The Unseen Angel in MHA


I made my way to the Underground HQ and once I arrived at the true bottom level, I walked over to Ms.Starlight's office. After knocking on her door even though it was open, I figured that would be appropriate.

"Sakamoto, I told you if you bother me again, I'm gonna have Gamma shove the mech suit's foot up and into your ass," Ms.Starlight says without looking to see who it was. Seems Incognito has pissed her off today already.

"Uh, Ms.Starlight it's Rapture, not Incognito," I say while awkwardly clearing my throat.

"Oh shit! Sorry Rapture, the invisible monkey has been annoying me since he arrived," Ms.Starlight says with an apologetic smile while motioning for me to come in. I just nod my head and take a seat across from her.

"So what brings you to my office? Is it that you haven't had any jobs yet? That's because we as the special underground heroes rarely get jobs and when we do we try to find the hero most suitable for them," Ms.Starlight says to me justifying the reason I've been inactive.

"No it's not that exactly, but a friend of mine who knows that I'm an underground hero, Endeavor gave me a job in his city. I figured I'd have to clear it with you first though," I say while handing her the file Endeavor gave me. She takes the file while silently going through it for a minute.

"Yeah we were made aware of this issue and I was about to send Incognito to deal with it. We don't really care about heroes asking us for help since we act even above them. Though since he gave you this job, then sure you can take it. I'll inform your operator that you are leaving on your first mission. Just remember our protocols and good luck," Ms.Starlight says to me after standing up and we leave. She goes to tell Soma, my operator while I go to Endeavor's city to start the mission.

After taking the train to Endeavor's city I find one of the many safe houses for underground heroes in the city and change into my hero costume. After changing into my hero costume I make my way toward the front that holds the human trafficking. The front is the most popular nightclub in the city.

"Hello Rapture, it's Soma…obviously you knew that. Anyway, I'm gonna be monitoring the cameras in the area and the one in your glasses. I'll watch your back don't worry," Soma says with a nervous voice that makes me chuckle a bit.

"I know this is our first mission together, but take a few breaths and relax. This should hopefully go smoothly," I say over the comms to her, she takes a few breaths and gives me the ok to move forward.

It was mid-afternoon when I arrived at the nightclub, so I would be easier to spot in theory. Either way, I made my way stealthy to the back of the nightclub and broke the door open. The man who was standing right behind the door jumped up in shock, but I used my hand like a spear and punctured his neck making him choke on his own blood dying slowly. I stepped over his dying body, I could feel Soma cringe in the mic since she probably hadn't seen too much death before. I walked to the kitchen and cleared it seeing no one inside.

Walking into the main area, I see three men talking at the bar. All of these men are sinners and part of the organization, plus since this place is closed technically until night away it shouldn't be 'normal' people. Before any can react I move to grab the two sitting at the bar by the back of their necks and break them. The man behind the bar looks to try to go for a weapon behind the bar, but I reach over pulling him over the bar and smashing his face into the bar top.

"Where are the girls? Who is in charge of this place? Is this the only front?" I ask the man since I kept him alive and didn't knock him out.

"Fuck you!" the man says while spitting blood on my face. Giving a sigh, I look down at him with disgust for seeing all the sins he's committed, his biggest sin was a lot of rape.

"Very well, I guess I will burn you until you talk," I say he gives me a confused face before I break his limbs and set his dick on fire since he liked to cause pain to others with it.

The man screams in pain, which probably alerts anyone else here, but I don't care as I'll kill them all soon. It also may give me the place they are hiding should they come out from it. I burned his dick to almost nothing before healing it and burning it again, after the third time, he finally spoke up. The whole time though Soma went very quiet, I can tell she is uncomfortable with this, she knew what we did in this job but seeing it firsthand might have been too much for her.

"NO! PLEASE NO MORE!... I'll talk," the man screams pleading with me and whimpering at the end.

"So talk or I start again," I say as my fire dances around my hand and he starts blabbering about all sorts of stupid shit.

"Shut the fuck up! Just tell me where the girls are if there are more fronts than this one, and who is in charge of your organization," I say while stepping on his broken leg to make him stop blabbering. He whimpers and nods listening to my questions.

"They are in the cellar that is hidden in the storage room, there is a hatch in the back of the room. I'm not sure how many fronts we have, but there are probably at least a few more in the city. I've never met the boss before, but I hear he is some big shot in the business industry. Now please don't hurt me anymore," the man says while crying at the end, I just step on his neck breaking it.

"Soma think you can find those other fronts, while I finish up this one?" I ask as I walk to the store room and find the hatch to the cellar.

"Yeah, I'll see what I can do and get back to you. Just save those girls and once you clear that building I'll contact the police," Soma says to me as I open the cellar hatch and walk down the stairs.

As soon as I entered the area. I can hear some women whimpering in the area, while it sounds like several are in the process of being used. I quickly open room by room, to see which girls are alone blasting them with fire to heal them and the ones being used I blast the room with fire healing the girls physically while killing the abuser. After clearing several dozen rooms, I feel my dead emotions become even more numb after seeing this terrible part of humanity. I bring the girls up to the top floor, helping those who seem mentally broken, while the others walk upstairs crying. I wait for the police to arrive with paramedics, Soma is still looking for more possible fronts.

"Rapture, thanks for clearing these scum out. I hope they suffered, though I'm not sure the girls will ever recover from this," the cop who took my statement says to me as I watch them load the girls up to take them to the hospital.

"Most suffered, though where they are headed I'm sure will only be more suffering," I say to the cop, as I feel that killing with my holy fire automatically condemns the soul to the deepest part of hell. While the others who didn't die by my holy fire will still go to hell.

"Ah, you religious too? You and me both know they got an eternity of suffering ahead of them," the cop says while taking out the silver cross around his neck.

"Something like that," I say as I turn to leave and make my way to a rooftop just overlooking the city while Soma is looking into the other fronts.

"Ok so, the nightclub you just closed is owned by a shell company which in turn is owned by 'SuperToys'. The CEO of 'SuperToys' seems like the old skeevy type, I'll try digging more into him and see if we can pin this on him. Either way, I found several other places owned by the shell company, which are most likely fronts like the nightclub. The closest one to you is a French Restaurant, though it is currently open and packed with people," Soma says to me while I make my way to the restaurant she is talking about.

"I can get the police to empty the place, but that may inform them we are on their tail sooner. What are you gonna do?" Soma asks me.

"You have the building schematics of the place? Anyplace you think they would have the girls? Cause then I can go through the kitchen and force my way there instead of making a big scene," I say while watching the restaurant for any giveaways.

"Yeah hold on....well from the building schematics, there is no giveaway since I doubt it was built on record.... my guess is that it is like the nightclub either hidden in the storage room or kitchen since they don't want–" Soma says before I quiet her.

"A man is going to the back door, he speaking with someone there. I lost sight but I assume he was led to the girls," I say after I quiet Soma.

"I'm gonna move in and see if I can spot them," I say as I jump down and break the lock on the door easily. Inside I see the man who opened the door from the inside coming out from another room.

I rush him and push him back into the room he came from while covering his mouth with my one hand and separating his head from his body with a simple jerk of my wrist. Dropping his body to the ground I look around and see a similar hatch in this storage room for the food. I open the hatch and just like the nightclub hear many girls being currently abused. Though there are four men sitting down at a table playing cards, seems they are the bouncers of this place. Before any can react I blast them with fire killing them all immediately.

"Soma call the cops and clear this place while I clean up down here," I say with disgust evident in my voice.

She immediately informs the police after I break open each room and blast it with fire. Healing the girls physically while killing the abusers, most of the girls here seem more mentally broken than the nightclub girls. I just stand by the steps waiting for the police to clear the place. The disgust of this place and who knows how many more fills me.

"Rapture…..the shell company owns dozens of places across the country. This seems to be a much larger organization than we realized. I'm forwarding everything we have so far to Ms.Starlight. We have the authority to clear this city, but afterward, Ms.Starlight will determine what we can do," Soma says to me with a horrified voice at the discovery she made. I just grunt in anger at the thought of hundreds of women and girls suffering like this currently in our country.

"Rapture, I'd say it's good to see you again...but you know," the same cop from before says to me after he and three others come down the cellar. Each cop seems just as disgusted as me from realizing the issue.

"Yeah, we found there are still a decent handful of places like this in the city. I'm gonna be clearing them out so we are gonna be seeing each other a lot more today," I say before passing by them and the cops just sigh while nodding their heads in understanding.

"Fucking animals," I hear the same cop say while they clean the place and I move to the next Soma has discovered in the city.

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