THE TRIALS: Path Toward Godhood. (warning: MATURE CONTENT)


Two days later, Kuroha once again stood in front of U.A gate. Now he would finally end this exam. He was seriously fed up with it. Those days could have been better used for training. But he wasted them on a useless exam.


He showed his pass to the gate before entering and walking slowly. As he walked and looked around, he couldn't help but wonder about how large it really was.

It was something he remarked. How large does a school need to be in order to have so many facilities in it? The worst was that from the outside it didn't seem that big.

The same went for Momo's house... Perhaps someone with a quirk related to space helped during the construction? Well, everything was possible when it comes to quirks.

As he walked and began to think of Momo, he couldn't help but feel a little irritated and bothered. Yesterday, he called Momo to ask her how her exams went, but she wasn't really forthcoming and just said that it went well before hanging up.

He scratched his head in annoyance, he knew that his rejection would cool down their friendships a little, but he didn't think the difference would be so stark. If it was before this event she would be talking for hours about how her exams went.


It was the second time he sighed in just a few minutes. Perhaps it was a little… No, it was really hypocritical of him to think that Momo would still treat him the same after what happened. What do they call it? One cannot have one thing and its opposite.

Perhaps he should have said yes back then?

The moments this thought passed his head he felt disgusted with himself. He might not be very well versed in real relationship, but he knew that accepting her confession without having real feelings for her would have been the most scummy thing to do.

In his opinion, only scums accepted to enter in a relationship with girls who fell in love with them even though they didn't like said, girls. In the end, they would just use those girls before throwing them away once they become bored of playing with them.

Kuroha wasn't dense. Far from it. He knew and understood his own charm. He just didn't care.

He was the most popular boy in middle school and the number of confessions he received and then refused during his three years of middle school easily surpassed the hundreds.

What's more, this wasn't just the girls. Some of the adult women also tried to flirt with him. Sometimes, when he enters a room, some would make their cleavage more prominent while others would put more sway in their hips as they walked.

Even, *shiver* even some of the males' prof made secret advances to him in the past. Of course He also politely rejected them. He wasn't against gay people. Everyone was free to like who they wanted. Anyone insulting someone else just because they couldn't accept their sexual choice was a self-righteous prick who should be burned.

In short, he would never enter a relationship with someone he had no feelings for. Another reason for rejecting Momo was his dark side.

Only Himiko knew his two sides. She even knew about his mental troubles and his split personalities. In short, in this world, no one knew him more than Himiko.

He really didn't think that Momo would be able to accept his dark side. Of course, some smart ass would say, "you aren't in her head, You can't read her mind. Why not try it? Perhaps she loves you enough to accept you?"

To them, he could only be rude and say, "Go kindly fuck yourselves." No one could control time and regrets were regrets because they couldn't be taken back.

Betting on the unlikely chance that she would accept his dark side was truly foolish.

At least right now, since they're only friends… Or perhaps less, even if someone finds out his secret, she wouldn't be implicated. As for implicating Nighteye and All Might? Even the emperor wouldn't dare to accuse All Might of committing a crime. This would be the same even if All Might committed a crime in front of everyone. They would simply think that he didn't mean for it to happen or invent all form of excuse. With his current level of popularity, All Might was basically the indirect leader of a cult.

"*Sigh* Inasa, would you stop walking behind me?"

Now, he stood in the corridor of the principal office. He turned back and faced this goofy guy.


A glare from Kuroha stopped him mid-speech,

"*Cough* *cough* You were so into your own thoughts that I didn't want to disturb you. Still, you're pretty sharp. I completely muffled my step with the wind so I didn't think you would hear me."

Kuroha simply turned back before saying a cryptic phrase.

"You can muffle the noise of your steps, but not the one made by your blood circulation and heartbeat."



One hour later, kuroha stood in the principal's room. His eyes were twitching like crazy. For a short moment, he wondered if he should just get out and be done with this shit.

In this room, stood three people. Well more like one woman and two beasts.

A dominatrix?

A penguin emperor...Wearing a suit? Seriously?

Finally a...What the fuck was it?

His headache got worse. He knew he shouldn't judge people by their appearance. One of Nighteye sidekicks had a mutant type quirk that made him look like a bug. But still one should stay polite. Since he didn't know who was the principal, he simply asked while facing those three.

"Principal Nezu?"

It was the UMA who raised his paw… Or hand? and answered,

"Yes! I can the see questionable look in your eyes. Am I a Mouse? A dog? A bear? My real identity is…"


"The principal!!"

The joke fell flat as Kuroha looked at him calmly.

"*Cough* *cough* Now now young man. Hayate-Kun is it? Take a seat and let's begin the interview."


(In for a penny, in for a pound. Let's finish it and go home.)

"Now, Kuroha-Kun… Hum... can I call you by this name?"


"So Kuroha-Kun here how things will go. This interview isn't anything important. Just a formality. Relax and answer the questions at your leisure."

Kuroha nodded. He would be the biggest idiot if he believed the bullshit this principal just said, but it wouldn't hurt to play the game. What's more, and more importantly, he never took this interview seriously in the first place.

It wasn't that he thought that his place in UA was assured. He was sure that first or not they wouldn't accept him if they didn't want to. But in the first place, UA didn't have the same importance in his heart like for other students and examinees.

Even if he failed here, he could go to Shiketsu, even if Shiketsu also didn't accept him, he could also go to another Hero highschool. Nowadays, society lacked anything but hero schools. They just weren't as prominent as UA or Shiketsu.


Nezu observed the boy silently. He could see and understand the disinterest in his eyes. He was Nighteye son and All Might nephew after all. He was even the disciple of that crazy old woman who loved acting like a teen.

Be it in Japan, America or even Italia, all door will be wide open to him. No, people would even fight each other for him.

As such, for him, graduating from UA would just be a plus but not particularly important. Still, despite this disinterest, the boy didn't ooze overconfidence and arrogance. He wasn't looking down on UA, he simply didn't particularly care about it. It was really interesting.

"Kuroha-Kun, what kind of quirk do you have?"

Of course, he had a file about it. Still, All Might was not particularly forthcoming about the deeper details. In his own words, this was Kuroha secret and he didn't have the right to speak about it without his permission.

"My quirk is called [BLOOD VOID] it's a composite emitter type quirk composed of two sub-abilities. Hemokinesis and the ability to teleport to where marks created by my blood are."

Nezu nodded, composite quirk. It wasn't anything rare. Quirks were inherited genetically and typically manifested by the age of four at the latest.

Children would either manifest one of their parent's quirk or a new composite quirk formed by the fusion of the two. He remembered Endeavor's kid. From his information. This kid also had a composite emitter quirk called [HALF-COLD HALF-HOT].

(AN: For those who are confused, Shoto doesn't have two quirks. It's a composite quirk. The fact that only half his body can use one element is the proof. For Endeavor, shoto is the ultimate Emitter Quirk user because he can use extremely high or low temperatures without any drawbacks. Bakugo's quirk is also a composite emitter.)

"I see… It seems like a very interesting and versatile quirk. During the practical exam, I didn't see you use the teleportation part. Why was that?"

He saw the boy tilt his head in wonder, as if he had asked a very stupid question

"Why use more strength than necessary to win? I already think that I overdid a little during this test."

Interesting. Very interesting,

"What did you think of this exam? What kind of goal did we have in your opinion?"

"I believe that this exam wasn't just to test or combat prowess but also our morals and personalities. I know many heroes who aren't particularly powerful but have useful abilities. As such, there's no way U.A test would judge people based on the strength of their quirk"

Nezu nodded. He had to stop his urge to clap at this answer. Smart, composed and strong but not arrogant… Well at least not too much. He liked this kid more and more. If before he wanted to guide him out of duty, now he would do it because he wished to do so.

The question continued like that for a few minutes. Finally, Nezu asked

"Why do you want to be a hero?"

He was really interested in kuroha answer.



Hearing principal Nezu question. Kuroha posed. He always asked himself this question. Did he want to be a hero? The answer was ambiguous but generally tilting towards no. He didn't see himself as a hero. Why then did he fight and kill criminals during the night despite knowing that it was illegal and detrimental for him?

Why did he train like a crazy bastard and didn't care about destroying his body?

Simply for revenge? No, he refused to become an Emo bitch who only lived for revenge and become blind to everything else.

He closed his eyes and began to think. He began to look deeper into himself. His past and his future. He also remembered Madness's words.

Why did he kill? Why did he name his alter ego Junketsu?

The answer was in the name. Purity!!

He wanted to erase all filth from this world. He wanted to eradicate evil from this world. He wasn't doing it for anyone. He didn't need the smile of anyone. He didn't wish to save anyone. He just hated all evils and wished to destroy it.

Finally, he opened his eyes. He felt like a weight was lifted from his shoulders. Most likely this answer would close the door of UA to him, but he needed to say it in order to reaffirm his conviction

"I don't wish to become a hero. Becoming a hero is nothing more than a mean to the end for me. My wish... is to eradicate all evils from this world."


It was midnight who screamed as she got up from her seat. They weren't blind, his words clearly implied that he wanted to kill all criminals

Kuroha seeing her reaction, he shook his head in denial before letting out a kind and peaceful smile as he answered,

"Crazy? I am not crazy. My reality is just different from yours."

(AN: I decided to make some changes. Now UNLIMITED SWORD STYLE is called UNLIMITED SWORD ART. The same for the scattered flower. It's the second sword art he created not syle. I made this decision in order to avoid confusion.

No need to go back and look. I didn't edit it. Too lazy to do so?.

Also, for those who did not know, UMA stands for Unidentified Mysterious Animals)

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