The Unseen Angel in MHA


Once I jumped down, I slowly snuck my way closer to the factory and one by one melted the locks on all the doors leading outside. The only one I didn't melt was the door Shota and I watched some goons walk through earlier. After about ten minutes of me slowly working Shota found no other movement. We then met back up at the door that I left unmelted.

"You ready?" I ask in a hushed voice as we both stand outside the door. Shota nods before I open the door quietly and we sneak inside.

The inside looks like your standard fish factory, except there are four goons sitting at a table. The table appears to be over a well hidden hatch, the people at it are sitting there drinking and shooting the shit it seems. Shota works his way around slowly looking for any others while I watch the four goons. They are each well armed too, except for one who probably has a physically enhancing quirk.

"Seems they are the only ones," Shota says quietly over our comms.

"Good then let's take them out quickly and quietly. I will get the unarmed one and the one on his right. You grab the other two," I say back quietly and Shota confirms my plan.

Then I work my way over to them extremely quietly, once I'm a few feet away I rush forward grabbing the unarmed man and the one on his right by the back of the heads. With one quick motion, I crush their heads in my grasp, just as I kill them the other two try to grab their guns to shoot. Shota reached the one and grappled him to the ground choking him out, while I rushed the last one before he could shoot. I punched him in the throat hard enough to crush his windpipe and break his neck in one strike. As I killed the three in less than ten seconds, Shota finally breaks the neck of the man he was choking out. Once Shota steps away from the body I light all the bodies on fire and through the table into the body pile now on fire.

"You two make a good team and handled that very well, it was quick and quiet. Now I'm going to be with you the rest of the way but will be hidden from sight watching you both," Incognito says to us before disappearing again. Shota and I share a nod before I open the hatch quietly as possible, though it does squeak a bit.

'Seems they had the unarmed man to open this hatch as a normal person would have trouble opening it, it weighs several hundred pounds,' I think to myself as I open the hatch leading down.

Once it opens I walk down the set of stairs leading further in with Shota right behind me and I assume Incognito behind him. Walking further in we hear what sounds like people packaging drugs. I step up to the door and peek inside, to see several people both men and women almost naked putting several different drugs into packages. There also seem to be three armed men inside. I then wave Shota back so we can discuss what to do.

"Should we take them out? That would alert everyone inside this underground facility that we are here," I say in a hushed voice after we backtrack a few dozen feet away.

"We have to, our mission is to shut it down," Shota says and I just nod my head agreeing.

"Agreed, though I just want to make sure you're ready for it to get heated quickly. I can hold my breath for a long time, so I will take out this room in case the drugs get thrown around. You cover the corner of the hallway in case more decide to show up," I say to Shota who nods and sneaks down the hallway passing the room with the drugs.

With a sigh, I walk over to the door and let loose a stream of fire that kills the three armed men inside, while passing over the rest. Of course, as soon as the fire enters they all scream alerting everyone inside we are here. Though after the fire disappears I quickly rush around the room and knock out all the people inside, while using the zip tie cuffs that we carry now to subdue them. Walking back outside the room I see Shota has taken down two more in the hallway, while under fire from further down.

I rush past him into the hallway ignoring the bullets as they just flatten against me, luckily my hero costume is made with kevlar as it doesn't tear as easily. Then I grab the one closest to me by the face before launching him at the other two, they all fly back in a mangled pile of broken limbs. Shota jumps past me to rush down the right side since there is a fork in the hallway.

"I'll take the right you go left," Shota says in our comms before having already rushed off, I can see Incognito is following behind him.

I just jog down the hallway looking inside one of many rooms that line this hall. After looking inside the room I realized this place also does human trafficking. The disgust rises in me, as my fire burns even hotter inside wanting to burn everyone here to nothing. I grab the small girl maybe around the age of thirteen and carry her out since she is unconscious. I quickly bring her out and go to see if there are others.

"Shota, Incognito, get out of there. I'm grabbing some girls they were trafficking and bringing them outside. I need someone to watch over them. Then I'm going to burn this place to the ground," I say over the comms with venom in my voice.

"Denied Moody, I can come out, but the mission does not allow for all this evidence to go missing too," Incognito says back immediately denying me, my anger rises.

"Fuck! Fine! But I'm gonna make sure they suffer," I say back very pissed off.

"Actually change of plans, Moody did you grab all the girls?" Incognito asks before I can go back inside.

"Yes…..why?" I say with some suspicion in my voice.

"We may be allowed to kill, but if you start killing for the sake of killing then you are no better than the villains. I want you to cool down, so you are going to stay outside and watch the girls. In our line of work we all get used to killing or death, but those who start to enjoy it become like the ones we hunt down," Incognito says to me and I feel my anger rising threatening to overtake me and burn it down regardless. Though I take a few breaths and calm myself down.

"Understood," I say back with an emotionless voice and lean against the wall while looking at the dozen or so unconscious girls I rescued.

After staring at them awhile, I figure I could use my fire to heal them atleast. I blast them all at once with my fire and as it washes over them, it heals them physically. Though now I know that they all have been abused already. I hold back the anger and finish healing them, now if they recover mentally is up to them and the help they get from a professional. They all except for one remain knocked out, I would guess from the physical and mental trauma they experienced.

"No please!... Where am I?" the young girl I first grabbed says upon waking up and immediately becomes scared before confused.

"You are fine now, we got everyone who harmed you all. I'm sorry you had to suffer down there like that," I say to the girl who now sees she is outside and surrounded by the other girls. She turns to me and becomes frightened at first but then hears what I said, before crying and hugging herself.

I just sit there unsure of what to do or say as the young girl cries. So I just take out my wings and approach her slowly before hugging her, which she stiffens up at first. Then becomes relaxed in my arms until she falls asleep like the others. Before she sleeps I hear her mumble something about me being an angel. Seems my wings bring even people who have been extremely hurt comfort. After an hour of sitting with the girls, I can see the sun starting to peak over the horizon. Then Shota and Incognito come out of the building and walk over to me.

"You cool down?" Incognito asks me seeing me watching the sunrise. Though they can't see my face I'm smiling at the sunrise since basking in the sunlight brings me comfort just like my wings do.

"Yeah, sorry for the outburst. Just seeing the suffering they probably went through pissed me off beyond belief," I say turning to them and Shota gives me a reassuring nod.

"I understand, though in our line of work, we come across these kinds of things pretty often. Your gonna have to learn to keep that anger in check in the future," Incognito says before pulling out his phone and calling the police to come to clean up this area.

"Overall you both did a very good job, though each of you need some work in certain areas. Moody needs better self-control and Emo need better technique since these armed idiots almost got you several times," Incognito says once he finishes calling the cops. Shota and I just nod at him in understanding, though annoyed by the nicknames.

"We will wait for the boys in blue to show up, I'll explain the situation to them. You two just watch the girls," Incognito says as we hear several sirens now approaching the area.

Once the cops show up Incognito goes over and tells them everything they need to know. While Shota and I just stand silently watching the sunrise for a few seconds.

"We did good work today, though I'm not sure how long I'm gonna last in this line of work. Especially if we come across this type of stuff all the time," Shota says to me after we stand silently for a bit watching the sunrise.

"I understand what you mean. Though at the same time, I feel really good that we were able to help these girls and stop a group of scum continuing to infect the city," I say and turn to Shota who seems even more depressed than usual.

"You're not wrong, just I only hope there aren't many pieces of shit out there that do this kinda thing," Shota says with a tired sigh and I just nod my head agreeing with him. Then several ambulances pull up and the paramedics come and grab the girls to take them all to a hospital.

"Ok. Emo and Moody, let's go home. You both probably could use some sleep, you'll get the rest of the day off. Tomorrow though you better be in the training area at the usual time," Incognito says walking back over to us before motioning to follow him. We just roll our eyes before nodding and following him back to the underground hero HQ.

The rest of that day Shota and I stayed awake, just talking through what happened or watching TV. Then after a few hours of trying to relax, Shota went to read a book of his while I called Rumi to talk. After explaining to Rumi what I could about what happened, she tried to comfort me, but I'd rather just hear about what she has been up to. The hero agency she is studying under is making her handle a lot of the crime in the area. Which she is happy about as it gives her the ability to fight all sorts of criminals, some of who are more difficult than others. She found out through some others in our class, that Mirai Sasaki our class president for the last three years is studying under my Uncle. Eventually, night came and with it a somewhat difficult sleep for both Shota and me.

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