The Flip Side

Chapter 52: Party Time (Part 1)

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As we’re heading down to the dock, my phone rings, so I look at it and see that it’s Mia calling.

Clicking the accept icon, I chirp, “Hi!”

She giggles at my bright reply and says, “Hi, yourself. We’re a bit early, but a few of us are here.”

“Perfect! We’re just heading down to the dock to come ashore. We’ll see you shortly. You can help us shop, too.”

“Sounds like a plan. See you soon.”

She ends the call, and I tell everyone that several people are waiting for us as we climb into the boat. Brian takes the helm and sets a course for the docks at a leisurely pace so as not to bounce us all around.

Alla and I take seats on the aft deck as he heads out across the water, enjoying the sun, not even caring that the wind is flipping up our skirts and exposing our almost non-existent Brazilian-style thong panties. Heck, our bikini bottoms have about the same amount of material in them, so why would we get all stupid about them showing? It isn’t as if Dan and Brian haven’t seen us in less, and as a plus, the breeze feels great. As said, neither of us girls are wearing much since this is supposed to be another typical Florida summer day, it’s already rather warm and humid, and it’s still early.

Opening my eyes slightly, I notice Dan staring raptly at me. Deciding to be a bit mischievous, I provocatively lick my lips and smile coquettishly as I pull aside one side of my halter top to flash my breast. His bug-eyed look makes me giggle and blow him a kiss as I resituate my top.

Just in case you are wondering, no, I don’t have an exposure fetish. I simply don’t mind if Brian or Dan see my panties. Brian is like a brother to me, and I shouldn’t have to explain about Dan. Truthfully, if it was just Dan and me on the island, I’d have gone without any clothes the whole week.

One of the other things I need to do while we’re in town is get away from Dan so that I can buy his birthday present. I looked on my phone and found it in the city, so I bought it and asked that they gift wrap it. They said it would be ready by yesterday evening, so all I need to do is go pick it up. If you think back, you’ll remember what it is.

Nevertheless, I know he’ll love it since he’s been wanting it for a while now. Of course, I’ve had to stop him from buying it a couple of times while we were out shopping. I had to be very creative in figuring out ways to stop him from buying it without actually giving away the fact that I was stopping him from doing it. Let’s simply say that there are times that feminine wiles truly come in handy. Dealing with men can be so easy at times.

Anyway, back to the present… We arrive at the dock and are met with squeals and hugs from our fellow cheerleaders, and “Hello’s” from their boyfriends.

Looking at the number of people here, and the fact that I need to be able to buy his present, I turn to Dan. “Love, why don’t you and Brian go ahead and take them out to the island? I’ll take Alla, Brittany, and Mia with me to do the shopping.”

“Are you sure that you don’t need me?”

“Of course. The four of us can handle it, and it isn’t as if we can’t carry the few things we need.”

He reluctantly agrees, gives me a kiss, says “See you in a little while,” and begins to get everyone on board as I stop Brian. “Keys, please.”

“Sure, Just be careful.” He hands me the keys. “I mean it, I worked my ass off for that truck.”

“Oh, please. Get over yourself. I’m a very good driver… By the way, make sure it’s you that picks us up. I’m going to have Dan’s birthday present with me.” He merely nods in reply, so truck keys in hand, we head off so that we can go to the stores.

First up is shopping for groceries, so we make our way to the local Publix. You know what we’re after. Several varieties of soft drinks, hot dogs, hamburgers, buns, chips, dip, and the like. Basically, party foods. Lastly, I pick up the makings for a German chocolate cake since that’s his favorite. Then, we head to the checkout.

Next, we head over to pick up Dan’s present. I have to show the receipt on my phone as well as my ID to get it. Now, for a girl, I consider myself to be pretty well-toned. Seriously, I’m probably more fit than most girls my age, although I’m not like some of the women that are all muscled up and such. I think that’s kinda going too far, but that’s just me. Anyway, I have to be fit as a cheerleader with everything we do, but geez Louise, this thing is heavy! Between the mount and the telescope, it’s almost 100 pounds. Thankfully, a nice clerk, who made googly eyes at us the whole time, said he would be happy to carry it out to the truck for us.

What I bought him is a 14 inch Celestron CGX-L 1400 Fastar SCT Computerized Telescope. It’s even better than the one he mentioned that he wanted, and consequently, quite a bit more expensive. Alla also spent a little time looking for a present for him, though she finally gave up and got him a Visa gift card.

When we make it back, Brian is already waiting for us in the parking lot. Of course, Alla asks him to go get the telescope out of the truck. He picks it up and immediately says, “Jesus! What is this? An anvil?”

The four of us giggle. “No, it’s Dan’s birthday present, but I’m not going to tell you what it is either since you might tell him or let it slip. I don’t want anyone to ruin the surprise,” I tell him.

He stops and looks at me. “It’s Dan’s birthday?”

I nod. “On the 19th.”

“Why didn’t someone tell me?!” He complains loudly. “I haven’t gotten him anything since I didn’t know!”

Alla tells him, “Calm down, there’s still a week until then, so you have plenty of time to get something. Now, get a move on, we have things to do before everyone else gets here.”

 ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

A bit after 5, Dan gets a call saying that everyone is pulling into Marathon and should be at the dock in about 15 minutes or so. Brian volunteers to go get them since Dan is getting the grill ready.

When they get here, I have to struggle to hold my temper. Why, you ask? Because, wouldn’t you know it, that idiot Kevin, and some of his moronic posse, brought alcohol! Not just beer either. Oh no, he brought hard liquor, too.

Look, I’m no prude. I like to have a couple of drinks now and then, usually with my mom, but I’ve had a few with Dan as well since I trust him. Anyway, if Dan wants to have sex with me, all he needs to do is ask. I’m always willing. However, when it comes to Kevin… Well, I wouldn’t put it past him to spike someone’s drink. I don’t like, or trust, him one iota.

Ugh! Whatever! As long as he stays away from me and doesn’t create any problems.

Walking over to Dan by the grill, I tell him. “Love, I’m going to go change for the party.”

He glances at me. “Why? You look great.”

Quirking an eyebrow, I reply, “Really? Do you want me dressed like this with Kevin and his entourage here?” He begins to say something, thinks better of it, and merely shakes his head. “Smart man. Give me a kiss. I’ll be back in a bit.”

He gives me a short, albeit rather sweet, kiss, and I head upstairs to our room, making sure to lock the door behind me. Undressing, I change into a pair of my regular bikini panties, a pushup bra, and slip on a pair of glossy nude stockings. In our closet, I pull out the scarlet-red, knee-length, v-neck summer dress that I set aside for tonight, then slip on my gold ankle-strap, open-toe sandals with 3” heels.

Then, I sit down at the vanity, unbraid my hair, brush it out, and put it up in a high, folded ponytail. Finally, I clip it in place with one of the fancy hair clips encrusted with crushed rubies. Next, I touch up my makeup, apply some smokey eyeshadow, and finally, some cherry-red lipstick and gloss.

That done, I check myself over in the full-length mirror on the back of the door. Satisfied with my look, since it’s much more modest than what I was wearing, I head downstairs to help Dan.

I slip my arms around Dan and press my breasts into his back as I hug him. He glances over his shoulder, sees it’s me, and smiles. Stepping away from him, I twirl for him and ask, “Well? What do you think?”

He barks out a short, sharp laugh. “Gorgeous as always.”

I curtsy and tell him, “Why thank you, kind sir… What do you need me to do?”

“Something to drink would be nice.”


“I saw Kevin brought some vodka, so why don’t you make us both a screwdriver?”

“Okay, but don’t plan on me getting silly with you tonight.”

I pat his hip and walk to the kitchen to make them. I love screwdrivers, and I’ve gotten rather goofy on them with Dan more than once. When I drink, I really let my guard down, so that’s not likely to happen tonight for obvious reasons.

Along the way, I say hello to people I know, which is just about everyone here, other than a few girls who I guess were brought along as dates.

In the kitchen, I grab a couple of the plastic cups we bought along with the sharpie and write our names on them, pour a couple of ounces of vodka in each, then add OJ and some ice. After stirring them, I take a sip as I head back to Dan.

Lo and behold, who do you think steps in front of me? Right, Kevin.

I paste on a small, yet pleasant, smile, and say, “Hi, Kevin.”

“Andrea! Great to see you. You’re as bomb as always.”

“Thanks,” I say in a disinterested tone. “Enjoying the party so far?”

Truthfully, I couldn’t care less if he is or not, or even if he fell off the face of the Earth, but it’s polite to ask, and I always try to be nice. That is until I’m given a reason not to be. I’m far from the wallflower I used to be. I’m much more confident and outspoken.

“Sure. Lots of fine ass bitches here tonight,” he says while smirking lewdly, and that does it for me.

I screw up my face in disgust that he would talk about women that way. “You know, that’s the exact reason you can’t get a girlfriend.”

He smirks again. “Who needs a girlfriend? Having one would be a cock-block. Too many fine-ass bitches to fuck, ya know?”

I literally want to vomit at this point. I don’t care how he got to be this way, but I’m sick of listening to his misogynistic attitudes. “Excuse me, Dan is waiting for me.”

I attempt to step around him and his cohorts when he grabs my arm. I glance disdainfully at his hand on my arm, look back up to glare at him, and state, “You’ll remove your hand if you know what’s good for you.”

He snorts but runs his hand up and down my arm as he says, “Aww, come on, Andie. It’s all good. Relax.” He grabs his penis with his free hand. “You know you want this big dick in you, all you hoes do.”

Do you see why I don’t like him? That statement is as outrageous as it is nauseating. The very thought of him touching me is repulsive. Actually, it would be more loathsome or disgusting. As in, it makes me want to wash off anywhere he’s touched me with acid to make sure there isn’t a trace of him left on me. If you still don’t understand: no way, no how, nor any time, would I ever want him to touch me. Plain enough?

Ya know, if I was a vindictive person, I’d ask Mother to change him into a girl and keep his mind as a boy. That way, he could get a taste of how offensive, and scary, things like this are. He might even learn something, though I have my doubts.

My glare turns into a death stare. “Oh, hell no! Not even! And, you aren’t allowed to call me Andie. I am, and always will be, Andrea when it comes to you, understood?” Then, I loudly demand, “Now take your friggin’ hand off of me, and don’t you ever touch me again! I have no idea where you get your ideas that it’s okay to treat women this way, but you are a total neanderthal.”

I hear someone behind me say, “Wow! He must have really pissed off Andie to make her almost cuss.”

Dan must have heard me as well because he suddenly shows up beside me and stares at Kevin balefully. “Is there a problem here?” Kevin blanches and quickly removes his hand. “Kev, we had a talk about you messing with Andie, didn’t we?” Kevin nods. “Andie doesn’t like you, and at this point, I’ve just about come around to her point of view. Now, I suggest you walk away and don’t bother her, or anyone else tonight. I’ve had it with you and your antics, understood?”

Without another word, or even waiting for a reply, Dan gently takes my arm, and I follow him as we make our way outside to the grill.

I hand him his drink, take a large gulp of mine, and murmur, “Thank you.”

“No need to thank me. I apologize, Sweetheart. He’s got his good points, but I think the bad parts far outweigh the good.” He sighs. “What did he say to you?”

I look at him pensively, gauging what to tell him, and decide it would be best to err on the side of caution.

“Nothing worth repeating, and definitely nothing he hasn’t said to or about other girls before.”

“He might eventually grow up, but I have my doubts about that. Whatever, though. After this, I’m done with him.”

“That’s up to you, Love, but let’s forget about him and enjoy the party with our friends.”

As always: A huge thank you to all my Patreons!

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