Yes, I’m Straight. But What Have I Done Wrong?

Chapter 2 - Story 9-18

Chapter 2: Story 9-18

Translator: Sissy That Walk


In the second year of high school, students received military training. A group of students standing outdoors were almost burning in the scorching sun. Under the strong sunlight, Coquettish Guy was going to faint and fall on the ground. The troop was arranged in students’ height. Domineering Guy stood in the rear of Coquettish Guy, keeping an eye on him all the time. When finding the Coquettish Guy feeling uncomfortable, he immediately reported to the military training instructor that he would take the classmate to have a rest.

The military instructor was furious, “Your classmate didn’t say anything. It’s none of your business.”

Standing beside Coquettish Guy, Straight Guy said instantly, “Sir, I just heard he saying that he felt uncomfortable and could hardly stand.”

The military instructor glanced them up and down, nodding with a snort, “Ok,  you take him to have a rest. That tall student, it’s none of your business. Go back to your line!”

Then Domineering Guy gazed angrily after Straight Guy as he supported Coquettish Guy to rest.

They sat under the sunshade, drinking ice water and looking at Domineering Guy in the distance.

Domineering Guy: I hate you.


Although a straight guy always lived a miserable life in gay fiction, his two roommates treated him as a real friend.

This day, Straight Guy got ill, lying on the bed unconsciously with fever. These two roommates did not even get out so as to take care of him.

Straight Guy opened his eyes hardly, vaguely seeing them hugging each other. He asked them with a husky voice, “What are you doing?”

Domineering Guy never expected that the Straight Guy would wake up so fast, so he managed a dry explanation after a moment of silence, “You sleep a long time. We are weeping together out of worry.”

Straight Guy, “Oh…Em…Sorry that I have caused you anxiety.” What a heart-warming friendship!


Recently, Domineering Guy seemed to prepare something, downloading quite a few porn movies.

Straight Guy understood him. Boys! Therefore, when Domineering Guy was caught watching porn movies, Straight Guy had no psychological burden at all, “Great stuff should be shared!”

Domineering Guy glanced implicitly at his roommate’s handsome yet silly face and pressed the play button with a slight tremble.

Then Straight Guy, for the first time of his whole life, saw two men making love…

“Why…why…why does the girl have an Adam’s apple?” Straight Guy stammered out of extreme shock.

Domineering Guy gave a missish smile, “She even has a cock.”

Straight Guy immediately felt that god had opened a draughty window for him, the whooshing wind from which made him shiver.


Straight Guy quickly forgot the little scares he had suffered and continued to cohabitate happily and optimistically with his two brothers.

Somehow, out of some reason he didn’t know, Coquettish Guy seemed to be at loggerhead with Domineering Guy and in these days didn’t want to talk with him, nor to stay alone with him.

In the evening, the three were doing homework in the dormitory when Straight Guy suddenly received a message from the girl in charge of art-related activities of their class asking him out.

Straight Guy was so happy that even his guts seemed to be trembling. Elated, he was just about to go out when Coquettish Guy stopped him, “Don’t go.”

Straight Guy, “Hum? What?”

Coquettish Guy hesitated to say something and after thinking for a while he said, “The mid-term exam is around the corner. Is it right to go for a date with your girl? What if your score goes down? How could you do this to your parents and yourself!”

Straight Guy turned clear-headed at once and began to feel ashamed.

“How lucky I am to have such a brother to stop me from wrong-doings! Otherwise my study may really be retarded by early relationship. How lucky! How lucky!” Straight Guy thought to himself.


This year’s Mid-Autumn Festival happened to be little Straight Guy’s birthday. Domineering Guy acted restlessly in those days, keeping asking him whether he would go back home for the festival.

Little Straight Guy replied with a yes, but though Domineering Guy heard the same answer for several times, he still always tried to reconfirm with him.

Being asked too many times, Straight Guy inevitably thought about it. Therefore, he asked Coquettish Guy whether they two would go back home. Coquettish Guy answered no and they two would celebrate the festival at school.

It immediately dawned on Straight Guy. It turned out his roommates were preparing a birthday party for him. No wonder Domineering Guy repeatedly reconfirmed with him. How stupid he had been that he didn’t get his kindness!

On the eve of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Domineering Guy stared at Straight Guy and got relieved at the sight of him holding a big package, seemingly to leave.

However, in the end, Straight Guy turned around the moment he reached the door and spread a huge smile, “I’m not going back! I’m going to celebrate my birthday with you guys! Voila! This is not my luggage, it’s a cake! Aren’t you happy? Gotcha!”

Coquettish Guy, “So happy.”

Domineering Guy, “Yes.”


Straight Guy ate his birthday cake while talking excitedly with Coquettish Guy and Domineering Guy. He even opened the wine that he had secretly brought to school. He babbled with the other two that he would still leave for home tomorrow because he used to celebrate his birthday and the Mid-Autumn Festival with his parents. Though he felt it was also nice to celebrate with brothers, his parents would miss him.

Alcohol already made him talk with a lisp, humming and muttering. He couldn’t figure out why the scene Coquettish Guy and Domineering Guy sitting together reminded him of the picture him sitting together with his parents at home and he burped out of nervousness.

Then, Straight Guy, who was no drinker, couldn’t remember anything happened afterwards. The next day when he woke up, he unconsciously called, “Mom”, at which Coquettish Guy gave him a cold sharp glimpse.

It was until later that Straight Guy was told that after he got drunk, he mistook the roommates as his parents, holding Coquettish Guy’s hand and begging him not to abandon dad because though dad was suffering middle-age crisis and baldness, he stilled loved you. The “bald” Domineering Guy looked at his “cheap son” with mixed feelings and said to Coquettish Guy, “Look. Even this silly boy can tell that I love you.”


On the next day, Straight Guy woke up early. He packed up quickly and headed back home to accompany his real parents.

Domineering Guy sensed this great opportunity. Yesterday, he had asked attentively and found Coquettish Guy didn’t show aversion. Seizing the opportunity when the third wheel wasn’t present, he felt it was time for him to step up his victorious pursuit.

The moment Domineering Guy put his claw on his sweetheart’s shoulder, his phone rang.

It was Straight Guy who had forgotten to bring ID card and was waiting desperately at train station.

Domineering Guy didn’t have the intention to help him because, having held back for so long, he was just half a centimeter away to kiss his sweetheart.

Coquettish Guy laughed to himself, not showing it on face, and amusedly poked Domineering Guy’s face away, “Let’s go, my baby’s daddy.”

Domineering Guy, with his bloodshot purple face out of rage, headed for the train station in taxi at the speed of rushing to enemy camp to assassinate the general, just to send his silly son the ID card.


Domineering Guy wasn’t that anxious after he came back from the station. He and Coquettish were childhood sweethearts with relationship deep enough to trigger qualitative change. Now that the third wheel was away, he planned to prepare more than enough stuff that might be used in the evening. Coquettish Guy might resist overclose touch, but, what if…? What if…right? (Meow) People should have dreams.

Domineering Guy focused himself on searching for good brands and then collected a full package of stuff back.

Then thinking of buying some snacks that Coquettish Guy liked to coax him, he ended up standing at the door of an Internet-popular dessert shop, waiting in line for three hours.

It was late when he got back. Though tired this day, Domineering Guy was still expectant.

He opened the door, finding Coquettish Guy was sitting in front of the computer, whose slim waist, ready to be held, made Domineering Guy even more restless. He moved three in three steps with a trembling Adam’s apple, “I…”

Before finishing his sentence, he heard a familiar voice enthusiastically greeting him.

Domineering Guy instantly raised up his head in shock to find Straight Guy’s big face filling up the entire screen…[Doge]

“You…Weren’t you supposed to be at home? No, you…” Domineering Guy even rambled at his speech, “Why are you facetiming?”

Straight Guy was joyful, “After I got home, my parents want to meet my roommates who have been taking care of me, so we facetimed. I’ll let them say hello to you [too happy].”

Domineering Guy was stunned, watching with his own eyes two more amiable faces appearing on the screen. Hiding the bag of stuff that he had bought, he squeezed a smile to the screen, “Nice to meet you, uncle and aunt.”


Domineering Guy couldn’t believe that the beautiful night and beautiful virgin body that he had planned to dedicate to Coquettish Guy should end up turning to a confusing facetime meeting.

By the time the video meeting was over, he was no longer in the restless mood, being overwhelmed by the happy atmosphere of family reunion.

Coquettish Guy quietly looked at him for a while and burst into laughter, “What did you buy?”

Domineering Guy turned nervous at once. With fading primitive lust, he was a bit timid, trying to disguise subconsciously, “No…nothing.”


“Really,” said Domineering Guy, “I bought you a cake and the rest is for our silly son.” Then he tucked the bag full of evil-brand products into Straight Guy’s closet.

Coquettish Guy, “Oh…”


The Mid-Autumn Festival holiday wasn’t long, and Domineering Guy was a little upset after his day was ruined. He lied in bed, reflecting that it might be fate that his several monstrous attempts failed…After all, he hadn’t made it clear with Coquettish Guy regarding the nature of their relationship. He shouldn’t be too eager to enter the little back-hole.

He decided to make a long-term plan to start all over again. It was alright to wait until it happened naturally.

Therefore, the second day of the holiday, he took on a gentle style, asking Coquettish Guy out to watch a film. Coquettish Guy said nothing and just nodded with a smile after staring at him for long. Domineering Guy, receiving the order, immediately went to buy tickets, but only to find out that, emmmm, the tickets for holiday were all sold out.

Coquettish Guy seemed to have anticipated this result, “Actually, it doesn’t have to be a hit movie. Let’s just watch one in the dormitory.” Besides, they wouldn’t be bothered. Of course, this was the idea that Coquettish Guy wouldn’t speak out himself.

Domineering Guy at once began to check good movies online. Clicking two of them, he found the network speed was desperately slow in the dormitory.

“Then we can watch one already downloaded. Do you have any?” Coquettish Guy asked.

Domineering Guy’s face changed suspiciously and he shook his head like insane.

Coquettish Guy fell into a dilemma, “Alright. I didn’t download either. Let me ask…” He already sent the message to Straight Guy before Domineering Guy could stop him.

Straight Guy quickly replied a voice message, “I’ve downloaded quite a lot. Wait, I’ll send you my computer password. Yet, hahahaha, why don’t you watch the movies our room head downloaded. He has plenty in his computer.”

Domineering Guy the room head: …Honey, listen…I don’t, I’m not…

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