The Worlds Seeker

Chapter 17 – Improving the Girls’ [Stats]

As it was the weekend, Kai took the opportunity to train a lot more and absorb more potions. His apartment didn't have any exercise equipment, but the [Shop] did, so he just bought a bench press and some heavy weights, also for squats. He also saw that the [Shop] had some heavy weight bracelets, even some with gravitational effects, but he could only buy the simplest ones due to the cost.

Madoka and Aki were still sleeping, as it was still very early. They somehow mysteriously managed to convince their parents that they would spend the weekend studying for a special exam, given by the Elite Committee. And since their parents were extremely happy that their daughters excelled so much, they let them free.

Kai took nine potions from his fridge, three red, three green and three orange, which were the constitution potions. Since he had the [Bracelet of Containment], it was easier for him to train harder and absorb more potions. After all, there would be no danger of losing control, but he would certainly have to train hard to be able to control everything.

He went to the back of the apartment, where there was an emptier room. There was nothing special there and he soon cleared everything to make room for the training materials. He also bought a speed treadmill so he could test the new speed.

Making sure Madoka and Aki were still sleeping, Kai went straight to the living room and closed the door. He stood in front of a mirror and was only bare top while wearing gym shorts.

{I recommend drinking one type at a time so it doesn't cause too much growing pain. This way your body gets used to it better.} Sora, like a good wife, was always watching and supporting her husband.

'Thanks.' Kai followed her instructions and first drank one of each type.

As soon as he drank it, it was like something inside him broke. It was as if there was a door that had been forced open and now his body was undergoing incredible changes. His bones creaked, his muscles trembled, and he felt it all through his nervous system. Thanks to [Basic Training Skill] he could more or less understand what his muscles were going through. They were soaking up the energy the potion had, as if it were made of the right nutrients they needed to grow.

Muscle tearing and rebuilding, bone strengthening, tendon elasticity and everything fixing itself. The growth gaps in the [Constitution] were also being filled in, and he even felt himself growing a little taller.

Looking at his body in the mirror, he noticed the few changes that had taken place, but which had brought much greater power.

{Addictive?} Sora seemed to be smiling as she admired Kai's body.

'Not even a little. It's disappointing, actually. The amount of time I trained, only for these potions to do so much more. I don't know whether to be angry or relieved...' As much as Kai controlled this body most of the time, it was still him who felt it and technically it was HIS body.

{This is not my fault. You wanted the best for yourself and you didn't listen to me when I told you not to worry about training too hard. But it was still good, since most of your attitudes affected the girls and, as this body had enormous potential, if you decided to take the potions now, it would be disastrous. The changes would be extremely obvious and would raise a lot of questions.} Sora made a good point, which soon quieted Kai and made him continue his work.

After taking the rest of the potions, Kai wanted to feel the changes as he trained. Lying down on the bench press, he had already adjusted the weights to 150kg. A few sets later, he increased to 200kg. In this style of training, without interruptions, he reached the maximum limit by lifting 235 kg. Since he was training to get used to it, aiming for the maximum number of repetitions was ideal.

After that, he tested the limits on his legs and maxed out at 260kg, doing 25 squats. His legs burned after that, so he bought a bottle of water from the [Shop] to cool off. It looked like very high quality water, much better than any found on Earth.

After his workout on the treadmill, Kai went straight to the shower and lay down in the tub filled with ice, feeling his muscles ache and heal. An insane amount of hunger was coming on, but he held it in calmly. It was two hours of training, so the girls were already close to waking up.

And he was right, because the bathroom door burst open, with Madoka and Aki standing there wearing cute pajamas that Kai bought for them.

Seeing Kai's exhausted state in the ice bath, Madoka seemed to understand what he was doing, "Were you training? Over the weekend?" She also didn't stop looking at his body, and felt that it was different, better.

"Yes..." Kai was tired and replied while nodding.

"Do you do this every morning? Why didn't you call us, we'd be watching..." Aki quickly entered the bathroom and pulled a stool close to Kai, "Do you want a massage?" She had already placed her hands on his shoulders and was smiling gently.

"On the arm, please." Kai sat up straight in the tub and stuck his right arm out. It was visibly bigger, thanks to the training and also because of the potions.

"Give me your leg." Madoka didn't want to lose to Aki, so she pulled out another stool and started massaging Kai's right leg. Thanks to that, she had a privileged view of his body, and she smiled defiantly at Aki.

After resting for about 20 minutes while they talked, Kai finally got out of the bathtub and stretched his body in front of them.

"Wow..."x2. The two couldn't help but find it odd that Kai's body was somehow more defined and even bigger. Even his cock seemed to have gotten bigger, and they couldn't help but rub their crotch as they remembered yesterday.

"Take off your clothes." Kai commanded as he dried off on the towel.

"Hi?" Madoka asked doubtfully, still looking at Kai's thing.

"Leave it alone..." He smiled as he looked at the two. Walking towards them, he kissed them and soon they understood. Pulling down their short pajama shorts each time, Kai enjoyed the beautiful sight before finally reaching for warm relief.


Right after breakfast, extremely tasty thanks to being purchased from the [Shop], Kai and the girls engaged in "activities" all day long, taking short breaks between each one. He was always getting to their breaking point, but never really breaking through.

After one lost day, another one came. It was as if they had made a copy of Saturday and pasted it on Sunday. Other than that they paid a little visit to the mall, whereupon Kai convinced the girls to buy clothes to leave at his house.

Kai obviously took advantage of those two days to increase the girls' stats and raise their Skill Trees, and it was an interesting change after all.

| {Name: Hyoga Madoka}
| {Status}
| [Strength: 2.0]
| [Dexterity: 2.0]
| [Constitution: 2.0]
| [Intelligence: 3.0]
| [Charm: 3.0]
| {Skill Tree}
| [Basic Education Skill Tree] [60%]
| [Basic Training Skill Tree] [55%]
| [Tennis Skill Tree] [45%]
| {Destiny}
| [Lovemeter: 96/100]
| [DP:1000/1000]
| {Name: Takanaya Aki}
| {Status}
| [Strength: 2.0]
| [Dexterity: 2.0]
| [Constitution: 2.0]
| [Intelligence: 3.0]
| [Charm: 3.0]
| {Skill Tree}
| [Basic Education Skill Tree] [60%]
| [Basic Training Skill Tree] [55%]
| [Volleyball Skill Tree] [45%]
| {Destiny}
| [Lovemeter: 95/100]
| [DP:1000/1000]

With so much increase in charm and body, girls slowly started to change without realizing it. After all, Kai insisted on increasing it little by little, so that the changes would not be rapid. But after all, by late Sunday, both girls had showered and were admiring themselves in the closet mirror. It was big enough to see both of them and they were naked while Kai admired them from behind.

"Aki, you look so beautiful! Look at your abs, it's so defined! Your face is flawless and...and...and..." Madoka was touching Aki all over the place and at the same time she seemed to be talking about herself.

"That hair..."x2. The two girls' hair was just beautiful, with Madoka's having grown out a bit longer.

Both girls seemed to have gotten a little slimmer. The voluptuous body was still there, but firmer and smoother. Their muscles were also a little more visible, just not female bodybuilder level. Not to mention that they looked much prettier and exuded a fascinating feminine charm, as if they had become super models.

The two then looked at Kai at the same time, narrowing their eyes. They walked towards him, unconsciously swaying the hips in a very charming way. Crawling on the bed until each one was on top of one of his legs.

"What did you do to us?" Madoka asked as she watched all the expressions Kai made.

"Weren't you already naturally beautiful like this? I don't know what you're talking about.” Kai shrugged. He intended to tell, but not now. It was too soon.

"Don't lie to us, or I'll bite you!" Aki grabbed Kai's naughty hand, which was already stroking her ass.

"I dare you!" Kai challenged her, and she complied as she was told.

Aki went to his neck and bit lightly. They were just kidding, as they really didn't care why they looked so pretty. Women don't question when things get better, only when they get worse.

Madoka also joined in the fun and smiled as she started kissing Kai all over the place. When she ran her hand over his abdomen, he saw the two new bracelets that were there, looking very shiny. Madoka had two on her left wrist while Aki had two on her right wrist.

One of the bracelets was obviously a [Bracelet of Containment], while the other was a [Personal Protection Bracelet]. As much as Kai wanted to believe in that world protection detail that Sora spoke of, he wouldn't just depend on that. This new bracelet had an extraterrestrial technology defense system, where a barrier appeared around the wearer, being able to protect him from anything for up to 24 hours straight, recharging with sunlight. It also had an automatic activation system in cases of danger.

These two bracelet were different from what they usually would be, as the [Shop] had a customization system. So when they went shopping, Kai bought four bracelets from a jewelry store that Madoka and Aki had liked and simply exchanged them when he gave it to the girls.

"Did you like the presents?" He asked as he placed the two below him and kissed their cheeks, eliciting beautiful laughs from both of them.

"I loved. I would say it was the best gift of my life, but the truth is, it would be you. So it's the second best gift of my life!" Aki looked at the bracelets and her look at Kai was pure love.

"Hey, why do you always say the best lines?!" Madoka complained to Aki with a pout, but soon laughed when her gaze went to Kai, "There are no gifts I would like to receive but yours, my love."

Kai could feel in their gazes how much the two girls loved him, and again his fetish was activated. A wave of pleasure surged from the top of his spine to the bottom, and he closed his eyes to enjoy it.

"I love you too!" He finally spoke after two days of never reciprocating it. He could love a lot of women, and he will, but that doesn't mean his heart would be easy to get into. And he knew that as he got stronger it would be harder to do that, but that would be for the future.

There was no late night sex as they had done enough during those two days. They just took the opportunity to eat some popcorn and watch a movie. Normal activities between lovers.

"Why didn't you tell us you were rich?" Madoka asked while they were watching a movie.

"Because nobody asked me." Kai smiled as he answered casually. He wasn't even watching, just enjoying the caress Aki was giving him. It was "that" kind of care, but just a light stroke.

"Are you feeling like a gold digger?" Aki laughed a little, because she already knew why her sister was asking that.

"Are you too?" Madoka looked at her and already knew too.

"At first yes, but it's not like we knew before. In the end, it doesn't matter." Aki shrugged. She soon concentrated on kissing Kai's neck, enjoying the good smell.

"It matters when I want to travel abroad with you. Or when you want to give a gift and we can easily do anything." Kai showed that it did matter, and the two decided it made sense.

Realizing that the movie was no longer funny, Kai turned off the tv and went to sleep between kisses and caresses from the girls. He knew the week would soon be back, and as stupid as it was to think about another woman right now, he was looking forward to meeting Ryou.

"Good night, honey. Good night, Ki." Madoka kissed Kai's cheek and curled up with him, leaving their bodies tightly pressed together under the blanket.

"Goodnight, my love. Good night, Ka." Aki also kissed Kai's cheek and did the same as Madoka.


With that, the three fell into a deep sleep and rested from the whole week of studies and "activities".



Author Note: Any grammatical errors or wrong spelling, please let me know. Sometimes it passes... :)

Bad Joke#17:

Why is Peter Pan always flying?

He neverlands.

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