The Sleeping Dragon (High School DxD)

Chapter 50: The Messenger

Issei was sore all over. There wasn’t a single part of his body that wasn’t in pain. He had been training with Gabriel for a week now, and it had not been easy. She’d put him through the wringer, that was for sure. And yet, he could also feel the results. He was stronger than he was before… a lot stronger, in fact. Much stronger than a single week of training should have made him, and yet… here they were.
It’s because there’s so much distance between your memories of your childhood. You don’t recall with complete clarity how hard you worked back then.
Frowning, Issei cocks his head to the side as he listens to Ddraig explain.
You achieved your previous power level in mere months despite your young age. Your drive to be stronger, to never suffer as you did again, motivated and pushed you to accomplish things that most mortals would be incapable of, even with the sort of raw determination you had.
Had getting stronger really been that easy, all those years ago? He had had an instinctive understanding of his strength and how it compared to those around him for a while, to be fair. He’d been… comfortably above every person he interacted with on a daily basis. Until recently. Until Kokabiel and the bearer of the Dividing Dragon. Until Serafall Leviathan. Until, ultimately, he’d faced down the leaders of the three major factions.
Yes. You have been brought face to face with your own weakness. You recognize now just how much further you have to go. Your strength served you well for quite some time… but now, just like all those years ago, you have a reason to get stronger. Your drive to excel and grow has been rejuvenated, reactivated.
Heh, Ddraig’s sultry, feminine tone almost sounds… proud of him. Issei can’t help the lazy grin as he lays back in bed, letting her approval wash over him. Until she senses his smugness of course, and scoffs.
“Pah. You are too full of yourself. Luckily, that Fallen Seraph is around to puncture that oversized ego of yours.”
Issei blinks. Wait a minute, that hadn’t been in his mind. Eyes fluttering open, the young man looks up just as the full weight of a copper skinned, beautiful draconic woman settles onto him, straddling him on the bed. Ddraig, with her glowing green eyes, massive draconic horns pushing up out of flowing red locks, and a voluptuous feminine body to die for straight from his deepest fantasies, rests upon him.
Smirking, she immediately begins grinding against his crotch. The only thing between them is a flimsy sheet, seeing as Issei had stripped naked and then collapsed into bed the night before. He’d gone to sleep with Gabriel wrapped around him, as he’d done all week long, but he’d woken up with her gone, likely off on some errand.
Gabriel, more than any of his harem, was beyond his control. He had no capacity to tell her where she could and could not go… and deep down, he knew that she loved him with all of her fallen heart. Whatever she was doing, Issei was confident it was for him. After all, if she didn’t care for him, if she didn’t consider him hers and her his, she would have left the moment he gave her what she wanted and helped her Fall.
Regardless, Gabriel wasn’t there right now. Ddraig was though, and as Issei’s hands instinctively come up to latch onto the Red Dragon Empress’ hips as she undulates and gyrates across his body, he can’t help but marvel at the sight of her.
“… How is this possible? Could you always do this?”
Scoffing, Ddraig shakes her head, her flowing mane of red locks bouncing and swishing back and forth with her. Leaning forward, she runs her hands up his chest, before grabbing the sheet covering him and slowly pulling it back.
“Of course not. If I could, I would have long before now. No… this is because of you. A result of your training with the Fallen Seraph. It’s already paying dividends.”
Issei’s eyes widen at that, even as Ddraig finally tugs the sheet far enough back that his cock springs up. His morning wood throbs all the harder from having such a beautiful, gorgeous woman straddling him. Licking her plush lips excitedly, the Empress grasps his cock in one of her hands, giving it a quick stroke before lifting herself up and promptly impaling herself on his cock.
“We don’t have long, I don’t think… so let’s make the most of it, shall we?”
Ddraig gives him a wink at that, even as her pussy walls clench and squeeze down around his throbbing member. Frankly, Issei doesn’t need to be told twice. As sore as he is… he’s still the same man at his core, and that man isn’t the kind of person who would ever pass up a chance to fuck a busty dragon girl with all his drained might.
Tightening his grip on Ddraig’s hips as she begins to bounce, Issei grunts and thrusts up into her from below. It isn’t much. It’s not nearly what he would do to her if he was fully rested and feeling strong. But it’s enough. Enough to make Ddraig yelp, and squeak, and moan all the more wantonly as her pussy walls clench and squeeze down around his member.
Indeed, she tosses her head back in ecstasy, her hands going to her own breasts, fondling and groping them while she rides him cowgirl. How long has it been since Ddraig existed in this world, even in a limited capacity such as this one? How long has it been since she could say she was feeling the air on her skin, the sun on her face… a cock in her cunt?
“Yes, Issei! Fuck me! Harder, please!”
For her… he would try. With a grunt, Issei works to speed up his pace from below. On the bottom as he is… well, if he hadn’t just gone through a week straight of training from Hell (though in actuality, he supposed it was actually from Heaven) then there was a lot more he could have done. But as it is, he’s not really in a state where he can play a true Power Bottom right now.
As it is, Ddraig does the lion’s share of the work… as is proper, considering she owes him plenty of rent for occupying his soul all this time, and today is supposed to be his rest day anyways. Gabriel’s orders, after a long week of training… he’s SUPPOSED to be taking it easy, today.
But hey, sex is taking it easy, right? Nothing wrong with a little fornication between you and the Great Welsh in your soul, right?
Ddraig certainly seemed to think so, crying out and tossing her head back in pleasure and ecstasy again and again as she slams herself down onto his cock over and over. Impaling her pussy as it clenches and gushes down the length of his throbbing member, she creates the perfect sensation… and Issei has no intention of holding back.
“Fuck, Ddraig! Here it comes!”
With a roar from Issei matched only in volume by the wanton cry from Ddraig, he slams her hips down onto him one last time, burying his cock as deep in her quim as he can get it before flooding her womb with his seed. He fills and fills her just like he does with all of his women, as he’s always done with his harem. Ddraig is one hundred percent part of that harem, there’s no doubt about that in Issei’s mind.
Collapsing forward onto his chest, the Red Dragon Empress pants and mewls as she paws at his pectorals a bit, not quite clawing at them… kneading, more than anything. Her green eyes flutter, and she looks at him for a second before letting out a contented sigh.
“Thank you… Issei.”
She begins to fade a moment later, disappearing back into his soul, or so Issei presumes. However, she leaves something behind, as she vanishes while still impaled on his cock. His entire load of cum… doesn’t go with her. Issei can only blink, as his crotch is suddenly splattered with a huge load of seed, making a mess of his dick, his thighs, and his belly as he just stares down at himself. He looks like he had a spectacular wet dream and came all over himself in the night.
Ddraig’s cackling snicker in the back of his mind makes it clear how unapologetic she is, even as he feels her satiated sense of contentment pervading through his soul as well. Before Issei can do much more than grumble, before he can even begin getting up to clean himself however, the door to the bedroom open.
“Issei, Mistress Gabriel requires-!”
Asia Argento blinks as she stops in the entrance of the room, staring at his messy, cum-covered crotch. The young blonde had fully become Gabriel’s acolyte in all things, from working as the Fallen Seraph’s assistant and gopher when she needed one, to cheering him on from the sidelines as he got beat up and acting as the healer for when Gabriel needed him ‘fixed’ so they could go another dozen rounds.
In his darkest, weakest moments in the past week, Issei had even begged Asia not to heal him, just so he could rest. It was a testament to the level of hero worship Asia had for Gabriel… that she refused.
Regardless, this was rather humiliating, wasn’t it?
“Asia, it’s not what it-!”
But before Issei can even finish the sentence, the blonde nun is across the room and crawling up onto the bed. He can only blink as, far from teasing or mocking him for his seeming nocturnal emission, Asia claps her hands onto his messy, just beginning to flag member, and leans forward to begin cleaning him up with her tongue.
Over the next thirty minutes, the gorgeous young woman licks every bit of him clean. Actually, that only takes about five minutes, given how voracious an eater Asia proves to be. The next twenty-five are her sucking him off after her efforts get him hard again, something that Issei neither encourages nor discourages, happy to let it happen as he groans in appreciation and approval of Asia’s technique. After dumping his second load safely down the young woman’s tight little throat however, Issei is reminded that she came to him for something else.
“Um… wasn’t there something you said Gabriel needed me for?”
Asia, who was still nuzzling his cock even now, blinks at that.
“Oh! Yes! Mistress Gabriel is currently entertaining a guest in the sitting room. She sent me to retrieve you…”
Issei blanches at that, glancing at the clock.
“Asia… that was thirty minutes ago…”
But Asia doesn’t look remotely worried, as she gives him a lazy smile.
“It’s alright. Mistress Gabriel might not have said it in so many words… but she made it clear, to me at least, that she didn’t think much of our guest… and that you should be allowed to sleep in as late as you like, seeing as it’s your rest day. In fact… when I left them, I think Gabriel was greatly enjoying tweaking our guest’s nose.”
Ah, well, that was… interesting.
In the end, they spend a few minutes more together before finally getting up and in Issei’s case, getting dressed. After that, Asia leads him down the hall to where Gabriel is apparently entertaining their guest. When they enter, the Fallen Seraph is sat across from an interesting looking young woman.
The first Issei notices, because how can he not, is the large poofy fox ears atop her head. The second thing he notices, is the skimpiness of her outfit. After that, the rest of what is obviously a kitsune registers in his mind. From her salmon-pink hair to her three wavy fox tails behind her back, she’s certainly an impressive specimen… and quite cute too.
At laying eyes on him, the kitsune promptly stands up from her seat, her impressive rack bouncing in the looseness of her kimono.
“Aha! You are the one they call Issei Hyoudou, yes?”
Lifting an eyebrow, Issei silently nods. Brightening even more, the kitsune points a finger at him, while planting her hand on her hip.
“Wonderful! You have the honor of standing in the presence of Tamamo-no-Mae, the Fox Priestess of Peerless Beauty! Feel free to bow at any time!”
Issei’s second eyebrow joins the first, as he just stares at the very confident, cocky kitsune. As it stands, he can feel her strength right now. She’s no pushover… but she’s also nothing compared to what he’s faced recently. Heck, even before the last week of training, he would have been able to beat her, he’s pretty sure.
That said… Tamamo-no-Mae. Wasn’t that…?
“She’s not the actual Tamamo-no-Mae, beloved. The original Tamamo-no-Mae was a powerful Daiyoukai defeated and sealed away several centuries ago. This is her descendant, supposedly… and she comes bearing a message from her Mistress, doesn’t she?”
The kitsune before him visibly deflates as Gabriel does what she does best, now that she’s Fallen, and completely pops her bubble. Puncturing egos and cutting down misplaced pride is sort of the Fallen Seraph’s thing now, from what Issei has seen. Giving her an appreciative nod and smile at the clarification, he moves over to sit next to Gabriel on the couch, while this… descendant ‘supposedly’ sits back down as well, trying to regain some of her previous decorum and haughty attitude.
“A-Ahem. Yes, o-of course Fallen Seraph Gabriel. I come with good tidings.”
Straightening her back, which has the likely intended effect of thrusting out her considerable, altogether jiggly chest, ‘Tamamo’, or whoever she really is, lifts her head high.
“I have come with word from my Mistress, the Ruler of the West Youkai Faction in Urakyoto. Mistress Yasaka, a powerful Nine-Tailed Fox and Daiyoukai deserving ALL of your respect, has gently requested that you attend to her in her palace at your earliest convenience. She graciously invites you to visit with her so that you and she might discuss mutually beneficial arrangements for the future of not just Kyoto, but all of Japan.”
Blinking slowly, Issei processes the words, but admittedly… doesn’t quite understand them. He’s never heard of this Yasaka woman before. Luckily, he has Gabriel right beside him.
“Yasaka IS one of the stronger Youkai in the world, at this point. She might make for a half-decent fight for you, to judge your progress.”
Gabriel glances at him and smiles slightly.
“Azazel’s liaison is still a week out, apparently. She had to gather up a team for fear of me or something. Regardless, we DO have the time to kill, if you’re interested.”
Across from them, Tamamo has gone stiff, the three-tailed kitsune’s mouth opening and closing for a moment before she sputters, her composure breaking.
“A-Ah, I do n-not believe that my Mistress has any intentions of fighting the Red Dragon Emperor, Fallen Seraph Gabriel! I believe she just wishes to talk!”
Turning back to her, Gabriel chortles.
“Then neither you nor your Mistress did your research. When it comes to my beloved, he doesn’t do much talking. Fighting or fucking, that’s how it always turns out.”
Hey! He… actually, he sort of resembled that remark, didn’t he? Issei flushes a bit, but more interesting than his reaction is the kitsune across from them, who goes bright red as she looks at him with new eyes… with interested eyes.
Leaning in close, Gabriel whispers in his ear, and even with those fox ears, Issei knows only he hears what the Fallen Seraph has to say.
“How shall we handle this insignificant gnat, beloved?”

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