The Worlds Seeker

Chapter 22 – Body Evolution & Roses In The Old Building

{Don't worry about anything, it won't be painful. But maybe a little disgusting to watch...} Sora put aside her meditation and started to observe the changes in Kai's body.

The body his soul was now in was that of an ordinary Human, which in the animal kingdom means next to nothing if you take away his developed intellect and brain. And that's exactly why they're also special, as their brain has the ability to unlock the body's shackles if pushed hard enough. It was like the ultimate weapon of humans, which was still very poorly understood and used.

Thanks to the genetic memory of billions of years of evolution, the brain knows exactly what to do and what not to do in order for the body to evolve, as well as itself. And that's exactly what was happening with Kai. The brain was looking for an evolutionary way to unlock more potential.

Kai didn't say anything as he watched his skin start to produce a strange resin, his body covering itself in this substance. When he was completely covered, the skin began to itch intensely for a few seconds before completely passing away.

"Uh..." With a grunt, Kai held back what he was feeling. It wasn't pain, but pleasure.

His skin began to ooze another substance, this time one that was jet black and very reeking. It went out everywhere, but the amount was very little. After that, nothing came out but the skin itself.

Exactly, the skin itself began to wrinkle rapidly, peeling off and drying out like a snake when shedding its skin. Slowly, the worn pieces began to fall in the bathroom floor, without the slightest effort to remove them thanks to the resin.

Kai's hair also fell out and was replaced by new, blacker, shinier hair. His black eyes started to emit a dark blue tone, but it was only noticeable if you looked deeply into them.

His body grew another centimeter with this, reaching 1.92m. The already defined muscles became stronger, the body fat almost reaching zero before going back a little and filling in to softness. But it was such a minimal amount that it wouldn't even be noticed.

When an hour of this had passed, Kai suddenly opened his eyes from that pool of pleasure he was in, taking in his flawless new body.

"I got whiter... Now the girls will notice..." Looking at his paler skin, which had lost its dark tone from exposure to the sun, he immediately thought of how he would explain this without saying it was makeup or crazy.

Right after taking a shower to get rid of all the bad smell, Kai cleaned what had come out of him with some machine bought from the [Shop]. After all, he couldn't ask someone to clean up the remnants of his skin and hair, besides that black stuff. They'd think he'd killed something in here.

With everything ready, Kai searched the [Shop] and had already thought of a new training method. It was Zoro style from One Piece.

Buying two 2 meter osmium bars, he stacked about ten 40kg plates on each bar, totaling 400k. He also bought four 100kg weights, strapped to his wrists and ankles, as well as a 150kg vest.

{Do you want to kill yourself?} Sora knew the answer, but she also knew that it would be difficult to train like that. 400kg was the maximum he could train with now, but the bill went way beyond that.

"I need to break my limits. Not to mention we've already agreed on what the next world is going to be, and I have to start training in sword swinging. For now, I'll learn to swing heavy weights." Putting all the weights on his body, Kai knew that this alone was almost his limit. But to get a good idea of his strength and how far he could go, he needed to push himself. As said, his [Strength] really was able to lift 400kg with a lot of effort, but [Dexterity] also determines how much someone can overload the body without collateral damage.

This is like a body with [Strength] and [Dexterity] at 1.0, which with a TOTAL strength of 100kg forces himself to do 110kg. This would give him hours of rest, but 10% was acceptable without injuring himself. While Kai could lift 400kg, and 30% above was acceptable, totaling 520kg. The issue is that he would have to force this force majeure.

And for those who lift weights, they know that it is already very difficult to reach the maximum load of the body, imagine surpassing much more. That's why the [Constitution] is also very important, as it says how much damage the body can take without breaking down or being permanently damaged.

[Strength] is the amount of load and strength someone can use, [Dexterity] is how much more burden you can use without destroying yourself, while [Constitution] is the limit of damage the body can take.

Walking calmly, but with a lot of effort, Kai began to run around the environment and get used to the increase in strength. He noticed how much his agility and flexibility improved, reflexes sharper and senses heightened. Thanks to the [Constitution], he also felt that no matter how much pressure he put on his body, it would not fall apart.

When he was completely sweaty, he picked up the two 400kg bars and began swinging them quite stupidly in the eyes of the beholder. But in reality, he was using all of his musculature and he knew how to swing so he could break his limits. Unfortunately he couldn't have the [Advanced Training Skill Tree] as none of his girlfriends had it yet. And he also couldn't practically clog their minds at once with so much information just for his own good.

Thus, his training began to pay off when he reached control of 400kg, but he still needed to train a lot to learn to overcome his own limit.


It was already the next day at school, after classes and a quick sex with Madoka and Aki during lunch, Kai walked towards some hidden part of the school. And it wasn't well hidden, it was more that it was far from everything that is interesting and it is very quiet around here.

But he knew who he was looking for always stayed around here, away from the rest. It was someone he knew he needed, because her uniqueness was what made her special.

Opening a door with a faded "Dubbing Club" sign above it, he entered the old building. This is where the clubs used to be before being renovated into another, more advanced building. This one was unoccupied and the plans were different, but they weren't in execution yet.

It wasn't necessary to walk too far before he reached the person he wanted to meet. She was at the window reading a book, her dark skin being illuminated by the sun and making her beauty more attractive than a spring day. Her long hair, which was black at the roots and dark blue at the strands, was as magnificent as a waterfall, and was tied back with a headband, also dark blue with black details. The school uniform did nothing to hide her svelte body, but only provided the mystery of what she looked like underneath it all.

Kai would have to admit that, if he were to find a SINGLE wife in each world, this woman in front of him would definitely be the chosen one of this world. Her beauty had enthralled him for a long time, even though he tried to stay away from her. And it wasn't on purpose, but to fix the whirlwind of emotions that was this girl's life, because she was hurt a lot and would need to learn to deal with it alone. But at least her life was much better, and now she has completely changed from her original story.

"Who are you?" The girl asked after waiting a while and hearing nothing more than someone's footsteps. She closed her literature book and looked at her visitor. To know that she stayed here, is sure this person knew her beforehand. But, when she looked at the handsome boy in front of her, she didn't remember meeting him in person.

"I'm Kai Nakashima, 3rd Year 'A'." Kai introduced himself and took the liberty of sitting in a chair next to her. He crossed his legs and looked down at the book she was reading, "The Divine Comedy... How's the trip through Inferno?"

"Adventurous, I would say. With light pinches of skin-deep imagination." The girl replied with her indifferent face. She watched Kai and knew who he was beforehand, his fame hounding him. But she wanted to know what he came talk with her, who has nothing to do with his life.

"Don't look at me with that expression. My presence seems to bore you." Kai looked at her as he rested his head on his hand.

"You doesn't bore me, but gets in the way of my reading. Besides, being silent is not a good sight of fun." Her acidic language was not deliberate, but only natural. She did not see it as rude, and therefore took the liberty of speaking this way.

"Alright, let's get down to business." Kai spoke as he nodded with her, proposing what he wanted right away, "I want you to go out with me."

"No. But before, why?" The girl didn't find it very surprising and adjusted herself in the chair. She knew that if anyone told her that, she would deny it and tell them to leave. But someone of Kai's status should have a different reason for such a lame request.

"I need a date for my sister's wedding. And you play the part well." Kai was being honest as his sister was getting married soon and he would seize the opportunity. His family was big in this world, and like it or not he cherished it as if it were his own. That whole thing about being orphaned in the previous world.

"You better explain your words correctly before I call the police." The girl narrowed her eyes in disgust, feeling that Kai called her a luxury escort. In other words, whore.

"And what else am I supposed to explain? I'm lonely, you're lonely, I need someone and you seem to have the spare time to spend some with me I guess. I didn't offer any money, just a healthy date." Kai calmly explained her misunderstanding.

"There are many other girls out there. Why not them?" Still suspicious, she didn't take the time to try to dismiss it otherwise.

"None as beautiful as you, and not as cultured either. You are mature, gorgeous, have a heavenly voice and the profile that my family considers ideal for a wife. Is that enough for you?" Again speaking honestly, he looked deep into her eyes to reveal that.

"I don't have time for this. I'm sorry." Even in the face of the handsome boy's praise, which she honestly liked, her interest in it wasn't all that great. She had no reason to agree, and reading Dante Alighieri's collection seemed more interesting.

"Sorry, but I'm not leaving here with a no." He wasn't intimidated by the refusal, as he already understood the personality she developed.

"Do you intend to force me?” She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, not wanting to see his face anymore.

"No, I intend to buy you. Can I start the auction?" He smiled as he waited for the girl's reactions.

"Now you're calling me a whore." This time looking at Kai with indifference, she waited to hear whatever offer came out of his mouth.

"One hundred thousand dollars and a one-year contract as a voice actress on AnimeMix. You should also consider joining the Elite Committee, I can get you a voice acting teacher."

"You really just offered me money to go on a date with you..." The girl looked at him strangely, not knowing how to react. She was offended, yes, but not as much as she let on. She couldn't sense any malice in Kai's beautiful eyes… But what she felt made her heart flutter strangely faster.

"I can't do anything. I like you and I intend to make you like me. Is it closed then?" He rose from his chair and buttoned his waistcoat, then held out his hand to her.

After some consideration, the girl couldn't help but smile a little, now finding this guy very interesting, "When and where?"

Feeling her delicate and soft hand, Kai kissed the back of her hand like a gentleman and spoke with a smile.

"May 22.."


| {Name: Naomi Rios}
| {Status}
| [Strength: 1.0]
| [Dexterity: 0.9]
| [Constitution: 1.2]
| [Intelligence: 1.7]
| [Charm: 3.4]
| {Skill Tree}
| [Basic Education Skill Tree]
| [Voice Actress Skill Tree]
| [Singer Skill Tree]
| [Artist Skill Tree]
| [Daily Care Skill Tree]
| {Destiny}
| [Lovemeter: 3/100]
| [DP: 500/1000]


After closing this deal, Kai had already called Chiaki to have the place renovated. The book collection had already been purchased by him from the [Shop], containing classics from Alexandria to the Dark Ages. And all of them were hardbacks and sheets of exceptional quality.

Knowing that he would come back more often to talk to Naomi, Kai was already prepared to charm this sensational girl.

Arriving home, he dressed quickly and took time out to eat some sweets. Now that his body had changed, he could eat whatever he wanted and there would be no problem.

Wearing well-structured and comfortable clothing, which would be a regular white shirt, brown hoodie and black jacket on top, with black pants and trendy all star sneakers, not to mention the watch on his wrist. It was different from what he usually wore, but it was necessary.

"Which car do you want, young master?" The one on the other end of the line was Hana, who was in Kai's personal garage. He asked her to come get him a car as he was going on a date that was a little special this time.

"Koenigsegg Regera. I want to go simpler today..." Kai thought for a while and looked at the time on the clock, with a few minutes left to go pick up Tsukimi.

"Simple, I know..." Hana couldn't help but laugh before getting in the car and seeing that everything was fine, starting to drive to Kai's apartment.

After hanging up, he took the time to see if everything was correct and he saw that it was.

"It's been a while since I've seen my mother..."



Author Note: Any grammatical errors or wrong spelling, please let me know. Sometimes it passes... :)


Bad Joke#22:

I just wrote a book on reverse psychology.

Do not read it.

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