
Chapter 11: Tomorrow’s Terror – Part 3.

Casey took the time to review the minutes after Vivienne kissed her and made her.  Fighting back the sensual sensation of Vivienne’s lips on hers, Casey started nodding. “Okay, she said I was her first and only ward, we’d make the rules as we went along.  She suggested I move in, and made me her personal assistant.”  Casey pointed to her phone. “Gave me access to everything she had in a matter of seconds really.  Then said we’d watch other vampires in other cities.”  Casey smiled at Martin, “Vivienne said it typically meant asking them to move on or taking them out.”  She added, “The only ones she said we had to take out were the Flying Cannibals.”

“Alas, we have the answer.”  Martin laughed and relaxed. “I am glad we are not at odds, Casey.  I find myself enjoying your company.”

Seeing an odd look cross the concierge’s face, Casey tilted her head, “What’s up Marty? You have a strange look.”

“You..said before…that… you and Vivienne took out the Flying Cannibals?”  Martin slowly asked as he put the puzzle together firmly.

“Yep.  With part of the armory you packed in the truck ahead of us.”  Casey sipped more water to clear her head, “Why are you asking that again?”

“She…she…oh god.  She’s the Raven?”  Martin’s face drained of its color.

Casey shrugged, “Yeah, so?”

Martin jumped up and nearly sprinted to the bar.  He reached for a glass that was identical to the one Casey had used a few minutes before and shoved it full to the brim of perfect square ice cubes.  Much like her fellow ward, Martin’s hands were shaking uncontrollably and while he poured the expensive bourbon.  Not caring where the rich liquid went, Martin stopped as soon as the glass was full and downed the contents in one swift gulp. “No..N…no…That is…oh god…” Dropping the empty glass to the counter, Martin picked up the bottle and tipped it to his lips and drank until his stomach started to burn. “Fairy…tale…Oh…my…”

Casey spun herself around just in time to catch the mild mannered man turn into a nervous wreck. “Fairy tale?”  Casey’s eyes widened when she watched Martin start drinking from the bottle. “What about decorum?”

“Fuck decorum.  You…you…holy shit…”  He took another swig of bourbon. “The Raven…no, it can’t be… all this time and I didn’t…know? Oh, fuck-fuck-fuck…”

“I have only seen Vivienne do one thing that made me wonder what I had gotten into.  Other than that one incident, she’d been an absolute dream to be around.”  Casey drank from the new water bottle, thankful that her body had metabolized the bourbon so quickly.

“W-What-What did you s-s-s-see?”  Martin stumbled back against the wall. “Do you know that the others have been looking for her?”  He held his head as it started to swim, “Fuck…fuck, I drank way too…”  Martin fell on the floor.

Casey frowned and looked at Martin, “Here I thought I was coming apart.”  She smiled and tied her hair back quickly. “I would get you a drink too, but you have it all over the place.”  Casey observed. “You want to know what I saw?”  Casey dropped down beside the panic stricken man, “I watched her eyes go from those heavenly blue stars of perfection to maroon and full of hate.  I thought I was looking into the pit of hell itself.”  Casey shivered at the thought, “I knew why though, she saw Faye laying there.”  She shrugged, “I probably would’ve done the same.”

Martin looked up from where he’d buried his face in his hands. “You don’t get it do you?  She is the stuff of nightmares, she is the one that all leaders tell all their younglings and wards about.  We are taught from the moment we are turned, beware ‘The Raven’...if you see her, try and run.”  He stopped and reiterated, “Try…and…run.  Not even run away.  Try.”  He grabbed the bottle again and tipped it up,

 “Try…my ass…No one I know has survived an encounter since the Night of Tragic Woe.  Anytime one of us goes missing, it's attributed to The Raven.”  He looked over to Casey, “I don’t get it. She knows I am a thrall, er…ward as she calls it.  Now I am asking that same question…why aren’t I dead?”

Casey looks up, obviously thinking, “Brian usually tells me that truth is stranger than fiction.” She shrugged and stood up, offering her hand. “Drink some water, it helps.”  Rather than using her hand to help himself up, Martin pulled the unsuspecting ward down and into his arms.

A single heartbeat later, Casey felt Martin’s lips press firmly into her own.  Amongst the anxiety of the day, Casey let the overwhelming rush of the moment take her and she kissed the handsome concierge back with the same hunger.  Partly opening her mouth as a subtle invitation, Casey purred lightly when Martin’s honey-oak flavored tongue twisted and danced with her own.  Dizzy with delight, Casey tossed her arms around Martin’s neck as he rolled the pair onto the floor and ended atop of her.  Casey fluttered her eyes shut and gave into the rising heat within her body as Martin started kissing and nibbling on her neck.  Martin’s hand made its way along Casey’s thigh and pushed her form fitting skirt to her hips.  Letting the full heat of desire sweep her in the moment, Casey locked her legs around her partner drawing him close enough to feel him slowly grinding against her dampening pussy.  Casey kept moaning and purring lightly as Martin trace-kissed his way down the front of her blouse, unbuttoning it with the same hand he’d just used on her thigh.  Feeling her breast hit the open air and his tongue dance around her wide nipple, Casey’s mind finally overruled her body and she halted the passionate moment. “S–stop, Martin…”  Casey whispered gently to the desperate man. 

Martin opened his eyes and freed Casey’s nipple from his lips, “I…um…okay.”  He groaned and rolled off of Casey. 

“I am so sorry, Martin.”  Casey offered and fixed her clothes quickly. “It… it wasn’t you.”  She scooted back out of reach before standing up. “I wanted to…really…but…”  She smiled and took a deep breath, “...Even though Brian and I are kinda fighting, I still love him.”  Once more offering her hand to Martin, she pulled the drunk man to his feet. “If this were a few days ago…I wouldn’t have stopped.”

Martin stumbled over to his seat and fell into it, holding his head. “I am not upset, Miss Rivers.”  He looked up, “At least not with you.  I am more upset with myself.”

Standing in place until she was convinced that Martin wouldn’t retaliate, Casey gathered a bottle of water for the concierge and placed it in his cup holder. “Crap does seem to hit all at once, doesn’t it?”

“I would have to agree with that sentiment, Miss Rivers.”  Martin moaned once more and pointed to a cabinet. “Would you be so kind as to hand me the Tylenol?”

“Why, you should be fine in a few minutes.” Casey half-laughed and handed him the small bottle.

“Some habits are hard to break.”  Martin opened the water and took a couple tablets. “I am still in shock and fear that your…employer is none other than the Raven herself.”  Martin tried to focus on Casey but still only saw a slight blur, “Ugh…My head…You don’t seem to understand how ingrained that fear is among us.  It is like telling kids about the boogie man.  To all of us outside of yourself, The Raven is akin to the Grim Reaper.”

“All I can tell you is that to me, she’s been wonderful.  I don’t know anyone who’d take a risk on a drunk college student.  Ironic that a vampire did.”  Casey looked out of the window and saw the passing sign ‘Petersburg 15 miles’.  “Looks like we are almost there.”

“Two things, If I may.”  Martin’s speech had cleared up, “First, I again apologize for my actions.  I was scared, drunk and you are gorgeous.  It all mixed and I lost myself.  I do hope we can remain colleagues and friends.”  He offered a smile and added his next point, “Second, I have to tell my mistress who Vivienne is now.  This is too important to keep secret.  The others have been looking for her because of what we are facing in the city.”

“Marty, nothing to forgive.”  Casey waved her hand, “I told you, normally you and I would be naked on that floor.”  She chuckled, “I am different now.” Taking a sip of water, Casey inquired, “What are we facing, exactly?”  Casey watched as Martin’s pupils dilated and his demeanor became solemn.

“The Ripped.”  Martin answered forebodingly. 

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