After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 39 Transition to University Life!

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Chapter 39  Transition to University Life! by Harem-Fan


     Well lots of things happened on that day. The news was on fire with major reports and the city was ablaze with everything going on.

     The top story was about the Star General, Chris Honda scandal. Over a dozen women had been interviewed about how they had been drugged, raped, blackmailed, and ultimately secretly video taped by this once genius plastic surgeon gone criminal.

     The second major Nationwide story was the arrest of the Head of the Long family, Kimberly. It was said the Central Intelligence arrested her for targeting an unknown person with an assassin. This however is speculation and no proof is given to the people watching. Her mugshot did not look so good without her makeup though, that's gonna haunt her.

     The third more local story was a test-firing of a new bunker buster bomb in the uninhabited mountains. The Government said to avoid the area in case some of the bomb ordinance did not explode. Possible bombs may hit the area as well so don't go there.

     And the next day I received a call from Tina...

     "Rick, are you free tonight to work? I have a private meeting with the Hidden Dragons vice leader, Ashley Hue. This meeting concerns both you and the Fire Birds, so can you make it?"

     "If it's work, I will come along even if I don't want to, so just let me know when I need to get you."

     "Then get me at 7 pm and we will meet her at a restaurant downtown."

     And then I went to get ready for work. I of course put on my normal Bodyguard set up for work.

     After letting my wives know what was up, I left for work.

     And 30 minutes later I drove up in front of the Feng home to wait for Tina.

     Tina's mother Lane Feng came out to see me. Yeah, I was not expecting her to come out, but she smiled and greeted me.

     "Hello Rick, how are you after your run in with the Mountain Temple Monks?"

     "Hello Mrs Feng, I am fine, I just was irritated. I had to reveal my trump card weapon is all. I was close to having to fight to the bitter end with Long, but someone intervened."

     "Rick, due to my occupational curiosity, if you are willing to share a secret with me I am willing to get you a nice quality sniper rifle, what do you say?"

     "Sure, is it possible to get a 50 caliber sniper rifle?"

     She squinted her eyes in amusement, like seeing a kid in a candy store and then said.

     "Ufufu, How about a brand new Barrett M107 .50 Caliber Long Range Sniper Rifle"

     "Name it, what do you want to know about, beautiful Mrs Feng?!"

     She smiled then asked her curious question.

     "How were you able to land three shots on the Master Monk accurately without him being able to dodge properly? Normally they have the ability to avoid shots at close range like he was?"

     I pull out my two handguns and remove the ammo from them, then I hold them in my Gun-Fu Kata!

     "The reason the Masters can seem to dodge is the ability to predict the fire ability of the shooters they can perceive. And so even a Master level shooter cannot easily hit all of the time, and anyone of lower skill level has only a small chance to hit them."

     Then I start to do the Kata motions to show her how my style moves.

     "I have combined both Master marksmanship and Master level Kung-Fu into one fluid fighting form I call Gun-Fu. The Master level Monks cannot evade this any-better than a man off the street. Only a Grandmaster Monk could evade my Kata, understand now?"

     Clap Clap Clap! She smiles and applauds my easy to understand example as I reload my handguns and put them away.

     "That was so simple and ingenious. To think you found a workaround for a Masters evasion-technique. I will have the weapon ready for you with ammunition to last a long time. This way, if you have to wipe out a family you can do it from a safe distance, Ufufu."

     "You spoiled me, so thanks Mrs Feng!"

     Then I see Tina come out of the house wearing a red-dress and she is alone today. I opened the rear door and waved her in.

     "Your limo is waiting, my lady!"

     As Tina climbs in smelling good, she said with irritation.

     "You're dripping with sarcasm, Rick, humph!"

     I shut the door on her as she was going to say something else, and her mother only laughed and smiled as I climbed in to drive off.

     Soon we are on the main road and I look in the rear-view and ask.

     "I know you're having a meal with the vice-leader, but should I expect a fight?"

     Tina looks up from her smartphone and tells me. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "You heard of the bombing in the mountains, right?"

     I just nodded to her and she continued.

     "The Air-Force dropped a bunker-buster on part of the Mountain Temple, killing about ¼ of their monastery and was told to never come to Star City again."

     Whistle! That is some harsh shit! Who the fuck called me?! So I ask.

     "Why not just blow up the whole thing, I think leaving them alive is the worst choice, is it not?"

     "No they are part of the Long by marriage with the Sect Leaders son and the second daughter behind Kimberly who is Ashley's mother. So eliminating them all is like slapping all of the Long for only the heads fault."

     "I guess I still don't understand enough politics, that's why being a commoner is far simpler."

     Tina leans into my ear and says softly.

     "By killing only a partial section of the Monks, and telling them to stay out of Star City, it means that Kimberly can never leave Star City while they are pissed at her for starting this little play of hers. Do you think the Bald Donkeys will be kind to the woman that brought the Government's military to their doorstep?"

     "Then she just stays in Star City no big deal."

     "Tsk Tsk, No, as the Head of the Long she has to travel all over Eurasia to handle clan affairs, so how effective will she be as a caged Head? Now you can see how the Long are being punished, right."

     I shrug as we are nearing our destination. It's a high-class dining establishment for the rich, where everything is just overpriced because they can.

     After parking, I scan the area before letting Tina get out of the hummer. Then following behind her, I kept watch.

     Soon, I and Tina are led into a private room with a U-shaped party booth for the women. I am not surprised to see Victoria here due to the fact my Cat and Mouse App already told me they are together, so I stand to the side and watch the three women sit.

     Victoria, seeing me standby the door, asked.

     "Why are you not joining us for this meeting Mr Lee?"

     Squinting at the Long women, I say flatly.

     "I am Miss Feng's bodyguard and I need to be alert for... assassins."

     Tina said to the two women.

     "If he did not come as my bodyguard, do you think he would have come to your meeting?"

     Ashley separates the Long's and the Hidden Dragons by saying.

     "I am here officially representing the Hidden Dragons, and Victoria Long is representing the Long House. We are here to talk and eat."

     Victoria said to me.

     "Please join us for a meal."

     I wave my hand and draw the line in the sand.

     "Already ate at Fat-Burgers and had a super-deluxe combo knowing I was working, so I am full thanks."

     Victoria, a smart woman, can tell the bridge is burnt, and the kind-boy that changed her flat would leave her stranded now. Her sister screwed the pooch this time.

     Soon a server came to take the three women's order. Then after the drinks were served, Tina asked.

     "And why did you want to have a meal with me Miss Hue, and why did you come to a Syndicate meeting Teacher Long?"

     Ashley explains.

     "The two of us were against the Head's machinations. Apparently she had been drinking the night of the Ball, and due to past grudges, she made a plan to cripple Rick Lee for a past slight done to the Long by his father."

     Oh, this is news to me? Then Tina asks.

     "Sorry, we are unaware of whatever past-grudge you're talking about, so clarify or don't use your flimsy excuse."

     This time Victoria speaks.

     "When I was around 3 years old, my older sister Ashley's mother was engaged to his father Rick Lee senior. Long story short, the marriage was abandoned and he married the Tang woman."

     Tina was unaware my mother came from the Tang and looked at me, seeing I did not say anything she figured I knew. So she changed the topic.

     "Your point?"

     Victoria continued with her feeble defense.

     "My two older sisters went too far to attack Rick Lee. We protested and due to drinking and long standing anger mistakes were made."

     Tina shrugs and looks nonplussed.

     "Let me know when storytime is over."

     "I am here to apologize for the Long family and due to the fact we will all be attending the Star University, we wish to make peace."

     Ashley then adds.

     "We the Hidden Dragons should not have taken Head Kimberly Long's request. My mother took the event too personally and made the situation worse. So our syndicate does not wish to go to war."

     Tina just leans back and crosses her legs, sips her wine, then says.

     "The Fire Birds don't wish for war as well, but... If my employee is attacked again by you guys, I will not only not stop him but I will aid him with both the Feng and Syndicates full support."

     The food arrived so the talks stopped for a moment while the server finished everything, then left. Victoria asks me.

     "Rick Lee, what is your opinion?"

     "I will follow my employer's arrangements..."

     "No Mr Lee, personally what do you think?"

     Victoria should know more about my father and grandfathers falling out so I ask.

     "I have two wives. So what is the reason that Ashley's mother did not marry my father when he could have clearly married both women?"

     Both women looked a bit taken aback and then Victoria answered.

     "My sister and the Tang woman were bitter rivals, and she told your father he could not marry her, so your father abandoned my sister and only married the Tang woman."

     Now it makes sense. My father would have married the Long woman if she was not a bitch about it, but like me, father chose love over family obligations.

     I had closed my eyes visualizing everything in my life and the pain my family suffered.  I imagined Ashley's mother probably like that Kimberly woman telling my proud father what he can and can't do like Kimberly's husband and nodded.

     "It makes so much sense now, Laura Long is the reason my parents were kicked out of the two clans, why my mother probably died due to stress, why my father died due to a broken heart, and why Scott Tang has almost killed me along with the vindictive Laura Long!"

     I look at the two women and smile.

     "So I was almost assassinated by the petty Long for something I had no part of and was not even alive for, and it was reasonable justification to kill me. So then all of my life's grievances can be laid at both of your feet then, is that justice? No, I have to just swallow your family's trash because your mother and your sister were a bitch?"

     Victoria then stood up and came to me and bows, she said.

     "You're right, and that's why I offer you to take my life in exchange to let the Long go. Just kill me."

     What the actual fuck is this woman smoking? Is this some thirdrate drama?

     "Your life is worthless as payment. Killing you would only make your older sisters even bigger bitches. So go eat your dinner and talk peace with Tina, I don't want to talk to the Long anymore, you all disgust me."

     I lean on the wall, cross my arms, and close my eyes. Tina said to the two.

     "Ufufu, You heard my Bodyguard, I will be the one you talk to for peace, come and sit Miss Long, don't look at him like he will forgive you lot."

     While they ate quietly, I just thought of what I learned.

     The main crux is the fact, I was right about my father all along, and that old man just refused to love his son due to not wanting to marry that cunt.

     The reason I closed my eyes and did not want to talk to Victoria is, I can tell she feels guilty for my troubles.

     When she heard my side of their families bullshit and offered her life, I could tell she was serious.

     If it was Ashley's mom or Kimberly, I would happily take them up on their offers and ventilate them, but Victoria was only a toddler and as innocent as me. I am sure the only reason she had resentment for me was the fact she was influenced by her older sister's hate for me.

     And Ashley is probably complicated knowing the only reason she is alive is due to her mother not marrying my dad. Life is all grey and rarely white and black.

     At the end of the meal, the three women stood and we all walked out to the car-park. Victoria said to me.

     "Be assured Rick Lee, I will not pull funny business in University for you. Once again, sorry for the  slights against you."

     I just open the back door for Tina to get in and do not reply, what can I say? I will pass even if she tries funny business, I can just hack my grades, but I know all the material anyway.

     But, I know she is trying to mend fences, however the Long won't easily gain my favor, so I only say to her as I climb in the Hummer.

     "See you in class Teacher Long."

     Thud! Then my door closed and drove Tina and myself off...

     Both women sigh almost at the same time at the awkward as fuck meeting. Then Ashley said to her aunt.

     "Well we avoided open conflict, and to think that so many of my Mountain Temple students died just like that for offending Rick Lee, and father is pissed at mother. Apparently some of the ones killed in the bombing were his childhood friends."

     Victoria said to her niece.

     "Learn a lesson here Ashley, don't be like my older sisters and don't carry endless vendettas, because only mutual annihilation awaits. I was unaware how your mother's choices affected others till today. He lost more than your mother did and we kicked a wounded tiger."

     "Well University life will be interesting with all of the main families all in one damn course! So have fun with that aunt, fufu!"

     Victoria grabbed her niece's cheek and twisted in displeasure.

     "You little brat! I only became a teacher so I could help you with your degree, now you brought me from my cushy CEO job to get in the middle of all of this bullshit! See how I don't work you to death in class, scram home brat, humph!"

     Later in the evening...........

     I kicked Tina to her curb and my favorite assassin hooked me up with my brand new death-stick, the Barrett M107 .50 Caliber Long Range Sniper Rifle!

     This made all of my earlier discontent vanish! Why? Because now I can kill as far away as 6500 feet, good stuff!

     So for the remainder of summer, no troubles came my way and life was rather slow going. My wives however made me feel very loved and I let them pamper me.

     After a good night's rest, I will have to tell you my fun highlights of summer.

     But now it is time for my University life to finally begin!


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