The Worlds Seeker

Chapter 12 – Visit to the Athletics Club

Walking leisurely to the athletic club, Kai took his time to see the school's campus. It was huge, and thanks to his family's investments, mainly him, the school was the best it could be, both in terms of grades and structure.

There was no such thing as a class of bad students or anything like that, because it would be like a christian thrown into a thug fuck. Instant Belief Conversion!

But you could still see a lot of gyaru or boys who appeared to be troublesome, as the school supported individualism, and thus your own dress code based on the uniform. The point is that all of them, the moment they set foot in school, regardless of how sick their sexual or psychosocial fetishes, they would be working for the glory of the school and for good grades.

The big problem, mainly present in the stories that Kai felt disgusted with, was that there were some people who, being blind to power, tried to find a loophole in it to take advantage. And he allowed it. Professors who were clearly harassing were still on campus. And you would wonder why he would allow this and the answer is simple.

Never set fire to a beehive without wasps. Wait for them to join in just one place first.

Arriving at the athletics club, which operated very close to the women's basketball club, Kai walked through the doors of the huge court to see MANY girls in revealing sports clothes. Some were concentrating on stretching, others were picking up necessary equipment, and all were in high spirits, chatting about today's events.

But what's good for the eyes is good for the heart, so let's not ignore how fantastic they all look.

"Hi, Tanaka-san. Can I join you for practice today?" Kai walked up to a tall and pretty girl, but not on Madoka's or Aki's level. At most she would have 1.3 in [Charm] stat. She was the captain of the women's basketball club. "Hello to you too Emi-san." The other girl nearby was the captain of the athletic club.

"Hi, Kai-senpai. It would be an honor to have you watching us. I was talking to Emi-chan so we could do an integrated cardio workout." Tanaka smiled at Kai politely.

"H-hello, Kai-senpai. Thanks for accepting me into the Elite Committee, I'll do my best for that!" Emi was a little more shy, but she returned the greeting and thanked him, unnecessarily since she was the talent, for having successfully entered the Committee.

"You can rest assured. I'm just looking around for more potential talents for the Committee. Since you two are already in, it would be really helpful if you could guide me with the names and who would be the right people here." Kai smiled at the two of them and started watching some girls.

"No problem. I'll let the girls know and we'll cut down on the cardio schedule. Then we'll do normal training matches and you'll be able to see the ones that stand out the most. Could it be, Emi-chan?" Tanaka's eyes glistened a little with the hope of pulling more people from her club into the Committee.

"Sure. I'll also let the girls in my club know. We're going to do a high jump session!" Emi also got excited and started making plans.

Kai pulled away from the two captains and started walking across the court. His presence caught the attention of the girls. But since he didn't want to make noise or disturb them, he put his finger to his mouth in a gesture of silence, and then waved his hands to indicate to continue what they were doing.

The girls covered their mouths so as not to make a fuss, and laughed when they saw Kai's smile. They continued to do their thing, but more committed now that the President of the Elite Committee was here.

After a while, when their respective captains informed them of the purpose of Kai's coming, they had to restrain themselves from fainting with joy. After all, here and now they could show much more than in email resumes. Everyone already knew that those who were accepted with just one email were club captains, class nerds and all those who had some kind of individual merit. A chance to show themselves in person was a once-in-a-lifetime thing and they should seize it.

All the girls got organized and started doing some cardio. The intended was about 2 hours of cardio, but they shortened it to 30 minutes and increased the intensity so that the body was warmed up for exhibition training. Kai during that time, like the gentleman that he was, watched with interested eyes one particular girl there.

She had purple hair that reached down to her ass, even though it was tied back with a red bow. Dressed in the uniform of the girls' basketball team, her body was on display for anyone who cared to see. Full breasts, slender body and ideal ass. Her face also had an exceptional beauty and if skill puts Tanaka as captain, beauty puts her as the club's advertisement.

This girl was doing her cardio workout when she noticed Kai's gaze on her. She was even now restraining herself from looking at him, but after a while she couldn't contain anymore. Her attention was momentarily diverted from training when her eyes went to Kai. He was there, sitting on the bleachers as he stared at her.

She knew he was looking at her, and what was worse was that he didn't look away!

'Why isn't senpai looking away?? Wait, why am I not looking away too?' The girl began to blush a lot, but did not notice that a smile crept across her face from this.

Kai took a cereal bar out of his pocket and began to eat while paying attention to other things, much to the girl's relief.

After the 30 minutes of aerobics, the exhibition workouts started to happen. As lines began to form for the high jump at the athletics club, teams formed at random at the basketball club.

Kai at that moment was already downstairs accompanying the girls. He really did look like a top-notch judge, hand on chin and all.

"What's the name of the girl with purple hair?" Kai was watching a match where the girl from before was playing. She might not be tall, but she made up for it with dribbling speed and a great shooting rate. Her passes were also extremely timely, as her arms lacked the strength for hard throws.

"Her name is Kyou Fujibayashi. She is our ace point guard. She's not just a pretty face, she made that very clear in training." Tanaka looked at Ryou and was happy that her friend had caught Kai's attention.

| {Name: Kyou Fujibayashi}
| {Status}
| [Strength: 1.0]
| [Dexterity: 1.2]
| [Constitution: 1.2]
| [Intelligence: 1.5]
| [Charm: 2.4]
| {Skill Tree}
| [Basic Education Skill Tree]
| [Basic Training Skill Tree]
| [Sports Skill Tree]
| [Basketball Skill Tree]
| [Self-Defense Skill Tree]
| {Destiny}
| [Lovemeter: 17/100]
| [DP:300/1000]

"How are her general grades?" He asked out of curiosity.

"Great student, would have no problems reconciling training with studying. It seems that, unlike her sister, Ryou, she was born with the good genetics of the family." With a slightly irritated expression, Tanaka quoted Ryou's sister with disgust.

Kai decided not to ask anything. He was already well aware of Kyou's sister's sick personality, but he also wondered if things could have changed. In the story, the feud was for obvious reasons of contrast in school performance, but the feather that broke the camel's back was a normal teenage crush. Two people in love with the same guy, the sickest psychopath always wins.

Kai had obviously already "eliminated" Kyou's chance of having met the other guy, so that's why his doubt. If everything still happened the same way, it would only mean that the sister was always a psychopath.

He honestly hoped the three teachers from the original story wouldn't come, as he would have to get blood on the soles of his shoes. Not to mention that he would have to pay a lot of money not to be in the newspapers and expel the three in a very "unusual" way.


Practice time had already passed and a few other people caught Kai's attention. He reviewed their resumes and finally accepted some. They were really good, but their potential was at most a provincial championship. But well, not everyone is an Olympic champion.

Most of the girls had already said goodbye and were leaving. In order not to be discouraged, Kai did not reveal who entered or who did not, as that would dampen everyone's spirits.

After saying goodbye to the two captains, only a few girls were left on the court. Three or four at most. Kyou was one of those girls, and she was picking up balls on the court.

"Do you need help?" Kai walked over to her and picked the ball up easily from the ground, starting to hit and dribble a little.

"Eh!" Kyou was startled for a moment, but when she saw it was Kai, her cheeks turned red, "N-no need, Senpai-san! Don't bother with it, I'm only doing it because Tanaka asked me to."

He stopped hitting the basketball and reached out to greet Kyou, "Call me Kai, without too many formalities. After all, as members of the Elite Committee, we're both outstanding people, aren't we?"

The bombastic news that came out of Kai's mouth caused Kyou to short circuit, so she stood there with a ball in her hand. It was amazing how her cute little mouth was also slightly open, making a funny face. -> :[]

"Hello?" Kai called again, afraid he had killed the girl with emotion.

"Y-yess! That's it!” Ryou instantly jumped up in joy, throwing the ball far away. She started to bounce and show her cheerful personality.

The other girls saw her doing/attempting a victory dance, which made them laugh and already know what could have happened.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Kyou didn't control her instincts and jumped at Kai, hugging him tightly. Only after a while did she notice and got away from him while blushing. "Thanks..."

"Cough*, it's okay. Come on, I'll help you put this away. I'll explain to you better how the Committee works." Kai picked up another ball from the ground and started tossing it into the proper guard spot.

"Thanks again!" Kyou smiled along with Kai and started to help.


"Phew, glad we're done!" Kyou finished pushing the last cart full of balls in the supply room and sat down on a multi-tatami bed.

"Yes, we finished earlier so you can rest more." Kai watched her rest, even a little sloppily.

"Thank you very much, Kai-senpai. I don't know what would become of me if you didn't helped. There were so many balls!" Kyou lay down on the tatami, her body begging for it.

Kai refused to say anything. He just smiled as he watched her, and closed his eyes for a moment. He heard some heavy footsteps coming towards them, and soon his fists were clenched, trying to control his anger.

"It seems the world is still taking its natural course... How unfortunate..." He spoke quietly to himself as his figure began to merge into shadows.

Soon, three grown men appeared in the supply room. They were all wearing normal teacher clothes and they were all painfully ugly. They were uglier than hitting your mother.

"Fujibayashi? Are you there, Fujibayashi-chan?" A short, plump man with a face full of acne spoke with a strange voice.

"Do you need our help, dear Fujibayashi?" A tall dark man spoke with a perverted voice.

"Who is it?" Kyou got up from the tatami bed and looked at the people arriving. She looked around and noticed that Kai was no longer there.

"It's us, Kyou. Your teachers. We have good news for you!" An average white man, the third and final teacher, was equally perverted and couldn't help himself.

"We came to help you so we could tell you the good news."

"Good news?" Kyou started to feel a strange thing rise in her heart. Hearing the voice of these people was scary and she started looking for Kai with her eyes, still not finding him. She got up from the tatami bed.

"Yes. We have great news! So good, you'll call us teachers darling!"

The teachers looked around and saw that there was only Ryou now, so one started to close the supply room door while the others approached her.

"But as we are seeing, you no longer need our help. Then we'll tell you soon!"

"We spoke with Kai and got you nominated for the Committee, but he said your grades need to be a little higher to be able to join."

The three individuals were dangerously approaching her and Kyou now knew something was wrong. She no longer tried to look for Kai with her eyes and started calling out to him, "Kai! Where are you, Kai!?"

"Look, you seem to understand us!"

"We came here to offer you a deal! If you give us what we want, we'll help you get on the Committee! What about??" The mask of insanity was already running down their faces, but they needed to get their prey right.

"No, I don't want to!" Kyou's heart had already tightened and was beating wildly. As a woman, she knew very well what situation she was in and the tears were not contained, "Kai, please help me! You were here now, help me!" But no matter how much she called, no one answered.

"Now!" The three scum jumped at Kyou at the same time, with obvious intentions.


As if it were thunder, a body was thrown on top of the metal parts of the warehouse, causing a thunderous noise.

The two other teachers stopped their movements at the thought that the door had been opened. But when they looked back and saw no one, they angrily shouted, "Who?!"

With nothing but silence, they turned their sights to Kyou, but they didn't find her there anymore.

"W-w, what's going on??" The black teacher yelled with anger and shock at the same time.

"Do you think I know??? Where is Teuchi? Where is he?" The fat guy noticed the absence of one of them and, as everything was dark, he couldn't see his friend thrown over the metal bars.

While the teachers struggled and were frightened by the scene, Kai had already taken Kyou to a dark corner. He used military training to move silently and forced Kyou to quiet down before she realized it was him and relaxed.

"You already understand what they want, don't you?" Kai asked in a calm and peaceful voice.

Kyou couldn't stop the tears from rolling and falling onto Kai's hand, which was covering her mouth. She could only nod to indicate that she understood.

"It's going to be okay with you, Kyou. I'm here, and that's a promise I make." Kai spoke right into her ear in an affirmative and reassuring tone. "Do you understand? If you understand, bite my finger."

Kyou found it strange that she had to bite his finger, but it strangely brought her to some sense. Biting Kai's finger lightly, she also relaxed her body into his.

"Excellent. So please excuse me." Kai grabbed two earplugs and put them on her. But before putting the two on, he said, "I'm going to trust you that you're going to close your eyes now, okay?" And he put the tampons on.

Kyou felt Kai's heat go away, but she didn't dare open her eyes. She was in a situation she never imagined in her life, but her mind and heart said that everything would be fine with Kai there.

As for himself, he had already gotten up from the dark corner and was starting to walk towards the two other teachers.

"About time to crack some bones..."



Author Note: Any grammatical errors or wrong spelling, please let me know. Sometimes it passes... :)


Bad Joke#12:

Why do bees have sticky hair?

Because they use honey comb.

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