The Legendary Monster Layer!

64 – (R-18) Getting Dirty II

Ari stared down at Elise, admiring her perky tits, and the two pink nipples standing at attention. Her chest was flushed, splotches of red scattering her otherwise pale skin. It was one of the most amazing things Ari had ever seen.

Elise’s hand went up, covering herself. She looked away. “Stop. Don’t look at me like that. What’s wrong with you?”

It was such an adorable reaction Ari almost died on the spot. She grinned, then grabbed Elise’s wrist and forced it up, pinning it above her head and exposing her tits again. “They’re cute. And don’t cover them up. That’s mean.”

“Cute?” Elise huffed.

“Sexy?” Ari said, amused. “Hot? I’m trying not to be crude … but if you make me be, I will.”

Another blush, and Elise looked away, having just returned eye contact. Ari’s grin widened.

“What happened?” Ari asked. “You were so confident to start off. You practically threw yourself at me.”

“Hm,” Elise said. “I didn’t have much choice, like I said. You’re clueless. It was the only way to get through to you.”

“I guess I am,” Ari said, though she wasn’t entirely sold on this being exclusively her fault. “Either way, I’m glad you did.” Ari let go of Elise’s wrist, then cupped Elise’s breasts and squeezed, extracting an inhalation of breath from the girl she was sitting on top of. She pinched her nipples next, gently, which produced another cute noise. “Because now we get to have fun. You should be direct more often.”

“It was … embarrassing,” Elise said. She swallowed. How flustered Elise was by just Ari’s hands massaging her tits was … promising. Ari couldn’t wait to see what more daring actions did to her. “And scary. What if I’d gotten it wrong?”

Ari sobered up, though she didn’t stop teasing Elise’s body. “Yeah. I bet. Putting yourself out there is scary.” She leaned forward and kissed Elise. It was less sloppy than their first few. “But again,” she said softly, pulling back, and studying Elise’s face from a few inches away. “I’m glad you did.”

Beneath her, Elise was breathing hard. Ari’s tweaking of her nipples—and their kiss—had compromised her, even more than she’d already been.

“Why am I the only naked one?” Elise huffed. “What about you? You’ve got everything on, still.”

Ari smirked. “First, you’re wrong. You’re not naked.” She shuffled down, sliding her butt onto Elise’s thighs. She started undoing her pants button. “But I’ll fix that. As for me … if you want me naked, you’ll have to take things into your own hands.”

Elise watched, blushing, as Ari finished undressing her. It took some wiggling to get her pants off, and her panties. Ari stared, stunned, at her fully exposed body. Elise’s dark pubic hair was shaved in a thin patch.

“You shaved,” Ari breathed. She rubbed two fingers in the soft, dark hair, admiring the sight, and the feel. And the sucked-in-breath her fingers caused, pressed just above Elise’s sensitive area. “That’s so cute.”

“Cute?” Elise sounded almost offended. “Stop using that word.”

“Why? It’s the perfect one.”

“Stop teasing me.”

“Mm,” Ari said, making a show of thinking about it. “No, I don’t think so. When you keep blushing like that, how am I supposed to help myself?”

Elise wrinkled her nose, also putting on a show of being annoyed. Then, she hesitated, some of the insecurity returning.

“You’re so confident,” she said quietly. “You better … help me catch up. I don’t like being left behind.”

“I’m not leaving you behind,” Ari said firmly. “It was just a crazy few days, and I was embarrassed to tell you. I’m sorry. I really am.” Then, after she held the serious look for a few moments, to impress how much she meant the words, Ari’s teasing grin came back. “And, don’t worry. We can ‘catch up’ however many times you want. All day and night, if you’re not busy with Mistress Selia’s work.”

Elise swallowed. It was pretty funny how the words had Elise squirming, when Elise was already naked beneath her, and Ari’s hands were on her tits.

Elise leaned up, and Ari let herself be pushed over onto her bed. “Okay. It’s not fair you’re still dressed. I’m fixing that.”

“I’m yours to ravish,” Ari said, grinning.

“Shut—shut up.”

Ari laughed at the stutter. Seriously, the two of them had wasted so much time. Elise liked her like this? Romantically? If only Ari had known.

Elise fumbled away at her shirt buttons, and Ari grinned up at her assailant, not helping her. If Elise wanted her naked, she’d need to work for it. Plus, by Elise’s panting, she was tantalized by the idea of stripping Ari. It was definitely one of Ari’s favorite parts, getting to peel off her partner’s clothes, and expose them bit by bit.

Her shirt slid off, and Elise stared down at her, probably with the exact same look Ari had had a few moments ago, admiring Elise. 

The stunned expression lasted longer than Ari thought it would. Ari rolled her eyes. “The stuff under the bra’s even cooler, you know.”

Elise frowned at her—though her lips quirked at the edges. “I’m enjoying the process, okay? But fine, Miss Impatient.” She leaned forward, then slid her hands under Ari’s bra, cupping Ari beneath them.

Despite Ari’s previous teasing, her breath caught in her throat.

Elise’s hands … were on her breasts. Cupping her. Playing with them and massaging under her bra.

Ari started panting.

“Good,” Elise murmured. “I was getting kind of offended. I can break your composure, too.”

“Could … could break it a lot harder,” Ari panted. “Would just take some fingers … maybe a tongue?”

Elise stilled, then turned the deepest red yet. Maybe it was the total lack of teasing in Ari’s voice—that Ari had genuinely been asking. Whining, even. It was unfair what the sight of Elise’s naked body, sitting on top of her, and her hands playing with her breasts, had done to Ari. Ari wanted more. Needed more.

Elise moved down Ari’s body, then worked away at her pants button. Ari’s previous determination to not help vanished. The two of them struggled Ari out of the rest of her clothes with an almost frustrated fervency.

“Fingers or a tongue,” Elise breathed. “I think … I think I can make that happen.”

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