Reaver’s Song

Author’s Note and Poll

And so our journey has come to a close at long last. Well…more or less, anyway. There are going to be two follow up chapters…epi-epilogues? I guess? Which will be in the book and Kindle edition and which I will publish on Scribblehub and Tapas around the first of the year or so but, for all intents and purposes. Minji’s journey has come to an end.

What started out for her as a night spent watching bait anime in her apartment in Seoul has finished in a renovated hotel in Tottori, Japan caring for a hodgepodge of people from her journeys, her new girlfriend (Sorry! Fiancé!) as well as new kemonomimis. Though Sayuri and Sora are the first of her new menagerie they certainly won’t be the last and, who knows? Maybe I’ll write continuing adventures for Minji as she copes with a new life, new challenges, and new friends (or enemies).

For me this is the end of a 17-month journey I wasn’t sure I would ever finish. Thanks to you, each and every one who read and commented and shared and suffered and laughed along with my little group of characters I have pulled successfully into the station.

I will be having a poll so you can choose which NSFW stories I will include in the novel. The top two pairs will get their sexy time in the novel while the non-canon pair top two will have their stories published on Scribblehub (Tapas frowns on pretty much everything so I won’t bother irritating their censors anymore than I already have.) For the non-canon pairs it won’t give me the option of letting people write in so send me your choices via message and I'll post a new poll after this poll is done with the top pairs!

The Kindle edition and paperback of Reaver’s Song will publish on October 27th with the hardback publishing November 17th. Please feel free to shoot me a message if you have any questions!

Once again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for making Reaver’s Song such a success and wish nothing but joy for each of you. As for me, I’m looking forward to being a reader once again for the foreseeable future. I hope to see you again with my next novel and if not, safe journeys and happy endings to you!




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