The Ascension

Chapter 47 – Firm and Steady


"How do you feel?" Aila said as she drew the girls to her chest. It was early morning, and the sun started to shine in through the windows. Aila was on her back, and both girls were on either side, happily sated.

"Mm, tired." Ellie said and yawned. She looked over Aila's chest, and saw her sister's eyes pop open, and close just as quickly. "I wonder if Elena slept last night." She said softly.

"If she did, she's really restless while she sleeps." Elena sat up at Aila's words.

"I didn't move around a bit!" She said firmly, but her mouth fell open when Aila smiled. "You tricked me!"

"You didn't sleep." She pulled her back down. "It worries me when you don't get the proper amount of sleep, even though I spent so much time tiring you out." Elena blushed.

"So mean, Master." Elena cuddled in to her side, and laid her head on Aila's chest. "Master?"

"Yes, baby?" She asked quietly, and wondered what Elena would ask.

"Do you love me?" Elena asked, which surprised her.

"I think so, Elena." She watched the girl frown slightly. "My parents never said 'I love you' to me. Never when I was young, nor when I was sick, and dying. Do you know why?" Elena shook her head.

"When I asked them if they loved me, they would say 'I think so, baby.' That was it. They said it because they spent all their coin to keep me alive. They spent all their spare minutes with me. They never had to say it. They proved it with every action." Aila sighed, and looked at the ceiling. As they looked into her eyes, they watched as they turned into gray orbs with no other color.

"I hope they are safe, healthy, and happy." She whispered. Her voice made the entire house vibrate a bit, which she didn't notice.

"Master?" Elena asked. Her eyes turned back to normal, and she looked down at her.

"Yes, baby?"

"I like hearing it, but both Ellie and I want you to continue to prove it. Just like you have since you bought us." Elena said as Ellie put her head on Aila's right side of her chest. She turned a little, and lightly kissed Elena's lips.

"My sister is right, Master. We do like hearing it, but we want you to continue proving it." She rolled her eyes. "Just like last night. I think my hips popped." Elena nodded, and giggled.

"I bet everyone else is thinking the same thing, Master. Our night is over, and they need some attention. Just don't forget us. And go kiss Nadya. She's your wife too and needs a good morning kiss." Elena looked really naughty, and heard Nadya's voice.

"So mean. After moaning all night, you tell her to come give me a kiss. I think I have to sleep alone tonight." Elena sat up.

"No no no! You're not sleeping alone! I need my mom in order to sleep!" she said and scrambled from the bed. Ellie giggled as Elena collapsed when her legs wouldn't hold her up. "Oh, my hips just popped too." She stood up a bit slower, and made her way over to Nadya's bed.

"Get over here." Nadya dragged Elena into bed, and sighed happily once that girl's face was pressed to her breasts. "Now it's your turn to apologize to me all night long tonight." Elena grinned, and laid down with her face on Nadya's huge breasts.

"Happily." She said in a whisper.

Shaala and Kaala watched the two girls, their changed outlook, and wondered what happened. Even though it happened, Aila couldn't say why it happened, even if she was the cause.

Within Ellie, her water element had grown in quantity and quality, while Elena's earth element has also grown. This affected their mental health greatly. Elena became steadier, and stronger, both physically and mentally. Ellie grew stronger through her agility, while her mental state became more resilient, and rebounded more easily.

They weren't healed of their trauma, not by a long shot. Instead, they became better equipped to handle it in the long term. They would still need the support of their new family, but from now on, the trauma wouldn't rule their lives like it once did.

Aila gave them what they both craved. A firm and steady love that she only shared with those of her family on this world.


* * *


"You do realize how quickly things changed around here, don't you?" Ivadra asked her as they sat down to breakfast. Aila slowly nodded. "I mean, the others turned from slaves to servants as soon as you purchased them. You showed them some affection, to prove they weren't slaves, and now they are your wives." Alara nodded.

"It was really fast, Master." Alara said.

"You mean, as fast as you two called me 'Master' even though you were not purchased, but rescued?" Aila asked. Both ladies blinked, then blushed. The others were interested in this conversation, as they were fully aware of how quickly things changed.

"I'm sad to say that it is the same." Alara said slowly. "But I don't know why either. You displayed so much power when you rescued my sister, and improved her health, we became intrigued. After you came back, we called you Master immediately, like it was normal." Ivadra nodded.

"Alara is right. This is right. All of us. Here. With you. Intimate. Sharing, and loving each other. This is right. If you ask me why, I don't know. It's like I hear something." Ivadra said. Shaala's mouth fell open, while Kaala pointed at Ivadra.

"Echoes!" Kaala said. "I hear echoes!" Alara and Ivadra looked startled. Elena grew thoughtful.

"Imera." She whispered. Aila turned towards her.

"Elena? What do you mean by 'Imera'?" She asked, and gently held the girl's hand. She was a bit quiet since they sat down, quite unlike the young woman she became overnight.

"Echoes within Imera." She said. Nuri cleared her throat.

"Master." Aila turned, and saw Nuri's eyes. Nuri was also startled. "I also feel the echoes of Imera. Imera is the living planet, the highest god we know of. If those sounds we hear, a sort of background murmur in the foundations of the world itself, are from Imera, it means it was meant to happen." She looked at each of the ladies around the table.

"This family was meant to happen, as it is approved of by Imera herself."


* * *


Aila was quiet for a while, but indicated that everyone should continue eating their meal. After her meal had gone cold, she quickly inhaled it in as though she were starving. After that, she stood up and paced around the table.

"Master?" Nuri asked her as she walked around, obviously distracted. Aila stopped and looked at her.

"I choose." She said. Nuri frowned.

"Master? What do you mean?"

"I choose. No god. No person. No former master, and no threat can make me choose something I would not." Her eyes turned into solid gray orbs, similar to metal spheres, but spilling white mists. As she spoke, her voice echoed throughout the manor, and into their hearts.

"I choose, and no one decides but me. My family is chosen by me. My lovers are chosen by me. My wives are chosen by me. No one else." Aila's eyes turned back to normal, and she walked out of the room. They looked at each other, completely startled and frightened.

"Echoes." Nuri whispered. Alara nodded, and held her hand.

"Not Imera's. Hers." Ivadra said. She held her chest and closed her eyes. "No wonder we call her Master."

No one was able to voice what was within their minds.

Their Master was a god.


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