The Journey That Changed A World.

52. Dragon-Kin.

Archer stepped through the portal and patiently waited for the Brownies to follow suit.

After a few minutes, they began to enter the portal one by one.

When they arrived at their new location, Twig looked around with amazement at the abundance of mana in the area.

The Brownies, who had appeared like a group of homeless beggars, were taken aback when Archer used his powers to create new clothes for them.

With his eyes closed in concentration, Archer created little Roman togas and sandals for the Brownies.

"Now, my little friends, this is your new home."

Archer said, gesturing towards the area around them.

"And those are your new clothes."

The Brownies were stunned when they saw the clothes and turned towards Archer.

"Wow, thank you so much, Master White Dragon!"

They all exclaimed in unison.

"We never thought we'd have such beautiful clothes to wear."

Twig approached him and asked in a respectful tone.

"Excuse me, Master White Dragon, are these gifts intended for us?"

Archer nodded and replied,

"Indeed they are Twig. Enjoy them."

Noticing that they were all changing into their new clothes, he turned back to Twig and asked.

"How are the rest of the Brownies?"

Twig quickly answered.

"Master White Dragon, they are all well, they are excited to explore, as always. How may I be of service to you?"

Archer rubbed his chin thoughtfully before responding.

"Just continue to look after this place for me, Twig. Keep the house clean and treat all the women who come here with respect. Can you do that for me?"

Twig nodded with a smile.

"Of course, Master White Dragon. It would be my honor to serve you in any way I can."

Archer stared at the creature before him, sizing it up.

"Just call me Archer."

Twig bowed deeply.

"Yes, Master Archer."

Archer sighed, realizing that communicating with him was going to be a challenge.

He closed his eyes and focused, imagining a large cave adjacent to the training room, with two entrances.

One leading to the house, and the other to the outside.

He also expanded the nearby lake and increased the size of the domain.

"I've made some porridge for you guys to eat."

Checking his mana levels.

[Mana: 2000/7000]

Looking around, Archer saw that the Domain was starting to resemble a wild forest, which suited him just fine.

"I've built you a cave by the house."

He said, motioning towards the structure.

"There's food in there. The forest is massive, and there are mountains and plains. Make yourself at home."

Turning to leave the domain but then remembered something important.

"Twig, do you know if there are any more Brownies in the area where I found you?"

He nodded eagerly.

"Yes, Master Archer! There are about a hundred more in the woodlands. Shall I go talk to them?"

Archer smiled.

"Please do. And take these with you."

Archer handed over a small pouch filled with shiny dragon tokens.

"Give these to any Brownies you find and tell them to imbue them with mana. They'll be teleported here."

Twig's eyes widened in amazement.

"Wow, thank you, Master Archer! I'll go right away!"

And with that, he scampered off into the woods, eager to complete his mission.

Archer left the Domain and whispered,


His draconic features appeared and he leaped up in the air flapping his wings and took off towards Sarar City.

Flying over the desert grassland, it was early afternoon and the sun was beating down on him, he saw many caravans moving along a distant road.

Archer flew towards the road, as he did he started to descend and landed just behind a hill off the road, where he dismisses his draconic features.

With only his dragon eyes, horns, and scales left out, he can't dismiss them anyway.

Reaching the road he started to walk towards the city, he pulled out some hearts and started eating them.

After following the caravan in front for an hour, he was finished eating.

Archer took out a Honey Brew and downed it, after he finish he checked his status.

[Experience: 3200/12000]

[Level Up: 78>82]

[SP: 45>95]

[Rank Up: Expert > Master]

He decided to put 15 points on HP, mana, strength, stamina, and charisma, and 10 on constitution and intelligence.

[HP: 2000>2150]

[Mana: 7000>7450]

[Strength: 1200>1350]

[Constitution: 1300 > 1400]

[Stamina: 1200>1350]

[Charisma: 1400>1550]

[Intelligence: 1000>1100]

Archer felt his body get stronger and was pleased with the results, he realized that he ranked up again so that means he can create another spell.

But he chose to wait until he was relaxing.

He noticed the traffic picked up and more caravans were leaving the city.

'They seem to be in a rush.'

He watched a carriage fly past them and head off down the road.

Continuing to walk down the sandy road, his feet sinking slightly into the warm grains with each step.

The sun beat down on his skin, and he wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand.

As he walked, he gazed out at the horizon, where the shimmering heat waves danced in the distance.

Suddenly, he saw something that made him stop in his tracks.

In the distance, rising from the sand like a mirage, was an amazing Mahrazian city.

Its walls were tall and imposing, made of sandstone, and adorned with intricate carvings and mosaics.

The towers and minarets reached up to the sky, their spires glinting in the sun.

Archer stood there, awestruck, taking in the sight before him.

He had never seen anything like it before.

As he continued to gaze at the city, he heard a voice calling out to him.

"Hey, you there!"

Shouted a merchant who was sitting by the side of the road.

"Come take a look at my wares! I have the finest silks and spices in all the land!"

Archer tore his eyes away from the city and looked over at the merchant.

He hesitated for a moment, then decided to approach him.

As he drew closer, he saw that the merchant was a wizened old man with a twinkle in his eye.

"Welcome, welcome!"

'Con man.'

Archer ignored the man and carried on walking towards Sarar City, after walking for a little while he arrived in front of the gate.

He joined the queue and waited to enter.

The sun was beaming down on him as he thought to himself.

'At this rate, I'll be tan in no time Hehe.'

As Archer approached the city gates a city guard stepped forward, blocking his path.

A city guard stepped forward, blocking his path.

"Halt! What's your business in Sarar City?"

He looked up at the imposing guard.

"I'm here to sell beast bodies I hunted and to buy some supplies."

The guard narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

"And where did you come from?"

"I've been traveling for weeks, hunting and gathering."

Archer explained.

"I heard Sarar City was a good place to trade."

The guard studied him for a moment before nodding.

"Very well. You may enter but be warned we don't take kindly to troublemakers. And keep your wits about you there have been rumors of gangs attacking people in the area."

With a stern nod, the guard stepped aside, allowing the boy to pass through the gates and into the bustling city beyond.

Archer walked through the city gates and found himself transported to a world that was both exotic and familiar.

The streets were narrow and winding, with colorful Arabian-like buildings rising on either side.

Archer noticed the air was filled with the scent of spices and incense, and the sounds of music and chatter drifted through the streets.

The people he passed were dressed in vibrant clothing, with flowing robes and intricate headscarves.

Some were busy haggling in the markets, while others lounged in the shade of the buildings, sipping tea and smoking hookahs.

Archer felt a sense of wonder and excitement as he explored this new world, marveling at the sights and sounds around him.

It was as if he had stepped into a storybook, the buildings are decorated with intricate and ornate details, with decorative arches, domes, and minarets.

The buildings are made of sandstone, brick, or adobe, and are designed to provide shade and ventilation in hot climates.

As Archer walked deeper into the city an amazing smell hit his nose and he followed it until he was standing outside a shop.

When he stepped inside the restaurant, Archer was greeted by the warm glow of lanterns hanging from the ceiling, casting intricate shadows on the walls.

The decor is rich and ornate, with plush cushions and tapestries adorning the seating areas.

The air is filled with the tantalizing aroma of spices and herbs, as the kitchen staff prepares traditional dishes.

The menu features a range of mezze plates, grilled meats, and fragrant stews, all served with fresh flatbread and rice-looking stuff.

The atmosphere is lively and happy, with the sound of laughter and chatter filling the air.

A live band plays traditional Mahrazian music in the corner, adding to the festive ambiance.

Archer noticed a member of staff who had a pair of horns with a thin metal collar around her neck.


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