The Worlds Seeker

Chapter 28 – Never Fail with Your Principles

After the girls, Madoka, Aki, Kyou, and Kaede, managed to get together to eat the food Kai brought them for lunch, they were all silent, processing. And the bento of all of them was much bigger than normal, not to mention that each food was highly caloric, due to the evolved body they have.

Kai had gone out to lunch elsewhere, wisely letting his girlfriends vent without him. Not to mention there are some problems at the office that Chiaki needed his answer as an absolute decision.

"So is this really true?" Kaede was touching the food with chopsticks, the urge to eat coming and going. Her expression was still kind of sad, but she didn't quite remember why, just that she saw something she didn't like. Other than that, the memories of the dream with Sora were still as alive as fire.

"Apparently. Well, it wasn't the answer we expected, but it is an answer..." Aki ate the meat, almost rolling her eyes because it was so delicious. Among all of them, she used to be the most innocent and silly, but it turned into an optimism that depended on Kai. If he was happy, she would be fine too.

"A Goddess who is married to our boyfriend is something out of the box! This was far from the expected response!" Kyou put her hand to the head in frustration. Her discomfort was knowing whether or not they were all in a collective dream, afraid to ask Kai that and he would be scared.

"But we will eventually find out. First we need to know what happened to us, and then find out if Kai has something hidden. Like, for example, his training that he doesn't let us see, only when he's practicing on the punching bag. If we ask nicely, he can let us see. One thing fits into the other and boom!" Madoka took the lead to speak the ideal sequence of steps. She kind of functioned as the group's strategist when it came to these things.

"Before that, just to be sure. The Goddess, Sora, spoke of the 'next women'. Do you think there will be many?" Kaede asked a little calmer. But the idea of sharing Kai with a lot of women didn't seem right. It's okay that they still couldn't get over him in sex, but not everything is about that.

"Possibly. Aki and I analyzed it and Kai already has at least 2 people as immediate targets, Tsukimi Chifuyu and Naomi Rios. Kaori has liked him for a long time, I don't know what he's doing without having tried anything with her yet. Akane Nanao seems much more than a assistant, but I can't say anything..." Madoka thought for a moment, remembering if there was anyone else. Finalmente ela se lembrou do que viu no vestiário feminino, "Oh yes! Haruka Sato had a photo of him hidden in her closet, and we spied her secretly kissing the photo. It looked a little scary."

"And who are we to judge? We literally fuck like rabbits at this school!" Kyou rolled her eyes, not expecting the large amount of girls. But she had more or less a record of each of them in her mind, and she judged that they all had kind, polite personalities and were all exceptional women in their own way.

After that, the girls started to tell what they felt after the dream, and the pieces of memory that remained in their minds. Madoka only remembered the tennis instructor's face, and an intense anger and disgust came every time she remembered him. Kyou spoke of having a similar experience with her sister, as she felt that Ryou was actually a demon in human skin. Kaede and Aki said they just felt deeply sad, as if something that shouldn't happen happened in another universe, but still with them.

When everyone was silent and eating, Aki suddenly seemed to get a glimpse of it all, things starting to fall into place. The Goddess, the dreams, the feelings, the truths that surfaced like a snowball.

"Girls... Our first fact is that Kai is related to a Goddess, and we don't know how powerful she is, but let's imagine omnipotence. This means that she can know what happened, happens and will happen, be it in any reality. So let's say there are several realities..."

"Holy shit..." Kyou couldn't help but curse when he realized where Aki had come. The size of it started to be absurd. Theory of Relativity and Multi-verses!

"There were others of us, with far more miserable fates, a reality where Kai does not exist. That's why there are such drastic changes. Maybe it's not just us who changed, but this school, the people who were born or died, the world around us could have been completely changed just by his presence here!" Aki completed what she felt was right, not knowing how infinitely close to reality she was.

Taking a while to absorb all of this, everything falling into place in the girls' heads too, the tears started to flow. But they weren't tears of sadness, as a smile spread on each one's face, even laughing.

"Haha ha! I'm now feeling like my heart is going to explode! I should be feeling bad that another me doesn't know my man." Kyou laughed a lot, knowing all the tragedy that would befall the family because of her sister, but it was averted only because Kai appeared in HER life.

They were laughing happily at how lucky they were to meet Kai, when it could be one chance among billions or trillions! Not even they knew how many realities there could be!

"Girls, wait!" Kaede wiped away her tears as her face suddenly became frightened. When everyone was looking, she said the sudden thought that occurred to her, "We've all had these sad realities, and Kai has us as his girlfriends. And it doesn't seem like he's dissatisfied, but he's still looking for more girls. Everyone understands, right?"

Another bombshell was dropped for them to think about, with everything falling into place perfectly.

"Well, I don't feel the slightest bit of jealousy right now..." Kyou gave up thinking about sharing, now she wanted Kai to seek out more women, endless of them.

"I think our role now is to help him with what he needs. By the way, look at him over there." Madoka was looking away, and saw Kai walking in a random direction.

"Who's that girl who's going to bump into him?" Kaede realized that someone would do the same as she did when she first met Kai.

They all looked at each other suddenly, intending to watch whatever happened.


'I know you said I didn't need to invest in rockets and shuttles, but about 90% of the industry has the machinery and licenses for me to put [Shop] parts into research. Otherwise it would be impossible.' Kai was arguing with Sora about his recent stock market purchase.

{I'm not talking about buying the space rocket companies, but all the other industries you decided to open up all at once. It's an investment you can handle, but I don't like it when you get a headache.} Sora looked like she was pouting, not exactly questioning Kai's decision, but seeing that it was bad for his stress.

'Don't treat me like a baby. And it's not like I'm going to go bald from working too hard.' Kai shrugged it off. Admittedly, it was an investment of approximately 90 billion dollars at once, but he had to take advantage of the fall in the shares of some companies and open others. Would it be nearly four hours of printing [Shop] money? Yeah, but that's okay. $100,000 for 1DP works miracles on many occasions.

As he was walking absentmindedly, suddenly someone bumped into him and she fell to the ground on her ass.

"I'm sorry- wait, Aoi-chan?" Kai didn't want to come off as rude, but when he noticed who bumped into him and saw that it was Aoi, he was confused. And mostly because the girl was crying now.

"Sniff*" Aoi looked at Kai, but only more tears came out of her eyes. She tried to stand up, but she had no strength in her arms.

"Aoi, what happened? Why are you crying?" Kai's heart sank when he saw her, such a cute girl crying a lot. But when he noticed that she was having trouble even getting up, he began to worry about what could have happened.

He knelt down and held out a hand to help her to her feet when she reacted in a way he hadn't expected.


"Please don't come near me." Aoi slapped Kai's hand, refusing his help as she got up with great difficulty and walked away. Her body was a little shaky, as if she was too weak to even walk.

Watching her retreating figure, Kai stood in place. Anyone looking at him now would be startled by what they saw.

Although his face didn't show any emotion, the amount of anger and hatred emanating from him began to affect his surroundings. The floor beneath his feet began to crack, the creak of the bones in his hand echoing in space with his unconscious grip.

'Has anyone done something to her?'

It was the simple question he wanted answered immediately. And depending on the answer, a slaughter might or might not happen today.

{No. That's what you need to know now. You told me not to explain too many things to you, so I suggest taking a moment to reflect and see why she is like this.} Sora first removed any doubts from Kai, afraid that he might do something stupid. And since he'd already told her to let him be as independent as possible, that's what she would do for him.

'It's okay...' The answer soothed Kai, but he was still in a controlled rage and wanting to be released. And he would know in a moment whether it would be released on himself or on someone else.


Looking at the news on the computer screen, Kai didn't know how to react.

"I'm a scoundrel... The worst of them..."

In the news, a couple was the victim of a robbery, and the man tried to react and ended up being very injured. It turned out that the man was a renowned martial artist in the area, but he couldn't avoid a stab wound, which led to three more in different places on the body. He also hit his head and there was a risk of bleeding or injury. The woman was fine, but he was in serious condition in the hospital. The couple had a daughter, who stayed at home during the incident. That had been about one week ago.

'Can I see the [Lovemeter] history?' Kai asked, looking at the date of the incident.

Sora didn't answer, but a screen appeared with the history of the increase or decrease for a certain period of time.


| {Name: Koshiki Aoi}

| {Destiny}

| [Lovemeter: 23/100]

| [Lovemeter: 22/100]

| [Lovemeter: 20/100]

| [Lovemeter: 17/100]

| [Lovemeter: 13/100]

| [Lovemeter: 7/100]


"I didn't talk to her properly for a week..." Kai realized how stupid he had been, his arrogance slowly getting the better of him and making him forget that details slipped out and things could snowball dangerously.

He saw that she clearly liked him, and the value was 23 because he hadn't had more intimate contact with her since the date they went together. But it was enough for a fair and cute girl like Aoi to slowly increase her feelings.

But lately he's been so busy with his own thing and the girls and everything going on at the same time. Little by little, his lack of attention to her caused her to move away. And not just with him, but everyone else. Her scores in the recent exams were also very low, and she didn't go to the Elite Committee's training camp as often anymore.

"I let myself be blinded. I devoted time to her, and then I put her aside. Just like a toy..."

{It was not your fault. Things happen, and that's okay. You are flawed, just like I am and everyone else is. But no matter how many times we fail, the real question is whether we are willing to fix our mistakes and learn from them. Those clichéd phrases always go down well here.} Sora felt immensely sad about the state Kai was in now. It was good for him to reflect on his actions and see that he was starting to "play" and not live and consider girls as women who would stand by him.

'Still, I was such an asshole. This was my negligence, and I could be doing this to every other girl. That's the worst part of having a harem...' Kai put a hand to his forehead, sighing and sinking into his chair. But after a while, his gaze steadied again as he shifted in his chair. "I need to apologize to her. But I can't be too direct... Thank you for everything, my love. You are the light of my life!" Kai thanked Sora and picked up his phone from the table. When connected on the other end, he immediately spoke, "I want you to visit patient #32 at Tokyo Medical Hospital. Transfer him to our private hospital and give him the best doctors and treatment. If this man dies, find a way to bring his soul back, got it?"

"Yes sir! I'll be going now." A male voice sounded from the other end, which was his deputy secretary when Chiaki was too busy. In this case, managing Kai's recent purchases.

After he hung up the phone, his heart felt less constricted, and he promised himself he wouldn't let his negligence take over again.

A knock on the door suddenly called him out of his self-assessment. He had already heard some footsteps coming in that direction, and he was wondering who it was.

"Mr. President, may I come in?" The familiar voice of the tanned, purple-haired girl called politely.

"Yes ma'am. Make yourself confortable..." He couldn't keep someone else waiting for him, so he decided to let her in. Kai regulated his mood, already having in mind how he was going to organize this mess he let happen.

This was the first time he had slipped in his own principle, and he wasn't going to let it happen again.

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