The Worlds Seeker

Chapter 29 – Playing With Fire

"Wow... Is this getting more and more magical or is it just me?" Kyou was the one who recovered the fastest and put her chin back in place.

They all watched the events unfold, and saw, no, it would be more accurate to say that they felt, a lot, the killing intent that Kai released. And yet it would be incorrect to call it that, it was a surge of furious intent. His anger almost rubbed off on them, even though they were just watching.

"Well, I broke my bathroom wall with one punch, but he broke the floor just because he got mad... Yeah, I think we're definitely special!" Resigning her fate, Madoka just threw her rationality into the trash. After all, it was no use thinking, just crediting the truth to the facts that were in front of her.

"Is anyone going to talk to the girl? If Kai was that upset, then she can be someone like us too, right?" Aki stared at the image of Aoi, who entered one of the women's restrooms on campus.

"It would be the best step. If anything happened between the two, Kai is definitely doing something right now. It would be nice if there were two fronts, one talking to Aoi and the other him." Kaede suggested, seeing that the girl also seemed to need help right now, regardless of whether it was something that benefited Kai or not.

"Kyou, you go." Aki spoke as soon as the idea came.

"Eh!? Why me?" Kyou immediately protested. They were equally beautiful and equally intelligent, but their personalities differed greatly. Kyou mostly developed more obvious sarcasm after her [Intelligence] stat improved. That's why she didn't want to go, even if she wanted to help. She didn't think she was emotional enough.

"Because Aki and I are too big, while Kaede still looks like she's going to hit someone. Only you are left, who are small and cute. Go there!" Madoka gave the most logical argument to stop Kyou from rejecting.

"I'll hit you if you don't shut up..." Kaede glared at Madoka, the two of them looking like they wanted to face each other right now.

"The next round with Kai I'll go first!" Kyou immediately gave her agreement before starting to walk away, towards the women's restrooms, "I hope she's easy to deal with..."


Already inside the bathroom, Kyou walked in while listening to the sniffles in the last stall. It was pretty obvious, especially to her, that had enhanced senses.

"Hello? Who's in there?" She knocked twice on the stall door, "Are you okay? I'm hearing crying..."

The sniffles immediately stopped, as did every other sound coming from the bathroom. Knowing that Aoi would take forever to talk, Kyou couldn't bear it.

"You're a 2nd Year student, Koshiki Aoi, aren't you? I saw you coming in here and you looked really bad. Do you want to talk about what happened?" Even though it felt like a gross invasion of privacy, they weren't the best of friends either for Kyou to ask nicely and Aoi just tell everything.

"Is nothing. You don't have to worry!" Aoi replied quietly from the other side. The voice sounded so sad that you would doubt it belonged to such a lively and righteous person.

"It's no use saying it's nothing. You are clearly very sad. I am also part of the Elite Committee, it is at these times that we have to help and worry about each other." Kyou used their common traits to forge an rapprochement, which seemed to work when she heard Aoi get off the toilet and walk towards the door.


Opening the stall door, Kyou came face to face with a girl who she thought was very cute, but whose teary eyes and shaky physique obscured some of that. Aoi walked towards her, and Kyou gave her room to pass and go to the sink to wash her face.

"You don't have to tell me what happened if you don't want to. What are you feeling right now?" Kyou walked over to Aoi, stopping beside her. They looked at each other through the mirrors, with Aoi sighing as she decided to tell.

"It's family problems. My father was recently involved in an accident and is in serious condition in the hospital. I was at home when it happened, and my mother was unharmed. But still, my father was always a very important figure for me..." The tears she had just wiped away spilled uncontrollably again, "Seeing him in the hospital hurt me so much, such a weak image of him, having to live through machines... Despite what my mom tells me, I know she's a lot worse off than I am..."

"I understand. And that only makes your hopes for him to improve lower and lower..." Kyou rested her hand on Aoi's shoulder, "Have you tried talking to your mother?"

"I can't. Looking at her face hurts me as much as looking at my father! She was always a woman very devoted to my father, for everything they went through together, and seeing him in that state is probably killing her inside, wondering why God had to do this to him." Aoi bit her lip in frustration and pain. She didn't even say that her father was the one who brought the financial value to the house, but he had a martial arts school and some students even helped them.

"We all know it wasn't her fault, and even God didn't have anything to do with it." Kyou hugged Aoi, who wasn't expecting it, "I don't know exactly what to say to you to make you feel better, but I know what I can do. You are not alone Aoi, you have me, your teachers, Elite Committee colleagues and especially Kai, who practically runs this entire school."

When Kyou mentioned Kai, Aoi got a bitter expression. A little while ago she felt like she was falling in love with him, but since the accident happened to her father she hasn't even had a chance to talk to him. She didn't blame him for not being able to talk to her, but it inevitably dampened the feelings a lot.

Noticing Aoi's expression, Kyou corrected her words to make her give her hopes on Kai.

"I'm saying that with us here and Kai's voice, we would definitely get enough help to get your dad in a better place and get better treatment. Who knows, your dad might get better in a lot less time. You just have to talk to Kai for that, if he doesn't already know..." Throwing out the last sentence, she wanted to see how Aoi would react.

"Did he already know?" Aoi carefully thought about this. But her thoughts started to go the wrong way, thinking that Kai had known for a long time and hadn't come to talk to her on purpose. Kyou didn't think what she said would go that way.

But thank the Gods, Aoi's phone suddenly rang, erasing those thoughts from her mind when she saw her mother's number calling.

"Mother? What happened?" Aoi felt nervous when her mother's excited voice called her from the other side. Her expression grew more and more excited, until she was again crying with joy, just like her mother, "Are you saying he's going to a better hospital?? Is that really true!?"

Kyou, oblivious that she almost caused a complete rift in Kai and Aoi's chances of being together, smiled when she saw the things Kai possibly did to mend his chances with Aoi.


Entering Kai's office, Haruka took the time to make sure there was no one else there. In this case, Akane, who was Kai's personal secretary.

"What do you want, Miss Sato? Our last meeting was yesterday. In fact, you're coming here quite often, if I may comment." Kai had already regulated his own emotions and sat in his chair, looking at Haruka who had entered. He had to admit that the girl was very beautiful, from head to toe. Even though he wasn't very much in the sexual mood, he still couldn't deny certain things.

"In addition to coming to see my favorite president, I also came to talk to you about my training." Haruka smiled from ear to ear as she complimented Kai, looking quite cute. She continued right after, "I am finding past workouts very boring and monotonous. My times remain the same even though I've been training for weeks, and I think my training has already plateaued. That's why I'm here to ask for a... harder... workout." She got hooked on the last words, and it's not known if it was on purpose.

"I see..." Kai accessed Haruka's training files, as well as her training stats. It really did look like she had almost minimal growth in the times, and it's not normal for someone her age who would normally increase much more. "Do you want a workout that suits your body or a workout that pushes you to the limits?"

"Well... I think I prefer what pushes me to my limits. We already tried the first one, now we have to give the second one a chance." Haruka stared at Kai, lost in his seriousness and that excited her a little, but she decided to keep quiet.

"For that you would have to test your limits first, and then we will do a proper training line." Kai opened another document on the computer and saw that in the timetable the swimming teacher had gone to the doctor, "The swimming teacher won't be there until tomorrow, so the day after tomorrow we bring you the new training schedule. All good?"

"In fact, it's not. As you know, I'm doing my best, and I don't want to waste two days to start improving again. Wouldn't there be another way to do this test?..." Haruka blushed as she looked away from Kai's questioning eyes.

'This girl is teasing me here... And I'm really a man who fulfills my desires...' Kai looked at her, knowing that if he agreed to her request, things would naturally unfold on the sexual side. 'But if I weaken again, let myself be carried away by what I already have and take things carefully, I could end up missing out on many opportunities. If I must have a large harem and have many women, it is no use gathering all my attention on one and ignoring all the others...'

Rising from his chair, Kai started to walk towards the office exit.

"Let's go. I'll accompany you to the tests."


Already in the swimming pools used in the training of the swimmers, Kai saw Haruka walk to him with only the swim suit, which was a higher quality than what the school gives. It was black and gave more freedom of movement to the wearer.

"Did you like it?" Haruka asked when she saw Kai's gaze focused on her. She charmed by giving him a little twirl.

"I prefer it when naked." He smiled at her, but before he could leave any thoughts in her mind, he held up his watch and said, "Let's start testing. You have four modalities to perform, in addition to breathing training and your swimming limit. We've got a lot to do."

While pouting, Haruka reluctantly climbed onto the starting pad, waiting for Kai's whistle to start swimming.

Whistle! Swoosh!

"Good reaction time..." Kai was impressed with Haruka, who jumped the instant he blew the whistle. It was almost timed, which shows that she has an abnormal reaction speed.

As Haruka did the training, Kai recorded her times and her performance. Later he would ask a professional to put together a training worksheet, and then pass it on to the teacher.

When all the tests were over, Kai left Haruka resting from the last test, which was the final resistance test. Basically, it was swimming until you got a cramp or lack of oxygen. She managed to last a good ten minutes swimming, at full capacity.

"Go take a shower, the last afternoon classes are still missing. Just explain it to the teacher, I already informed the principal about our absence." Kai said to Haruka, who struggled to keep on her feet.

"Can you help me? At least until going to the bathroom?" Haruka spoke as she limped and walked slowly, legs burning with exertion as well as her whole body.

Kai didn't say anything, but helped her anyway. Wrapping his hand around her waist, he helped her to the ladies' room. When he was about to leave, she called him again.

"K-Kai, could you help me get there?" Haruka said as she pointed to the showers. She was still leaning on the lockers, just in time to grab a towel.

"Alright..." Kai smiled at that, continuing to help her until then.

"Just one last thing, could you..." Haruka asked one last time, pointing to her swimsuit.


The shower door slammed shut, leaving Haruka and Kai inside. She kept looking at him, who had closed the door and was looking at her with a smile. But that smile was like a predator's, and she felt a shiver run down her spine until liquid seeped through her panties.

"You've played with enough fire, girl." Kai took off his shirt before throwing it to the ground, "And it's time to get burned..."

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