The Journey That Changed A World.

63. The Sasquatch Party.

Archer heard each heavy step of the beast as it charged toward him.

As it reached him, the bigfoot swung its beefy left arm.

Quickly, Archer activated his Draconic Form as he raised his right arm to block the swing.

The two limbs connected with a loud clap, and the beast looked shocked at the human boy.

Archer fired a quick Void blast straight into the beast's chest, sending it stumbling backward.

He then leaped into the air to reach the creature's head and swung his claws, but it raised its arm to defend itself.

Archer spotted this and pulled his claws back, instead using his tail to pierce the beast's thigh.

This caused the creature to drop to one knee, and its head exploded like a watermelon as Archer fired a Void Blast into its skull.

However, before he could even relax, another beast appeared out of nowhere, making him jump.

The creature punched him so hard in the face that it sent him flying into the forest like a white rocket.

He was caught completely off guard as he broke trees on his flight path and crashed into the side of a large grassy hill surrounded by tall trees.

Lying in the crater, dazed and disoriented, his body wracked with pain after being punched, he groaned and winced as he tried to move.

Feeling the sharp ache in his ribs and the throbbing pain shooting through his head.

The world around him seemed to blur and spin, and he felt a sense of confusion.

Despite the agony coursing through his body, he managed to roll over onto his back. Regeneration started to kick in and began to heal his broken body.

Archer slowly got to his feet, and when he finally stood up, his body cracked.

He saw the cuts close up and bones snapping back into place, causing shooting pains.

He pulled out a health potion and quickly downed it.

Between the potion and Regeneration, he was healing quicker.

As he was healing, the sounds of a fierce battle could be heard in the distance.

Archer looked around and wondered how far he had flown.

He started to make his way toward the battle when he had to stop walking.

As he looked up, he saw a massive Bigfoot standing there.

Archer's eyes widened when he saw the beast carrying a guard's body on its shoulder.

It whooped into the air, and all of a sudden, the whole area went quiet.

He heard dozens of thumping footsteps heading in his direction, and over a dozen bigfoots appeared, most of them carrying dead bodies.

As he turned his gaze back to the bigger bigfoot, his whole body stiffened.

The massive beast smiled at him, sending a shiver down his spine.

Archer calmed himself down and looked for a way out.

He tried to take off using his wings, but one of the bigfoots threw a body at him, sending him crashing to the ground.

As he stood up, the bigfoots whooped at the scene.

Looking up, Archer spotted a branch hanging over the group.

He used Thunder Step to reach the spot and landed on the branch.

Quickly looking down, he jumped back as he saw a group of bigfoots speed climbing up after him.

"How the fuck did they find me so fast?"

He muttered to himself.

He crouched down and leaped into the air, starting to flap his wings.

Archer spun around as he cast a fireball toward the group on the forest floor.

As the object struck the forest floor, a massive explosion ensued, causing the ground to tremble.

Archer, utilizing his AD, observed half a dozen Bigfoots fleeing the area.

Once they had departed, he descended to the ground and noticed that everything was scorched.

There were a few bodies scattered about, prompting him to extract their hearts, resulting in a collection of three hearts.

After storing the Bigfoot bodies, Archer dismissed his Draconis Form and began making his way back to the caravan.

Upon his return, he was greeted with flames and damaged carriages strewn about.

Seeking Sarwana, he discovered her catching her breath at the front of the caravan.

As he approached, she lifted her head and was taken aback by the sight of the white-haired boy.

"Archer! How are you?" she exclaimed.

She leaped to her feet and hurried toward him.

He regarded her with a curious gaze before inquiring about her kindness towards him.

"We only met yesterday, so why are you so nice to me?"

She halted her stride and gazed down at the boy, fidgeting with her fingers as she prepared to respond until a voice interrupted her.

"To be honest with you, Archer, you remind us of our late son when he was younger."

The man stated, his eyes conveying the pain of their loss.

Archer relaxed, realizing they had no ulterior motives.

"I apologize, I've only recently begun encountering kind people, so I'm still getting used to it."

The man started nodding and then introduced himself.

''I am Najee Khalili, her husband.''

Before Sarwana spoke up, Archer nodded at the man.

''You look and act like him, if you had brown skin, you both would of been twins.''

He scrutinized the woman, noting her snow-white hair, which matched his own, and her blue eyes.

Her skin was tanned, and she had a slim yet athletic build and Najee was the same build.

They both looked to be in their early 30s.

After talking for a while the caravan was ready to move again, the couple invited Archer to join them in their carriage and he accepted.

Archer stepped into a cozy-looking carriage adorned with stunning decorations and plush sofas.

The comfortable seating and beautiful decor made the carriage feel like a luxurious home away from home

Despite its seemingly small exterior, it appeared much more spacious on the inside, thanks to Space Magic.

Najee recounted to Archer how he came to possess such a remarkable carriage, leaving the boy in awe of the story.

As they settled into their seats, Archer retrieved some chocolate and began to eat.

He noticed the couple gazing at him with curious expressions, prompting him to offer them some chocolate.

Najee accepted, but Sarwana declined.

"Where did you get that food?" she inquired.

Archer shifted his gaze to her before responding.

"It's a skill I learned called storage. I acquired it before I found myself in this place."

She nodded before they started talking about where Archer is from.

Najee spoke up first.

''So my wife tells me you come from the land of plenty?''

Archer nodded.

''Yes, I didn't know it was referred to by such a name but I am from there.''

Hours passed by as they were getting to know each other, as they approached the Kagian castle Archer's AD started pinging.

He jumped out of the carriage to see a swarm of the bigfoot creatures, as he stood there they started throwing large stones at the four remaining carriages.

Archer quickly cast Cosmic Shield to defend himself and the carriage.

The stones smashed into the shield and he started hearing whooping and hollering, that's when ice blasts started smashing against the defenders.

He quickly began casting water bolts at the Bigfoot, which he could clearly see.

After taking out five of them, the attacks intensified.

As earth and water blasts joined the ice ones, he kept his Cosmic Shield up until one Bigfoot rushed toward him and punched the shield.

The shield cracked, and when Archer noticed this, he fired a water bolt into the Bigfoot's chest.

It stumbled back, and he followed up with an Eldritch Blast to the beast's head dropping it to the ground with a heavy thud.

When the biggest Bigfoot saw this, he sent even more beasts to bring down the shield.

Four of them started punching at the shield, cracking it even more, causing Archer to panic.

That's when his AD suddenly picked up on a large force fast approaching.

Archer and the guards looked down the road to see hundreds of cavalrymen charging toward the Bigfoots.

The beasts noticed the reinforcements and decided to cut the party short and retreat.

Archer heard a loud whooping, and the attack stopped, but some of the Bigfoots stayed behind and were trampled by the horsemen when they arrived.

He deactivated his shield and sat down, Archer wasn't physically tired, but the mental strain had taken its toll.

As the bigfoots ran back into the forest some of them got run down and killed, he looked around a see around 10 bigfoot bodies laying around.

So he went around collecting them, in total, he got eight intact bigfoot bodies, after he was done with his looting he walked back to Sarwana's caravan just as the horsemen approached.

Archer ignored the soldier and started eating some pastries after casting Cleanse on himself, the soldiers stared at Archer before one of them in the back commented.

''Why is a lowly dragon-kin here?''

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