you still knew the who's who in the main Vanguard military... Admiral Eishin.

*Alex: "I would salute as well, show some respect and they might like that."* I begrudgingly did as she suggested and saluted and bowed my head myself.

Wrex: "Admiral Eishin." He greeted as he finished his salute.

Eishin: "Knock off the shit Wrex..." He strode over and launched into a strong hug with Wrex "...Ohhh it is so good to see you again old friend!..." He let go of Wrex and stepped back "...I heard you had some sparkly new high tech armour! But err... It shows that you've put on some weight huh? Last thousand years not been too kind on you eh? Ha ha ha!" Wrex was flabbergasted, his jaw almost dislocating with how low and quick it dropped. He stepped back and looked down at himself,

Wrex: "I have not put on weight?!" Jinx burst out laughing at Wrex's reaction.

Eishin: "Ha ha! And who do we have here then? The new Team Fury?... Comprised of some... Er... Sorry, I don't know how best to refer to you, 'ex-SkyTech'?..."

Sarah: " 'Ex-Humans' is fine." She corrected him defensively.

Eishin: "Forgive me. Any friend of Wrex's is a friend of mine. And any friendly Dragon is a true Draconian in my eyes..." His friendly tone and smile disappeared as he set his eyes on me, "...then there's the Executioners..." He trailed off, staring me down, and without adverting his gaze, "...what are doing with this one, Wrex?"

Wrex: "I believe the Queen's suggestion of the brig will suffice for now, if you agree, sir."

Eishin: "Agreed. Security! Escort this one to the brig, have her armour removed as well."

Wrex: "Sir, I would insist on leaving the armour on, I shall explain later. But might I suggest that the rest of my team assist your security? They've had dealings with Shard users, as you know Craven's situation, sir."

Eishin: "I fair suggestion. And knock of the 'sir' shit will you, you were my superior long ago, it doesn't seem right." Wrex turned back to the rest of his team as security surrounded me.

Wrex: "I need to speak with the Admiral, escort her to the brig. Radio me if there are any problems."

42: "Understood Wrex." And the other 2 merely nodded.

Security officer: "Follow the security officers in front, 'Executioner'." The way he spoke my title rubbed me up the wrong way,

*Alex: "Don't bite... just... do as they say, ok? All will be ok in the end, hopefully..."* as much as I wanted to retort back, Alex was right, I had to ignore him, If I had any chance of my situation improving and not to have to remain in custody or in hiding my whole life, on the run, then I had do what I was told, for now anyway. But the way Wrex countered the order regarding my armour worried me.

*Craven: "Alex, what was Wrex on about with my armour?"*

*Alex: "I don't know, I'll see if I can work work it out."*


I watched as security and the rest of Fury escorted Craven from the hangar.

Eishin: "What is going on Wrex?" His cheery tone now completely diminished. I recognise that tone, the tone of worry, I had heard it before. I guess somethings don't change...

Wrex: "What do you know and what don't you know?"

Eishin: "All I know is my orders and a basic pretext of the situation. Approximately 300 Executioners have stolen Kneel and Beg, fled to Earth for unknown reasons. I was ordered to take ALL the Strike Teams, besides yours of course, and 2 battalions of Warriors, 2 ships, in pursuit. Main objectives are to recapture Kneel and Beg, or worst case, destroy her. Also, to apprehend the AWOL Executioners, or worst case, kill. But above all, secrecy must be held from the Humans."

Wrex: "Is that why you only brought a frigate and a carrier?"

Eishin: "We've all run the simulations Wrex, a frigate and an assault carrier can take down a destroyer."

Wrex: "While taking heavy damage, yeah."

Eishin: "We know that, I agree with you, but I was strongly advised to take this combination to avoid any potential confrontation with the Humans. You know what they're like, 'Ahh look! Alien Lizards have turned up with 3 destroyers! It's an invasion! argh!' So command's got a point I suppose. Just maybe not this combination would have been my first choice. Plus I was expecting a dog fight in orbit as soon as we left Faster Than Light travel... To arrive here and find no sign of Kneel and Beg, besides her radiation dump..." He shook his head, lost for words, "...we've been scanning in orbit for days and found nothing but echos. I don't know what we're flying into here, I'm blind and I don't like it."

Wrex: "The Humans will think that we're invading whether it's 1 Draconian or 1 million. I've already been in the news and the Humans are going mad over it, it won't be long before we're exposed fully, I know it. I suppose Relentless and yourselves are split up to widen the search?"

Eishin: "Correct, Relentless has the Northern hemisphere, we have the South. But Kneel and Beg's proving impossible to track. Our ships cores run of the same energy as the Heart, I know, but there are pings and hot spots all over the planet that are tricking our sensors. Earth has gotten a lot busier since we were last here."

Wrex: "Well, we'll have to keep at it. Hopefully something new will flare up."


The area I was in was dark, pitch black with nothing discernible, apart from a figure in the middle of a clearing with their back to me... It looked to be an Honour Guard, going by the armour they were wearing anyway...

Me: "Hello?" I cautiously stepped towards them... Their head turned, but it was no Dragon, at least, it didn't look quite right, it looked dead, kinda decomposed but covered in metal... The head turned slowly, looking almost like metallic armoured bone with the lips peeled back, actually, they were non existent, and fire for eyes!

Reikon: "They're mine Alex! You've lost them!" Her voice emanated from the figure, the jaw moving out of sync with the words being spoken.


Outside the 'Frosty Inn', Maple Falls, WA, USA, Wed 9th Mar 22 21:22

The snow was coming down heavy... Slowly but heavy, highlighted gracefully as it floated down past the street lamp nearby as I leant up against the front of the Frosty Inn pub... Bar... Thing... Whatever Americans refer to them as... I had wandered through most of the town pretty much all day, trying to find this 'Nathan Douglass' to no avail.

This quiet little town was too quiet, I had barely seen anyone all day, those I did only stared me down because I was clearly an outsider to their quaint little town. But I had seen more movement from the townfolk this evening, heading for this bar/restaurant, the 'Frosty Inn'. Seemingly the only place in town for a social gathering, so I thought I'd follow.

I waited outside for a bit, to get an idea as to how busy it was inside and whether or not I could pick up any chatter about my ex-SkyTech friend, but I hadn't realised I had dozed off while leaning against the wall. I could hear the murmured talking of many voices coming from inside the bar, so I tuned my hearing in to it better hear what was being said, it was one conversation in particular that caught my attention...

Male: "...I mean, there she was, in the forest, on her one of her walks, ya know, as little Jessy does, in a world of her own, so she tells me. I hear her scream, thankfully I was nearby man. So I hear her scream, like, proper 'Arrrgghhh!'. So I charge to where I hear her screaming, I get there and there was this, I'm not joking, there was this HUGE son of a bitch of a Grizzly Bear, it had knocked little Jessy to the floor-"

Girl: "I was stupid... I shouldn't have ran away from it, but I panicked and it had caught up with me and knocked me down so I rolled myself into a ball just to try survive, ya' know." ...I had guessed from what was said that this was Jessy then...

Male: "Yeah, it was ripping at her backpack-"

Jessy: "It must have smelt my sandwiches, I guess."

Male: "Must've done. I mean, I could smell them with my heightened sense of smell, so could he. Anyway, now, normally most people might, what? Scream and shout to get this bears attention at least, right? But I don't know, it's like, animal instinct took over. I dropped to all fours and actually charged the bear! Literally full bore,..."

Me: " 'Heightened smell?' 'All fours'?" I questioned myself as a black Dodge Ram with smoke stacks started charging up the road, pelting through the snow like it wasn't even there.

Male: "...knocked the bastard righ' off of her! I fought him off, we swiped at each other a few times, he landed a few hits. But I must say, I was awesome! Landed more swipes than he could, this helped greatly!" 

The Cummins powered Ram finally only slowed to turn into the car park of the Inn. 2 guys promptly jumped out and strolled up to the front door, tried to push it open but it wouldn't budge.

Driver: "Hey, what gives?" Then he proceeded to give it a few hard knocks. The guy's voice from inside, that one that sounded a bit full of himself, spoke again,

Male: "Er... Bianca, would you-?"

Bianca: " *Sigh* Already on it hun..." There was a few moments pause and silence, the driver was even about to knock again when we heard the typical sound of the door unlocking... it opened the smallest gap, clearly stopped by a chain by the sounds of it, "...Sorry fellas, bar's closed for the night."

Driver: "But it's only nine thirty?"

Passenger: "Yeah, we're just passing through, we just want a bite to eat and a drink before we hit the road again."

Bianca: "I'm sorry gentlemen, it was quiet, so we've already closed up and wiped down for the night."

Passenger: "Man this blows."

Driver: "Whatever, this place is a shit hole anyways." And without another word Bianca closed and locked the door on them and they headed back to their truck.

Male: "Hey, don't listen to those 2 Bi, your establishment is one of great stature!"

Bianca: "You think sticks and stones like that will upset me hun then you'd be mistaken, I've had much worse thrown at me in my time here I can promise you. So Jessy, did you not get hurt at all through this ordeal?"

Jessy: "A couple of cuts and bruises, nothing old Doc Hudson couldn't fix up."

Bianca: "Ah, good old Doc Hudson, such a sweetheart."

Male: "Indeed. Helped me out for free when I stumbled my way back into town... After gaining this cursed body." I only just about caught that last bit because he mumbled it so badly. Now I stood up and turned to face the building, switching vision modes to pick up life signatures... There was a good dozen or so of yellow glowing people inside, mostly either sat on their own or in pairs.

But there was one table that had 3 souls sat around it, 1 at the back notably larger than the rest... I read this one's mind... Even though he felt confident, brave... He also felt very alone and sad... 'God I wish I was Human again.' He just thought... That confirmed it, this must be Nathan. I turned and headed for the front door. I needed this guy, I needed his help, whether he was willing to give it or not. I switched back to normal vision mode but continued to listen in on the conversation as I made my way down the front of the building.

Male 2: " *Scoff* Son, if it wasn't for this 'curse' as you call it, our little Jessy here would have been breakfast for Mr Grizzly!"

Male: "Yeah I s'pose, I mean, y'all have to admit, it is kinda cool, I fought off a bear! With my bare hands! And won!!"

I used my telekinetics as I arrived at the door, slid the chain along it's rail and off the door, then unlocked the door mechanism and grabbed the handle, opening the door and started stepping in.

There was someone sat at the table in question that resembled a county sheriff... he was a relatively big guy, maybe a little overweight, old, with almost white grey hair peaking out from under his hat. He quickly stood up, adjusting his pistol holster as he did so and tried to block my view of the Dragon sat at the table behind him, it didn't work, I had already grabbed a glimpse which was all I needed.

Bianca: "Excuse me miss, you can't be in here tonight, we're closing up." The bar lady with the familiar voice piped up, Bianca.

Me: "I have business in here tonight."

Sheriff: "Really?, And what business might be?, Miss...?"

Me: "Alex, and just Alex before you ask for my surname, I don't have one. And my business is with the Dragon you're hiding behind yourself." The sheriff's stance got more defensive as he made a quick half glance over his shoulder at the table behind him. He took a few steps closer toward me.

Sheriff: " 'Dragon'? You think you're being funny, miss? Clearly you're not from around here, judging by your accent. Now you've been asked to leave and you're remaining migh'y defiant. So let's not make this more of a problem than it already is. This is your final warning before I'll be forced to arrest you. So leave. Now."

Me: "I don't want any problems but my business here is very important, not something that I can allow a local sheriff to stop, no offence."

Sheriff: "Alright, turn around, put your hands behind your back." He stepped towards me again, pulling his cuffs from his belt.

Me: "Very well... excuse me." I stood my ground.

Sheriff: "I said, turn around and put your hands behind your back, now!"

Alex: "Excuse me, please." I made a move to step around him.

Sheriff: "Final warning or I will drop you!" He demanded as I saw his hand go for for his pistol grip instead... 'Ok... I had tried to do this nicely...'

I used my telekinetic ability again as the sheriff pulled his gun out me and sent it flying in the bottles behind the bar to stop Bianca in her tracks as well, who gave a little squeal as the weapon crossed her path and send glass and liquids flying her direction. I grabbed and flipped the sheriff in his stunned state, end over end and threw him down onto a nearby table that was occupied by an older couple, smashing and knocking their drinks away as they were shocked by the sudden movement.

I held the sheriff down with one hand and with my free hand, summoned his pistol back to my grasp, swung it round and pointed it, barrel first into the sheriff's chest. The rest of the bar's occupants, who up until now had been in a state of shock now rushed to their feet, including the Dragon. He kicked the table that he was sat behind out of his way and launched himself from the bench seat, running over the still falling table to land majestically a few paces from myself and the pinned sheriff with most of the patrons now surrounding us as well.

Male Dragon: "Hey hey hey! Easy now! He don't mean no harm, put the gun down."

Me: "I told you, I don't want any problems... I just want to talk..." I directed at the sheriff, before turning to the Dragon, "...with him." I now, gently as possible, pulled the panting sheriff up from the table using his shirt, flipped the pistol in my hand and offered it back to him, grip first. The sheriff stared down at his gun and my grip on his shirt, and he gingerly took the weapon from me. Satisfied that he was too shocked to be able to use it on me, I released the hold on the gun and his shirt. I straightened myself up and dropped the hood of my hoodie and eyed up the Dragon again.

Dragon: "With moves like that... You with THEM?"

Me: "You mean the SkyTech? No. But that's who I'm here to talk to you about... I need your help."


After we had reassembled the tables and chairs, removed the broken glasses and Bianca and a couple of the patrons were helping to clean up the final mess, I insisted that I needed to talk to Nathan alone, away from everyone else, so we settled down at a table at the back of the bar. We each took a seat in the opposite side of a booth, Nathan's larger form struggling to slide into the seat in comparison to myself.

Dragon: "So... 'Alex'... To what do I owe the pleasure? How did you track me here? And how come you know what I am and aren't afraid of me?"

Me: "Because I've both lived amongst and fought your kind long enough now that Humanity seems more alien to me at times than Dragons do."

Dragon: "Riigghht... So, how did you find me?"

Me: "Your lead lined hood might work against the SkyTech, but not me. It didn't take much to work out where you are to come and find you."

Dragon: "Are you- Wait, how do you know about cape?..." He asked uneasily and I noticed he now tugged the hood slightly harder and lower over the top of his face, "...And why Alex, did you come all the way out here to find me? As Ken said, your accent doesn't sound American, I wanna saaayyy... Brittish?"

Me: "Yes, I'm from England originally. Look, I'm here because I need your help, because you're the only one I have found so far that might be able to help me find what I'm looking for. I know you were one of the first to be transformed by the SkyTech - TT 259. Human name Nathan Douglas, born, February 12, 1958. You enlisted into the Navy right out of school, quickly joining the S.E.A.L.s. retiring from them in 2007 and became a hired gun but you fell for a woman by the name of Sandy on one of your jobs in 2010, quit being a merc and started working at a local building and plumbing merchants, you married Sandy in 2013 and had a child by the name of Lucy born in the same year." He suddenly looked pissed off and barged the table into me to get up to leave.

Dragon: "This meeting is over."

Me: "Nathan, come back-"

Dragon: "My name's not Nathan, it's Echo!" He stomped and stormed through the bar without turning back to look at me.

Me: "Alright then, Echo! Where are you going?" I called after him

Echo: "Away from you. You don't get to say their names around me!"

Me: "Why not?... Hey!" I grabbed his wrist and spun him around.

Echo: "They left me! Abandoned me! Because of... Because of this... THING that I am now!" Alex slowly shook her head,

Me: "You don't remember... Do you?" She asked softly.

Echo: "It sounds like you know more about my life than I do! I have nothing!, I remember nothing before becoming what I am now! Only what the good people of this town have told me, I worked out my life. I put the pieces together but I can't see the image! My name was Nathan, but I don't remember 'ME', I'm just an echo of the man I was, abandoned by my family when I needed them!" She shook her head again.

Me: "Echo- Nathan... they didn't abandon you..." I looked hesitantly around the bar at all the curious patrons, "...I hate to say it, but they... were murdered."

Echo: "Don't try and twist this! The SkyTech told me they left me, I get back here to my home and they're gone!"

Me: "You can't trust the SkyTech at all, you should know that! They were the cause of your family's deaths!"

Echo: "How do you know?! You work for them or something?!"

Me: "Fuck off do I!... But I can show you, if you let me."

Echo: "How?"

Me: "I can unlock your past, bring back the memories of your life."

He paused, staying silent, his eyes analytically darting between each of mine.

Bianca: "Echo, sweetie... You told us before, if there was slightest opportunity to find out your past that you'd take it. What harm can the girl do if she knows your past?" He nodded slightly, seemingly calming back down and starting to understand.

Echo: "What do I need to do?" He asked sounding reluctant.

Me: "Can you drop to your knees and lower your hood for me, please?" He looked around, almost looking for opinions maybe? Any further input or advice possibly, before finally looking back at me again.

Echo: "If I lower my hood, they'll be able to track me."

Me: "Echo, they already know you're here, they just don't care. But I'll stop them from being able to track you ever again."

Echo: "They do??"

Me: "Yes, they just deem you as... As a loss."

He sighed and got to his knees, grabbing the edges of his hood and looked up slightly to me.

Echo: "Ready?"

Me: "I'm ready, but you should be too, this does hurt a little bit."

Echo: "So you've done this before?"

Me: "A few hundred times, yes, I know what I'm doing."

Echo: " *Sigh*... Alright then... Do it." He pulled my hood back and down and I quickly placed my hand on top of his head and sent the usual reset and deactivate signal for the control chip. He grunted in pain, screwing his face up and pulled away slightly but I kept my hand on him. After the signal was sent I removed my hand and he leapt up, maybe a bit to quickly, stumbling over the fixed bar stools and only just catching himself on the bar to keep himself up... But oddly, he didn't faint.

Me: "I have to say, I have never seen anyone not pass out from that before... Nathan?, are you alright?..." He dragged himself along the bar toward the back fire escape, panting, looking like he was hyperventilating. "...Echo? Nathan? Nathan?! Wait! Give it a minute!" But he ignored me as I chased him down. He barged the door open, shooting out of it and I made it to the door and caught him stumbling through the snow before finally falling flat on his front and started sobbing while holding his head... 

Ok, now I felt bad for him... I've seen people, ex-Humans, get confused, distraught, depressed... But never to start crying, not straight away anyway, the shock doesn't set in that quick, it usually came much later. Was this a bad idea to free his memories and ask him for help?... I stepped over to his side as he sobbed, gently kneeling in the snow next to him, and tried to comfort him by putting my hand on his shoulder.

He turned his head towards me, tears running down his scaly cheeks.

Echo: "You- *Sniff* -what did you put in my head!?" He demanded actually sounding quite distraught, but I shook my head slowly,

Me: "I didn't put anything in there. I only unlocked what was already there, I'm sorry."

(-AC DC)

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