Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 64: lets bet


"Yes your highness"

"Choose the best dress for me and bring out the gift I had ordered. We are going to invite him now." I ordered, anticipation filled in my voice.

"Yes, your highness" she replied with a bright smile.

I looked at her and smiled back, just two weeks ago, this girl was shivering like a broken leaf in the storm and now look at her bright smile and bubbly attitude. She had finally gotten rid of her destiny and she did not even know that.

"All the gifts are ready, your highness"

I nodded, my hands were turning sweaty, was I feeling afraid of being rejected again.

'No Marianne get a hold of yourself.' I nodded, getting ready.

I walked towards his chamber, with two maids on both sides, holding a bunch of gifts. From clothes to a fine sword which was specially designed by the best expert of the empire. 

"Your highness," all the maids greeted me once I arrived at his chamber.

I could hear the voice of the sword clashing from a distance.

Taking a deep breath I walked in, everyone stood up, surprised seeing me there.

His eyes met mine, and I saw the surprise in him, he stopped his practice and walked towards me.

"Good evening, Your Highness." he wished me, and it felt bad. From the past few days, Killian was back to calling me 'your highness.'

Only that thing was worrying me from asking him to be my partner, not to add that it was an unconventional style.

"How are you, Killian?" I asked with a kind smile and gladly, he returned it.

"I am good, your highness," he replied and I signalled him to walk towards the gazebo.

As we both sat there, the maids served tea. His eyes were fixed on mine. Definitely, he was waiting for me to initiate the conversation.

"Is something the matter, your highness." he finally asked, when I kept looking around.

"No, why do you think so?" I asked though I knew the reason.

"Well, I was not expecting you on the training ground," he replied, looking at my attire. I was dressed up to nines, everyone would think I am going to attend some ball party.

"Hmm, I was going out to do some arrangements for the upcoming party at my chamber. I may be late for dinner. So I was thinking if you could join me. But I see that you are busy.'' I replied hoping he would take the hint.

"Ah, yes your highness, his highness can come to check my practice anytime," he replied tacitly and the balloon of hope got punctured again because of the trassius.

"Ah, so you are busy, never mind. But I had another request for you.`` I replied again and I saw him clenching his fists.

His reaction made me tilt my head, did he already know. But how? Except for Ian, I had told no one about it!

Only then realisation dawned on me, did Cassius deny him to agree with me, if so I will make sure to make him my partner.

Cassius needed to learn when to let go of things.

"Yes your highness," he asked, and I could feel coldness seeping in his voice but that was not enough to demotivate me.

"I was expecting if you could be my partner as a host for the upcoming party,'' I asked, without beating around the bush and his eyes widened.

Wait! Why was he surprised, I thought he knew. 

"You wanted me to ask this?" he confirmed as if he could not believe my words. So I nodded again.

His expressions loosened, and my hopes again flew high.

But then he was lost in contemplation. After what felt like an eternity, he replied, 

"Your highness, should not your host be his highness?" well he should, but it's not worth it. I would not be able to win if he would be my partner, I was sure he would lose himself just to see me losing.

"He should be, but Killian, as you could see, your father and I did not have a good relationship. And I am tired of trying. So, it's better that I let it go now.'' I came out clean with him since he already had an idea.

His expressions soften at my words, as he nodded.

"If you want.." I smiled tasting the flavour of success in my mouth

"I can talk to his highness, about it. Maybe he would listen to me." and the flavour changed into a bitter taste.

"Killian it's not about whether he wanted it or not, it's about me and I have chosen you." I pressed, and he furrowed his brows.

"But that is unconventional, your highness," he added and I nodded.

"But not wrong, Baroness Elena did host the party with her daughter last summer." I reminded and his eyes widened.

"That's because she is a widow," he replied utterly shocked at my statement, I could see his eyes bulging out, oh! Gone his cool personality out of the window.

'Yes, and I am a maiden.' I added but kept my mouth shut. I did not want to include him in this mess more than he was already in.

I looked around trying to find a way to convince him when my eyes fell on the swords  in Lina's hands. My eyes twinkled as the brilliant idea hit my mind.

"Killian, let's have a bet, the one who looses would have to accept the others wish,'' I replied with a mischievous smile on my face.

"Your highness, I can't win with you in the battle of wit." he accepted and I laughed,

"Thank you for the compliment, but we would do something you are better at than me" I replied and he furrowed his brows thinking what it could be.

"But I am only good at swords…" his eyes widened as the thought endowed on him and I nodded.

"Are you sure, your highness?" he asked, not sure whether to accept it or not.

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