A Fathers Wrath

Branch 3: Baiyu & Qinxin

*zhing* *klang*

*slash* *splash*

A tall thin elf in blue daoist robes sails across the ocean.  Standing on a round metal shield that's so close to the water's surface.  The spike pointing down from its center cuts through the wave tops.

Throwing droplets behind that sparkle in the clear sky's morning light.  And spray the yanese woman pursuing him.

She is also dressed in blue daoist robes.  But needs no aid to fly.  Her feet and legs stretched out behind.  While an arm reaches forward.  Wielding a shining Jian sword.

Core Elder Baiyu Jingi's sharp green eyes are focused on her prey.  Core Elder Qinxin Methil Alre Heiris.  She is faster than the alchemist and a realm higher in cultivation.  Frustratingly, the swordwoman's advantages are not enough.

Every time his metal spear repels her blade.  She loses momentum and is forced to catch back up again.  Their "spar" has already crossed a dozen ships and now races over open ocean north of the fleet.

[Three Heavens Blade]

Jingi musters qi and channels it into her prized Earth-rank blade.  At the same time, moving the sword through the form of a Foundation Establishment technique.

[Lotus Petal Wall]


And as before.  The elf somehow knows not only to counter with a third realm spear spell.  But also the best technique to cast.  His spinning polearm smoothly deflects the strike.

Slowing her down again and letting him build a lead.  Worse, Elder Baiyu’s opponent is feeling talkative today.  His words proving as annoying as the seaspray.

A too high pitched voice carries over the waves. 

“Oh my, why is my chaste fellow daoist so upset?"  Mockingly shows a worried expression.  "The pointers you are trading seem particularly pointy today.”

[Steel Thrust Scale]

Cautious to conserve qi, the woman uses a fourth realm jian technique on her next approach.  The final movement covering the edges in what appear to be scales as it stabs forward.

[Coil Lance Block]


As before, except this time it is a Core Formation qiang spell.  Knocking the sword up and Elder Baiyu back.  Meanwhile his needling words continue striking.

“This humble elder has known you for 200 years, Jingi.  May hide your feelings from others."  Taps his forehead.  "But not even a monk can hide his heart from my [Third Eye]."  Spreads his arms.  "And who could blame you?  Foundation Establishment at sixteen?  And the only pill he’s ever taken was to conceptualize and solidify the three origins?  Truly a genius of geniuses.”

[Divine Will Edge]

Looking to surprise her foe.  She performs a Spirit Condensing technique that uses sword intent to extend its reach.  A difficult feat when flying only feet above the water as fast as a galloping horse.

[Fate Wheel Spike]

*kong* *splash*

Almost casually, Elder Qinxin uses a fifth realm spear spell to bat the attack aside.  Sending the sword intent slicing into the ocean.

“Do you really think you can hide him from your rivals?"  The elf leans to cut through a wave at an angle.  "Your pitiful little band of rebels is no match for the might of the imperial clans.”

[Three Heavens-] [Thunder Tail Sweep]

The Nascent Soul daoist begins movements for a third realm sword spell.  Then shifts into a fourth realm leg technique half way through!  Aiming for Methil's shield.  If she can knock him off it, this fight will be over.

[Falling Star Spear]


The butt of Elder Qinxin's pike meets Elder Baiyu’s ankle.  Cleanly breaking it.  She grinds her teeth and shuts out the pain.

“Tch.  Jingi, you disappoint this inadequate senior."  Winks.  "[Third Eye] sees intentions, and deceptions.  You know you can only defeat me through superior skill.”

[Jade Dragon Pavilion]

Sheathing her precious magic sword, the swordswoman marshals aura and infuses it with qi through a series of hand signs before… unleashing it.


The sixth realm domain technique explodes out.  Placing everything within it under Elder Baiyu's domination.

[Cloud Severing Swipe]


Unperturbed, the elf daoist spins around three times while twirling his polearm before slicing it downward in an overhead swing.  Cutting the domain in two and stunning Jingi.

“Damn you to eight generations, elf!  That is a Nascent Soul spear technique!  How are you able to use it?”

The alchemist replies with his trademark angular grin.

“Maybe your superior skills are not so superior?”

She gives him a hateful glare.

“Why did you do it, Methil?  You know how much capturing his trust cost me.  What do you gain by ruining it?!”

[Dragon Blood Claw]

Leaving her sword in its scabbard, the woman charges forward and slashes across the elf's chest with red phantom claws extending from glowing fingertips.  A fourth realm hand spell that could eviscerate him.

[Ghost Trace]


Except her qi talons rend nothing but air.  The elfen body scatters and blows away like smoke in an autumn breeze.  Revealing his true body a dozen feet further away.

Anger flashes in Elder Baiyu’s emerald eyes.

“A movement art?  Are you looking down on me?”

Elder Qinxin stands on the floating shield, shaking his head.

“Remember, Jingi?  Intentions?  You are not angry about me interfering, little daoist.  Nor about me looking down on you."  A long pointed eyebrow climbs.  "No.  You fear he will look down on you.”

“Eight damned elf!”

[Sky Scale Leap, Mirror Fang]

Enraged, the swordswoman simultaneously uses sixth realm movement and seventh realm sword techniques.  Flashing towards the alchemist and turning into multiple mirror images.

[Ghost Trace]

Again the elfen body scatters like smoke.  But this time, *slich* "Ah!"

Jingi's speed let her blade reach the opponent before the escape spell finished taking effect.  His true body now shows a deep gash.  Reaching from left shoulder to right thigh.  Blood gushes out.  Waterfalling into the waters below.

Elder Qinxin quickly retrieves a pill from one of his pouches and throws it into his mouth.  Within a few breaths the blood loss is reduced to a trickle and the wound begins sealing itself.

For a moment the four hundred year old daoist looks at the swordswoman with complete disdain and disgust.  Killing intent boiling out.  Then the moment passes and his amused eyes with angular smile returns.

“Oh no."  Looking down at his torn and soaked robes.  "And I just had this washed.  Well, nothing wrong with spilt blood among friends.”

*cough* *ptoo*

Backlash from casting two spells at once catches up to the female cultivator and she coughs up a mouthful of blood.  Then spits to clean her tongue.  Causing the elf's smile to deepen.

“Oh but it appears the honorable elder has injured herself too.  Tsk, tsk, such a shame.”

Elder Baiyu looks at Elder Qinxin with eyes full of loathing.

“Tell me why, Methil.  He is important-”

“To you?”  The alchemist interrupts her.

“Yes!"  She screams back.  "Cursed elf!  Jon is important to me!  Satisfied?  Now tell me!”

His smile starts to fade.

“That Huang fool will attack soon.”

Jingi shrugs.


Methil taps his nose.

“The fool's smell has changed.”

Elder Baiyu’s eyes squint.

“What do you mean?”

There is no smile on Elder Qinxin’s face now.

“Qi Deviation.”

Shock then outrage.

“No…  And you chose to keep this secret?!”

The eunuch finds the swordswoman's temper funny.

“Bah."  Dismissive hand wave.  "You know all that matters to me is my dao.”

Sheathes her sword and crosses arms.

“Who knows how much damage he will cause.  We must intervene.”

Shakes his head.


Jingi is taken aback.


Floats down to dip his shield into the water.  Washing off the blood.

"It is a guided deviation.  That idiot is cultivating a demonic transformation art."

She looks at the elf cultivator incredulously. 

"That is even worse!  He must be stopped!"

Elder Qinxin shakes his head again.


The daoist woman looks at the elf cultivator suspiciously.

“What are you plotting…”

Methil holds up a hand.  And the illusion of a small rodent appears in it.

“A dirty mouse told me that the Huang gongzi has no clan to return to."  Smirks.  "Without Xiao Li’s blood on his sheets.”

Jingi clicks her tongue.

“Tch.  Even the Huang are not that arrogant.”

He raises an eyebrow. 

“Are they not?  That gongzi brought a medicine bag full of pills, elixirs, and naughty toys.  All for Xiao Li.  Either the princess gives herself willingly?"  Wicked grin.  "Or, after he is done, there would be no point in giving what’s left of her to anyone else.”

A disbelieving look.

“His entire clan would be annihilated!”

The eunuch shrugs.

“Perhaps.  But he is desperate.  Well, he was.  Now?  Only the rabbit’s bones are left.”

A pondering expression from the swordswoman.

“Even bones are a feast to a hungry dog.”

Methil laughs.

“Xixi.  Before my apprentice revealed a domain technique?  As a Qi Gatherer?”  Nods.  “Yes.  That Huang fool thought he could compete."  Clasps his hands then pulls them apart.  "Tempt her, or break her, away from the foreigner.  After?  Only your lover’s death provides opportunity.”

“Then I will kill him first.”

[Jagged Mountain Rise]

Jingi’s sword springs into her hand and slashes upward as she bursts forward.  Looking to bisect the tall daoist with the third realm jian spell.

[Ghost Trace]

Cutting only smoke as the wary elf kept the escape technique ready.  Still leaving behind some hairs, to the surprise attack.

Elder Qinxin gives a slight bow to the female cultivator.

“Impressive.  How did you draw your sword that way?”  Elder Baiyu glares at him and remains silent.  “Very well.  A different question then.”  The eunuch's eyes turn sharp.  “How long do you think you can keep him?”

The question surprises Jingi.


Methil’s smile grows.

“Your faction has but two hundred disciples.  And two elders.”  Tilts his head to the side.  “For how long can you satisfy a god?  Grand Elder Tiang Feng Ju challenged him and lost.”  A crushing motion.  “Anyone who could defeat Uncle Hands is not someone you can force.  Or cage.”

The yanese woman looks annoyed.

“I know.”

Elder Qinxin needles her more.

“Daughters of the most powerful clans and sects across Luyan will line up for his seed.”

A grimace covers the female cultivator’s face.

“I know.”

An evil glint from the elf’s left eye.

“Emperors will offer thrones.  And you cannot even give him a village.”

She scowls at him and yells.

“I said I know!”

[Mirror Fang]

With near blinding speed Jingi moves her blade through the forms to cast the Nascent Soul technique.  Mirror swords pounce on the arrogant eunuch.

[Many Piercing Mountains]


This time, instead of retreat, the sixth realm cultivator uses another seventh realm spear technique.  Creating the vision of an entire mountain range of pikes.  Rising to block the descending blades.

Elder Qinxin stares at Elder Baiyu and asks.

“Then what will you do?”

The swordswoman grumpily replies.

“Jon is not like that.”

For the first time in as long as he can remember.  The alchemist finds himself struck dumb.  Never, ever, expecting to hear such a sentence from the renowned man hater.

“Fellow daoist.  I suspect a heavenly tribulation just struck me, so I may have misheard.  Could you say that again?”

Jingi harrumphs and sails back then turns away.

“I will not.”

The old elf cannot help himself and snickers.

“Xixi, oh my oh my, is this an esteemed elder before me?  Or an innocent maiden?  One is looking more and more like the other.”

Elder Baiyu grumbles.

“Eight damned elf.”

Elder Qinxin sighs before speaking.

“My apprentice needs stepping stones.”


A eunuch rolls his eyes.

“My plot.  That is my plot.  Even if he hates me?”  Points to himself.  “I will provide others to hate more.  The Huang are a good start but I doubt they will last long.  Each new enemy becomes another step in his ascension.”

The yanese daoist rubs her chin.

“Stepping stones…”

Methil nods.

“Are you not already aiming him at the Young Masters Club?  However, they will not be enough to reclaim your legacy.”

Jingi side-eyes him.

“How do you know about-”

The eunuch waves dismissively again.

“While the dragons roar and scare the cats away?  The mice eat like kings.  And their tiny ears hear all sorts of interesting things.”

The swordswoman chooses to focus on the earlier question.

“What of it?  The New Lady Dragons Group and the Young Masters Club’s enmity is well known.”

Elder Qinxin bows.

“I suspect they will not last much longer than the Huang Clan.  Suggest you prepare more stepping stones.  Find a tournament.  Deep realms.  Or maybe a rival sect.”  Snaps his fingers.  “Like the Haishepai.  Keep him busy enough and you may even end up knotting your hair with his.”

Elder Baiyu starts fidgeting and twirling hair around her fingers.

“Wha?  An old woman like-”

[Skewering Spear]

The alchemist lunges at Jingi.  Using a Qi Realization spear spell to rapidly stab at her with his pike.

[Sky Scale Leap]


But the swordswoman is just as wary.  A movement technique sending her beyond his range.

Methil clicks his tongue.

“Tch.  Almost repaid my blood debt there.”

Hand on hip, Elder Baiyu frowns at him.

"Enough, elf.  That does not answer your prank.  Why did-"

Guessing the question, he doesn’t bother to let her finish asking it.

"Because there were not two pills."

Impatiently she shakes her head.

"No.  I distinctly sensed more than one p-"

The alchemist stops her again.

"There were three."

Jingi’s eyes open wide as she stutters a reply.


Methil nods.

"And the third devours a lot of qi.”  Smirks.  “What better way for a dual-cultivator to gather qi than to dual-cultivate."

The swordswoman stares at him intently for a few moments.  Then nods and sheathes her blade.

"Very well, you have paid for your offense with your own blood.”  Hands on hips.  “I will consider this insult resolved.  If you will do the same."

The eunuch ponders, before also nodding and clasping his hands.

"Thank you for the pointers, Core Elder Baiyu Jingi."

Jingi clasps hands as well.

"And I thank you, Core Elder Qinxin Methil Alre Heiris.”  She looks to the south.  “Damned elf, we have drifted far from the fleet.”  Begins racing southward.  “I need to get back to Jon-er, I mean, the Jinshibo.”  While keeping a cautious distance from the alchemist she asks.  “And what was the third pill, venerable elder."

Methil’s smile widens as he recalls something diverting.

"Eh?  Oh, yes, just a recipe from an old book I found laying around.  The title is what, initially, caught my eye."

Minutes pass without further comment.  The fleet now fills the horizon.  With the mighty Jinshibo dominating the center of it.  An exasperated sigh before she finally asks.

"Fine.  What was the book's title?"

The alchemist snickers to himself.

"How to make a god."

Baiyu, Jingi (female, human, yanese)

  • Mistress of Jon Barton
  • 5'8", 300 years
    • Green eyes, green lips and makeup, straight long pinned black hair, oblong face, milky white skin
    • C-cup breasts, slim inverted triangular body, small v-shaped butt
  • Beyulongong sect
    • Hexin Lao (Core Elder)
    • Xinulongzu group
    • Shou (Leader)
  • Daoist
    • Yuanying (Nascent Soul)
    • Chuqi (Early-stage)
  • Melee/Missile
    • Jian-Sword (mst), Longbow (adv)
  • Swordswoman, Jin, Superwoman, Kung fu queen

Qinxin, Methil Alre Heiris (male, elf, elluinian)

  • 7’2”, 400 years
    • gold eyes, long gold hair
  • Beyulongong sect
    • Hexin Lao (Core Elder)
    • Danshao (Alchemy) club
  • Daoist
    • Huaqi (Qi Realization)
    • Zhongqi (Middle-stage)
  • Melee/Missile
    • Qiang-Spear (mst), Shield (adv)
  • Alchemist, Eunuch, Elf, Lurch

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