The Unseen Angel in MHA


"Remember to keep this quiet, we don't need the public freaking out. We are underground heroes, not normal ones who need the press to know everything we do," Incognito says to us as we all move discreetly through the city to find a drug dealer mostly likely a part of the ring.

After moving for an hour, we find someone who has a tattoo on the right side of their face, showing their allegiance to the yakuza who are running the drugs. We wait for his latest customer to leave, before following him into an alley. We cut him off with Shota and Incognito coming in behind him as I walk towards him. He gives us an uncertain look, before pulling a gun out but I move faster than he can shoot. I crush his hand and the gun in one motion as I cover his mouth with my other hand, to muffle the scream he lets loose.

"Now, you are going to tell us what you know about the drug ring. Then maybe we let you live," Incognito says as I hold the man's shoulder to keep him from leaving. The man just grunts in pain before spitting on Incognito. In response, Incognito punches his face crushing his nose and the man grunts in more pain.

"Now we can continue to do this the hard way or you can just tell us," Incognito tries once again and I squeeze the man's shoulder almost crushing it to emphasize Incognito's point.

"Fuck you all! If I talk I'm dead either way, so kill me! Would be better than what they'd do to me!" the man says while grunting in pain. Incognito just sighs and then gives me a nod.

My fire can burn someone very quickly or very slowly at my command. This man is a sinner, so burning him is what my fire wants anyway. I then set his arm on fire slowly burning it as he screams in pain falling to the ground and trying to put the fire out.

"We can burn you slowly or you can talk," Incognito says as the man is screaming in pain on the ground. Shota seems nervous at the torture we are doing, but steels his resolve as we learned we can act this way if it means the success of the mission and the person is guilty of a crime.

"Just make it stop! I'll talk!" the man screams in pain, then Incognito gives me another nod. I release my fire from him as it disappears the man whimpers in more pain.

"What kinda heroes do this shit?!" the man says while crying slightly.

"The kind that does what needs to be done for the greater good. Now tell us what you know," Incognito says as he squats down to the man with a threatening voice.

"I don't know much, but what I do know is where to drop off my earnings for the night. It's downtown in the old laundry matt," the man says while still holding his burnt arm and crying in pain slightly.

"Now see, that wasn't so hard. Imagine if we just got this information, then we wouldn't have had to torture you," Incognito says with a slight chuckle while patting the man's burnt arm making him whimper in pain and glare at Incognito.

"Ok from now on you two know how to proceed. I will be watching from a distance for the rest of the mission. Oh and make sure there are no loose ends here," Incognito says before turning invisible and running off. I turn to the man with a cold look intent on burning him to nothing.

"Wait! If you–" the man tries to say before I burn him to nothing and only ash remains.

"I know we are gonna have to kill more often than not, but it's gonna take me a minute to get used to this," Shota says after seeing me burn the man to nothing.

"If this life becomes too much for you, you can leave," I say patting his shoulder reassuringly.

"No this is the life we both wanted and plus we do more good without all the attention," Shota says with a determined voice, at least that's what his body langue suggests. I just nod my head as we move around the city discreetly again and eventually reach the laundry matt the man told us about.

"It's the right place," I say as we see another drug dealer enter the store and hand over a bag to the man at the counter. They seem to be discussing something too.

"I'll go through the front and subdue the ones inside. You go through the back and make sure none escape," I say and Shota nods before running off to the back of the store.

Luckily it is the middle of the night, so the store is 'closed' and that means no normal customers inside. I walk over to the door and enter it just as the man we saw enter tries to leave. I grab his face and immediately know he is a sinner, so I snap his neck and set him on fire. The man at the counter tries to grab a gun but I move in front of him and bash his head on the counter knocking him out. He may have more information for us. Then two more come out from the back I spartan kick the one back through the door he came from. For the other one, I use my hand as a spear and pierce his chest at the heart before he can react. I set his body on fire and step to the back to see Shota has broken one man's neck and is subduing another currently. The one I kicked is struggling to stand before I walk over and stomp on his neck crushing it. I set both him and the one Shota killed on fire.

"Keep him alive in case the one at the counter doesn't know anything," I say to Shota as he gives me a quick nod before subduing the man. He wraps him up in his scarf while the man lies on the ground shouting profanities.

I then grab the man from the counter and bring him to the back where there is a table with several different stacks of drugs and stacks of cash. The man Shota subdued is still writhing on the ground. I become annoyed at his noise, so decide to threaten him.

"Listen if you don't go quiet until I ask you a question, then I'm going to drown you," I say as I grab the unconscious man and place his head in the sink nearby.

I turn the sink on the wake him up from almost drowning. The wrapped up man goes quiet from watching me surprised at what I'm doing. The unconscious man then sputters as he wakes up and coughs from the water that entered his system. He seemed confused about what was going on at first but then remembered as he struggles in my grip.

"Who are you people?! Do you have any idea who you are messing with?!" the man says trying to break free from my grasp.

"Yes we do, now tell us everything you know. Or I force the information from you," I say with a cold voice and the man just chuckles.

"You think you scare me?! I wouldn't be in the position I'm in today if I talked!" the man says after his chuckle.

"I see.... Ok," I say as I grab a towel and hang the man from the ceiling in the back.

"What are you doing?!" the man says confused and nervous as I don't reply but continue to hang him to the ceiling. Then I break his arms and legs so he doesn't escape.

"Fuck you! I won't say anything!" the man screams at me and cries a bit in pain after I broke all his limbs. Once again I ignore him, then stare at him for a second quietly making him more nervous.

Then I light his feet on fire that will slowly burn and work its way up. My fire doesn't create smoke, so he can only pass out from the pain which I doubt will happen any time soon. The man then screams in pain but can't thrash around since his limbs are broken.

"So you gonna tell us anything while he burns to death slowly?" I turn and ask the man Shota captured who is looking at this with an extremely pale face. Shota has been standing there quietly and looks down at the man hearing my question.

"I don't know nothing!" the captured man says to us and Shota goes to hit him making the man panic.

"I'm serious! I don't know nothing! I'm just the muscle and hurt people they tell me to!" the man says crying a bit as his friend is screaming and still burning.

"So I guess I should burn you too then," I say with an emotionless and cold voice as my fire appears in my hand. The man then pisses himself making Shota step away in disgust.

"Fuck, now I'm gonna have to wash my scraf!" Shota says very annoyed.

"NO PLEASE DON'T!" the man screams and cries at the same time.

"Why shouldn't I, you are useless," I say walking over to him slowly.

"WAIT!.... I only know that the boss man over there goes once a week to a place to get more drugs and drop off the money!" the man says while crying, though I just nod my head before knocking him unconscious. I then turn to the still burning man, as his upper calves are burning. With a snap of my fingers, the fire disappears and the man is still screaming from the pain.

"So you gonna talk finally or we gonna continue the burning?" I ask as I walk over and squeeze his burned legs making him cry in pain.

"FINE! Just no more burning please!" the man says with tears coming out of his eyes.

"Depends on how much information you give me," I say while my fire dances around my hand.

"The main hub is below the fish factory at the docks! It is just a front for the whole operation! You can find everything we have there!" the man says quickly and sobbing at the end while he keeps saying no more please.

"Seems we have everything we need," I say to Shota who nods his head.

"That you two do, I'll call the cops to clean this place up. I'll meet you both at the docks and we can discuss how to move forward. You both did very well," Incognito says appearing from the corner of the room and taking his phone out to call the cops.

"The cops are on the way, they will take clean this place up. Let's go and see just how big of an operation this is," Incognito says leaving through the back door with Shota and me quickly following him.

After another long hike through the city discreetly, we reach the docks and see the fish factory the man told us about. We can tell it is the right place as once again several people enter the building in the middle of the night, even though it is supposedly closed.

"Ok, once again I'm gonna watch from the sidelines. You two will have to discreetly and quickly take this place down. Once it is secure we will call the cops to come in and clean it up," Incognito says and once again turning invisible.

"There are most likely several entrances, I can quickly go around melting the locks on some to keep them from escaping. Then we can both go through one and work our way through," I suggest a plan as Shota and I watch the factory for a few minutes trying to think of a good approach.

"Ok let's do it, I will keep watch from here. Any activity I will tell you over the comms," Shota says giving me a nod. I then jump down from the vantage point we found to watch the factory.

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