A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 11: Reflect & Recover

---D-Day+141, Khabien 16th, Sunday Afternoon---

---Jinshibo, Harem Suite---

Two weeks later, after lunch, our suite is dark.  All the windows closed and curtains drawn.  The red, green, and yellow colors of the room's decor, muted and shadowed.

Sounds from the ship and sea are muffled by barrier spells.  Smells of saltwater and wood overpowered by incense and perfume.  Though the slow rocking of this giant vessel, half the Titanic's length, can still be felt.

Six dozen beauties crowd this chamber.  Wearing a variety of dresses and robes from fantasy europe and xianxia china.  Weaving a rainbow of colors, but all also muted in the meager lighting.

Two dozen of them belong to my harem.  The rest are servants.  All of the maids present have been “converted” by Frankie and Lula’s missionary… ing?  And joined the beast cult.  Though the yanese named it Shenshoujiao.  God Beast Cult.

Hitomi teases that it's my dick doing the converting.  Frankie just gives them a way to pray to it.

Hardy har har.

Some ladies sit.  Most stand.  All surround and stare at the only man in the room.  Me.  Standing next to a waist-high redwood table.  And what is he doing?


“Am I becoming an otaku?”

Hear a japanese dark-elf snort.



Sort of seriously though, I’m finding this xianxia shit way too interesting.  The deeper I dig?  The more I explore?  The crazier it gets.  And the more intrigued I become.

Things started off simply enough with Body Refining.  Well, not sure you could call nine different cultivation techniques to get through the first realm, “simple.”

Qi Gathering was more complex.  With, potentially, twenty-one cultivation techniques to get through the second realm.  Geesh.  No wonder it can take decades for each of the "mortal" realms.

For me, the first roadblock was Foundation Establishment.  Its greater focus on visualization had me stumped.  Since I couldn't just feel my way through anymore.

By the by, apparently I’m a cultivation prodigy.  Breaking through to Foundation Establishment at sixteen.  Which is something only geniuses on a diet of high quality pills have a chance to accomplish.

And only the richiest richest can afford that many pills.  Like Little Li and Big Ji’s Tiang clan.

Lurch, the sect’s master alchemist, calls me a one in a thousand years genius.  Maybe one in ten thousand years.  For not needing a magic pill until breaking through to the third realm and doing it while still a teenager.

Gotta say I certainly don’t feel prodigy-ish.  Just a guy with an ocean of mana who is also good at moving that magic stuff around.  This is probably another isekai cheat thing.  Or maybe I’m an idiot savant?  The idiot part would fit at least.

More mumbling.

“Can’t believe she was right.”


My hippie chick.


You know, your hippie chick.

Most guys I know, including me, have a hippie chick in their past.  Those “make love not war” gals.  Likes dreamcatchers and pot.  Buys into that whole buddha chakra nirvana stuff a little too much.

And no, I’m not talking about the “so glad I cast that spell the night we met” girl.  That’s your witch chick.

How do you tell the difference?

Well, while both are incredible in the sack.  And both have a history of holy shit level disastrous relationships.  The hippie chick isn't as pessimistic as the witch chick.  Nor as obsessed with the Twilight movies.

Never imagined that “inner peace” and “cosmic connection” shit she rambled on about was actually real.  Just need qi.  And mind altering substances.

Yep, alchemy is full of psychedelic drugs!  Pills that “expand consciousness.”  Supercharging your cognition, temporarily.  

Can't get a grip on the three origins and building columns in your dantian?  Well pop a magic pill while using the breakthrough technique for Foundation Establishment and-


*mind… blown…*

Your own version of Kubrick’s 2001.

Wanna trip?  Fuck burning man.  Go to a xianxia rave.

Four voices from two girls interrupt my meandering mind.

""Everything is ready, sensei.""

Ugh.  Frosty taught them to call me "sensei."  


Really hope Franziska’s okay.  Suddenly bailing like that.  At least Frankie swears the breastless twig is safe and relaxing on her “sabbatical” in Granya.

Dammit, come on, focus.  Worry about the twelve kids on the way and their moms-to-be after surgery.  Not during.

Twelve kids, damn.  Might have to get a second job.

'Welcome to Isekaimart.  Get your shit and get out.'

Sim-Fer and Oda-Mar, the half-dead unions of my two Stormgarde faculty concubines and pair of shadow oracles, are on the other side of the table.  Each taking a corner.

Margo and Ferra still have the wings they sprouted when I cured Blue so kind of look like angels.  Dead angels.  And while merged with Simone and Odaline?  Very sexy mature undead angels.

Especially with those strappy dresses they're wearing.  Been practicing a lot too.  So they can stay merged nearly all day now.

Look down at the girl laying on the table in front of me.

Miltinnia Alnus.  Though I just call her Milti.  Aquecian.  Father, one of Hitomi’s "Shades," secret agents.  Killed by Lustonia’s prince prick on my last day at Stormgarde.  Mother, run over and killed years ago by a noble's carriage in Aquecia.

Mother's sacrifice saved Milti’s life.  But not her legs.  Father did his best.  Taught her everything he knew about merchantry.  Searched high and low for magic to regrow legs.  Even created a custom wheelchair.

Well today, she is getting those legs back.

Only been a month since Kamern’s murder so there is still a lot of grief.  But with everyone’s love and support, she is slowly recovering.  Just gotta help her keep moving forward.

Her two best friends each hold a hand to help calm Milti’s nerves.  As a caring british voice reassures.

"Oi Mil.  No worries luv.  This?  Easy peasy."

One hand is held by Lizzy.  The isekaied brit who bonded with her at Stormgarde.  The other is gripped by Juri.  A shadow assassin who became Milti’s bestie after she moved to Pearlden.  And other half of the half-dead Milti-Juri. 

Notice all seventy plus women are watching me and marvel again that my dick's been in every one of them.  Which reminds me again about just how insidious dual-cultivation can be.

At first, thought both partners had to be using shuangxiu techniques for it to work.  Nope.  Was shocked after I started pointing [Super Senses] at dual-cultivating in action. Using [Recovery Magic] examination spells, while doing the deed, revealed even more.

Turns out many Yuetaoban, Moon Peach Petal, techniques actually “trick” your partner's body and spirit into dual-cultivating too.  Like concentrating their yin to discharge during orgasms.  And making themselves more sensitive for bigger climaxes.

Maybe worse?  Triggering their own brain’s “reward system,” that dopamine thing, more often and amplifying it.  Imprinting me in their minds as a “good,” or even “great,” thing.

And it's all happening on the down low.  Nothing in the technique itself fesses up to it.  Like some hidden effect.

Well, whatever the case, the harem is taking the news a lot easier than I expected them too.  “So you make us even happier?  And we cum even harder?”  Overly dramatic pose.  “Oh no, help, okami.  Save me from this ikeman.”

You know?  Sometimes?  Hitomi really goes the extra mile to earn a spanking.

Even Jin, a seventh realm daoist, when I asked if she noticed it?  Just said, “yes” and snogged me for five minutes straight.

Hey, maybe I’m worried about nothing.  Really hope there isn’t some secret switch that suddenly turns them all into yanderes.


At least the more potent dual-cultivation techniques are pretty difficult.  And they’re not pass/fail.  The better you perform?  The better the effect.  It's just that with [Magic Penis], [Mana Manipulation], and [Sex Magic]?

Like playing an FPS with an aimbot.

‘Boom!  Headshot.’

And let’s not forget about the effects its techniques do fess up to.  Like making practitioners more “attractive.”  Now all cultivation arts improve your body.  On top of the passive effects mana already has.

The goal being to make your body better able to handle, and channel, qi.  Reducing the risk of qi deviation. 

Moon Peach Petal though, goes further.  Subtly altering your aura and pheromones.  Been getting comments from my girls, for a couple weeks, about how much more dominant I am lately.  Charismatic.  Confident.  And how great I smell.

My body is also looking more and more muscular.  Still not swole.  But more and more jacked.  Taller too.  Would swear I’ve grown another inch just in the past weeks.

And I’m finally getting hair!  Facial and body hair that is.  Ludicrously soft facial and body hair.  The hair on top of my head is getting blacker, longer, thicker, and softer.  Nowadays the wives love running their fingers through it.

Missed my beard so much!


Dammit, drifted off again.  Focus!

A shaking young voice whispers beneath me.

“I miss my dad.”

Anxious Milti sheds tears, eyes pleading through grey irises under grey bangs.  So I bend down and gently caress her pink lips with mine.  Then cup an olive skinned cheek.

“Your dad is very proud of you and loves you so very much.”  Brush hair out of her eyes.  “Imagine how happy he’ll be to see his daughter walk again.”

Her face is full of hope, and some doubt.

“How can you know?”

Answer in a silly arrogant tone.

“Haven’t you heard?”  *wink*  “I’m a god.”  Grin as she giggles.  “I’m also a father.  No matter where.  No matter when.  I love them.  And my dearest wish for my children?  Is to be healthy, happy, and whole.”

Eyes sparkle as she gives me a smile that lightens my heart.

“Thank you.”

The tears stop.  Her body exhales and relaxes.  Its shaking settles.

Still bent over, I give her an eskimo kiss.

“Thank you too.”  Serious face.  “Now this is going to itch.  A lot.  It may also tingle and burn as I regrow the nerves.”  Look her in the eye.  “Last chance to back out.”

A cute shake of the head.

“No, husband.”  Little blush.  “This is my gift to dad.  What he dreamed of.”  Determined look.  “And I must get stronger.  So I can protect you, my sisters,”  Goes full tomato.  “and our children.”

Again impressed with how brave she is, I nod and stand up straight.

Beside me is a smaller table covered in mana stones.  Regrowing limbs devours god awful amounts of mana.  Tapping them dramatically lowers the strain on my body.  Letting me stay conscious after big heals.

Rest my hand on top of them as I feel the links to Oda-Mar and Sim-Fer light up.


A spinning glowing arcane circle with several rings of magic language appears under the crystals.  The rocks begin glowing.

Start off with a spell to clean and disinfect as my other hand rubs the ends of her amputated legs.

"[Embrace of Hygieia]"

Another shining arcane whirling circle appears.  Much larger, and under Milti.  Accompanied by gasps from the peanut gallery. 

Now one to crank up tissue generation and blood production.

"[Touch of Menerva]"

Time for the anesthesia, which took an embarrassingly long time to find in the grimoire angel tits shoved into my brain.

“[Philoctetes’ Discovery]”

And… she’s out.

Next take a look at what her legs used to look like.  Should be useless.  She’s grown too much since then.  However, Milti grows legs of mana when merged with Juri?  And I can use those as a template.

"[Vision of Isis]"

Okay, time to open up the turbos to shorten the trauma and strain on her body.

[Bullet Time]

Everything slows way down.  The dust motes floating in the air about stop.

“[Chiron's Fingers] [Blessing of Imhotep] [Aceso's Spirit] [Skill of Chiron]”

The ice pick stabbing into my brain shows me that while triple casting isn’t that bad anymore.  Quad casting is still a fucking bitch.

Phase my fingers so I can reach through flesh and bone.  The skin at the end of her legs tears open as growing bone pushes through.

Multiple rotating sparkling script filled rings appear around the ends of my patient's legs.  Crawling along with the magical repairs.

Muscles, tendons, cartilage, and other tissues appear to grow out from the bone.  As blurring fingers adjust their positions and attach them together.

Sim-Fer and Oda-Mar support me.  Helping to control the flood of mana and creating a 360 degree view.  A live cat scan.

Femurs… done.  Patellas… got it.  Tibias and fibulas… fuck.  Sweating like a pig in a sauna.  Smelling even worse.  Weird odor when mixed with ozone from burning mana.  Fried air and grilled steak?  Tarsals… little bones.  Metatarsals… littler bones.  Phalanges… littlest bones.

"[Imhotep's Guidance]"

Mold and remold the bones that aren’t quite right.  Last thing you want is a spur or grinding joints.  Gotten pretty good at it while healing all those adventurers. 

"[Touch of Menerva]"

One of the large magic circles under Milti dissipates.  So I recast it.

"[Gift of Hepius]"

Work the tissues, vessels, nerves.  Aligning them.  Make sure there are no blocks for the various fluids.  Layer the skin.  Cure and seal the dermis.

"[Hepius Weaving]"

Stitch the various bits and bobs together until they finish healing.

"[Airmed's Hands]"

Rub down her legs and feet.  A cooling touch to reduce swelling and soothe raw nerves.

"[Eyes of Ouroboros]"

Check the new limbs.  Everything looks good.  Healthy.  Now check the rest of her body.

"[Embrace of Hygieia]"

Another cleaning.  This is bloody messy work.

"[Kiss of Grannus]"

Pretty much my signature move.  My closer.  For the ladies at least.  A chaste kiss on her forehead.  An incantation for emotional support.  Inspiring feelings of, "It's gonna be alright." and "I'm going to be alright."

With that the charge in the air begins to disperse.  Magic circles dwindle.  The golden glow radiating from my angels and I, fades.  Milti’s glittering body dims.

On the small table, the mana stones have almost all crumbled to dust.  And thanks to [Philoctetes’ Discovery], Milti is still out cold.  She should wake up in a few hours.

Hear a multitude of whispers around me.

All of the maids and some of the harem are on their knees.

Correction, those are not whispers.

They're prayers.


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