Alex – Heart Of The Vanguard

63. Save Tonight

After a long 2 hours of him adjusting the bow, making new arrows, and a lot of them, numerous test fires in his back garden and myself getting very impatient indeed, Echo finally said he was ready. He slung the bow on a strap over his back, just nestling between his wings, just overlapping the left one slightly with the string and cables.

Echo: "Alright, I'm ready. I'll call in someone who can get us to Iceland, got a buddy who owes me a favour." He said approaching the rear porch. I sat slumped in a louger, shaking my head awake as I sat upright more, not realising that I had actually started falling asleep through boredom.

Me: "About bloody time. But no need, I can get us there within the hour."

Echo: "That's not physically possible."

Me: "Who said anything about physical?" I opened a Jump to my right, against the back of his house as I stood up.

Echo: "Whoa! What is that?!"

Me: "A Jump, think of it as like a portal or a worm hole. Come on, we need to get going."

Echo: "You haven't damaged my house have you?"


Hotel Ljósaland, near Stadharholskirkja, Iceland, 12:58 Wed 9th Mar 22

Michael: "Thanks dude. Here, here's a tip, I don't know what that's like worth though." I had changed up $400 to Icelandic Korona on my way out, and in return I got about 45,000 back. So I passed the driver a note with 1000 Korona written on it, seemed like it will do, anything more seemed too much. But the guy grumbled something in his native tongue, not sure what, but it didn't sound approving either way.

I ignored him anyway and proceeded to leap out of the van's passenger side. It was like a Mercedes Sprinter monster truck, quite simply a mini bus on jacked up heavy duty suspension axles and massive tyres. I stepped out on to the side step then made the couple of feet fall to the ground. At the same time I landed the side door opened and immediately I heard Tyrone's instant bitching resume that had been more or less non stop since we got off the plane an hour ago.

Tyrone: "Mother fucker, you'd think driving south it might have warmed up a bit. Shit man, I cannot be dealing with this cold!" The well built man of ethnic persuasion complained as he too leapt from the side step, heaving a single strapped case over his shoulder then adjusting thick wooly hat on his bald head to pull it down tighter.

Darcey: "It snows in New York, what's the difference between snow here and back home?" Oh Darcey... My fellow journalist, where as I wanted to go further in my career, maybe even to go as far as anchorman, Darcey was more than content on sticking in the tabloids, too shy to get her face out there in the world. The only girl I know and kinda like. She too had a thick woolly hat on, covering the arms of her thick squarish framed glasses and squashing her black haired pig tails down so they caused weird bulges behind her ears under the hat.

She was the only girl I really like because, like me, she didn't really have time for relationships, too much into doing her research into shit as well and it showed. She was pale skinned, never wore any daring and revealing clothes, even in the warmer climates and never made an effort with makeup. Not to say she needed it, she was quite pretty either way. Cute and somewhat nerdy would be a good way to describe her. Darcey also stepped down off of the rig, nudging Tyrone out of the way as she landed, who was more focused on shivering and surveying around the barren landscape around us.

Tyrone: "I aint on about the damn snow. I'm on about the fact that it's so god damn cold and there ain't nowhere I can at least get a damn coffee to help warm me up."

Darcey: "Come on Ty, it's an experience. When was the last time you left New York?"

Tyrone: "I visit my family once a year in Boston, aint that enough?"

Harry: "I am split on this, I will admit. Yeah it's cool going somewhere different but yeah, it's sooo cold."

Harry? Harry was 'big', which was the politest way to put it... I've never asked the man his weight, but I bet 300 pounds probably wasn't far of the mark. He stepped on the sidestep that creaked slightly under the strain. Then he tried to lower himself down to the ground, but he just couldn't quite do it, his own size impeding his movement. Harry just kinda fell forward in slow motion and it took all 3 of Tyrone, Darcey and myself, to catch him and set him up right with groans of complaint from all 3 off us.

Harry: "Sorry guys."

Michael: "Don't worry about it. Come on lets get the gear from the back of the van, I don't think this driver is happy with us, he keeps staring and looking pissed."

Darcey: "Right."

We rounded the back of the van, Darcey reached up for the door handle, but even on tip toes her fingers only just brushed the handle, not enough to grasp it.

Michael: "I got it." I said reaching up and over her, just about grabbing the handle myself. She looked and smiled up at me as she lowered herself back down but promptly moved out of the way as the door popped open next to her.

Darcey: "How's your nose?" She pleasantly reminded me about the warm, tender slightly swollen mass in the middle of my face that had the cast tapped over it.

Michael: "Sore."

Harry: "How'd you bust it again?"

Michael: "Slipped over in the kitchen. Smashed it on the counter." I lied. It took me so much effort to get these guys out here, especially Tyrone, but I wasn't sure that if telling them about the Dragons before we left would have been a good idea or not, so I chose not to. I quickly went through my head why each of them were here again...

Harry... Main positive, we met on the forums regarding the Dragons and Sky High Technologies' involvement, quickly found out the we both worked for Fox, just in different departments so we share a lot of our findings... Just not my most recent ones. I have no doubt he would have snapped up the opportunity without question if I had told him the truth. Plus he has in past held a camera... Before he put all this weight on he was part of a camera crew so he kinda knows what he's doing.

Tyrone is our Tech man. The only guy I could get to come with us on short notice that knows the ins and outs on all the gear, and actually get a hold of it for us. Only problem was, he deals more with the maintenance than actually going out on the road. The only way I got him out was I said he'd get a $500 bonus on top of his usual wages. Plus his girlfriend was out of town so he wanted to get out. It wasn't until he was on the plane that he regretted his decision after finding out that Iceland wasn't only a 2 hour flight from New York as he thought. That's when the moaning started...

Then there was Darcey... You know because she's cute?... Joking aside, she was up for it when she saw me asking around the other techs on the group chats and volunteered because she had the week off anyway. Plus as an added bonus, I know she has dabbled in the Sky High Technologies and Dragon research as well, just wasn't into and not as much of a believer in it as much as myself and Harry.

This was a huge investment from myself. I told these guys that it was work sending us here for a cool story... In reality, I had spent most of my life's savings, bribing Tyrone, getting us tickets and everything else needed to get us out here. As far as work was concerned, the gear will appear stolen and 3 employees absent without leave... They just don't know it yet. But I just hope that by the time they do realise, I'll have the biggest story the world has ever seen and they'll be so occupied with it that I won't lose my job, hell, hopefully even a promotion or 2. It was a risk, a BIG risk, but if I go by all my research and if Alex keeps to her word then the rewards for all 4 of us will be worth it. 

We all hauled our gear out of the back of the van, each of us loaded with bags, rucksacks, cases and even a couple of reels of cables. We closed the doors and waited for the van to pull away which revealed our temporary accommodation. A wooden structure, a small single story hotel. It was wide but that was it, only a couple of cars parked outside on the shingle car park. The only other buildings here seemed to be the main building, maybe the owners residence?, And the glass fronted bar and restaurant.

Tyrone: "You gotta be shittin' me." He exclaimed woefully dropping his bags on the floor that he had in his hands.

Darcey: "You guys wanna head in? I'll check in and get the keys."

Michael: "No!..." I snapped abruptly, but I quickly had to cover myself, "...I mean, work put the booking in my name, I need to be the one to show my face and present I.D. ." I quickly recovered, I remembered that this would actually be under my name, not Fox's.

Darcey: "Oh, ok, make sense. See you inside."

I nodded and made my way for the main building which I presumed was the owners house and reception. I heard Darcey and Harry trying their hardest to drag along Tyrone as I made my way over.


After signing in and returning back to the building that contained the guest rooms, I was met with an angry looking Tyrone in the lobby.

Michael: "Hey... You alright?"

Tyrone: "We'll see..." He said sounding very short and tempered, holding his hand out as I got close. I didn't know what he meant by that so rather than pursuing any further, I merely offered him his key which he snatched off of me and stormed off.

I handed out the keys to Harry and Darcey who looked as they they had had enough of Tyrone as much as I had already.

Michael: "This will be worth it guys, I promise." I tried my best to jeer them up.

Before each of us had made any headway to our rooms, we all heard an awful rageful scream of my name...

Tyrone: "MICHAEL!!!"

Darcey: "That didn't sound good."

Harry: "What have you done?"

Michael: "Nothing!" I protested innocently.

Seconds later Tyrone came storming back to us.

Tyrone: "Open your room."

Michael: "Why?, What's wrong?"

Tyrone: "I said, open your damn room! I want to see if yours looks the same!"

Michael: "Alright! Jeez..." I stepped up to my door, unlocked and opened it... It was  very bland and cramped, a single bed with a very small tv sat on a desk that was barely useable, a mini fridge beside that, a small shower room and that was about it.

Tyrone: "You said it was 5 star!"

Michael: "I said that 'it would be as close to 5 star as you can get for around here'!"

Tyrone: "You know what, fuck this shit! Imma outta here."

Michael: "Wait, Ty, come on man." He ignored me and stormed for the lobby door.

Darcey: "Ty come on, it's the job!"

Tyrone: "Nah man, fuck you. No job aint worth sleeping in a dive like this." He and his sentence came to an abrupt halt at the door as he opened it. There stood a tall feminine figure, wearing a white hoody with black accented lines here and there, with the hood up, black skinnies and white and black Converse shoes. A smile creased up one side of her mouth as she laid her almost luminous blue eyes on me.

Michael: "Alex! Oh thank Christ you're here! Guys, the story you're helping me with, is standing right here in front of you."

Alex: "Hello again Michael. Glad you made it. Ready for the show?"

Tyrone: "What? Wait, Michael? You know this chick?"

Michael: "Alex, mind if we show them your party trick? I haven't told them the truth why they're here yet."

Alex: "They're here to help you, I guess?"

Michael: "Yes indeed."

Tyrone: "Mother fucker, what you been holding out on us?"

Alex: "Let's get into a room and I will show you."


All in all, the trio that Michael had introduced me to took the story rather well... And my transformation that I carried out right in front of them, from seemingly normal human being to armoured Draconian-Human Hybrid and a small display of the Shard's powers. I had overheard the one named Tyrone was being resistant to start with, but as soon as I laid it out to them and Michael explaining what all 4 of them could potentially gain out of it, he seemed to relax and go with it, even if he still wasn't quite 100% satisfied with his accomodation.

The important thing is that they were all on board and willing to help Michael and, in doing so, will help me. SkyTech are about to be exposed for who they really are. Michael will expose them to the world, but I will be the one to send their ship down in flames. I asked Michael and his team to join me over the ridge to meet a converted Human, an ex-SkyTech, behind the hotel and out of sight. The only reason I wanted to still remain off the radar was that I didn't want the Draconians or my own existence being blown out of proportion before we had our side of the story out. I did also explain to Michael that he won't be getting his interview just yet, he'd have to wait until after I had raided the base, but I did say that he could start filming any and all the action leading up to and during the raid, and that I hope to get him more footage inside too that I could pass on to him.

Echo: "Was he there?" He asked once I got close enough as he stood arms folded in the middle of the clearing over the ridge behind the hotel.

Me: "He was indeed."

Echo: "Alright then... and will he be joining us?"

Me: "Yeah, 10 to 15 minutes and he will be." I shed my disguise as I got close, my newly altered disguise, and reverted back to my armoured Hybrid form once more. I thought that given my new colour scheme on my armour, I might just incorporate a little of it into my Human disguise too, I was quite liking the white and black theme to be honest.

Echo: "Ooo... I don't know if I'll ever get use to that! Do it again!"

Me: "Maybe later..." I smiled at him, "...The Draconian Vanguard Frigate, 'Thunder Child', is on it's way. Once it does we'll need to get on board and brief them with what you know."

Echo: "Briefing? Not a problem. Interview is the only thing I might struggle with."

Alex: "How come?"

Echo: "Running years of Black Ops, working as a Mercenary and living in a friendly and remote town... Not big on making myself well known to the masses."

Me: "You don't need to worry then. I've spoken to Michael, he's not getting his interview until after we've got in and out, I'll have all the story and evidence he'll need then. So if you don't want to appear on camera, then you don't have to."

Echo: "Thank you. I do appreciate that."


A short while later Michael's team rose over the ridge. All 3 of Michael's companions came to a stop on the brow of the hill, leaving Michael to carry on walking towards us. The look of shock on all their faces though was priceless.

Echo: "Relax guys, I don't bite... Much." He said ending in a little chuckle and mischievous smile. Michael clearly hadn't noticed the others stopping, now turned back to the trio.

Michael: "Come on guys, if Alex trusts him then so do I." The one called Darcey, rocked slightly on the spot hesitantly, before finally stepping forward and down the hill side. The big guy, Harry, shortly followed, then finally Tyrone, muttering to himself...

Tyrone: "These motha fuckers is bat shit crazy. Damn... I'm fuckin' crazy for going along with this. Shit, I'mma gonna wind up dead man, for sure."

Me: "We're only waiting for our ship to arrive, after that I doubt we'll be in contact until after we attack the base. In the mean time, you're welcome to get what footage you can, but don't hand it to anyone or upload it until you've spoken to me."

Michael: "I appreciate you calling us out here, but I still wish you could give us something now before you go in. What if you don't make it out?"

Me: "Michael, one way or another, we're getting out. You'll get your exclusive."

Michael: "Yess... Alright alright! Can we film your ship when it arrives?"

Me: "Yes just don't take it out of context, alright?"

Michael: "Promise, scout's honour." He gave a little scout salute to emphasise his words.

Me: "Alright good..." Harry and Tyrone started opening some cases, Tyrone already pulling a camera out and handing it to Harry. Then I got a feeling, a presence... something big approaching... "...heh, company's already here. Thunder Child inbound."

After a few more seconds and the others looking around, even Echo, there was a rumble from the sky, a rumble of engines. Sure enough a grey vessel, it was long but narrow, the widest section being the engines, 1 on either side at the back of the ship, with a large fin either side. The only other point of interest to the ship was that the front, or the bow, was shaped like a wedge, or maybe an axe head... Either way, it looked as though it would cause some damage if it hit something.

Michael: "Ok, Harry, want to get a shot of that ship coming in?"

Me: "Don't take this out of context. I don't want this to look like an invasion or something."

Michael: "Alex, you gotta trust us." And without me saying anything, Harry resumed panning the camera over the hull as it parted it's way through the light cloud cover above.

Me: "Okay... Right, myself and Echo need to talk to the Vanguard onboard. Listen... Take note of these coordinates, 65.37 degrees North by 21.96 degrees West. Get over there as soon as you can."

Darcey: "Got 'em." She said after furiously scribbling on a notepad.

Michael: "What's over there?"

Me: "The next venue of the show..." I said with a suggestive wink, "...right, we're off. Catch you on the flip side."

Michael: "Good luck."

And with that I opened a jump behind us, smiled, nodded and closed my helmet, gesturing Echo to follow me into the portal.


I grimaced at the screams, the sheer terror filled screeches that were emitting from an Indoctrinated Dragoness, one of the converted Humans, as I witnessed my Reikon claim another form... The seemingly innocent female didn't stand a chance, I knew that from the moment that Reikon had demanded another host... She was tearing through them, ever since she had returned from Draconia, using the form of a demented Honour Guard and claimed she was my love... Reikon explained her situation, she was another copy of herself from yet another fragment of the Heart when Alex destroyed it, which had found its way into Craven...

Though for some reason which she wouldn't disclose to me, she couldn't overcome Craven, so moved on to the next nearest living thing... The honour guard. However, the Honour Guard was barely recognisable as a Draconian anymore. The body was twisted and contorted in such an unnatural way, a metallic skeleton maybe... larger pale green plates replaced the once normal dark green scales, looking almost like armour plating than any natural skin. There were no lips covering the enlarged almost perfectly triangular teeth either, no longer were they your typical carnivorous conical bone structure. They were just attached to a largely skeletal structure of a skull with eyes made of literal fire. Even the Honour Guard armour seemed to have partially melted.

The Honour Guard didn't last however, barely 2 days before Reikon claimed that the host's life force had been drained... Then the ensuing hosts that she claimed, the ones that were once Human, were lasting 12 hours at most... She was now claiming her third and it was getting no less easier to watch... The screams of the latest sacrifice died out as Reikon took possession, stood there, holding the Dragoness upright, restraining her body still by locking her forearms in a crossed position against her chest. The stare between Reikon and the girl's face was barely visible under a thick haze of red mist and bursts of pure red fire dancing in a flow from Reikon to the girl. I could just make out the girl's face and body structure gradually changed to mimic Reikon's last host, the same sunken pale grin plated skin, essentially making her skin and bone... A partially decomposed body, but made of metal.

The old host, the now wilting lifeless husk, crumpled to the floor the moment the red fog enveloping the pair faded away from old host and was steadily absorbed by the new. Reikon's new host turned to me, the fire balls in the eye sockets that formed her eyes ignited as she turned to me.

Reikon: "These forms are too weak..." Her hissing demonic voice stated in disgust, her jaw barley moving in sync with the words being emmited, "...I need The Heart, or at the very least a Shard! Be it Craven's or Alex's! I doubt you have enough bodies to sustain my soul for long!"

Skylen: "Could you not have taken it from Craven yourself when you left-"

Reikon: "Silence!!..." She sneered menacingly, her fire-made eyes intensifying as she snapped, "...had I known this would have been an issue, then of course I would have done you idiot! I want one of them found and brought to me, now! I want a Shard! Get out of here and don't come back until you have one of them!"

I gave slightest of bows of my head before turning to leave... This wasn't right, they way she was talking to me, I felt more like I was serving her more than serving alongside her. Our connection was fading, the thing that drew me to her, the only reason I had gone through everything and suffered for so long and I could barely feel it... Or had it already faded away? Maybe getting her a Shard could be the only way to fix her, to fix 'us' as a couple. I had to try. I've gone to the ends of the Earth and back so far to try and get her back, now that Reikon's here, I can't give up on her now. I had to try, I had to succeed... My gauntlet beeped at that moment, just as I was about to leave the room... I read the message that had been sent to me, making me stop on the spot as I read it, and slowly turned back to Reikon.

Skylen: "My Queen... Kneel and Beg have detected a Draconian Frigate closing in, 'Thunder Child' ." I hadn't realised that Reikon had already silently turned and stepped over the husk in that time and was staring out over the rest of the facility below through the window of this viewing room, she half turned that unnatural head back in my direction.

Reikon: "Order them to destroy it."

Skylen: "That may not be the best of ideas, to do so would alert them of our presence."

Reikon: "Did you not hear me?..." She hissed quietly.

Skylen: "I did and..." I struggled to find the courage to finish my sentence... I was right, I know I was. Tactically speaking, to bring down a Vanguard vessel right above us would only draw attention to the area, more Vanguard, more Humans... this base will be compromised in no time at all! BUT... I dare not go against her wishes... "...and it shall be done." I finished and turned to leave once more. I hope she knew what she was doing, what she was starting.

(-Zayde Wolf)

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