After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 40 At the Gates of Star University!

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(A/N I initially wanted University to start around chapter 10, but not wanting to cut things, here we are at chapter 40 Phew! A reader had pointed out that I had not mentioned that Hana is the 3rd wife spot behind Mary.)

Chapter 40  At the Gates of Star University! by Harem-Fan.


     I am currently standing under the banner welcoming new students to Star University!

     It has been a peaceful 4 weeks since the meeting with Tina at the restaurant. So I stand here and think of what has changed and been accomplished in this fast 4 weeks.

     For my personal growth? I have become far healthier than when my 18th birthday has come, and in the past two months I can now fully use my Kung-Fu Master skill at a true Master level.

     With the wealth I have gained from robbing Honda and my Bodyguard job, I was able to build 2 new computers with some sweet specifications for my Computer Use skill. One is a laptop I keep in my briefcase, and the other is a monster home unit in my den.

     Now that my physical health has improved, I went from very average looking to now better than average, but won't turn heads. This is fine due to the fact I already have two incredible wives that don't care about my looks as much, sigh, wish I had protagonist looks though.

     My 2nd wife, Mary Lee, is currently 10 weeks pregnant and her morning sickness is now on the lighter-side, so she might be having a boy. Well I personally would love a boy. At work the Sargent put her on paperwork for backlogged cases and tasks that can more easily be considered safe.

     My 3rd wife, Hana Lee is now most definitely pregnant at 6 weeks. Amazingly her sex-drive has grown due to her pregnancy, well for the time being and this can change as she progresses. Even though she is 6 weeks along, to Mary's annoyance has yet to suffer from any major morning sickness and at most had temporary nausea. Work has gone well for her and she has been super happy with our lifestyle as of late, and she can still wear her miniskirts for a while at least.

     Why am I spending so much time telling you of their pregnancy? Because living with two pregnant women is both awesome and mentally taxing. Mary is using this as an excuse to have me make all-kinds of foods she likes, despite not being in the official cravings stage.

     My in-law's are over the moon about Hana's pregnancy and I think they are more excited than Hana, but I get it. My new father gave me special exemptions to carry my concealed firearms, but with a personal promise to not kill or threaten others unless there is no other choice. Translation, don't wave my gun around for intimidation.

     Who else should I tell you about? Oh lets start with my sweet adoring cousin, Scotti!

     It seems the two women that Scott took the virginity of are pregnant from their first week with him or so, and are also 9 weeks pregnant. Scott's dad had him get married to those two girls due to this as wives 4 and 5. He is still leaving his first spot open for Linda, who has still not been announced officially as his fiancee but that should come this year.

     Nichole has been in contact with me a few times a week and even told me that she and her sister are being paid to 'fuck with me', and she gave me a creepy laugh when I asked how they would mess with me. She is an intelligent trickster, sigh. And no, I still do not know they are also like Mary 10 weeks pregnant, but later I find out!

     Nadia has been secretly in contact with me not telling Nichole and swore me to secrecy. She is like an innocent teenager with a mischievous side. But a half-week ago her last text to me froze me, and I have not deleted her text...

     [Nadia: Ricky, sorry... I think I love you. See you in computer class for a big surprise! :P]

     Yeah, my mind and heart are super conflicted here. Some part of me hopes she is kidding, and another part of me wishes it is true. But something tells me she might be serious. I think if she was married to any other man but Scott, I would have texted her back that we cant be like that but...

     It's Scott so why do I care?! Plus I will feel less guilty because uncle Anthony said he would not get involved, so? I think if Scott found out, his heart would break right?

     No, this thought is a rabbit hole.

     Linda Lang? I found out one day by chance, she is our neighbor next to our home in The Garden Estates. It seems she had been living here since high-school started, so this is just a freak coincidence. From what I can tell, she lives with only her maid and driver for solitude and peace. Well I will see her for the first time since the Ball today.

     James Tong (Jim), my best friend, has joined the Rick boat! Akeno Minamoto is now his fiancee, is also 6 weeks pregnant and openly told him that she wants to marry and be here permanently with his child. He accepted and they will marry this winter. He is working part-time at the same Quick-Mart I fought off the two bodyguards bravely.

     Chris Honda? His court case was fast and done with swift justice style. Unlike my last life's Earth, you are not allowed a unlimited chances to prove your innocence, especially when you are starring in your own porn movies. No my worlds court system has common fucking sense. when you are caught red-handed, your just fucked. So he is not coming out of jail, ever. Unless his evil identical twin comes out and admits it was him all along!

     Steve Woo? He has surprisingly stayed away from Mary, probably due to the threat from Mr Feng. Woo's wife from the North State has also joined him and is now joining Star University. She came from one of the more powerful noble families up north, but as Woo's wife she has moved here. Don't currently care about her though.

     As I stand here thinking over to the far right carrying a bag on his back, Tony Deng, the guy I axe-kicked a while back, is walking and talking with friends. This is his 4th and final year of University. Despite being a Karate Champ and majoring in computer engineering, it seems he also wants to make computer games as a real life job?!

     "Hey Rick, why are you spacing out there? You're supposed to be my bodyguard the first week so I won't be harassed by horny boys. So get your head in the game, geez."

     "Sorry Miss Feng, this servant has seen his mistake and shall correct it!"

     Phht! Jennifer Han behind Tina Feng, almost laughed out loud but when her boss looked at her she had her professional smile on. Yes, she personally loves how I pretend to be an abused servant just to make Tina get agitated.

     Tina's mother also finds my act with her amusing. But Tina sulks and asks me.

     "Look, I know you're just messing with me, but in University can you please don't do that in public? I don't want others to think I am mistreating you, sigh."

     I smile at her because we can be considered friends by now and I promise.

     "Don't worry Tina, the last thing I will be doing is messing with your reputation, but around your parents it is just my hobby to practice my Acting skills."

     Tina rolled her eyes and said with a grin.

     "Then keep practicing because your acting sucks ass, fufu!"

     Tina and Jenifer are both wearing white-summer-dresses due to the temperature still allowing for it. They both look like noble young misses, well one is.

     I am wearing a blue and grey Star University sports gym outfit with a windbreaker to hide my guns. The outfits were given to me by my in-law's and got me a total of seven different colors so others will know I am not wearing the same outfit every day like an anime character.

     This gym outfit was the very same that Tony wore on fight day, and it's super comfortable like pajamas and easy to fight in.

     Both women followed close behind me to make it obvious to the men to not approach, but that later will prove pointless...

     Due to Tina's rather generous assets, men will want to dominate her body. Her face alone is great, but her body is the kind you dream of hugging every night, so fly's will come even with me around. Even high-school was like this for her the first year, till she kneed a few balls.

     I look at my map on my smartphone and also see my [Cat and Mouse] app dinging alerts for me, and find our Business Building near the East side of the campus. I have memorized the campus and been here plenty, but it's good to pretend so when I look at my phone it does not seem strange.

     "Ladies, class is this way, follow me."

     I see the people in my App that are on campus seem to be at their classes already, like Scott came early so he can probably sit next to Linda.

     My three classes I have today are Micro/Macroeconomics, Introductory Computer Management, and lastly I will begin the Kung-Fu Club with Tina.

     The last one I had mentioned back with my fight in high-school but the Kung-Fu club is one of four sports teams supported by Star University and it is fully sponsored if you're good and competes with other Universities. Yes Martial Arts on my Earth is serious business like normal University classes.

     Both Tony and Scott are in the Karate Club. Naturally the club's are rivals, so joining this one is perfect to fight with Scott, oh can't wait! The other two clubs were, Boxing and MMA (mixed martial arts) for the main four.

     Any other forms of combat like fencing and the like are only treated as extra fluff, like racquetball in worth on your degree. Anyone wanting to be in law-enforcement or Bodyguard work takes one of the main four fighting classes for the full four years, or you are looked down on.

     "Rick, don't forget that we shared the first and last class today together, so I will wait in my management class for you during your computer class. Do you know where my class is?"

     "I marked it on my phone, but keep your phone with you in case it's an emergency."

     Soon the three of us come to a beautiful red-brick seven-story building with some ivy crawling on it, giving it a rustic and classy feel. You can see the care put into its looks.

     I then point up and say to my partners.

     "Long's office and class is on the 3rd floor, so we need to take the stairs."

     Jenifer asks.

     "Why not use the elevator?"

     I smile at this woman that's not athletic, and explain. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "The class is only three floors so walking is not only simple but safer. If the class was on the seventh floor then the elevator's risks are fine, but do you want to be trapped in a small-box with strange men if you can help it? On the stairs, I can fight and you can run, get my logic?"

     So I had also finished her off with.

     "But you are a big girl and can go ride the elevator aloooone~, while I take Tina up with me?"

     So the three of us walk up the stone-steps that are made of light grayish marble.

     The class has two double-doors on the left and right sides of the room.

     There are around 20 two person desks in tiered seating. Also there are two of the double tables in the center separated by two walkways and each side has an additional two person desk on the walls. The seating is in five rows from front to back. So the total seating would be 40 students, if every table is occupied.

     The teachers have a desk on the left side of the podium lecture-area and a screen the teacher can show images on during class with her laptop. Due to the ratio of women to men, you will find very few teachers of the male gender. Even two of the martial arts coaches are women.

     Both Jenifer and Tina find a table on the left wall and Tina sits against the wall to stop boys from approaching her as easily. And as luck seems to plan, there are two women behind them and in the desk in front of them are a man and woman.

     So I don't like others behind me due to my years of being bullied so I go to the center left back table and sit on the seat not on the aisle.

     This spot gives me a view of everyone in the class. To my right is another two person table and it is currently empty, as well as the seat to my left on the aisle. I am saving it for James.

     While the class is filling, I lean back in my chair and play on my smartphone and occasionally look at the tracker letting me know Scott is within 300 feet of me now.

     James came in to see me, he then sat to my right not wanting the aisle seat where people can bump into you, so the two seats on the both isles are open now.

     Sup Brother, hear I got some extra protein-bars from the Quick-Mart for us if you get hungry!

     "Thanks Jim, here gimme the chocolate-chip ones, ha-ha!"

     "Dammit, I knew you would take those, now I am stuck with peanut-butter, oh and look at that sexy brown-haired girl next to Tina Feng?! Nice to think I might have a chance?"

     "That is Jennifer Han, Tina's personal maid and assistant, so go for it."

     James looks like he got a failed grade on a test and says.

     "If she is with psycho-ball-blaster, then forget it! I want more sex!"

     At James right, sat a pretty woman with long white-hair and blue-eyes. Sadly for James, she has a wedding band so his eyes died. Her figure and looks are like Jenifer overall. I can tell she comes from some noble house based on her movements, on top of being a martial artist of basic level.

     On my left I see an irritated Linda Lang wearing a black-dress that goes to her ankles and is short sleeved come in, and is trying to avoid the smug Scott tailing her.

     Thankfully both of them did not see me and James in the back. And Linda, like a good student, went to sit in the front-row to get a good view. Scott of course told the girl next to Linda to move and she did when she heard his last name.

     I see on my App that both Victoria and Ashley are approaching the class so it will soon start.

     Ashley with her short blonde-hair and pink-eyes came in and all the boys including James looked like they found their University crush, due to her athletic figure, but the woman behind her is what stopped time for all of them.

     Victoria Long was wearing a grey-business-lady-suit with black-high-heels and her long-dark-purple-hair in a bun. Behind her glasses are a pair of lazy purple-eyes that seem to scan everything like a sleepy predator.

     Even after a month, my body and instinct are charmed by her, but her family just ruins this goddess. Our eyes met and I could tell she had complicated thoughts, but as a professional, it was only instantaneous and no one else noticed.

     Halfway in the room Ashley stopped to look around for an open seat,she looked at the open spot next to me and really did not want to sit next to me, or me her.

     While Victoria put her bag on her desk to start things. Then it happened...

     Smack! Linda with annoyance on her face slammed her book down, stood and pointed at Scott then loud enough for others to hear.

     "I told you to stop talking to me! Don't follow me, you stalker. I don't care what my father said, you're nothing to me!"

     Victoria, sighing at the two Lang and Tang already starting shit tells them both.

     "Linda Lang and Scott Tang, if you two continue to disrupt my class I will drop you from it, do you understand?"

     Linda, not liking to be scolded harshly, picked up her things and looked around, and only one seat was open, oh and if you guess the one Ashley is looking at next to me then you're observant. And my stupid luck!

     Linda with a look of seeing a lifeboat immediately came to my left and sat. Ashley, seeing the seat furthest away from me open, sat next to Scott who seeing me went red in the face.

     So I wave and smile since everyone is looking. Come on get enraged and kicked out of class, just do it!

     Sadly he wised up since the Ball and only huffed and turned ignoring the dangerous woman to his right.

     Linda, seeing my stupid look had the slightest of smiles, but it was hard for me to notice, then she said to me.

     "I am not trying to make things hard on you, I promise, but I can't sit next to him. So please let me stay?"

     I shrug and say to her.

     "I don't own that seat, and you are the only one that claimed it so do whatever you want."

     She nodded and only said...

     "Thank you, Rick."


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