
Chapter 10: Love, Lies and Wicked Ties – Part 2.

Casey and Faye looked at each other briefly and shrugged after Vivienne offered the details about Ravenstead Manor. “Interesting.”  Vivienne shook her head and stood up from her chair. “Perhaps you two will have more questions once we have all arrived.”  Vivienne smiled when Martin returned with a couple cases of wine for herself and Faye, “Take those downstairs if it isn’t too much trouble, please.”

Martin snapped his fingers and two of his crew picked up the boxes. “As you wish.  Any particular place?”

“There is a spare bedroom that Casey uses on occasion, she can show you.”  Vivienne turned to Faye and gazed into her eyes, “They will be working for the next few hours, packing up the beach house and prepping it to close for an extended period.”  She cupped Faye’s cheek lightly, swaying her index finger slowly over her smooth skin, “There are lots of people here, mon amour.  Can you handle this or shall we go out and hunt a little longer?”  Vivienne pointed downstairs, “We could just sequester ourselves.”

Faye shook her head, “I’m fine, Vivienne.  I also don’t want to be trapped downstairs for the remainder of the evening and then all day.  Let’s do something out there for a little bit.”  Faye pointed towards the beach.

Vivienne turned to Casey, “Martin knows most of what he should pack, however, I would like for you to oversee the packing of the armory.”

“No problem.”  Casey looked at the couple, then back to the workers coming in and out. “I guess the little fun time I was suggesting earlier will have to wait?”

“Circumstance is certainly proving that to be true.”  Vivienne smiled and headed for the back door. “Faye?”

Following her girlfriend through the backdoor, Faye spoke once the couple reached the sand. “I said I could eat, not that I had too.”  She pointed at the house. “If those bottles are blood infused like I think they are, then I will be fine the rest of the evening.” Faye glanced at the pier a few hundred yards away, “Although, if we went up there…I could practice.”

Vivienne looked at the concrete structure and spotted a few people gazing at the stars. “We just finished cleaning the mess from the last two nights, not including the reports that are going to come in from the missing people from that little theater.”  Vivienne paused to get a quick breath, “I would prefer not to kill the humans up there.”

Faye giggled, “Humans.  You sound like a robot.”

Raising one shapely eyebrow, Vivienne replied, “That is indeed what they are, mon amour.” Twisting her long black hair back into a neat bun, Vivienne inquired, “What would you have me call them?”

Feeling a playful streak sneak into her mind, Faye pranced around Vivienne and jumped on her back. “Why are you always so serious?  I was only playing around.”  Faye felt Vivienne’s arms start supporting her weight. “Don’t change a thing, Vivienne.  I love you just the way you are.”  Faye kissed her girlfriend’s neck lightly.

Twisting slightly so she could return the gentle kiss, Vivienne gave the Korean woman a quick peck on her nose. “Shall we get you some practice, mon amour?”

Faye giggled, “Indeed.”

Casey opened the backdoor and watched Vivenne and Faye playing on the beach when Martin walked up behind her.  Turning to face the gentleman Casey pointed, “There’s part of me that wishes I was doing that with Vivienne.”

 “Jealous?”  Martin inquired gently.

Casey closed the door and shook her head, “No.  I don’t think so.”  She shrugged, “Would you believe that I had the chance?”  Leaning against the door, Casey rolled her soft brown eyes, “I had to tell her that I was straight.”

Accustomed to people opening up to him at random, Martin offered his hand to Casey. “Please, by all means, keep talking.  However, we are on a tight schedule.”  Leading them both downstairs, he softly spoke, “She mentioned an armory?  I have never seen this, nor do I know how to access it.”

“I didn’t mean to dump that on you, just now.”  Casey released his hand and punched in the code for the door to open.  Once she swung the heavy metal door open, Casey kept talking. “I figured since you knew about them, you would be easy to talk to.”

“Glad to help in any way that I can, Miss Rivers.”  Martin snapped his fingers and a couple of his workers appeared beside him. “Secure these in the truck that is in front of the bus Miss Rivers and I will be taking.” The two men nodded and rushed quickly upstairs to get some of the others.

“Bus?”  Casey inquired. “I am going with them later on.”

“How?  You are her personal assistant.”  Martin pointed in all directions of the house. “You are in charge of it all, correct?”

“Yeah, but..” Casey tried to protest.

“Allow me to explain, Miss Rivers.”  Martin gently pulled Casey to the side and continued as his workers began empting the vault of its weapons. “You are her castellan.”

“Her what?”  Casey looked at the man puzzled and lightly confused.

“Castellan, Miss Rivers.”  He patted her hand lightly, “When the Roman Empire fell, many of the estates fell into conflict and the nobles built castles to serve as the hub of the area.”  Martin pointed at Casey, “While the leader of the castle was away collecting taxes or quelling rebellion, they appointed a trusted vassal to run all of the operations of the castle while they were away.  That is you now, Miss Rivers.”

“She isn’t away, Martin.  Vivienne is literally just on the beach.”  Casey shook her head.

Martin let out a light chuckle, “I can tell you are new to the way of our lady out there.”  Stepping in front of the open door again, Martin counted everything in the room and input the inventory on his phone. “Since you pointed out that I know the little unsaid secret, I have to ask you this…”  He shoved his phone back in his suit pocket, “...How can you serve her if you are here with them after the sun comes up?”

“Right.”  Casey said deflated. “I just assumed that I would be going with her everywhere she goes.”

“You are, Miss Rivers.”  Martin added, “You will arrive and make sure that, like a castellan, her castle is well cared for and prepared for her arrival.”

Waving her hands, Casey smiled. “Call me Casey, please.  I feel old every time you call me Miss Rivers.”

“Very well, Casey.”  Martin bowed once more, “Let me start over, as well.”  He produced a business card and handed it to the young lady, “Martin Shores, Concierge and owner of Twilight Tonight.”

Looking over the card for a few seconds, Casey reached for her phone and took a picture of the card before handing it back to Martin. “Twilight Tonight?”

Declining to take the card back from Casey, he pointed to her jeans pocket. “Casey, you will be dealing with others that expect decorum, keep the card.  Always keep the cards, handing it back could be a sign of rudeness.”  He offered his arm, “I shall gladly explain what Twilight Tonight does while we get the rest of the house shutdown.” 

Amazed at the speed in which the vault was being emptied, Casey smiled and took Martin’s arm offering. “Sorry if I offended you. I guess I am new to all of this.”

Martin slowly led Casey back upstairs and to the front door, “Heaven’s no, you didn’t offend me.” Pointing to the luxury bus, “That is our ride to the estate.”  He looked at his watch and saw two mid-sized delivery trucks arrive. “Right on time.”  Martin smiled and patted Casey’s hand again, “Vivienne said you needed more clothing?  Those vans are private and you can pick out whatever you heart desires.”

Biting her lower lip and half smiling, Casey nervously asked, “I wear jeans and a tee most days, I need help with anything formal or fancy…um…could you?  Possibly help?”

Martin’s brown eyes lightened and he grinned wide, “It would be my pleasure, Casey Rivers.”  He held up one finger, “However…don’t let the garment change the woman.  You are a delight just as you are, we are just going to polish your youthful attire.”

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