The Unseen Angel in MHA


Seeing my surprised look Rumi's father just chuckles and pats my shoulder before walking away. With a defeated sigh I follow them all inside and after some small talk with her father, they brought dinner out for us to eat. As we ate it was filled with small talk about how Rumi and I are doing in our current jobs. Then as we finished dinner and all just enjoyed some whine, Rumi gave me a look suggesting she wants to tell them.

"Mom, Dad. Akihiko and I have something to tell you," Rumi says with an excited and nervous smile. Her dad gives us a knowing look, while her mom seems confused.

"You're pregnant?!" her mom says before Rumi can continue and jumps up looking between us with mixed emotions.

"What?! No Mom! Akihiko and I are engaged!" Rumi says with annoyance and stands up showing her mom the engagement ring. While her father and I shared a look of quiet understanding.

"Oh! My baby girl is growing up! I'm so happy for you two and congratulations!" Rumi's mom says while smiling and hugging Rumi who hugs her back.

The rest of the night we spoke about the engagement, how I did it, and when we plan on getting married. Her parents offered to pay or help pay for the wedding, but I denied them since now my job and contract with the government pay me more than I know what to do with. After a few hours of talking with her parents Rumi and I headed home, though we talked about buying a house together before the wedding since we can afford to do both along with our combined salaries.

The next few weeks Rumi and I were extremely busy, though I handled most of it since Rumi still had her daily patrols. While my job didn't give me many missions other than quick ones, at least quick for me, since I was now considered the strongest underground hero. On paper, I was working as a 'normal' underground hero, but behind the scenes, I was considered the strongest hero in Japan.

Rumi and I found a house we both liked that was near the outskirts of the city, which we had remodeled to suit our needs. It now had a dedicated training area in the basement that would mostly benefit Rumi since they can't really build anything to handle my true abilities. The rest of the house had a more modern design compared to Endeavor's traditional design. As Rumi and I discussed we would try for kids later in life we made sure there were at least five bedrooms, including our master bedroom, three full bathrooms, and two half bathrooms.

Once the house thing was settled and we officially moved in, we could dedicate all of our attention to the wedding planning. Shota was my best man, with Hizashi, my Uncle, and Sakamoto Tadao as my groomsmen. Sakamoto and I have gotten closer over time to be considered good friends even with his special attitude. Rumi's maid of honor was actually Nemuri, with Ryuko, Yu Takeyama, and her cousin as her bridesmaids. Rumi became good friends with both Ryuko and Yu in U.A. during their time together.

Funnily enough, Hizashi would constantly argue with Shota about my bachelor party since he feels Shota won't throw a good one. I left them to argue or plan it together since that was on them, plus they didn't want my input anyway saying it was a surprise. The rest of the wedding planning was going smoothly thankfully. As we were having a somewhat large wedding in the Summer, which is in a few months. We invited most if not all of Rumi's family, my grandparents, and Cathy's family. My side of the ceremony would not be as packed as Rumi's as I didn't know most of my family, so the rest would be my friends from school or work taking up my side.  A total of roughly two hundred guests would be coming and hundred fifty of them are from Rumi's side.

After we sent out the wedding invitations, all we really had left was waiting for the confirmations from the guests. As we hired a wedding planner to help with making sure everything would go smoothly since there was a lot to set up, especially with this many people coming. The weeks flew by with the wedding quickly approaching, since most of our time was spent planning it and moving into our new house. Then a week before the wedding Shota said my bachelor party was the weekend before the wedding, and so too was Rumi's bachelorette party being held a week before our wedding. I waited in my living room since Shota told me not to go anywhere they are coming to me, while Rumi left with her friends in a party bus to go where ever. After about thirty minutes of just relaxing from not having anything to worry about right now, I could hear my groomsmen at the front door since Shota and Hizashi are arguing like an old married couple again.

"Akihiko! We are here to party together since this will be your last night real night before you're married!" my Uncle says when I opened the door seeing all of them standing outside. They appear to be all holding bags filled with booze, food, and maybe games.

"Moody let us in! I can't stand the arguing between Emo and loudmouth anymore," Incognito says to me with a tired sigh. I just shake my head and usher them all inside, as they all make their way to our living room placing the bags down.

The first few hours were spent playing some card games like poker and cards against humanity while drinking. Then my Uncle cooked the food he brought since like me he is a decent cook having lived alone most of his life. I did notice that a few times Hizashi would look at his phone in an attempted sneaky manner, which I just ignored since he has his reasons. We then ate the food while drinking and sharing stories about our jobs, though Incognito, Shota, and I had the darker stories being underground heroes.

"Finally!" Hizashi says jumping up as we started another round of blackjack, just like day trading I suck at poker since I lost a few hundred tonight already.

We all stop and look at Hizashi confused as he ran over to the front door. Hizashi walks back over to us, and everyone except me is buzzed even my Uncle, though he is not alone as there are two women with him. They kinda look like twins, since they both have black hair and similar facial features. They are both very attractive and wearing very sluttly revealing clothing, one is dressed like a sluttly cop and the other a slutty prisoner.

(NSFW, and mild R18 warning ahead)

"Oh shit! Strippers!" Incognito says with an excited smile while they both walk toward us swaying their hips suggestively.

"Yeah, Shota didn't think this would be a good idea, so I did it anyway. Your welcome Akihiko," Hizashi says while smiling at us. The two strippers are surrounding Incognito while making very suggestive comments.

"Whatever just know if Rumi finds out two women were in our home and doing what I'm sure they will be doing, then it's gonna fall on your head," I say with a shrug and then smirk at Hizashi who pales a bit before nodding his head in attempted confidence.

"So you the lucky boy?" the police stripper asks Incognito while the prisoner one is dragged behind her on a leash. I just sigh and take a few shots even though they won't affect me.

"Yeah, I hope I become real lucky," Incognito says while smirking at them before trying to grope the police stripper who whips his hand away with a sex whip.

"No touching! Only good boys can touch and you seem to be a very bad boy," the police stripper says with a seductive voice while Incognito seems to be getting even more into this.

"Actually ladies, the lucky boy is the blondie over there with the beard," Hizashi says ruining Incognito's moment and gesturing to me. A few months back I stopped shaving after moving to a new home and wedding planning took up a lot of my time. I then liked the way I looked with it and so too did Rumi so I kept it, but trimmed it short since long beards can be a chore.

"Oh he is a good boy, waiting his turn while this bad boy was trying to keep our attention," the police stripper says whipping Incognito's leg before walking over to me with the prisoner stripper behind her on the leash.

"This is going to be a long fucking night," I say grabbing a few more shots, but the police stripper whips my hand stopping me.

"Good boys don't say bad words! Aren't there any good boys here?" the police stripper says after whipping my hand.

"Yeah Emo and big boy are probably the only good boys here," Incognito says to them while eye fucking them.

"Hmm, first we much teach this bad boy some manners," the police stripper says before making the prisoner stripper sit in my lap, which makes me jump a bit not expecting it.

"She's gonna show you a good time, but no touching unless I say," the police stripper says close to my ear while tugging the leash slightly to make the other stripper begin to give me a lap dance.

"Hizashi, where the fuck did you find these women?" I say while the prisoner stripper is grinding hard on my lap and slowly removing her shirt.

"No bad words!" the police stripper says to me and then whips my leg. I just grunt in annoyance.

"Their amazing right?! It took me a few weeks to find a good place that offers the services I was looking for. These two got the highest rating in the best place I could find," Hizashi says while eye fucking them alongside Incognito.

Meanwhile, the prisoner stripper is almost completely naked on top of me with only her thong covering herself. Before I could respond the police stripper seemed to have taken off her top as she pressed her bare tits on the back of my head and pushed them into me. The prisoner stripper grabbed my hands and forced them onto her tits which are smaller than Rumi's tits, but still a handful. Incognito and Hizashi were cheering this on, while Shota looked at this in shock and my Uncle also seemed shocked.

"I didn't say you could let him touch you!" the police stripper says whipping the prisoner stripper on her ass making the woman moan in delight.

"How should I punish you?" the police stripper says more of a statement as she brings out a bag filled with an assortment of sex toys.

"Oh fuck," Shota, my Uncle, and I all say seeing this. Hizashi and Incognito cheer before giving one another a shared excited look.

"Use the beads!" Hizashi says with Incognito nodding his head agreeing. While the rest of us just stare in shock.

For the next hour, we watched as the police stripper used various amount of toys on the prisoner stripper. They did this all on top of the new coffee Rumi and I bought.

'I'm gonna have to burn this coffee table and buy a new one,' was my first thought as the first toy was brought out.

The rest of the night was spent with my four groomsmen getting blackout drunk and enjoying the two strippers who later I found out gave extra services. I immediately declined, though Incognito and Shota surprisingly part took in those services. Also surprisingly Hizashi did not, I guess he thought about his relationship with Ryuko and doesn't want to jeopardize it as they aren't in an open relationship. Thankfully the two strippers left an hour before Rumi and her friends came back. Though Rumi and all of her friends were also blackout drunk, so I let them crash here alongside my blackout-drunk groomsmen. I carried Rumi to our room and helped her undress before holding her as she slept like a log next to me.

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