Power Overwhelming

Chapter 156++ - Heirs


The main celebration had petered out already, and they had moved to the afterparty portion. Most of the guests that had come for political reasons had already left, and those that had stayed were those interested in enjoying themselves. Many were older and just wanted to enjoy the great offerings of drinks and food with good conversations, while the majority were from the younger generations looking for other kinds of opportunities and excitement. They too enjoyed what was on offer, though many of them focused more on the drinks and the entertainment. Soft music was playing in one of the side rooms with many couples dancing along with the music, while in other rooms you could find everything ranging from acrobats to mages that used their spells to create wonderful displays of skill. Friendly duels and contests of various kinds were very common.

Karna smiled a bit as she moved through the various rooms, gathering good-natured greetings and even some invitations to join the different groups. She also received a fair number of thinly veiled propositions. She didn’t dismiss any of them outright, simply opting to move from one room to another. She’d already noted that Envy had found some man to dance with, while Hope had been involved in a rather heated discussion with a beautiful elven girl. Tsumi had disappeared somewhere, and Valor was also suspiciously missing, although that could’ve just been a coincidence. Either way, it seemed that her allies were taking advantage of the opportunity to relax.

Having spent most of the evening socializing and politicking, she decided to take a breather and walked outside into the garden. As they were still in the mountainous terrain of the titans, the view from outside was spectacular. The night sky was filled with bright stars, which when combined with the light from the moons allowed you to see much further than you’d expect this late at night. Many of the mountaintops around this place were covered in snow, though the venue itself was located on a fair bit smaller mountain, allowing for a warmer climate. Still, the gardens were filled with relatively small plants that could deal with harsher weather and winter flowers that bloomed in bright colors against the slight dusting of snow that was on the ground.

The air was slightly chilly, though no immortal would be bothered by this kind of temperature, even considering the rather light clothing she was wearing. Her dress was literally made of dreams, so it offered no protection from the elements. Not that she needed any. Still, it wouldn’t be pleasant to stay out here for too long. She was starting to consider going back inside when she sensed someone approaching from inside the venue.

She didn't turn to look, but she could feel that the one approaching her was quite powerful, around rank 11, and she could tell they were a titan. "Heir Ynnead." She heard a pleasantly deep male voice from behind her.

She turned her head just enough to get a glance at the man. He was part of the group of titans sent to the event to show that their house had not grown weak. He was a member of the younger generation, though his name currently escaped her. He wasn't one of the titans she'd had contact with before aside from occasionally being present in the same place. "No need for such formality anymore. The main party is already over. I have to admit, I cannot remember your name at the moment."

The man stepped up next to her, to view the terrain that he was most likely more familiar with. As with all titans, he had reduced his height to match the visitors, although he was still taller than her despite her size being increased by being a goddess. “That’s alright. I’d be more surprised if you did.” He nodded, not seeming surprised in the least. “My name is Hyperion. Your father is my cousin.”

At first impressions, the man seemed very solid in his manner and personality. Karna got the instant feeling that he wasn’t one for ostentatious actions or behavior and that he likely preferred to take things slow and steady. He also radiated power in the element of earth in addition to the standard titan staples like lightning and metal. Those talented in the earth element usually were steady in personality as well. "And what brings Hyperion out here?"

“You.” He admitted directly, without blinking or missing a beat. “I’m certain you’re aware, but most younger male members of the house have been not-so-subtly encouraged to pursue your interest. Not that we wouldn’t have been interested anyway. I thought making a more direct approach might be the way to go.”

He was rather direct indeed. “And what sort of approach are you making? What is it that you want, exactly?” She asked, a bit of a teasing tone in her voice.

“I would like to help you produce an heir. And if you give me the opportunity, I would very much like to try my best to make you happy as well.” He said directly and without any skirting of the subject.

“You’d like to help me produce an heir, huh?” She smiled at his directness. “So, you’re here in an attempt to bed me then?”

“That is usually part of the process, yes.” He smiled a bit as well. “I would be lying if I didn’t say I would like that very much. In fact, were I given the opportunity, I’d like nothing more than to help give you many, many children. I may not be the most romantic man, nor the most socially savvy, but with me, you get what you see, and I'd like to think of myself as the reliable type. I do believe I could help you gain happiness.”

She took a more direct look at the man. He was large, well-built, and broad-shouldered. A real mountain of a man. He was very buff and solidly built, which the clothes he wore quite clearly outlined. He looked like he put in the work, both in training and in whatever he chose to do. She could sense his cultivation, both magical and Qi, were extremely solid. He was not the most handsome immortal she'd ever seen, but he was still quite good-looking even by divine standards. His features were solid and sharp, and he was both clean-shaven and had dark, short, cropped hair. Despite what one might think from his words and approach, there was a definite spark of intelligence in his eyes. He might not have been a plotter in the social sense, but he was far from stupid, and she could sense he had great potential, for a non-reincarnator.

At the same time as she evaluated him, he did the same to her as he checked her from head to toes. There was a reason she wore the dress made of dreams. Not only did it show the viewer what they wanted to see, but it also told her what the ones she was talking with dreamt to see her like. It was useful to know when someone was seeing her as an object of desire or not. When Hyperion had come outside, her dress had appeared as quite proper to him, but now that he allowed his eyes to roam her body, he was quite literally undressing her with his gaze. And her attire could turn quite alluring when she allowed it to, which she more often than not did. She could see the passion and desire rising in his eyes. He liked what he saw, and wasn’t hiding it.

She felt the urge to give the man a chance. A large part of that was the fact that she was quite keen on getting intimate with someone tonight, and Hyperion had made the most interesting proposition so far. So as long as she was planning on sleeping with someone, why not this man? He certainly seemed like a better option than many others. “Well, you’ve made your case at an interesting time. I think I could see myself giving you the opportunity to make an attempt at least. If you can at least make me happy tonight, then we can discuss the future further." Her smile turned quite seductive, and she turned around to lead him somewhere more private.

They were both quiet as they made their way through the palace-like building until they reached the accommodations appointed to him, as they were closer than hers. His rooms were quite spartan. Not that she paid much attention to them, as they didn't waste much time. As soon as the door closed behind him, Hyperion pushed her against the wall and leaned forward to kiss her. He wasn't using force, but he was being forceful. Not asking for permission and being determined. She had challenged him to make her happy tonight, so he would try to do it his way.

He trapped her between himself and the wall as he kissed her. Even his kiss was determined and firm, slowly turning more passionate as they got into it and their tongues dueled. He trapped her arms above her head with one of his hands, before bringing his other hand up to her hip and slowly sliding it up towards her chest, caressing her body with his hard but surprisingly gentle fingers. He was holding her in a way that made his attitude clear. His actions were telling her that she could resist and push him away if he did something she really didn’t want, but until then, she was at his mercy and he would do things rather forcefully.

He also took his time. Their kissing went on for several minutes, during which he brought his hand to cup her breasts, which he gave a firm squeeze and a long caress before allowing his arm to travel back down her body, where it came to rest on her rear. He grabbed her butt firmly and confidently, causing his fingers to sink into her soft and supple flesh.

She rather liked where this was headed, so when his other arm released her wrists to also travel down her body and grab her other butt cheek, she kept her hands above her head. They could both sense the passion building and the duel of their tongues got more heated and more intent. She toyed with his tongue, almost teasing and taunting him, to which he responded by taking control by pushing both of their tongues into her mouth, where he almost wrestled down her tongue with his own.

After their passions started to reach a suitable fever pitch, he lifted her up with the two hands holding her butt and started carrying her deeper inside his rooms. Her hands automatically went to grab his broad shoulders for balance, and she noted with satisfaction that his body was just as firm as it looked. His muscles were strong and powerful, and he'd clearly taken his physical training seriously, not just relying on his natural strength and Qi. As titans, they both had great natural strength and solid defenses, but Hyperion had clearly spent a lot of time building his strength further.

He carried her all the way to his bed, and he set her down just in front of it without breaking the kiss for a moment. He brought his hands to her shoulders and pushed the straps holding her dress up down, causing the dress to start falling down on the floor, although the dress made of dreams disappeared before it touched the ground, leaving her fully naked in all her glory. Without missing a beat, he threw off his own jacket and pushed down his trousers, leaving him just as naked as she was.

As their bodies pressed together, her large and soft breasts pushing against his firm and chiseled chest, she could feel his manhood rising to attention between her legs. The fact that she could feel it brushing against her butt cheeks and beyond, and the fact that she actually had to widen her stance just a bit to accommodate it told her she was dealing with something quite large. Something that pleased her immensely. Her own hands now roamed his body as well, proving the rest of his body was just as firmly built and muscled as his shoulders, another fact that pleased her quite a bit. She wasn’t extremely picky when it came to the appearance of her partners, but she could still appreciate the male physique in all its glory, and this man seemed to define the words well-built.

He grabbed her hips and easily lifted her in the air, before setting her down on the edge of the bed, and kneeling in front of her. He grabbed her ankles and started kissing his way down, alternatively on both legs, slowly making his way towards her core. He knew how to build anticipation, allowing his little butterfly kisses to circle her most sensitive spots before he finally dived in. Once his tongue did push its way inside her though, gentle was not the word she’d use. Passionate and determined would’ve been more accurate. His tongue probed and prodded her insides for the best reactions, while his hands caressed her legs and ass with confidence and purpose.

She had to bite her lip to stop herself from moaning out as his tongue lashed her insides. She had made herself very sensitive and easy to please on purpose because she knew men were usually not too keen on long foreplay, nor did she mind getting right to business either. So when someone actually did take their time to make her feel good, she quickly came to the conclusion that she might have gone a tad bit overboard. And Hyperion took his time and full advantage. He made sure to find all her most sensitive spots and focused on them until she couldn't stop a moan of pleasure from escaping her lips as her hips bucked as the first orgasm crashed over her. That didn’t stop him though. Instead, he redoubled his efforts and now started to suck on her clit as well, causing her hips to buck again in surprise as it felt like an electric shock had run through her body. He kept on going until she moaned out again as she came a second time, and this time her moan was quite a bit louder.

She was gasping for breath from keeping her voice down, as he helped her onto the bed properly and climbed on top of her. She didn’t fight at all as he pushed her hands above her head again, instead opening her legs wide in invitation. The earlier part had been fun, but not what she really wanted. What she really needed. It had been many years since her last tryst with Hou Yi and she needed something big and hard inside her almost desperately. She hadn’t realized how badly she needed it until the moment was upon her, but now that it was, she was more than ready to welcome him inside her.

Without a single word, Hyperion placed his manhood against her ready and willing opening and started pushing inside. "AAAAAAHHN!" She cried out in pleasure, unable to stop herself as his massive cock split her open and forced its way inside.

He was so big! It felt like she was being split in two, but in the best way possible. Despite how hard she squeezed down on him and how tight she was, his hard cock easily sunk into her very core, pushing right into her womb. As titans had metallic skin, the old saying about a man’s cock being rock hard was more than accurate this time, as he was even harder, and her soft flesh easily gave way. Yet despite being so hard and stiff, he felt warm and alive inside her. His was also one of the largest manhoods she’d taken as a humanoid, filling her completely.

He moaned out in pleasure as well. “Gods you feel so good.” His lips came to hers, as he pressed their bodies together, his much larger frame engulfing her almost entirely, only her legs visible as they lewdly pointed towards the ceiling at his sides. While kissing her, he started moving his hips slightly, making small tentative thrusts inside her, causing waves of unbearable pleasure with every thrust. Now Karna was quite certain that she'd gone too far with her modifications. With his size, he wasn't just hitting the best places. He was hitting all the places, and the pleasure was just too much.

After seeing that she could take him entirely and had no trouble handling his size, he broke the kiss and pulled away a bit so that he could start thrusting properly. He picked up speed and power on every thrust, driving his cock inside her harder and harder, and the pleasure was driving her crazy. She could no longer think straight as he drove inside her, their bodies now coming together with loud smacks as he took her hard. And he was taking her. He made sure to keep her hands locked above her head the entire time, and he paid no heed to her as he roughly drove himself inside her again and again.

Every thrust elicited a cry of pleasure and passion from her, and she found herself babbling. “H-harder! AHHN! Make -ah- a mess -hmmm- out of me.”

He did just as she asked, driving inside her faster and harder, their bodies coming together in the old dance of pleasure familiar to all species. When he drove inside her, she forgot everything else besides the pleasure and surrendered herself to it completely. She forgot politics, she forgot the struggle for power, and she forgot everything she still had to do. All that mattered was that he was making her feel so good she could no longer think, and she hoped he would keep doing it.

As she’d made herself easy to please, her third orgasm quickly overwhelmed her, and her loud and almost animalistic cry of pleasure echoed off the walls, as she could no longer even think about holding her voice back. As her body twitched through her third orgasm, he kept driving inside her, plowing her fertile fields, just as lost to passion as she was. All he could think about was his desire to take this woman and impregnate her. It was a deep-seated instinct brought to dominance by their shared passion. This was also a dream come true for him, as he’d desired to be with her since he laid his eyes on her, and her actions since had only heightened that desire. As such, it didn’t take long for him to reach his peak either.

Her feet had been lewdly pointing towards the ceiling this entire time he was plowing her, but as they both sensed he was reaching his peak, her legs wrapped around his waist to keep him in place as he came inside her. He came like a fountain, reaching an orgasm the likes of which he’d never experienced, and almost fainted as it felt like some kind of force had reached inside him to pull all of his seed out and into her womb. As she felt him filling her up, she reached her fourth peak, actually fainting for a couple of seconds by the sheer intensity of the pleasure.

She came back to as he pulled out from her causing her to make a confused sound. “Wuh?” She didn’t want to stop there, and apparently neither did he, as he got behind her on the bed, lifting one of her legs in the air before pushing inside her again. “AHHN! YES! More!” She cried out.

To her surprise, as she opened her eyes, she noticed she was looking straight into a large mirror placed on one side of the bed. She could clearly see where his huge cock pushed inside her, splitting her pussy lips so wide open that it looked almost grotesque. But in the best way. His manhood was so large that she could see the bulge it made through her own stomach. She watched as her own expression was turned into a mess of passion and ecstasy, and as her large breasts bounced around wildly as he thrust inside her just as hard as before. It looked so shameful, and it also looked so beautiful.

She’d just had the shameful thought about someone else seeing her like this, cumming over and over again lost in pleasure as she was being bred when Hyperion whispered in her ear. "You see the large window there?"

She did. Behind the mirror were wall-to-ceiling windows that showed the internal courtyard and the building across. "AAH! YES!" She cried out.

"With how bright it is inside here, there's a good chance those on the other side of the courtyard can see us through the window." He whispered in her ear in a voice filled with passion. He could feel her reaction as her pussy squeezed even harder around his cock, "And it seems you enjoy that idea."

“Yes!” She cried out openly. She enjoyed the thought very much indeed. She’d never been a prude, and the thought of being watched turned her on a lot.

“You enjoy the idea of others watching me fuck an heir into your womb.” He continued whispering, his words driving her crazy.

“YES! Let them watch!” She cried out loudly, cumming hard at the thought. She could also play along with such games.

“Let everyone see as I impregnate you.” He thrust inside her again and again, driving her wild. He certainly knew how to push her buttons, though she had so many buttons to push that it was not that difficult to hit something she enjoyed. It worked though, and as he came inside her again, her cry of pleasure had turned her voice hoarse.

As they both collapsed on the bed, Hyperion asked. “Well, did I succeed in making you happy?”

“At least for tonight, yes.” She replied in a scratchy voice, breathing heavily. “We’ll have to try this again just to make sure it wasn’t a fluke though.”

He kissed her neck, still behind her while his cock was still lodged inside her. "I'd be more than happy to. Now, how about round three?"

“Oh yes.” She gasped out breathily. “Round three sounds good.”

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