The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 730 Story 676: Let's go to the tool shop.

Look up at the sky through the window.

Whenever it rains, it looks like the sky is not strange, and the sigh fills with relief.

Welcome back.

I turned my attention to my dad, who was going to see what I was going to do today.

“I was going to go buy some tools as planned, but are you all right?”

"Yeah. It's okay."

Yesterday, when I came back from the second cave, I was told by the owner, Mr. Chagu, that it might rain tomorrow.

I planned to go to buy tools, so I talked to everyone for a while and decided to stop if it was dirt.

And now it's about to rain all at once, but it's not.

Somehow, it's a subtle state.

Well, if it comes down, it's when it comes down.

That's right.

Get ready to go and call Sora and the others.

I've been going out with everyone for a long time.

Sora and the others were in the bag.

Even if I leave the area around the village a little, can't I free Sora and the others?

I want to let you play because I've been in an inn for a long time.

When I look at your father, he has a hard look on his face.

"There are really a lot of adventurers in Okanko Village." I think it's difficult. "

I don't think so.

Plump, plump, plump

"I'm sorry, I can't let you play freely."

Sora's arms trembled as she gently hugged her.

It's cute.


As I hold Sora, I'm struck around the shoulder.

At first glance, Flem with a slightly angry expression.

What's the matter?

The frames stretch vertically in my words.

This is a hug!


Sora and Flem were grunting, and two of them were pulling in their arms.

Very satisfied.

I'm strangling you behind my back.


Looking back, your father is holding Sol and Sheil in his arms.

In her arms, two cats look at me.

"I'm sorry, in order."

I'm sorry, but that look is also cute.

Holding them in sequence, I felt a sign from outside the room.

It looks like Arielus and the others are ready.

"I see. Let's go then." Let's put Sora and the others in the bag. "

Plump, plump, plump






At the end of the squeaking, I leaned my neck against my father.

Tron wasn't awake yet.

Looking at the location of Tron's basket, there was Tron looking at us.

"Good morning, Tron. I'm going shopping now, but you want to have breakfast?" Let's give Arielus and the others a moment. "


Tron jumps out of the basket, chirping with joy at my words.



Tron struck his body on the floor brilliantly, wondering if his roots were entangled in the basket.

Are you okay?

In a hurry, Father hugged him, and the branches held the part of his face.

Was it painful?


When your father stroked the part of Tron's face, the branches rattled a little.

I don't know if it hurts or if it feels good, but it feels good because I don't hate it.

Are you okay now?


Sora and the others stretched their branches into the bag that Sora was supposed to put in, in response to your father's words.

"Do you want to go with me?"


Tron reacts happily to his father's words.

She wants to go out with me for a while.


"It's shopping, so it's always in my bag." Is that all right with you? "


Tron nods, and his father brings a basket dedicated to Tron.

"Tron, this way."

When your father opens the entrance to the basket, Tron enters quickly.

It seems that I am quite happy to go outside.


I'm ready, but can I go?

Oh, I'll be right out.

In response to Ms. Tanras' voice, I hurriedly put Sora and the others in the bag.

"I'm sorry."

When I walked out of the hallway, there were three people wearing rain gear so that it could rain.

What? What about rain gear?

"That's why I couldn't wear it because it was too small."

Lilia's words made me laugh bitterly.

Shell always searched for a cave or a place where it wouldn't rain before it rained, so the rain gear hadn't arrived here recently.

Because of this, I didn't realize that the rain gear I was preparing was getting smaller now.

I didn't expect to buy rain gear.

It looks like you have to buy a lot of things.

"Yes, I think so."

When I checked every tool I had, my dad got a little angry.

As expected, if the tools you need are broken when things go wrong in the woods, you can't.

I went down to the first floor and called out to Mr. Chagu.

"Wait, I just got a call from both guilds yesterday, and it looks like there's a suspicious person around asking about the woman staying at the inn. I've been paying attention for a while now, but it looks like there's been a lot of violence over the last few days. If you see a suspicious move or a man doing something, stay away from it."

It's definitely that guy.

I'm talking about that man.

Father tells Mr. Chagu about the man who appeared in the special training room.

Listening to the characteristics, she took a piece of paper out of her pocket.

"There's no doubt about that man." It has the same characteristics. "

I knew it.

“Thank you, Druid. I know you're strong, but don't get caught up in this.”

Lilia nodded at Chagu-san's words.

I don't want to get involved, but I'm worried about what I've been doing.

For some reason, I'm getting caught up in this without knowing.

"You should stay away from me."

Nodding to your father's words.

That's right.

We must stay away from them.

"" "" "I'm coming." "" "

I waved to Mr. Chagu and left the inn.

The sky is darker than when I saw it earlier.

It is strange that it hasn't rained.

"I've been told three recommended places... can I come from a nearby place?"

Yeah, it's okay.

Ms. Tannellus and Ms. Leah agree with what Ms. Arielus said.

Of course, I don't have a problem either.

Dad shows Arias a handwritten map.

The map was written by Micke last night.

“This is what she wrote, isn't it?”

Father nods to Arielus, who puts his name down.

I told Mr. Mikke last night that the man I told you about is still looking for him and that there are strange rumors about him.

Mikke-san laughed when he heard the story, but Kagu, who was next to him, held his head.

Then I decided to lie down outside under the name of Mikke.

Mikke says, "Don't worry about it," but I'm obviously looking for her.

Walk down the main street towards the back gate.

What's that?

It's easy to walk today.

As expected, the number of adventurers will decrease on a rainy day.

What, there aren't many people?

I thought maybe I was just getting used to walking the crowd.

Yeah, I hope it's easy to walk.

Ms. Arielus nodded to her words.

"That 'hahaha' shop on the right."

I saw a sign saying "Hahaha" for those to whom my father refers.

What is depicted on the sign is like meat.

A butcher.

When I turn right, I walk a little inside the store.

There seemed to be a wide variety of meats, and I could see the names of various monsters.

It bothers me a little.

"There it is."

Mr. Tanras, who walks at the head, points to a store.

At the end of the line of sight was a sign with a design of tents and lights.

The name of the store is "Vacour".

It is true that Mikke-san told me about it yesterday.

Oh, I'm so excited.

After all, it's fun to look for tools.

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