After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 44 Second Day At Star University!

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Chapter 44  Second Day At Star University! By Harem-Fan


     This morning after I had awakened still inside, Hana from last night was interesting.

     When Hana told me to work extra hard after the foot-rub, you would think it would be a punishment, but it's kinda the opposite, well unless you hate having sex.

     "Ah! Slower and deeper, yes like that, ahannn~!"

     I currently have both of Hana's long legs over my shoulders as I loom over her on her back. I am slowly entering and exiting her folds to give her a slow pleasure.

     Slosh, Slush! She is so wet at our connection due to pleasure and a previous filling, so the wet sounds are making me blush a bit. I feel like I am staring at a porno, and Hana just ignores it while looking into my face with a silly smile.

     "O-Okay honey, now go fast!"

     Slap Slap Slap Slosh! I feel her tighten as I start to do rapid thrusts and I begin to fill her up, again.

     Soon our double climax calms and we are both sweaty. Her hand wipes my face and she jokes.

     "Sex feels a bit addictive while I am pregnant, I almost want ten children so I can keep feeling this. Oh the look on your face is adorable."

     She is laughing and it's making our connection very messy, but the thought of having so many kids felt kinda scary for a moment, and thinking of the twins, that's four kids already! And Mary wants a second, oh man...

     "Right there Rick honey, remember that thought you're having when meeting other girls, and don't worry I am only having one so relax. I out of all your wives will be the least troublesome, now kiss me you young-man."

     With that done, Hana and I do our shower, exercise, and breakfast routine before we head out to do our tasks...


     I have picked up Tina and Jenifer and am approaching the University for our second day of school.

     Today my classes are different. My three classes are as follows... Business Math, Introductory Computer Programming, and then another Kung-Fu Club. The last one is a five day class, though you can miss a certain number of days for health or job reasons. As long as the coach thinks you are okay to miss practice she can let you go most of the time.

     Tina has been playing on her smartphone and she tells me.

     "Hey Rick, do you want the good news or better news?"

     Looking in the rear-view, her gold-eyes are challenging me with amusement.

     "That line only works with good and bad news, young lady, but this servant does not care."

     Phht! Then Jenifer looks out the window at the students coming in their cars. Tina ignores her and says to me.

     "I am in a good mood so I shall ignore both of your disrespect. But anyway, your fight with Number 6 was fully recorded and put on the internet. Especially the Star University forums, and you're the second most talked about topic!"

     I nodded because it makes sense they have both security cameras and many students on the side not in uniform have their phones on them. I will have to get a copy of it to see where I can improve on my fighting style.

     "Rick, why are you not asking me what the most talked about topic is?"

     "In the shadows of high-school knowing the gossip was pointless. I was not a part of that world, so I spent no effort on the gossip threads."

     Tina crossed her legs and said while waving her phone at me.

     "Even if the biggest news is about you? Not only the second biggest trend but even double that, the first?"

     Gulp! Oh no! Did my actions with the twins get exposed?

     "Seeing your look pale really hurts my feelings, Rick. The number one trending gossip is our love affair, ha-ha!"

    As she is back there laughing her ass off, I happen to notice her E-cups rocking with her laughter, and at this moment, I hate that I am finding her beautiful. Did she cast a spell on me? I softly mutter...

     "Ricky stop it now, you just got out of the dog-house, don't look for trouble!"

    Tina then questioned.

     "Are you mumbling bad things about me, Rick?"

     I rolled my eyes at her and park. Then the three of us climbed out and got attention.

     Tina is wearing a red-dress matching her hair that goes to her knees with shoulders-straps around her neck and just enough exposed-cleavage to not be tasteless.

     Jenifer is wearing a simple pink-business-suit to go with her style.

     My outfit is the same SU tracksuit in the color black.

     Due to all the attention we are getting, Tina is pushing her luck and grabs my left-arm that I tried to gently escape but she only said.

     "You're my bodyguard for this first week and this sends away troublesome men, so consider this part of your payroll, Rick."

     Sadly at 4k a day plus meals and gas, I can't argue with her logic.

     Tina, seeing me accept this, just smiled and hugged on my arm tighter. Thankfully my Hana drained my juices so I am not as turned on as I could be here. Maybe that was Hana's plan all along?!


     The three of us entered class and she only let me go when everyone looked at her holding my arm, then she and Jenifer went to her assigned seat.

     I went to Victoria holding up papers for me.

     "This is the attendance record, and you can find it everyday here in this drawer. Any questions about it, Mr Lee?"

     I shake my head and take the documents.

     She smells like vanilla, a nice clean scent. Her cold-eyes and nature however feels perfect to me. I actually have always liked the mature charms of older women. And her posture and professionalism just make you want to admire her.

     Jenifer in fact told us that she sees Victoria Long as her role model and strives to imitate her style. She even joked about getting fake glasses like hers.

     Passing back to my seat, I look into Scott's eyes, and then smile a warm and genuine smile. I don't fear this punk anymore, and I am going to ruin his mother as well. I just have to do it in a way to not shame the Head.

     The only three Tang I hate it's my Tang-mothers father, Scott, and Scott's mother. The rest of the Tang are not my enemy. All three are on my black-book list.

     Making it to my seat I sat between Linda and James. My friend smiles with a lecherous-grin holding up his phone showing Tina kissing my face and grills me. Linda is listening in on our talk as well, but is trying to pretend to read her book.

     "Really Bro, you're not going to tell me it's fake now are you? So give me the 411 brother, is she a good kisser?"

     Smack! I slapped the top of his head messing his hair and noticed Woo's wife was also listening in! I get it, due to her husband wanting Tina, she probably incited Jim to ask me this.

     "As her bodyguard, she is putting on an act to chase off assholes like you. That kiss is the only time she has done something like that. We are employees and employers. We can be considered friends but casual only. So no, we are not and won't be in a romantic relationship, moron. What stupid-person is putting bad thoughts in your head?"

     I noticed Cat Woo's eyebrow twitch hearing that, confirming it was her plan to get Jim to interrogate me, but why did Linda also look ashamed?

     "Hey Rick, I had never seen Frog Style Kung-Fu before, that was freaking amazing! Can you teach me so I can impress Akeno?"

     I look at him stupidly and point out.

     "No, you can't even fight, in fact I can tell Akeno can beat your ass and she is so much shorter than you. You got her pregnant already so I would focus on making money at your job to pay for formula and diapers."

     Reminded of his part time job at the Quick-Mart he pulled out more goodies.

     "Miss Lang, would you like any of the snacks I brought for University?"

     Linda's grey-eyes scanned the pile of junk-food, seeing small-bags of chips, beef-jerky, protein-bars, along with candy bars and shook her head thinking of her tummy ache she would get from junk.

     "Thanks for asking but I will pass."

     I saw the bastard hid the chocolate-chip bars, so I grabbed the jerky and a honey-oat bar.

     Linda looked at me funny with a Slim-Jim hanging from my mouth. I quickly took role. She asks me.

     "Are those good?"

     I look surprised that she is talking about something due to our awkward talks, and tell her. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "It is unhealthy, greasy, and leaves an aftertaste in your mouth, but it's still fun to eat once in a while. Do I recommend it as food, no, but it's great to tease the taste-buds. Want one?"

     The normal Slim-Jim is more like a pepperoni stick and they also have a flat-jerky-strip so I hold up one of each.

     Linda wants to refuse, but the fact I am taking the time to offer it to her made her feel warm so she reluctantly nodded and asked.

     "Rick, what should I try for the first one?"

     I handed her the flat one and said.

     "This one is tasty and healthier, and just suck on it and you don't have to chew it right away."

     So as I put the attendance on Victoria's desk, I saw Linda slowly tasting and nibbling on the Slim-Jim and her expressions were priceless like a little mouse with cheese, trying it for the first time. She actually looks less cold and more adorable right now, and Scott is fuming so that is a plus.

     Class started and most of the students are furiously using their calculators to solve business math problems like tax refund solutions and others. It is a good subject for the business world and useful mathematics, although I still hate long and complicated algebra, sigh.

     Soon the two hours are over and class is wrapping up. As I was packing my things, the annoying voice of Scott was heard and he said to me.

     "Hey Little Dick Rick, I heard the computer teacher yelled at you in class, you really suck-ass, hah-aha!"

     I really want to tell him to shove it, but the twins need to look like they are doing their job so I shrug.

     "No, it was your wives annoying me and distracting me in class. Did you send them there just to annoy me, Scotty?"

     Scott grins and does not deny it.

     "Sure, so what are you going to do, beat up two pregnant women? If you don't like it, just drop out of class. Have fun with computers, loser."

     He then says to Linda.

     "My wives and I are coming over to your house on Saturday for a get-together that your father, who is also coming, approved of, so be ready."

     As Linda grit her teeth, Scotty walked away and then I grinned and asked Linda.

     "Hey Linda, he does not know I am your neighbor, right?"

     Linda's eyes opened wide not knowing I had found out, and she knew my wives did not tell me so she asked.

     "No he does not, and how did you find out?"

     "Silly there is only one main gate in or out, and I live there too. plus I saw your driver Mercy coming into your property, and finding out who lives on lot 9 was not difficult, especially the big old Lang name on the address."

     She just looked at me surprised, I knew so much without my wives saying anything, but it was inevitable to bump into one another.

     "Why not say hello then?"

     I see Tina coming to get me and I just shrug and say.

     "I am not a nosy neighbor, plus I don't want to run into your family. Scott is already a big pain in my ass. Oh and please do not let any of them know I am your neighbor. Scott would get your dad to make you move I bet if he knew, see you later!"

     Tina, seeing Linda, her rival house trying to get friendly, took my arm into her breast a bit too much and said to Linda.

     "Hello Linda Lang, I will be taking my Bodyguard now, thanks for keeping girls away from him for me. Please take me to class, Rick."

     Why do I feel awkward at the two girls blatantly treating me like a commodity? I am not even in a relationship with them, sigh, I just rolled my eyes and pulled the breast-arm-monster along to her class and stoked the stupid rumors.

     Linda looked at Tina's back and quietly said.

      "Stupid bird, he was finally talking to me..."


     After Tina flaunted me around, I had made it to my computer class for part two of 'Lets fuck with Ricky' day!

     I was the last one again to come to class, and James is giving me the look of he lost my seat again. I smile and look at my next hurdle.

     Both girls are wearing identical white-summer-dresses going to their knees and Nichole has her hair in a ponytail, while Nadia has her loose and hanging straight.

     As I sat down to get ready for class, to my left Nichole pretending to be Nadia pointed to her computer and said playfully like her sister would.

     "Lee, it crashed, come and fix it, pweez?!"

     I can tell that Nadia is struggling to keep the Nichole persona and probably was forced to trade places to try and trick me. She desperately wants to be the one to mess with me.

     I sigh in my mind and smile at whatever scheme she is cooking, so I lean next to her to fix whatever she broke on purpose.

    Using her ponytail to block her mouth from view she whispers in my ear.

     "I love you Ricky. Now tell me you love me."

     Oh, so she is trading places, because she is too ashamed to say it normally and she feels she can only do it like this, cute.

     "But I love Nichole."

     The smart schemer froze at my words, not sure how to proceed. If she only knew I was fucking with her, but seeing her plan go awry is funny.

     "Huh, B-But I thought you loved me more?"

     I fixed her set up on the computer and started to lean back in my spot, but said to the confused Nichole.

     "Sorry, but Nichole has been my crush. she was the first woman to let me get close, she is special, but I do love you as well."

     Nadia to my right, started to panic thinking I did not love her as much, but when she saw me secretly wink at her, her heart calmed knowing I could tell them apart, her Nichole act then got even better as she could tell what my game was.

     Nichole in frustration of her plan going awry and looking like I will confess to Nadia instead took my left-hand under the table and slid it to her panties.

     She whispered and said to me.

     "But Ricky, Nichole won't let you do this, so tell me."

     I gently rub the inside of her thigh, and I tell her.

     "Thank you Nichole and I love you both the same. Sorry, but I could tell you guys switched the moment I walked in."

     Still rubbing her leg she went back to her normal way of talking and quietly asked.

     "But what did I do to give it away?"

     "The real Nichole does not have pouting-eyes. She did cover it when she saw me, but not fast enough. My guess is you forced her and she did not like it."

     Nichole then looked worried and asked me.

     "You're not mad I am trying to trick you are you, Rick?"

     I look at my still rubbing-hand under her skirt and say.

     "I guess if this is how I show anger then you better not make me mad, right?"

     And then from the front of the class.

     "RICK LEE?! Are you just here to daydream? That's two days in a row you are ignoring me?"

     My hand was quickly retracted from wonder-thigh and my good boy face was back on and I said to the teacher.

     "Sorry I was just fixing Mrs Tang's computer issue, won't happen again."

     Then I told Nichole, using my text...

     [Harem-Fan: Go to the Saturday dinner at Linda's, I live next door and I can sneak over during the party if you two want. Her house is huge and four stories so I can hide in a vacant room?]

     [Nadia: Ricky your handle is a bit funny, but are you saying we can do naughty things with Scott in the house?]

     [Harem-Fan: Only if you want, sure?!]

     [Nichole: I call first!]

     Both Nadia and I look over to Nichole who is blushing hard for really calling it!

     [Harem-Fan: Um, are we really going to do this during a dinner party with the Tang over and in Linda's house?!]

     [Nichole: I am Mrs Blackmailer and I demand it, or I will go next door and tell your wives, LOL!]

     [Nadia: Ricky I need you again, it's been toooooo long! Thanks!]

     [Harem-Fan: Fine but only one at a time, so the other can make excuses, Okay?]

     [Nichole: We will call this Operation: Scotty doesn't know!]

     [Nadia: But he will! :P]

     And that's how we made a terrible plan to christen Linda Lang's house under everyone's nose!

(A/N LordPocky was kind enough to choose the novels theme song... [])


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