
Chapter 9: Plausible Denial – Part 3.

Sitting in one of the seats on her room’s balcony, Wendy sipped a large cup of coffee and relaxed in the chilly breeze that came from the ocean. “Let’s see what you knew about, Nick.” Wendy laughed to herself and the memory of the helpless detective scraping the floor with his fingernails. -Felt good though.- a distant voice in her mind told her.  “Yeah, it did.”  She confidently affirmed out loud.  Digging Gemelli’s notebook from her bag, Wendy started flipping the pages. -Lovely handwriting for a guy.- She snicker-snorted and read the entries, starting with his interview about her.

- Richard’s fingerprints on coffee cup near location of body removal.  Interview Wendy Richards, review hotel footage. *Video footage clear, only shows crew leaving their room*

- Check when garbage is emptied at the pier location to get a general time of when discarded cup could have been onsite. *Can emptied every 12 hours, cannot confirm time cup was discarded.*

- Richards reconfirmed both her cameraman and driver (Jeff and Ted).  Presence of scopolamine in both bodies. ‘Devil’s Breath’ - Allegedly causes loss of free will, and open to suggestion by a predator.  Childlike obedience.  Verify fact vs fiction with this drug. Powder typically added to tea.  Overdose causes death quickly. *Subsequent search via warrant delivered to the hotel, revealed no drugs present in Ms Richard’s room.  Follow up with a search of the news van at the earliest opportunity.*

- Ms Richards cleared as a suspect.

Wendy smiled to herself and put the notebook down, and sipped more of her coffee. “No, Nick.  You just don’t know the earth will provide what you need if you have the right ability.” She calmly whispered to the wind and rubbed her dark rune mindlessly. “Only make what you need, Detective. I needed part of a borracho tree to make the powder.”  She cackled and drew in an ice-salt breath admiring herself aloud. “Pulled it all the way from Columbia, it was such a great rush.”  Wendy shook off the sensation and kept flipping the pages.  She passed the small details on the ambulance crew and her swirling brown eyes widened with delight reading the next few entries.

- Missing person, Karen Collins.  Released from Hospital by Cardiologist Vivienne Moreau. 

- Contacted hospital administrator Dr. Christopher Smith, was told to get a warrant for the release order.

- Dr. Vivienne Moreau, 2121 Midnight Crescent Lane.

“There you are, blood sucker.”  Wendy tore out the page with Vivienne’s address on it and tossed Nick’s book on the table.  Outstretching her fingers, she focused for a few seconds on the embedded rune in her palm.  Thin streaks of flame leapt out from her fingernails engulfing the tiny journal, turning it to ash within moments and leaving a small charcoal rune of fire behind.  Wendy looked up at the moon, “Praise The Darla and the path.”  A gust of wind blew the black rune away and Wendy smiled as she finished off the last of the coffee she’d made at Nick’s house. 

Walking back inside and closing her balcony door, Wendy turned on the television to the news and settled on her bed.  Opening her laptop, Wendy had just hit the power button when the sound of a heartbeat pulsed from her phone.  Setting the computer to the side, she picked up the phone and saw the black heart app, pulsing. -The Darla.- A nervous knot quickly formed in her stomach, and she punched the black heart with her finger. “Richards.”

A dulcet and concerned voice funneled over the phone, “Wendy.”

“Yes, Loved one?” Wendy replied in a fearful tone.

“It would appear that you have been busy, dear.”  The Darla stated factually. “I gave you instructions to observe and gather information.”  

“I-I ha-have done that, Loved one.”  Wendy defended herself.

“I expect you to explain your use of the earth and how it relates to the five dead bodies I am told you have produced.”  The Darla’s voice went deep and insidious. “With nothing to show for it.”

“Forgive me, Loved one.”  Wendy pleaded and continued, “However, you are mistaken. I-I think I just found the one you are seeking.”

“Go on.”  The Darla commanded.

Wendy felt a cold chill run the length of her spine as ‘The Darla’ spoke, “I believe the one’s name is Vivienne Moreau. Sh-S..She’s a doctor of some renown.”

The tone on the phone shifted, “Good dear.  You are one of the most talented we have.”  The Darla calmly spoke, “It is why I trusted you with this mission.  Do you know where to find Doctor Moreau?”

“I have an address, Loved one.”  Wendy stated.

“Listen to what I am telling you.”  The hollow voice of ‘The Darla’ echoed in Wendy’s room, “Infiltrate her home.  Find anything you can that is useful, then come back to the farm.  Use whatever tools you have at your disposal to get in and get out like you were taught. Do not engage…”  The voice got low and dangerous, “...Or you will not like my next call.  Is that clear, Dear?”

Wendy looked down at her shaking hands and balled them up quickly into fists. “How d-d-do I get into a vampire's home without them hearing my heart pounding?”  She paused, “Can I use the darkrealm?”

“I said use what tools you have been taught.  The living is fooled with slight shadow steps and silent movement.  Nosferatu are much different, Use what you’ve been taught.  Capture means your death.”

“I understand, Loved one.”  Wendy smiled for the first time.

“Tell me about the five you have dispatched.” The Darla asked ominously.

“W-what makes you th-thin…” Wendy tried to lie and was cut off.

A low disapproving growl came through the phone before ‘The Darla’ spoke again, “I know your methods, Wendy!”  Loud and compelling, the female voice continued, “Now, tell me why you did it, and do not try to lie to me again.”

Wendy felt the chill of death in her benefactors' words. “Forgive me, Loved one.”  Wendy waited a long second before speaking, “There were complications that forced my hand.  My crew were not awakened, and saw the footage you sent.  The ambulance crew were a leak to the police and Detective Gemelli was in charge of the investigation.  Removing them by accidental means removes any trace of our movements here, Loved one.”  

“Sounds like you cleaned up the mess for the enemy.” The Darla commented flatly.

“N-No, Loved one.  I felt it was necessary to keep the mission secret, and that started with my crew. I-It Just spiraled.”  Wendy expressed quickly. “I should tell you that I have awakened someone.”

“What?!”  The voice became stern once more. “Wendy, you are becoming a liability.  You have broken every part of my directive to you.”

Gulping fearfully, Wendy croaked out a few words, “He, I, both.. the signs…”  Panicked, Wendy jumped off her bed and went out on the balcony once more, looking around frantically. “I found him b-becase of your information about Casey Rivers.  H-he was born with the mark, Loved one.”

“Born with it?”

Wendy furled her eyebrows as the confused tone of the question hit her. “Yes, I saw it from a picture and made contact, since he is Casey’s boyfriend.”  She paused, “I had the signs from the wind and leaves telling me to awaken him.  I..I followed th-the path.”

“Very well, Wendy. I forgive you this time.”  The Darla took an audibly loud breath, “Bring him to the farm with you after your mission.  Do not expect mercy again.”

“Your love is generous.  I will find something to use, I swear.”

“My love is forgiving as well, Wendy. I will see you at the farm soon, Dear.”  The Darla disconnected the call.

-How the hell did she know about Gemelli?- Wendy wondered silently to herself, as she walked back inside and sat down on the small sofa in the room. “There’s no way she could…” She stopped herself and looked down at her phone. -Fuck.- She watched the little black icon beating softly. Wendy powered down the phone, picked up the iron provided by the hotel and started bashing the small device into metal chunks.  Swinging the iron erratic and hard enough that her red locks sprawled wildly in her vision, she let her anger run its course. “Problem solved.” Placing the iron back where it belonged, Wendy slid back onto her bed and took a steady deep breath. “Now I will prove that spies aren’t necessary, Loved one.”  Grabbing her laptop, she punched in Vivienne’s address and waited for the image to appear.  When the image loaded, she zoomed in for a closer look at the circular house and the surrounding trees. “Well planned, Doctor.  I think the beach approach is the easiest way in.”  Touching the screen with her imprinted palm, Wendy focused her mind and pulled the image from the screen onto her hand. “Off we go.”

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