True Star

v4 Chapter 44 - Hold left and right

“Why! Why! I’m the real protagonist, I’m the superstar-ah-” The hysterical male star slipped under his feet, as if the **** of fate gently pushed him, his body was like a kite. Falling from a tall building.

A long-haired, white-haired Tang Tang took a step forward and stretched out his hand, as if trying to catch the opponent who set a trap on the set and nearly killed his opponent, but in the end he could only capture a piece of invisible air.

At the end of the movie, what won’t change is that the ultimate hero will defeat the evil forces, or save the world, or save the lives of others.

Instead of pushing Tang into the abyss, the star who represented the villain finally plunged himself into the quagmire of evil and could no longer stand up.

What is justice and what is evil.

Who is a hero and who is a sinner.

This is a question from Tang in the movie. He stood on the high-rise of a modern city like a sculpture, but only a white gown was shaken in the cold wind.

The wanton black hair cut the gray-blue sky behind the man into pieces, as if leaving one mark after another.

No one is a hero, no one is a sinner.

There are only desires that people cannot control.

Looking back at the vast crowd of people and the city full of high-rise buildings, Tang’s open hands leaped from the high-rise buildings, and the white figure gradually disappeared into the gray city.

And the sky seemed to be a bit bluer.

Some people say that this is a movie suggesting that Tang, who is a reincarnation god, has given up his life as a god, and others have said that there is no clear hero and evil in the movie, but only reflection on human nature and desire.

Why the hero always defeats the enemy, and justice suppresses evil. What is revealed in the movie is actually that people have defeated themselves.

The so-called justice is the reason and belief of man; the so-called evil is just the endless desire hidden in the heart of everyone.

This is the meaning conveyed by the movie “Heavenly Son”. There are no individual heroes. The future of this world is in the hands of everyone on the planet.

It depends on everyone’s beliefs, not any one person can save or change.

………… Hanging on the LCD screen on the wall, the host of the movie channel is introducing the starring role of the upcoming Hollywood blockbuster “Heaven”: the hissing cry of the repressed monk in “Devil’s Path” reminds us of this A fresh face, Tang Feng from China transformed from a singer to an actor. For the first time on the big screen, he won the favor of the internationally renowned director Li Wei, and he even won each other in the cooperation with the new-generation American idol star Michael Chino. Strong compliments.

Not long after, Tang Feng won the best male actor and best newcomer awards at the Venice Film Festival by virtue of his successful role as a monk in the film. He was praised by domestic and foreign judges and praised as a new generation. Outstanding actor.

When we were still immersed in Tang Feng’s outstanding performance in “Devil’s Path”, this handsome and handsome actor took over a small-cost movie, and even intentionally gained 40 pounds for the film.

Tang Feng is like a man who likes to create miracles. Before we marveled at his amazing appearance in Devil’s Trail, he has taken a big step forward.

Today, the Venetian film actress, the winner of the Academy Award for Best Actor, brings his new work to us.

What kind of surprise will he bring to us this time? … “Heaven … is he really the proud of Heaven?” Holding the remote control in his hand, the man sneered, “I promised that I would not regret the matter of Tianchen, and it would not mean that I would not kill you if I did not do anything else. .

Lu Tian silently stared at the movie promotional clips being played on the screen, and said to himself: “Smart man, really an overly smart man, let me take a look at what you really have to make heaven If you are willing to stay by your side, are you smart or big?

“Pop–” The man turned off the TV, and the screen was instantly dark.

………… Finally ended the three-month film shooting, from early spring to late summer, from the cold in the spring to the pleasant wind.

“Just like planting trees, spring ploughing and autumn harvesting happens to start filming in spring and release in autumn.

Lying on the railing of the ship, Tang Feng looked at the sea covered with orange-red and golden shattered light in the evening, could not help closing his eyes and took a deep breath, the slightly cold sea breeze was mixed with a little saltiness, the whole Everyone was relieved.

“It feels like back to the past, life is rest, filming, publicity, running film festivals, negotiating movies … It is unparalleled.

“Open your hands and stretched a lazy waist, Tang Feng sighed,” I hope every day can be like this time.

“” It’s hard.

“He stretched his hands from behind and hugged the man’s waist. Lu Tianchen pressed his cheek against Tang Feng’s back, closed his eyes and frowned gently. He didn’t really like Tang Feng’s long hair. The other party took a shower When he was wearing his hair, he looked like a fairy, as if he would leave him at any time.

Fortunately, after the filming of the movie, Tang Feng immediately cut her hair short. Although there is less fairy in the movie, Lu Tianchen prefers the real Tang Feng, a man who can hug her in his arms.

“Mr. Lu, remember to pack a big red envelope for the year-end award.

Tang Feng turned around, and Lu Tianchen pressed his face against the chest of the other side as well, looking quietly as if he had fallen asleep.

This time, “Heavenly Son” successfully achieved 55 million draws in North America, and has continued to maintain a good momentum in the follow-up. Such results have exceeded the producer’s expectations.

The 55 million opening scores are not that great. Compared with some blockbusters with over 100 million or even 150 million opening scores, it is much worse, but considering the cost of the movie and the Chinese star who first played the leading role, etc. For this reason, Tang Feng is very satisfied with this result.

However, due to the excellent film quality, he did not dive at the box office after the weekend and maintained a stable level.

God knows how long he hasn’t been so tired. The first two films will not be promoted too often due to their respective reasons. Although the investment is not large, it is better than “The Devil Slayer?” It’s a big movie, and Tang Feng and the production company’s chief planner, Robert, are under the same pressure.

The process of making a movie is easy, but whether it can be accepted by the audience is beyond their control.

After the film was completed, Tang Feng almost lived out for three days and two heads. People were either in the hotel or on the plane. Fortunately, the hard work finally got a successful return.

“I gave you to me.

Lu Tianchen laughed softly.

“Do not post.

“Gorgeous London sound, Charles yelled aside deliberately in exaggerated tone.

“Do you mean you?” Lu Tianchen let go of the smile on his face, and at the same time glanced at Charles who didn’t know when he came over.

“Hahaha, are you kidding me?” Charles sneered a few times, and immediately bickered with Lu Tianchen.

Tang Feng sat down in the chair next to him and began to count down: “Three, two …” Charles and Lu Tianchen gave a childish snorting sound, but at the same time did not continue to quarrel.

Tang Feng doesn’t want to get used to hearing two big men satire each other’s words in their ears every day, although sometimes he is surprised if the upper-level people scold others are so awkward, just turn around and forget, occasionally It also changes intonation.

“It’s Kino’s birthday party later, Mr. Lu Tianchen, Mr. Charles, can I hope that you two can become gentlemen a little?” Even one night.

Lu Tianchen didn’t speak, but kept his eyes on Charles, like saying: Can you? Being watched by two people at the same time, Charles pulled the collar of the suit with a good texture, straightening the waist like a gentleman, although there was still a small smile on the corner of his mouth.

“I’d be more than happy to attend the party with you, it’s my pleasure, my dear baby.

“Again, Charles-style **** gentleman.

After the film’s promotion, Tang Feng received a big red envelope from the producer. The movie starring Kino before the release of “Heaven” also achieved very good box office results.

Tang Feng was thinking about coming out to take a rest after finishing the filming. As a result, he just received an invitation from Kino. Today is Kino ’s birthday. Kino only invited some of the best friends and relatives to the ship. Have a great seven days.

Although Tang Feng already knew that Kino was not short of money, it was a big deal to invite so many people to vacation, and it is estimated that the last hot movie did not have less dividends.

Tang Feng held his hands on his chest, and with his eyes motioned to Charles and Lu Tianchen, Charles stepped forward happily and took the man’s hand. Lu Tianchen shook his head with a smile and walked to the other side of the man.

Tang Feng, enjoying the good fortune, walked into the room hug and hug, they had to prepare to go to the party.

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