After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 43 Release The Beast, Wing Chun!

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Chapter 43  Release The Beast, Wing Chun! by Harem-Fan



     Ronald Di, only a practitioner of traditional Kung-Fu, took his stance and readied himself for our duel. He is at the peak of Basic skill level and is just a hair away from achieving Advance qualifications. This is actually great for an 18 year old.

     I would place his skill level as around what Tina might have, but she has actually just entered the ranks of Advanced fighting due to being harshly trained by her mother.

     I can see Ronald Di's movement clearly due to my body's current fighting level being two whole realms over his and my knowledge of three whole levels.

     Deciding to have fun in this fight and impress the teachers, l will practice and toy with Ronald Di, I pick an animal form of Kung-Fu to employ.

     I imagine that I am a monkey. I put my left hand over my eyes like I am blocking the sun, and squat down like I am on a rock looking for predators. I let out some monkey sounds to feel the style fully.

     "Ho ho ha ha, ah ah ah!"

     Animal style Kung-Fu is both amusing and entertaining, but if you underestimate it, you're dead. The animal forms emphasize the most important aspect of real life battle... Balance and Control.

     Ronald Di was only a little distracted, it's not that he has never seen animal forms, but he has never actually fought a practitioner skilled in its use.

     The love-triangle teacher however immediately widened her eyes due to my absolute melding with nature as I am truly imitating the spirit of a monkey.

     I then scamper with some small rolling and continuing my monkey-curiosity like I found an interesting pebble on the road. Really I closed the distance to my foe, but he only sees me acting silly.

     Swoosh, Tumble! He decided to act and immediately shot forward to kick me, but at that moment, the Monkey found a bug to the side of the road and rolled sideways to catch it, and dodged the kick it seemed unaware of. I hold up the imaginary bug on the ground and show the audience and pretend to eat the bug and smile while chewing.

     "Oh ah ah?!"

     "Fight seriously you bastard!"

     This time frustrated, Ronald Di tries to punch me, and seeing an extended tree branch the Monkey climbs the tree!

     Acrobatically tumbling over his arm in a fake-climbing jump I landed on his shoulders and reached into the tree to pull off some leaves! In reality I reached down and while sitting on top of him balanced, I am grabbing his underwear waistband and pulling a wedgie up his ass!

      "Huh?! AHHHH!"

     He is almost 50% larger than me in body mass, so this maneuver was nothing and he yelled.

     I leaped off him to a safe distance of ten feet, while he was readjusting his new G-string, giggle, I meant croak.

     Readjusting my mind and posture to reflect a new animal style as he turns in anger to face me and he was surprised now.

     "Croak, Ribbie!"

     On all fours with knees raised, pressed close to the ground, my posture and sounds lets everyone know, I am a frog!

     I look back and forth for predatory birds and tasty flies to eat!

     "FUCK YOU! Stop clowning and fight!"

     Ronald Di now enraged after his wedgie and my acting, flies forward to jump kick me, not bad but he forgot what Frogs are good at, right?!

     "Ribbie? RIIIIIIIBIT!"

     Pushing off the ground gaining more height than his jump-kick I somersault twice in the air and my two powerful Frog legs smash into his waist flattening him on his back on the mat. SLAM! Thud!

     I then used his body as a lily-pad and leaped off of him putting pressure on his bladder as I jumped to catch a fly!

     Fun fact, if someone has a semi-full bladder and you hit it just right, usually a strike in a 45° angle, it will force a discharge. So yes he did not fully piss himself but he and I know his underwear is a bit damp and smelling of urine.

     I decided to end my animal fun and take my default fighting-stance of Wing Chun, a variant form of Kung-Fu that was the basis of my first world Bruce Lee and many other famous movie roles.

     If you don't know Bruce Lee, then you don't know this next guy as well, let me tell you about a man called Superman who is known as Clark Kent. Just kidding.

     Ronald Di stood up in shame and anger and roars like a wounded beast, as if I fucked his mom and his dad watched and clapped along.

     "Rick Leeeeeeee Die!"

     As he rushed me again I widened my horse-stance and prepared for my finishing flurry. All I see coming at me is a wooden-dummy wanting to be pummeled.

     "Whaaaaaaa! hah hah hah hah hah haaaaaa!"

     Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack! With a yell Bruce Lee from the afterlife is proud of, I sent a flurry of punches striking Ronald in his shoulder to throw him off balance while my other-hand parry's his punch.

     Off balance my second strike nailed his lower ribs. Then the third struck his chin making him look up.

     My fourth punch I did while circling him hit his lower-back, and the fifth struck his waist and hip breaking his posture further.

     The final was a double-palm in both lungs knocking the wind out of him and sprawling him face first on the mat. Thud!

     This flurry only took less than 2 seconds to execute and he is practically out cold trying to regain his breath.

     The teachers, students, and poor Ronald were confused and amazed at the combination after the animal display showing I fell off some ancient monastery mountain. The person most horrified was Ashley Hue who actually did come down the mountain!

     Tina, seeing I was going to finish him more harshly yelled to the teacher.

     "Coach call the fight or this duel will be a funeral instead!"

     Love-Triangle came back to her senses and seeing me move to knock out the downed student or worse, calls my win...

     "Rick Lee wins by KO!"

     Hearing her, I straighten my uniform and bow to my half conscious opponent and say back to him what he said in the restaurant.

     "Fuck your weak-looking, later loser."

     I then turned and went to stand next to Tina who looked smug.

     Acting Basic kicks in to not make me look embarrassed due to people looking at me funny. But I did not notice the sneaky-grin and playful-eyes of Tina...

     Mwah! I felt soft-lips on my cheek as Tina gave me a fast kiss on it to show off to the crowd as she looked at Number 5 with a 'go ahead and challenge him now' look. She said. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "I told you to kick his ass and I would give you a kiss, oh, that's technically my first kiss!"

     Acting Basic did not have enough talent and crumbled as I turned a rosy shade of pink on my face from embarrassment of her actions. There is no way others are not going to spread rumors now, sigh.

     And I won't ever admit my heart may have twitched at her kiss. No, those thoughts went out the window thinking of my impending doom at home!

     Danny Shu looks at Ronald now getting off the ground painfully, and has a hunch he bit-off more than he can chew. Seeing Tina being so friendly with me really is pissing him off on top of that.

     For the rest of class, many of the Kung-Fu Club students came to be friendly with me, and especially the over half the group made of women wanted to get to know me better, cough.

     I decided since it is no longer high-school I would get to be more social and gain some friends. The group wanted to have a welcoming meal with everyone, but I sadly turned them down and said I had wife obligations at home, and took a rain-check for next week.

     Then class finally ended and University was done for me and Tina.


     In the parking-lot, Tina and I are waiting for Jenifer to get over to us from her third class.

     "Rick, did you learn to fight from your father?"

     Yeah, my father is my default excuse for my fighting, but I answer differently.

     "My father was my hero. I don't care about him being a police officer one bit, but his teachings of life were what I miss the most. He taught me a lot, including when to break the rules. I just think the world was a bitch for shafting him and my mother in the end though."

     Yeah, the dream was nice to see him again, but I am reminded that we can all die at any time. Even after the Monk, I rushed hastily to throw my life away.

     But I justified it by it being for saving my wives. No, I think it was my past life's suicidal nature peaking. Plus in the back of my mind, I don't fear death knowing reincarnation really exists. But what if only I can reincarnate? That person said as such?

     "Sorry, that must still be a tough subject for you. I saw that event. He was amazing, you know. He was the reason I noticed you in the first place."

     "I only recently got some of my memories of those days back. For a couple of weeks my mind was broken. I did not wake up till after my absence from school."

     "Yes, I remember. You forgot everything you said and did at school."

     I look at her serious face and guess.

     "Did I talk to you then?"

     She nodded and only would say.

      "It was the first and only time we talked till you broke into the locker. But I won't tell you what we talked about till you win."

     "I was 14 and you 15 so I can't imagine it was anything worthy of secrecy, but since I forgot it does not matter."

     She sticks her tongue out at me and pouts.

     "You undervalue your worth even back then."

     Jenifer finally got to us, and we could go to drop them off...


     As the sun was soon to set, I pulled up at home and looked to the second-floor in fear and trepidation. 

     Putting both hands together and I pray to every relationship-god in existence.

     "If a System and Reincarnation exists, then maybe you guys can hear me?! Please let me survive and not break any hearts, amen or whatever I end with!"

     I take my briefcase and head into the garage letting the executioners upstairs know I am home, while I put my things away and take the pizza boxes up.

     When I come into the main room, I see my two wives already waiting at the dinner table with plates set. Their arms and legs are crossed watching my guilty face.

     "I am home, sorry for this..."

     Putting the pizzas down and washing my hands for eating, I first give both executioners a kiss to show I am surrendering. Both said nothing implying they are waiting for me to talk so I do.

     "It all started after my hospitalization, and before school ended. I found a program that let me eavesdrop on Scott so I could get revenge on him. I did in fact find secrets out and used it to find Scott's weakness. So..."

     So I stretched my hacking skills a bit to water it down, not mentioning hacking the national bank. I honestly explained how I ended up becoming partners and then good friends with the twins. I with a blush explained how Nichole wanted to get revenge on Scott and help themselves.

     I even played the recordings from Scott's phone and showed them that the twins hate him and are not in a physical relationship with him.

     I have not yet gotten to what happened in school yet when Mary asks me.

     "Okay hold on, so if I am getting this right, you slept with one of them and got one of them pregnant, right? Who is it, Nichole or Nadia?"

     "Ah uh, Actually it was booooooth and it seems they are both pregnant."

     My two wives looked petrified at the fact that not only did I sleep with one of the girls, not both, and they are each pregnant, and seem to be in love with me.

     So I fully explained what happened and how I found out about the twins' condition, and the fact there was never any pill. Hana asked me.

     "Rick honey, I get you are trusting, but why would you believe her when she said she was on the pill and insisted you finish inside? That should have been a red-flag, right?"

     I defend myself because I am or was a love virgin.

     "Hana, I also trusted you when you told me it was your safe day also. I didn't question you, and I had done the same back with the twins, so I made a poor choice, sorry."

     Mary told me.

     "Right now I am staying calm for my baby, so I will skip the many-many crimes you have committed so far, and I want you to let us see all of your text and emails with the now 'married' Tang twins."

     After being shot with some more emotional arrows to the knees, I nod and bring up all the chats. Thankfully I only talked about hacking in letters and I deleted the incriminating ones already.

     While Hana and Mary both read everything together I filled my belly with my last meal of my free life. Yes I am blowing this out a bit in my mind, but remember, I try to be honest if I can and I do feel guilty for putting everyone in bad spots. 

     I am not even blaming Nichole for anything and putting all crimes squarely on me, it is what a man should do.

     After reading it all, Hana looks at Mary then tells me.

     "Go down to your den and do your University work while Mary and I discuss things."

     Mary said to Hana and pointed to me.

     "If you let him hide he might run?"

     Unknown to me, Hana and Mary are only making me suffer as much as possible to help me make better decisions in the future.

     Hana then retracts my running plan and asks me.

     "What are your plans then, Rick?"

     Scratching my head, I tell them.

     "Nichole is really scheming, and she makes plans years in advance. So based on this deduction, if she and Nadia are openly letting me know their hearts, she has a plan for us to be together in the future. Not sure what her timeline is , but it must have noble politics involved. They don't even live in the same home as Scott actually and have their own villa on the property of the Tang."

     Mary then asked me.

     "So when can we talk to them?"

     Thinking of how Nichole is I say to them.

     "Nichole wants to play pretend blackmailer, so if I have you talk right away she might be disappointed that all of her plans are ruined just like that. So how about you give me a bit and let me find out her long term plans first."

     Hana followed up with.

     "If she were to divorce Scott would you marry them? Even if it means getting involved with the Tang's?"

     "I will face anything for the sake of the mothers of my children, so yes, even if I have to get involved with the Tang, I will."

     Mary's eyebrow raised and she asked me.

     "Do they know their husband is your cousin?"

     I look a bit awkward and say.

     "Not yet so much happened and I wanted to tell you two everything first, so they still don't know and Scott has not told them as well."

     Mary asked Hana.

     "As the wives, what do you want to do here?"

     Hana, while looking at me, tells Mary.

     "If the twins did not have his babies in them, I would forbid him from having anything to do with them, but Rick's children are in them. The rice is cooked and pushing the children away would not be good. Plus I can tell our husband wants to be with them and it seems they have gone out of their way to be loyal to Rick despite the very awkward situation, so I am wavering on this. Maybe find out what Nichole's plans are before we castrate him?"

     Mary put her head in her hand and said.

     "I don't know if I am pissed at this Nichole or impressed with her for entrapping you Rick, but you have a week to dig out that vixen's plans and report to us. If she is not planning on leaving Scott, I want you to end it though. I don't want you pining away for a pair of unavailable women. Also I expect to be able to talk with them within one month. We women need a good girl talk."

     In my head I am doing a semi-victory dance because this almost sounds like I am off the hook, maybe?

     "Why are you just sitting there stupid, go make me a tasty-lunch for work tonight you little smug bastard! I am going to bed, good night."

     I kiss Mary before running to the kitchen to make extra tasty things to satisfy the beast that is my wife! She just went to sleep before work.


     While I was cooking Hana came in, leaned on the fridge and said to me.

     "I need a good foot rub tonight, and don't forget to put in extra effort to earn my forgiveness, husband, see you later..."

     After Hana left to go to her room, I wiped my nervous forehead and said the only thing I could think of.

     "Damn dodged a bullet, I think?!"

     No, I in the future find out that a harem is not a single bullet but a hail of enemy fire from every-direction. It's not a matter of if a bullet will hit you but when!

     The twins are a major pain in my ass, but I would never abandon them. They not only screwed me over but they have an even bigger surprise for me in a few months!

     Well to be fair they are more surprised, so my pain was shared.


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