Power Overwhelming

Chapter 155 - Of pillows and consorts


”Can I get up already?” Ysendra complained as she had been forced to kneel and face the corner of the room.

“No. You fiend. Demon.” Karna said with a judging voice while kneading a pillow in her Tressym form. “Not until I’m sure Super Softy McSoftenstein is alright.”

“Come on! The pillow is fine! I didn’t damage it at all.” The Cobra Dragon protested feebly.

“You threatened the life of an innocent pillow! What if the pillow gets traumatized? Or has nightmares!” Karna wasn’t giving in though.

“It’s…a pillow. I’m sure the pillow’s feelings weren’t hurt. Besides, it worked! It got you to stop attacking the formation.” Ysendra tried to make her case.

“Shh, don’t listen to her. She doesn’t understand.” Karna theater whispered to the pillow. “Only bad people like her try to make excuses when it comes to wanton violence against the innocent."

“As fun as this comedy show is to watch, she does have a point.” Envy decided to interject. “Super Softy McSoftenstein is fine, and it was beyond a doubt the best way to get that new form of yours to behave.”

“The disregard for innocent lives is spreading.” Karna gasped and patted the pillow. “Don’t worry. You’re safe now. I’ll protect you and introduce you to other nice pillows.”

A little to the side, Hope, Dee, and Selendil were watching the display with wry amusement. “Is she…aright?” Selendil asked a little worried. “We wouldn’t want what happened to have left any adverse effects.” She was being nice about asking if Karna had gone crazy.

Hope chuckled. “She’s mostly joking to let off stress. There’s also a fair bit of dragon’s hoarding instinct involved, and her hoarding fixation happens to be pillows. That’s why Ysendra’s threat worked so well.”

"Oh, I have a bit of that instinct as well," Dee admitted while nodding her head.

“Besides, having lived so long, none of us are entirely sane.” Hope finished off with something that could be seen as a joke, although it really wasn’t.

“What now?” Envy asked Karna as the little sideshow reached a natural stopping point.

“Now we wait until the rest of you rank up. In the meantime, we’ll try to figure out what’s going on with the Netherworld. Wisdom reported that they’re acting weirdly. I’ll also have to see if the other houses with Kronus’ allies have reached a decision. I’d like to forge some alliances as well. Once we have the required power and allies, I think I’ll finally have to deal with Hoeth and try to find Pride. He’s been quiet for too long. Whatever he’s planning, we need to put a stop to it. Grand plans are his thing, but usually he doesn’t stay this quiet for this long. We already got word that he’s involved with the imperial guard, and we really want to avoid a direct fight with them.” Karna outlined the broad strokes of her plan. “Besides that, I think we should try to spend some time relaxing. With enough power we can take some time for ourselves. Something that has been in short supply.”


“I’m glad to have gotten an invitation. The titans have been the target of many rumors and much curiosity lately, and it’s good to finally get some clarity in all this.” The Harpy made a polite bow as he greeted Karna.

The titans were having an official celebration for the elevation of a new heir, and many of the more influential houses and groups had been given invitations. The Harpy was naturally included as they wanted to maintain amicable relations with the man. “It only felt right after our previous meeting. I hope you will enjoy our little soiree. It is modest, but hopefully it’ll be up to your standards.” Karna replied.

The event was far from modest, as it was also a display of House Titannica’s might and wealth. The venue was sufficiently opulent and grandiose, with only the finest in Divine Planes food, drink, and entertainment on offer. In fact, the grandiosity was one of the reasons it had taken so long for the party to take place, in addition to Karna’s rank up. The latter of which didn’t go unnoticed. “House Titannica doesn’t disappoint. I was getting a little afraid you would skip these sorts of events, but I can now see why you waited. Celebrating a rank up at the same time is naturally more effective in conveying the right kind of message.”

The Harpy himself could tell Karna was quite a bit stronger than himself, and so could almost everyone present. It wasn’t lost on anyone that she’d defeated Kurnous before this improvement in rank, and she was only stronger now. Knowing that, House Titannica was making a deliberate show of force at the same time. All of their most powerful members were in attendance, including Karna’s friends, in an attempt to prove that the loss of Kronus had not weakened them. As the group had already been a source of achievements during the crusade, they could make a show of the new heir’s accomplishments. Few heirs of houses had too many large achievements to boast about when they took on the position of heir after all. The real work and responsibility usually started afterwards.

“Merely a coincidence, I assure you.” Karna smiled slyly at the Harpy, allowing him to read between the lines.

“Well then. It is customary to bring a gift to these kinds of occasions, to celebrate your rise in status. For some reason, an odd rumor about appropriate gifts was circulating around. I’ve gotten used to listening to such rumors as they tend to be right rather often and can produce interesting results even when wrong. That said, if the gift is inappropriate, then I do apologize in advance.” He pulled out a luxurious deep red pillow with gold highlights, the sort of thing you used to put your presents on, though this time there wasn’t anything on top of it.

Karna’s smile widened. She had no idea whose idea it was to circulate that rumor, but it had produced wonderful results. Most visitors had another gift on top of the pillow just in case, but the number of high-quality pillows she’d received was quite gratifying. “You heard correctly Harpy, as usual.” She reassured him as she received the pillow, making it disappear into her hoard. The other gifts she distributed either to her friends or to enrich House Titannica. Any weapons she fed to her sheath to power it up and to add further abilities to her arsenal.

She was currently receiving and greeting visitors in a slightly smaller room connected to the grand ballroom and the rest of the venue. She'd greet each visitor privately while receiving their gifts and exchanging a few words. Envy had suggested that she should sit on a throne in the main ballroom, but Karna didn’t want to give the impression she was lording over people. It would be poor form. She’d have time for lording later.

“I must admit that I’m slightly curious, but I’ll leave the questions for now.” The Harpy stared at the spot where the pillow had disappeared, trying to figure out what the joke was. “You still have many more people to greet, and I shall not take more of your time. For now.” The man moved on to the rest of the venue.

Karna still couldn’t quite figure out the Harpy, but she didn’t have the time to waste figuring it out either, as the next group was moving in already. And the group happened to be the same pair of dragons she and Shiva had met with earlier, the leader of House Draconis and his heir. Two powerful dragon gods. "Heir Titannica. Official congratulations on your elevation." The Dragon God nodded to her in greeting. His dragon robes were a different color, but otherwise very similar. He wasn't shy about advertising his affiliation.

“Heir Titannica welcomes the God of the Gem Dragons, and the God of the Obsidium Dragons.” She returned the nod, a fraction lower to show she was still below him in the complex hierarchy of divine politics, although not by much.

The man made a small grunt, clearly relieved that the formalities had been observed and they could move on. "I'm saddened to report that the information you provided turned out to be accurate. I did wish you were wrong, alas we were not so fortunate. However, I am pleased to inform you that House Draconis has cleansed its ranks. Once we verified the truthfulness of the information, the other dragon gods were quick to act.”

That news brought a smile to her. “Good to know. We’ve been receiving similar reports from the other implicated houses. We won’t be able to keep the entire thing under wraps with so many notable figures being cleansed in multiple houses, but at least we can say we’ve dealt with the issue.”

“Well, the House of Dragons appreciates your information.” He couldn’t say that the information would count as covering the debt she owed them, as she hadn’t really done them a favor as much as they’d simply dealt with a common problem. “On that note, it seems that the cooperation between our houses has been quite fruitful lately, and House Draconis would like to enter a more permanent alliance with House Titannica.”

Karna had a good idea about where this was going. “What exactly did you have in mind?”

“The metallic dragons suggested that we could make the alliance official by having one of ours become your consort. Approving this would also count as repaying the favor for joining your crusade.” He suggested.

They both knew this was stretching things a bit. The dragons had benefitted quite a bit from joining the crusade already, in addition to the information she’d provided. They also knew she had a claim on becoming the emperor, and it increasingly looked like her odds weren’t too bad. However, the dragons had taken a leap of faith for her, and they were settling for the position of a consort instead of an official spouse, and political marriages like this were the most common way of solidifying alliances. She was also the most logical target of such marriages as a part dragon herself. Whoever was to become her consort would also officially join House Titannica, so that was a concession of sorts. Such an alliance would benefit both parties and bring two of the most important magical beast houses together, forming the beginnings of a very powerful coalition.

“I’ll have to consider this, as I can’t make an immediate decision. Did you already have someone in mind?” She had been expecting this ever since she’d asked for the help of the dragons. It was obvious they would want some way to integrate her blood with their house.

“We leave that choice to you, although we do have some candidates in mind. My heir is also excluded from contention for obvious reasons, no matter how much he’d prefer otherwise. Just like you’re the heir of your house, he is the heir of mine. He cannot become a consort in another house without ceding his position, which would create a host of issues.”

“I shall take this up with my friends and allies.” She nodded, and the pair of dragons moved on, after dropping off a very dragon-themed pillow.

She pondered on the situation while receiving other guests. An alliance with the dragons was what they were aiming for, and their condition for the alliance was far from unexpected. In fact, their terms were rather generous in simply asking for the position of a consort and allowing her to pick the partner. It just showed how much they wanted both the connection, as well as her bloodline. She’d also mentally prepared for just such a request when she’d asked for the help of the dragons. The only question was, did she need the alliance? Strictly speaking she might not, but it would make things easier, and the price she had to pay wasn’t too bad.

The dragons were not the only ones she had to worry about in that sense though. Gaia had approached her just before the celebration with something similar. “You’re still a very young immortal, so there’s no rush in that regard, but everyone in the House is well aware that you’re aiming to become the Empress. We obviously support you in that regard, but it would leave you with less time to lead House Titannica and produce heirs. The last two leaders of the House were heirless, and that’s always bad for a house because it can, and eventually will, lead to internal problems. That was one of the reasons Kronus was such an easy pick for the position. Whatever his other foibles, his power was real, and he had multiple heirs. The rest of the House could relax if you had an heir as well. A Titan heir. Otherwise, we might be headed towards a third childless leader in a row, and our luck will eventually run out when it comes to not having usurpers appear.” The goddess had explained. “I don’t want to give you the impression that you have to do it, but it would make things a whole lot calmer within the House, and the sooner you show some progress in that regard, the better. Even taking a titan lover would go a long way towards making some in our House less on the edge.”

It was a fact that in the Divine Planes political marriages and getting together simply to produce heirs was common. Most of the magical beings cared deeply about their bloodlines, and it was the mixing of those bloodlines that had resulted in her mother Khaine being imprisoned. Karna herself was a bit of an oddity in that sense since she had so many bloodlines. Political marriages didn’t mean there was no room for love, but that usually resulted in even married people taking lovers. Humans were freer in that regard as they didn’t have to worry about bloodlines. That didn’t mean the humans didn’t have their own considerations, but they were enforced less strictly.

The process to greet all the guests finally came to an end, allowing Karna to join in on the celebration as well. It didn’t take long for Envy to approach her. “Would you happen to be aware of what Tsumi is doing at the moment?” The smirk on her face was not a positive one.

"What has she done now?" Karna asked wearily.

“She’s joined hands with the Harpy to make a list of the most eligible bachelors in the Divine Planes, and especially of those currently present. She’s also effectively interviewing all those on her list to pick out the best ones.” Envy explained with a certain degree of glee.

"And pray tell, why she's doing something like that?" Karna wasn't sure if she wanted to know the answer.

"Well, it seems she's hellbent on getting all of us laid. She also heard your discussion with Gaia and knows you're under certain pressures, so she wants to make things easier for you. Or at least that's what she says. Personally, I think she’s just horny after being healed from being exposed to the negative energy. I know positive energy can cause certain side effects as well. She’s looking for herself just as much as for the rest of us, although I have a sneaking suspicion that she has set her eyes on Valor for some reason.”

"I mean, he isn't bad looking and he does cut a rather heroic figure. He's a bit straight-laced for the two of us, but for Tsumi, he might be just the thing." Karna shrugged. She looked at Envy more directly. "What's your take on all of this?" She was slightly worried about how Envy would react to her potentially getting a consort or even a child. Her current grin was a positive sign though.

"Hmm, I certainly wouldn't mind a bit of fun. It is true that we haven't had time for anything like that after arriving at the Divine Planes. In fact, we spent several years before that too busy to get any as well. Now that I think about it, it might be almost a decade since my last time. I certainly wouldn’t mind an opportunity to have my ashes hauled. You did mention that we might have time for something like that, so this might not be a bad opportunity. The problem is finding the right partner. I don’t think either of us is that much of a believer in love anymore, but it would be kind of nice if any such encounters wouldn’t be with people that just want something from me. Or from you through me.”

Karna hadn’t given up on love entirely, and had found it several times in her more brief mortal lives, but she knew that most of such affairs were driven by lust, as forming real connections was hard, especially with people that were mentally so much younger than her. “The dragons just offered an alliance on the condition of sealing it with me getting a consort from their house.” She revealed.

"That's what we pretty much expected, right?" Envy was quick on the uptake. She had also suspected something like this when Karna had called on the dragons. "Seems like a decent opportunity to get your rocks off. Doesn't solve your problem with the titans though. I'd suggest taking both a titan and a dragon consort at the same time."

“That would be politically sound. Still, I dislike the calculated nature of such things. Even if there’s no love involved, I miss a bit of spontaneity. That’s why I like going incognito and allowing whatever happens to happen. Feels more natural that way. Still, it would be hard to turn something spontaneous into a double wedding, and it would be even harder for me to go incognito anymore.” Karna pursed her lips a bit. She’d been party to several political marriages in the past, but she’d never been fond of them. Envy was right about one thing though. It had been much too long since anything happened on her romantic or even just pure pleasure front.

“You’re not incorrect, though I may be more used to the arranged and even transactional way.” Envy admitted freely. She’d often promoted her political prospects in her previous lives with arranged marriages. She had also commonly used her feminine wiles to get what she wanted. For her, trading sexual things for power wasn’t something to be avoided. Not after living so many lives certainly. “Still, I hear Tsumi is trying to arrange something. Who knows? You might be able to wrangle something spontaneous that way.”

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