The Ascension

Chapter 46 – A Favor Owed

Up to Chapter 56 for first tier patrons, and chapter 59 for second tier.


"Master." Shaala said after Aila went into the kitchen.

"Their insides were scarred. Heavily. I've healed them both, but I am angry. I didn't want to frighten them with 'what if I hadn't noticed', or 'what if they hadn't said anything'." Aila said, but the veins on the side of her head jumped a few times, and her eyes glowed lightly. She currently controlled her temper, but it was difficult to do.

"I understand." Shaala said, and looked at her sister.

"Whatever he wanted to use, he used, Master." Kaala said. "Those collars kept us obedient, and the elders never stopped him. At the end, he was only stopped because they had to sell us. Our two sisters, the ones who died, were the last ones he 'played with'."

"He will not live. There is a group who owe me for not destroying them. As much as I want to do the deed, I would rip him apart and make it far to easy to die." She grit her teeth. "Tell me something we need. I don't want them to know what I plan."

"Bread, cheese, salt, and if you can find it, some sugar or honey. I can make something sweet as a treat with the ingredients you already purchased, but a sweet is needed." Kaala said. Aila smiled, reached out and drew the two women close.

"I don't know what I would do without my wives."  Aila inhaled their scents.  "All of you are precious to me."


* * *


"Shaala. What did she say?" Ellie asked, while she held Elena's hand.

"You and your sister had internal injuries. Scarring from what he did. She healed you so you are exactly as you should be. The scars are gone. Your bodies will behave as ours do. Without damage." Shaala said. Elena nodded.

"I felt something different. There is no more pain." She said quietly. "Where did Master go?" Elena looked around. "I don't see her, or feel her close by. I can always feel her when she's inside the walls."

"To make sure he dies." Shaala said. Elena laid down and held onto her sister's arm.

"How?" Ellie asked.

"She said that if she does it, it will be over too quickly. She's so angry, she would rip him in two." She sighed. "She didn't want you to know because she didn't want you to worry." Ellie slowly nodded.

"I know, but she needs to come back and tell us herself. We hate him, but we don't hate him so much that we want Master to get hurt. We love Master more." Ellie said quietly. Elena nodded.

"Master is more important because she stopped it. I hate him for what he did to Ellie." She covered her face. "I want to kill him myself, to protect Ellie." Elena looked at them. "If she's hurt, she'll have to apologize all night." Kaala sighed and laid down with the girls. Shaala laid down behind Ellie.

"We were too old to get his attention, girls. We are sorry we couldn't help you." Ellie and Elena started to cry.

The two women who did help them had sacrificed their own bodies to keep him occupied, and they were now dead as a result. They would never wish that on these two kind gentle women, even if they wanted it to stop.

Now their Master was on her way to Aros and physically getting closer to the beast disguised as a man.  They hated him so much, they would kill him with their own hands if they could.


* * *


"Sir!" The Guild Master lifted his eyes as his steward came into the room.

"You've never come in without being invited. It must be important." He said.

"She's here!" The steward said and watched the Guild Master's eyes twitch.

"Show her in. If she wants in, nothing can stop her. Black panthers and iron tusked boars. Yeah, I am no match." The steward bowed quickly and walked out. Several seconds later, a person he feared to meet while she was angry was in front of him, and quite angry.

"He hurt my girls. Long term injuries while they were slaves. I spared the guild." She said with red glowing eyes.

"Liam?" He asked, at which she nodded. "Immediate death?"

"A bit at a time. I want him to shit himself in fear. Become crippled, and hopeless. Make him run for his life, and make him believe he can escape. Then hunt him down slowly." Aila's eyes went from red into a molten metal as the vein along her temple bulged. The Guild Master smiled.

"This is an easy request." He stood up. "He cost me some good men, and I aim to take his life even after he pays the penalty. This method will make me feel much better. It will take time to accomplish from beginning to end, but he won't live out the month." Aila put a blue gem on his desk.

"I don't expect the guild to work for free. They have to be able to pay their bills, and look forward to the contract." Aila walked away, while the Guild Master sat down heavily.

"Is that what I think it is?" The steward asked in shock.

"A reward. Bloody stones, a water core from a river python, rank four. Not only is she making the reward substantial, she's also reminding us that any action against her is a foolish act." He said quietly.

"I've talked with Toril." Steward Pern said quietly. "Broken bones from the impact of her fist on the stone bear.  And the iron tusked boar? A killing blow with a simple short sword. She didn't need to give this warning." The Guild Master nodded.

"True. Gather the best. We'll use six members to accomplish this, including Bass. He will want some payback."


* * *


No beast would come near her on the way home. Even the storm wolves were not that stupid as she radiated such chaotic elemental essence, the ground deformed under her feet.

When she closed the gate, and set the handles down, she lifted her eyes, and saw the only two people in this world that had every reason to hate, but didn't. Ellie and Elena stood at the door, hand in hand, and watched her carefully.

"Master." They walked towards her, and looked her up and down. "No injuries. That makes us happy since you went near him." Aila's cheek twitched a bit. "Is he dead?"

"No. I hired the Assassin's Guild. I told them I wanted him killed slowly, but the Guild Master had already planned to kill him. I made sure he would die screaming and crying." Aila said, and felt both girls take her hands.

"As long as you're safe, Master, that's all that matters." Elena said. Aila couldn't stop suppress it any longer. Tears rolled down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry." she whispered. "I didn't know because I didn't check. I should have checked." Elena and Ellie drew her into the house, and pulled her into the bed.

"Master. We told the others that if you were hurt, you would have to apologize all night to make it up to us." Ellie touched Aila's cheek and traced the wet trail. "You're crying, which means you're hurt. You have to make it up to us, as your wives." Aila sniffed.

"You're angry at me?" Ellie nodded.

"You left, and told us lies. Now make it up to us." Ellie said. "It's my night, and now I'm going to share it with my precious sister. You have to apologize with kisses, and loving."

Aila laughed, but soon that laughter turned into helpless sobs. She had thought she had taken care of the worst of the injuries, and was attentive to them. Unfortunately, she had missed the pain they were in, and didn't check to make sure. While she held them, they held her until her tears stopped.

When they started to kiss, the harmonic resonance of the elements within the girls, and the elements that radiated out of Aila, turned the girls into puddles of sensation.  Both were exhausted messes before the sun rose in the sky in the morning.

Ellie shared her time, but unlike Nadya, neither girl had an opportunity to sleep that night. Aila did exactly as they requested.

She apologized so sincerely, and so intently, their moans and cries made everyone else truly jealous. A common thought echoed out of Nuri's mouth.

"I hope she apologizes to me like this on my night."


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