I Was Called A Demon

Arc 6: Chapter 6

“Shh, let me do the talking,” Bianca instantly decided, commanding her pet while channelling some of the confidence of her Demon Queen side.

Unleashing the whole thing would not only be risky, since she might get stuck in that state for a while again, but also, it would be overkill unless this led to a confrontation. If it didn’t, she’d be trying to attack some random hikers or whatever, which would definitely not help her overall reputation, nor her own mental state if she succeeded in killing them.

‘I think about killing people way, way too casually…’ she sighed, though she did rest her hand on her sword.

A few moments later, the hikers appeared, and they wore rather distinctive crimson robes that instantly caused her to tense up. It didn’t take long for her to recognise their origin, the Blazing Skies sect, and she remembered very clearly that she had caused quite a bit of trouble with them in the past. If they were to recognise her, then they’d be in for a fight.

Luckily, there were only two of them, and neither one seemed to be past the third realm.

The man spotted them first and exclaimed, “Ah, Junior Yu, you were right. There are other travellers on this path.”

“I had a feeling, yes… Greetings!” the woman, this Junior Yu, called out, “We are middle disciples from the Blazing Skies Sect, travelling here for the sect’s business. We won’t impose on you longer than we must… Hm.”

Bianca looked over the guy in a second and focused on the woman instead, finding her to be quite the gorgeous lady. She was short and thin, her appearance carrying a certain aura of innocence and purity, but she had boobs and an ass comparable to Bianca’s, with wavy blonde hair that gleamed in the sunlight, lips covered in a tasteful layer of crimson lipstick, and golden eyes that were almost brighter than her hair, a vivid and alluring shade that tempted her to peer into them for quite a while longer.

If she wasn’t potentially an enemy, one that might not hesitate to kill her, Bianca would be tempted to get to know her quite a bit more.

“Is something wrong, Junior Yu?”

“No, I just recalled that you had brought along some of our wanted posters. Since the people in them have yet to be found near our lands, maybe they would’ve seen them out here.”

“… I suppose it’s worth checking,” the man nodded, looking to Bianca and Song Ming – the latter of whom was slowly growing redder and redder as she undoubtedly pondered the fact that she was standing in front of them with a butt plug in her ass and Bianca’s saliva still lingering on her asshole.

It even made Bianca smile just a little, though she supressed her reaction so that it didn’t seem odd to the Blazing Skies disciples.

“Won’t the two of you introduce yourselves?” Bianca asked, “Oh, and if you want, then we’ll take a look.”

“Ah, excuse us. I’m Rong Mu San, and this-”

“I am Yu Suyu, nice to meet you… you’re quite beautiful.”

“Uh… Thanks, Yu Suyu. You’re lovely as well,” Bianca responded, getting closer to Song Ming and quietly grabbing her ass, “I’m, uh, Bai An, and this is Song Ming.”

“Bai… are you related to the Bai family?” Rong Mu San asked.

“Is it because of my skin? Really? That’s absurdly rude…” she immediately retorted, not even knowing what he was on about, “Surely you’re not like him, right?”

Yu Suyu was clearly caught off guard, but she played along, “No, of course not, Senior Rong can just be overly forward at times. Speaking of, Senior, have you retrieved them yet?”

“… Yes, here,” he pulled out a bunch of papers, stacked roughly atop one another, and handed them over, “If you recognise any of them and can help us find them, then we’ll provide you with an appropriate reward.”

“Hmph,” she glared at him and took them off him, continuing her act… even if she wasn’t sure why.

It was just really easy to muster up frustration with the man, and if that got him to pay less attention to her, then it was for the best. For the moment, it certainly seemed to be working, so she wasn’t about to stop.

She examined the wanted posters offhandedly, not expecting to find anyone she knew, but a few sheets later, she nearly stopped when her own face came up. It was rather close to her own appearance, featuring colour, shading and everything… except that the colour of her skin, hair and eyes matched her original look, not her current one.

‘In other words, there is no way for them to say that I and this woman are related unless they know that my appearance has changed… do they? Fuck if I know, but I’ll pretend like I don’t see the resemblance,’ Bianca moved on to the next picture, and to her shock, it was, once again, one that she knew.

It wasn’t due to personal experience, but a rather over descriptive and vivid recount of events back at the logging camp in the silver forest.


“Do you recognise him?” Yu Suyu asked, though she also glanced to the previous page that Bianca had skipped past.

“I think I recall hearing of him. He was seen in a silver forest over to the, uh… north-west? He appeared there, caused a fuss, then disappeared,” she recalled, “Used some kind of unique archetype that created soldiers from purple crystals despite him being in the third realm.”

“… I don’t recall the specifics of what we already know, but I believe that this incident was exactly what put him on the wanted list to begin with,” Rong Mu San said, sighing, “But I suppose it should be expected, the chances of running into someone just like that are… Wait, hold on. The person in the poster you had just flipped past…”

“Hm?” Bianca tried to act nonchalant, ‘Fuck, he noticed… fuuuuuck. I should still be able to pull this off, though.’

“Do you have a sister? Someone with darker skin and hair?” he asked, and she nearly sighed in relief out loud.

“Oh, so because we look a little alike, I must be related to some criminal you’re chasing? Really? Your Blazing Skies Sect really puts its worst foot forward, doesn’t it?” she retorted, turning to Yu Suyu with a far calmer expression, “You understand what I mean, right? The way all these men might as well be blind.”

Again, she looked to have been caught a little off guard, but she adapted way faster this time, nodding along, “Y-Yes, it’s quite a shameful thing. My apologies. However, just in case, you’re not familiar with this person?”

“No, never seen this face before,” she lied, her uncanny ability to do that coming in handy.

“I see… And just in case, do you happen to have any relatives?”

“Not that I know of, but… I don’t actually know my parents. I’m an orpha-”

The rustling of leaves and snapping of branches forced their attention to the side, where Yu Juan and Han Rushu emerged at the front, with Xue Yaling staying in the back, covering herself up with a rather oversized hood.

‘Well done, that looks incredibly suspicious and will draw all the attention towards you… shit, it’ll draw all the attention towards her,’ Bianca felt her shoulders drop a little from the realisation.

“Ah, are you travelling together? We are disciples of the Blazing Skies Sect, just passing through.”

“Blazing Skies, huh… How are the Calm Skies doing this time of year?” Han Rushu asked, earning a rather unhappy stare from the male disciple.

“Pardon me again, but that woman in the back… why is she covering herself up like that? It’s rather suspicious.”

Bianca almost wanted to thank him outright, since, considering the persona she’d adopted for this interaction, his words just now offered her the perfect opportunity to wave away all suspicion and move the attention onto something else. The only issue was that this would just make her seem all the more unhinged, but… considering how she was unlikely to ever meet this lot again, it didn’t seem like such a bad idea. Besides, if they already struggled to recognise her with a decent portrait of her to compare to, she’d probably be completely unrecognisable in a few more stages or a realm or two, when she’d end up fully albino.

“What is wrong with you? She endured a severe injury and her face is disfigured, but you want her to show it to everyone? Do you want to humiliate her, you pig? Do you get off on putting people into difficult situations and making them show themselves at their weakest?”

“I, uh-”

“Honestly, I try to be polite and give you my time, and you just insult and mock everyone in my group. You’re awful!” she exclaimed, holding back from outright slapping the guy, or doing anything else that might go too far.

Unsurprisingly, the male disciple ended up rather stumped by all this, and it was Yu Suyu that got the idea a lot more quickly.

“My sincere apologies, Bai An. It’s a shame that my Senior is so lacking in understanding… We’ll not disturb you any further, though if you find yourself in the lands of the Blazing Skies, you may mention our names and the sect will be sure to treat you well,” Yu Suyu bowed, “You may keep the posters just in case. If you come across any of the people on them, then you may reach out to anyone that works with the Blazing Skies, and you’ll receive the reward we mentioned.”

With that, she grabbed her companion and nearly dragged him away, with him seeming to come to terms with the situation only once they were out of sight, at least judging from the sounds of it all.

For a while, Bianca and the others stood by quietly, waiting for them to be far enough away that there was no possibility of the two disciples using spiritual perception to listen in on them. Once that was done, though, she breathed a massive sigh of relief, let go of Song Ming’s ass, and let herself rest against the nearest tree.

“Well, that was something. How unlucky to run into people with our wanted posters.”

“Did you have to call me disfigured?” Xue Yaling asked, raising her hood and exposing her fox-like ears.

“It worked, didn’t it? I don’t see why it matters.”

“No, I suppose it doesn’t… You did a good job there. Although you were perhaps overly aggressive to them, considering that they are part of a major sect, you are in the same realm and far away from their sect’s typical operating region, so your attitude wasn’t too unusual,” the kitsune praised her all of a sudden, “Whether they believed you, they were certainly grabbed by your rhythm and pulled through the conversation up to the end.”

“I’m surprised I managed it, honestly. It just… came to me, I guess. It felt kinda natural.”

“Hm,” the kitsune shrugged, “Perhaps you’ve been keeping back some frustration in your mind and unleashed it in that moment… Would make plenty of sense.”

“I suppose… Anyway, should we stay here, or would it be best to move along?” Bianca asked, glancing at Song Ming to calm herself a little.

Simply seeing her pet fidgeting and blushing brought her plenty of joy, so she was able to get over the sudden outpour of emotions that much more quickly. She was like Bianca’s little stress relief toy, except that she wasn’t close enough for her to squeeze her…

“Come over here, Song Ming,” she said quickly, “Just for a moment.”

Her pet seemed a little confused, but as soon as she came over, Bianca grabbed her ass, and she seemed to understand. At least, she certainly didn’t make a fuss while her mistress squeezed her butt and amused herself by watching her pet’s attempts to not react in the ways she usually might. It was adorable, as Song Ming always tended to be, so she was more than glad to make use of her in a way that both of them enjoyed.

“It would be best to rest for a few minutes, then move along. This is likely to be the only patrol from the sect, but there’s no guarantee that others aren’t around. There must be something of note in the area for those two to be passing by, and that means that it could pull the attention of just about anyone else.”

That made enough sense, so she pulled Song Ming in even closer and used her for a little more relaxation, until a thought suddenly popped into her head.

“Uh, Xue Yaling, do you happen to have any bottles that would preserve what’s in them for longer periods of time?” she asked.

“Meaning? Do you want to obtain some kind of fruit juice and then be able to drink it in a week without the remnants of it turning… unpleasant? I suppose I’ve got some ideas on how to achieve that, but I would prefer specifics so I could fine-tune my ideas to your needs… Is this something private?” she raised an eyebrow, waving to the woods, “We can talk aside from the others if we must.”

Bianca nodded, finally letting Song Ming go and stepping away from the tree, though not before she slapped her pet on the ass, making sure to hit her plug in the process. Judging by Song Ming’s yelp, she certainly felt it.

She followed the kitsune away, and once they got enough distance, they turned and faced one another.

“So, what exactly are you up to?”

“… This might seem entirely random, but I suddenly had the idea of making Song Ming drink my cum.”

“… I don’t follow.”

“If we fuck properly, then we’d end up increasing the demonic corruption, and whatever you might say about it, I’d rather not do it recklessly. However, if I cum on my own, then let her drink that, then… should be fine, right?”

“And why… oh, you kinky woman, you want to fill up a bottle and give that to her?” Xue Yaling guffawed, “I must say, I’m impressed. How did you think of that all of a sudden?”

“I just did… we’re already planning for anal, after all, so might as well throw out all the lewd ideas I’ve got,” she shrugged, “That, or invoking the Demon Queen ended up affecting me, more than I originally expected.”

“Well, of all things, getting a boost to your imagination certainly isn’t a downside,” the kitsune shrugged, “So, you’d like a bottle – or some convenient container – that you can fill with your cum, and that your pet can drink out of whenever she’s thirsty?  You want her to be walking around with cum breath and white marks at her lips, making sure that everyone around knows that she’s your pretty little slut?”

Bianca found herself blushing a little, though she also realised how much the idea turned her on. It was hard to stop thinking of it, to stop imagining her pet drinking her load in front of everyone, the distinct musk wafting from the bottle and giving everyone a hint that they might refuse to consider… even while she knew exactly what Song Ming was doing, and getting off to it.

She nearly invoked the dick-summoning technique right there and then, but she managed to restrain her impulses and keep her arousal from manifesting in any way that was too obvious. Her panties still ended up soaked, but at least it wasn’t visible from the outside.

“I was mostly just teasing you, but you are so turned on by this… What part does it for you, by the way?”

“Uh… quite a few-”

“You like the idea of everyone being able to smell you on her breath, don’t you? Even if you could fuck her face just like that, without needing to fear about a thing, you’d still do this, since it would ensure that your scent never leaves her… perv.”

“Shut up, as if you’re not imagining all of this just now,” Bianca retorted, crossing her arms and looking away as she tried to supress the heat rushing to her cheeks, “Anyway, can you make this work, or will this remain a fantasy?”

“Hm… I don’t think I have quite the right thing on hand, but I should be able to manage something… maybe incorporate the properties of a shrinking bag as well, and then… Tell me, do you want it to be subtle? Do you want people to guess as to the true nature of your pet’s drink, or do you want to ensure that every single person that sees it knows right away?”

“What, can you amplify the smell somehow? Or did you just mean an opaque bottle as opposed to a transparent one?”

“Both, really. If you’re looking for anything specific, then I’d need to know before I put in my own ideas for the rest of the facts,” the kitsune said, “Basically, tell me everything that you need, and then, once I have enough time and resources, I’ll get something made for you.”

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