I Was Called A Demon

Arc 6: Chapter 7

“Mistress, I ran into the product today… she… she’s changed, and grown in power. Do… do you think that she’s still a suitable product, or-”

“Details, pet. More details. I can’t assume that just from a vague description that you utter while trying oh so hard not to drool and cum from the very sound of my voice,” the voice on the other side replied, “Come on, pet, tell me more.”

“Yes, Mistress… She has reached the third realm, and is travelling with four companions that all seem to be in the third realm as well… She took charge when we came across her, even when the others found us, so it seems that they trust her enough to let her speak for them…” Yu Suyu spoke quickly, eager to please her Mistress, “In addition, her skin and hair have gotten lighter, for… some reason…”

“Interesting, interesting… It’s not an archetype trait I’ve ever heard of, so unless she’s from the Bai family-”

“No! I mean… she was quite insistent that she had nothing to do with them, and although it seemed like an act, I doubt that would be so blatant if the truth was what the Blazing Skies disciple had guessed initially…”

“I will forgive your interruption this one time, my pet.”

“I-I’m sorry, Mistress!”

“Don’t be so loud, or else that disciple might hear you. And how naughty of you, you don’t even consider yourself a disciple of that sect despite everything they’ve done for you. All those resources they’ve invested into making sure that you can reach your current realm, all those items they’ve given you so that you may protect yourself… Don’t you feel bad for them at all?”

“No, Mistress. Everything I do is for you, and you alone. Whatever they give me, I would hand over to you without hesitation if you desired it!”

“Really? There isn’t a single person you’d miss?”

“Nobody can compare to you, Mistress. They’re all pathetic and think that they are so much better than the others, but I know the truth – you are supreme, Mistress. You’re my only purpose in this world, and if you wanted me to kill them all, I’d gladly do so.”

“Heh, if they heard your words right now, they’d be so upset… but I’m glad to see that you’ve remembered your training well. When we reunite, I’ll let you spend a while as my seat so that you can be rewarded for your good work.”

Yu Suyu nearly broke out in tears of joy, “Thank you, Mistress! It is my greatest pleasure to serve you!”

“Yes, yes, of course it is. You’re a good girl that learnt all her lessons well. As for that product, that Bianca… where is she going now?”


They returned to the group afterwards, and then, a few minutes later, proceeded onwards. Xue Yaling was left with a short list of features that Bianca wanted her to include. There was nothing too fancy, ultimately, since the main premise of the idea would be fulfilled so long as Bianca could fill up a bottle with cum and make Song Ming drink it instead of things like water.

It wouldn’t even be that unhealthy, since cum was full of protein, and her magical cum produced in excessive quantities seemingly without needing her to use up any of her own fluids, so… it should be great as well, or at least available in excess. As long as she was able to cum as much as the few times she had cum inside of Song Ming, then she’d be able to fill up any container so long as she was given an hour or so to masturbate.

‘And she suggested marking Song Ming with more of my scent by making her suck my cock, so, when I get that bottle, perhaps I could make her blow me until I’m at the edge, then just step away and cum into the container,’ she thought, and then paused, ‘When the fuck did I get to the point of thinking about this so casually?’

She thought about it for a moment, then shrugged. It would be impossible for her to determine that exactly, and there was little point in doing so. Besides, it wasn’t like she wasn’t a pervert as is, way before the Planar Continents became involved. If anything, she had a rather excellent track record lately, since she hadn’t stolen anything of note for quite some time – as far as she was aware, anyway. If the only cost of that was to be that tiny bit more pervy, then she would accept it… and she would’ve been happy to accept it back on Orbis, frankly.

Her parents wouldn’t have approved of the solution, probably, but it would’ve still been something she could go for with… with…

‘Shit. What were their names again? Her name… Um…’ she frowned, looking down at her hand and realising just how different the tone of her skin now was, ‘How much of me is going to be left after all this? How much is left already…’

“Mistress?” Song Ming came up to her, concern obvious in her expression, “Is something wrong?”

“… No, it’s just… thinking. How much have I changed since you first met me back there, in Xi Village?”

“Um… It’s hard to really say, Mistress. Your appearance is obviously different – for the better, in my mind, though I believed you were gorgeous from the moment that I had met you – but on the inside…” she also dropped down into thought, “Huh… You don’t feel too different, Mistress. You’re certainly not some unknown person that only happens to look alike.”

“I see… Well, thanks. Ahem, I might have a treat for you some time soon, depending on Xue Yaling’s ability. As soon as I’ve got it for you, then I’ll share the details,” Bianca said.

“A treat? I’m not sure what you mean exactly, but I’ll eagerly wait for it, Mistress.”

“Don’t be too eager, I’ve really got no idea what the expected delivery date is, so to speak… Just like ordering from- you know what, don’t mind that part.”

Song Ming tilted her head a little in confusion, but eventually shrugged and moved along, leaving Bianca alone with her thoughts once more. Although the uncertainty certainly wanted to creep up on her again, she found it difficult to focus on such things when the lewd thoughts returned to her.

‘… Fuck it, I should just tell Han Rushu not to wash herself for a while, then when the night comes, I’ll be able to clear my head… maybe,’ she pondered, ‘Or I could ask Xue Yaling for a favour. If it’s for the sake of science – or this world’s equivalent – surely she wouldn’t mind jerking me off… Or perhaps Song Ming’s plugged butt could offer me a bit of fun…’

As her thoughts drifted off in this direction, she couldn’t deny that it was a more pleasant line of thought, if nothing else.


“Okay, when you said that there would be a rainforest-like region here, I thought that there’d be a slow transition to it, not just… this,” Bianca said, staring wide-eyed at the sight before her.

Indeed, the forest had begun to change, but rather than a transition over several kilometres, as would be reasonable, it felt as though she was able to see the starts of both biomes and their collision in the middle, all from her current position. In other words, the boundary couldn’t have been bigger than a hundred metres at most, which was utterly insane.

“I did mention that it’s the influence of flame-type energy here. Once the influence ends, there’s no reason for the region to differ from the surrounding climate.”

“That… that doesn’t feel like it makes any sense, to be honest, but if you say so, I really can’t argue…” Bianca sighed, “Does that mean that we’re relatively close to the Phoenix Sect? No way that their influence reaches for kilometres, right?”

“It does, actually. We’ve still got at least a day to go before their lands, then we’d need a while to get through the settlement around them and figure out a plan for us to break in. It’s hard to determine specifics since we’re not able to view the current state of the sect, their defences, their patrols, so on and so forth… Though it’s interesting that the Blazing Skies were here.”

“How so?”

“While the Blazing Skies are relatively friendly with the Phoenix Sect in general, their preference for fire-type techniques mean that they compete over similar resources and supplementary skills, and in general won’t go out of their way to send forces to one another. If those two were here as a result of some interaction between the sects, rather than regular patrols, then it would imply that the Phoenix Sect are lacking in manpower at this moment.”

“… Meaning?”

“They won’t have many guards if this is true. Therefore, we might have a much, much easier time breaking in, since there will be far more openings in their defences.”

“Aah… makes sense. In other words, it would be ideal for us if the Phoenix Sect people have gone off to some other place and have gotten helpers from the others sects to look over their territories? Is that even… something that happens? After all, if they let in some other sect, they’d probably take advantage of the opportunity and steal stuff, right?”

“That’s why the patrols occur only on the outskirts. If they get anything, that can count as part of their payment, and anything of significant value would be found closer to the sect’s centre.”

“I see, guess that is logical… Though, honestly, this still sounds like a bad idea.”

“Then when you’re in charge of our sect, then you may decide never to do such a thing. For now, though, you’re welcome to give your suggestions to any of the Phoenix Sect members we run into, and perhaps they’ll accept it… or just beat you up. One of the two.”

“Right, noted. I’ll keep my comments to myself if we do run into anyone,” Bianca sighed, “Anyhow, what’s the plan? Just stroll in?”

“That’s the best thing to do. If we attempt to sneak inside, the moment we’re noticed, we’ll end up being suspected and observed by the sect’s disciples, which… isn’t ideal.”

“I hope this isn’t something Bianca needed to hear,” Han Rushu muttered.

“I can hear you just fine, though… Look, I’m a little ignorant, but I’m not completely stupid. I can figure things out myself, but there’s no reason not to get help when it’s offered… In other words, shush.”

“Truly, the peak of literacy and phrasing… But the reason I’m concerned is that you can be rather slow on the uptake like this, which would be fine if you would always invoke that other state of yours in important times, but you are way too reluctant to do so,” the blacksmith explained, “Honestly, if you were always in that other state at all times, you’d make for a smart and wise leader at the very least, and perhaps even a good one. Hard to say without seeing you like that for a while longer.”

“I’m working on it, I really am. I just need to find a way to accept the good parts without becoming some kind of psychopathic killer,” Bianca said, sighing, “Don’t you worry, the others can confirm that I don’t refuse to go into that other state when I have to.”

“Fine… Since we’re approaching a sect, mind telling me what your plans are? I recall hearing that you lot wish to start a sect of your own, and if we assume that this little heist works out, then… what?”

“Then… well, I don’t know enough about the geography of the world to presume where good places for a sect are, nor have I spent too long actually considering what it would even be focused on, but… Xue Yaling is attempting to decipher my skills, so it may be that others could learn from my archetype.”

“There are a lot of unknowns and ‘maybe’s in there, girl.”

“I’ve not exactly had the time to research shit, what with us wandering around the woods, but I can tell you this. I intend to make it a place where the other sects cannot force anyone into hiding, where they can’t harass and torment us for no good reason… and I’d probably prefer to accept female disciples, since way too many guys I’ve run into are assholes.”

“Pfft…” Xue Yaling tried to suppress her laughter, and when Bianca’s stare prompted an explanation, she said, “Typically, the Sect Master is an older person, male or female, with an experienced and calm bearing. They’ll either be diplomatic and knowledgeable, or skilled and strong enough that they don’t need to worry about how others feel about them. As such, imagining one of them going up before their disciples, or some other group, and proclaiming that they select women purely because men are ‘assholes’ is endlessly amusing.”

“Tch, of course it is. However, with yin and yang being a thing, couldn’t it be the case that men aren’t suitable for my skills? Hell, they definitely shouldn’t be anywhere near the cock-growth skill, at least.”

“Are you not calling it the Demon’s-”

“No, that name is silly. I’m not sure what else I’ll call it, but… I’ll come up with something.”

“Once I advance my research in regards to it a little more, I should be able to offer some ideas. For the moment, I’m still struggling to understand exactly how a first realm dual cultivation technique is able to outright manifest a penis like that…” the kitsune retreated into thought, so Bianca turned back to the one that started the conversation.

“Anyway, the rest is still potentially years away, at our current rate… It sounds like the Phoenix Sect might have an opening for us to exploit soon, but then we’d need to leave, go as far as possible from them, and then… Do whatever it was that Xue Yaling wanted me to do with the Weave of the Senses.”

“Set up an array of some kind that could guard the sect grounds, most likely. With the Weave of the Senses, you’d be able to empower it even if you’re completely incompetent when it comes to controlling spiritual perception, and then you’d be able to act as a Sect Master even in your current realm… or something like that,” the blacksmith said, “You need a mental skill to improve your memory.”

“Not an option,” Bianca said, “Although I’d very much accept one at this point.”

They went quiet for a while, and trudged through the jungle in the meanwhile. It had transformed rather suddenly from the forest they had gone through prior, but that didn’t prevent it from looking exactly like the rainforest – was a rainforest and jungle one and the same? Bianca hadn’t paid enough attention to her geography lessons to be sure – after only a few dozen minutes of walking at best. There were towering trees and thick foliage all around them, insects all around and various noises filling the air.

It wasn’t the most pleasant thing for her, since she was most familiar with the concrete jungle of Orbis cities, but at the very least it wasn’t too difficult to traverse so far. All the foliage was within the realm of ordinary or low realm flora, therefore any obstructions were carved away with as much ease as an explorer on Orbis might be able to get by with a machete.

It didn’t take them long, either. In less than a few hours, they emerged onto the first populated region they’d seen in a while, a small town of some kind appearing before them. There were only a few buildings of notable size, the rest appearing to be little more than small shacks. The majority of the terrain was filled with farmland, and various trees that were far smaller and planted in an orderly fashion, implying they were farming them as well.

At a glance, she couldn’t figure out exactly what they were doing, but the fact that they were primarily farmers made it obvious that they had to be close to the Phoenix Sect, for whom these people were likely farming.

“Should we approach them, or would it be best to sneak by?” Bianca asked, looking to the kitsune for answers.

“As I said earlier, we should approach naturally, maybe ask for the location of the Phoenix Sect or their surrounding inns and structures. This is a perfectly natural thing to do for travellers of all kinds, save for criminals and the like.”

“I see, alright, we’ll pop in like this then… Everyone, follow me,” she instructed, for some reason that even she couldn’t quite comprehend, but for whatever reason the others did exactly that.

She walked ahead with as much confidence as she could muster… which was far, far more than she realised in the moment. Having reached the third realm, with an abnormal anchor and the experiences of being the Demon Queen, if only for a while and if only with the faintest of memories of it, meant that she was quite far ahead of the typical cultivator in the same realm in terms of presence. And that was when she was compared to someone in her own realm, like the four she was travelling with. When compared to ordinary people, or those in the lower realms or no experience of combat…

Once the first person witnessed her, they cried out, perhaps in excitement or fear. Their voice attracted other farmers, and soon enough it felt like the entire settlement gathered around to witness their arrival.

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