The Flip Side

Chapter 53: Party Time (Part 2)

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“That’s up to you, Love, but how about we forget about him so that we can enjoy the party with our friends?”

And, that’s exactly what we do. Brian and Alla relieve us at the grill, so we walk over to the main party on the expansive deck.

I’m very careful with my drink since there are people I don’t know here and others I don’t trust. If I ever leave it sitting somewhere, I make another in a new glass. Unfortunately, that simple precaution also has the unwanted side effect of making it hard to keep track of how much you actually drink.

Many people decide they want to go swimming, and it sounds fun to me as well. So, I head upstairs and change into a bikini to join them, though this bikini is of a much more modest cut than the one that I’ve been wearing with just Brian and Dan around.

Making my way back outside, the party continues with more drinking along with swimming this time, although we still dance and everything else. Truthfully, I’m having a great time. Especially since Kevin has left me alone. I still have no idea why he is so obsessed with me and has been since I became a cheerleader. Admittedly, I am pretty and well-liked, but there are many other girls prettier than I am around. I’m not sure, but it might be the fact that he knows I don’t like him so he’s using that to push my buttons. Goddess knows he’s good at that.

Oh, he’s still hitting on the other girls, not that he’s getting anywhere with them. His well-deserved reputation precedes him, and I’m sure that if the girl doesn’t know about him and his proclivities, she is soon told, which generally ends the interaction shortly thereafter. Look, Kevin is a decent-looking guy, but his personality ruins that picture in short order. You’d think he’d learn, though.

In my case, I’m leery of most guys in general. Mom’s rather stringent warnings about them have seen to that. Although, Brian and Dan are exceptions to that since I know they wouldn’t ever do anything to hurt me.

Anyway, it’s cooled off enough that a bikini isn’t exactly the most appropriate thing to be wearing. I ask Dan to light the fire pits, tell him I’m going to change, and head up to put on the outfit I had on earlier.

Regardless of what I told Dan about me not getting silly with him tonight, I’ve had far more to drink than I intended. Actually, far more than I should have. I’m not slobbering drunk, but anyone who looks can see that I’m well past tipsy. The thing that matters here is that I’ve drunk enough to suppress my normally cautious nature.

Two little mistakes are all it takes for something to happen. Mistake one: forgetting that Kevin is here and just how moronic he truly is. Mistake two: failing to lock the bedroom door behind me.

I’ve slipped off my bikini and am lying on the bed, taking a breather from the party, when I hear the room door open. Expecting to see Dan, I begin to smile as I turn my head.

“Hi…” cold chills run up my spine, giving me goosebumps on my skin, and my voice catches in my throat when I see who it is.

“Well, look at you. You must want me bad to already be waiting for me in bed.”

I cover myself with my hands and sit bolt upright on the bed. “What do you think you’re doing?! Get out of here!”

He laughs sickeningly, shuts the door behind himself, and begins to walk toward me. “I knew you had a killer body, but damn, Andie!”

I menacingly growl out, “Leave now! Dan is going to kill you!”

“Not even. Dan’s a pussy. You, however, need to be shown your place, and I’m just the man to do it. I bet that you’ll probably even enjoy it.”

I edge over to the head of the bed where my purse is. “For the final time, get out!”

He takes another step toward me, so I grab my purse, pull out my taser, aim, and don’t even hesitate when I pull the trigger. Immediately, he screams like a little girl and falls to the floor, twitching.

With him incapacitated, I’m more angry than scared. I step over to him and growl out, “You’re an idiot. Well, I hope you enjoy being Bubba’s little bitch in prison cause I’m going to make sure you spend a long, long time there.”

I hit him with another jolt from the taser to make sure he stays down, and head into the bathroom to quickly dress. As I get close to the bathroom, Dan and Brian followed by Alla come bursting through the door. They must have heard me screaming at Kevin. The moment Alla sees my state of undress, she closes the door.

It’s easy to see that Dan and Brian are furious, but they look at me to confirm what they already know. “Yes, he came in and was going to rape me.”

Alla takes my arm and leads me into the bathroom. As I’m dressing, I hear Dan say, “Tie his ass up. We’ll carry him downstairs, toss him in a closet, and deal with him in the morning.”

Apparently, Kevin has recovered enough to speak and begins babbling about how he didn’t mean to do anything and was just trying to scare me. Blah, blah, bullshit!

I step out in only my bra and panties, then yell, “You’re a fucking liar! All of us know what you were going to do! Just save us the problem and die already!”

I pause for a moment, take a breath, and make a decision. This going public would be humiliating. “Mother, I need you.”

Everyone freezes in place, except for me, and she appears. “It’s about time you called for me, young lady!”

I nod. “Well, it isn’t as if he can do much at the moment, but I think a lesson is in order.”

She grins maliciously because she knows darn well what I’m thinking. “That sounds deliciously fitting,” she says, then she laughs. Suddenly, the room is cleared of everyone except for me and Mother. Even the taser disappears, which I assume is now back in my purse.

“Is it done?”

She grins. “Yep. He’s a girl. A really cute one with huge boobs. Everyone will remember him as always being a girl, but she will remember her previous life as a boy, though I added a couple of compulsions.” I quirk an eyebrow. “He won’t be able to help but dress and act like the girliest girl you’ve ever met, and he’s now boy-crazy. That’s rather fitting, don’t you think?”

I nod firmly. “Yes.”

“Oh, and her name is Kennedy.”

I step over to her and hug her. “Thanks, Mother. I didn’t really want to deal with the spectacle of a public trial. This is a fitting punishment, and maybe he’ll learn a thing or two.”

She hugs me back. “Anything for you, my darling daughter. Okay, I need to get back. I was in the middle of beating down Ares in chess when you called for me. Love you.”

“Love you, too.”

She disappears, and I walk into the bathroom to finish dressing. Just as I’m about to head back downstairs, someone knocks on the bedroom door. I open it and find a very cute brunette with huge boobs, probably DD or EE cups, and hazel eyes. Her hair is super long, down to mid-thigh. ‘That has to be a pain to take care of when it’s that long,’ I think. Mine isn’t much shorter, but I have help with mine. She’s maybe 5’1” and dressed in a tiny, pale blue pencil skirt, a yellow v-neck halter top, which shows a huge amount of cleavage, and yellow 6” stiletto heel pumps.

Angrily, she asks, “How the hell did you do this?”

I smile. “Come in, and sit down. We’ll have a little chat.” She comes in but doesn’t sit down, standing there with a defiant expression on her cute face. “I said sit.” Reluctantly, she does. “This is what happens when you try to rape a demi-Goddess. Mother and I think your punishment is rather fitting, or would you rather spend the remainder of your life as Bubba’s girlfriend in prison?”

“Gods aren’t real!”

I quirk an eyebrow. “Really? Then, how do you explain this?” I ask as I gesture to her from head to toe.

Her eyes are damp when she whines, “Why, though?”

“Why? Are you really asking me why?” She just sits there staring at me with a forlorn expression. What did Mother say her name was again? Ah! Right! “Kennedy, you treated girls like mere objects that were only there to satisfy your desires. It was sickening to listen to you. I was content to ignore you, but the final straw was you trying to rape me. Think whatever you want, but you will spend the rest of your life like this.”

“It’s gross how all the boys are hitting on me, though. Even worse, I flirted right back! I-I even allowed one to kiss me! It was gross, but I couldn’t help but kiss him back! What’s even worse is I loved being held and kissed by him, even though I wanted to vomit!”

I shrug and smile wryly. “It sucks to be treated like a thing, doesn’t it? You now have the tiniest inkling of how you made girls feel. Believe me, there is much more to learn and much worse to come.”

She snarls, “I don’t want to be a girl!”

I shrug again. “Too bad. What you want doesn’t matter anymore. This is you now, so suck it up, girl. You’re in for a long, hard ride.”

She deflates like a balloon and hangs her head. “I apologize, and I promise that I’ll never, ever do it again. Please, change me back,” she almost whispers as she pleads tearfully.

“That will not be happening. You, and you alone, brought this on yourself. You might have gotten away with this before, but you messed with a rather vindictive Goddess’ daughter, so you’ll just have to adjust. Now, you can hide all you want, but I’m done with this conversation, so I’m going back to the party. Enjoy your night.”

I flip my braid over my shoulder, turn on my heel, and go back downstairs to rejoin Dan. I almost feel bad for her, but as I said, she did it to herself. Who knows how many other girls he raped. Most of the time, girls never report it because of the stigma that gets attached to them from then on. It’s as if they are somehow less of a person because of what happened to them.

Sitting on Dan’s lap, I give him a kiss and say, “Hi, love.”

 ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

The next morning, Dan and I shower and dress, then head downstairs to people sleeping all over the place. The place is an absolute mess, and it’s going to take forever to clean all of this up. After the incident last night, I didn’t drink anymore, so I don’t feel all that bad. Just a slight headache. In the kitchen, Dan helps me clear the trash off the counters, get some coffee brewing, then clear the trash off the table as well.

Looking around, I say, “We’re going to have to make a trash run today.”

We’re responsible for carrying all of the trash we make during our stay to shore, and I don’t want to leave it until the last day. Soon enough, the coffee pot beeps, and we get up, make ourselves a cup, then sit back down at the table as we sip on it. We’re partly through our second cup when people begin to wake up.

Mia comes in, says, “Good Morning,” makes herself a cup of coffee, and sits down beside me. She takes a sip and sets her cup down. Quietly, she asks, “Did you hear what Kennedy did last night?”

“No, but I doubt anything she might do can surprise me.”

“She had sex with Lucas and Jerome in the pool. Sophia is pissed.”

“That… Nope, doesn’t surprise me at all. Wait. Did Sophia and Jerome break up?”

“No, and that’s why she’s so mad.”

“Jerome isn’t the brightest bulb in the box,” Dan quips.

“Kennedy has always been a flirt when it comes to boys, but I never thought she’d do something like that to another girl,” Mia states.

“As they say, it takes two to tango. Jerome is just as much at fault, no matter how much they had to drink.”

“Well, Kennedy was wasted. No doubt about that, so maybe he took advantage of her.”

“As much as I’d like to believe that he wouldn’t, it’s a possibility,” Dan says. “He’s always had a thing for girls with big boobs.”

Later, Mia and Alla help me make a breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast for everyone. Thankfully, the kitchen is large enough that we don’t get in each other’s way.

After breakfast, Brian begins ferrying people to shore as Dan, Alla, Mia and a few others help me clean up the mess. It takes a couple of hours, but the house is finally spotless again. Later that afternoon, Mia and the ones who helped clean up finally leave. As much as I like being around all of our friends, it’s far quieter and much more pleasant with just us here.

As always: A huge thank you to all my Patreons!

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