The Flip Side

Chapter 47: Formal

Chapter 49 is available for Patreons

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The rest of the week simply flies by, and Saturday soon arrives. Dan spends the night on Friday, and he goes home at 11 Saturday morning.

I eat a light lunch even though my stomach is basically doing gymnastics because I’m so nervous about tonight. I know I don’t really have a reason to be, but this is my first dance, so I’m as nervous as I am excited. My bouncing around the house is bad enough that Mom finally gives me half of a valium.

A half-hour later, we head out for my appointment at the salon. They start with my eyebrows. Two girls work on my fingernails and toenails, cleaning up my cuticles, and asking what color my dress is. I tell them it’s royal-blue, so that is the color they paint my nails, and then, once they dry, they apply a layer of clear gloss.

After that, the stylist wets down my hair to trim it. Then she washes, conditions it, then blow dries and brushes out my hair. She spends about 90 minutes putting my hair up in something she calls a flower braid where she intertwines the braids with royal-blue and white ribbons.

I have to admit, it looks rather good set against my lustrous silver hair. Then comes makeup. A dark smokey eyeshadow that really makes my blue eyes pop, no foundation is needed as they told me my skin is flawless (Thank you Mother), a very pale pink blush and they gave me a bright red lipstick and gloss to use after I get dressed.

I glance at the clock as we make our way over to the counter to pay, it’s almost 5:20. Mom wasn’t kidding that this would take a while. We’ve been here for four hours, but I think it was worth it after seeing myself in the mirror. According to Mother, my looks aren’t going to change much over the years, but I think that I look a tiny bit older than my 16 years. Not that I’m too worried about what age I appear to be.

Mom drives us back home, and we go up to my room where I undress, slip on some more appropriate, read that as sexy, panties and sheer nude stockings, then she helps me into my dress. The help is much appreciated since I struggled a bit in the store when I tried it on. That just leaves my lipstick, gloss, and heels. The doorbell rings as I’m slipping on my heels and buckling them around my ankles. I glance at the clock again to see that it’s probably Dan or Brian here to pick me or Alla up. I quickly put on my lipstick and gloss, then I toss them, my phone, and my wallet into a white clutch and make my way downstairs.

[Dan’s POV]

Andie looks absolutely incredible tonight in her blue gown. Just looking at her is giving me all kinds of ideas for after the dance.

Once she joins me at the foot of the stairs, Miriam begins taking tons of pictures of us. In the middle of all of this, the doorbell rings, and she walks over to answer it. It’s Brian, of course. He comes in, and we talk for a bit while he waits for Alla to finish getting ready and come down. A few minutes later, she comes downstairs, and I have to admit she’s very pretty, nowhere near as gorgeous as my Andie, but pretty nonetheless in her lavender floor-length gown.

Of course, Nadia takes innumerable pictures of them, and Mariam has Andie and me take various poses as she takes even more pictures. Thankfully, they release us from captivity about ten minutes later with a, “Take care of our girls tonight, and have a good time.”

Andie takes my arm as we walk out to my car, and I help her in, then I close her door and walk around to get in myself. “Are you ready for tonight?” I ask.

She smiles brilliantly as she replies, “More than ready.”

“I kept meaning to ask, but someone kept me distracted. What did you girls decide the theme was going to be?”

She laughs quietly for a moment. “The Sky’s the Limit,” she tells me while continuing to smile brightly. “I think everyone will be happy with what we’ve done.”

We soon pull up in front of the ballroom where the formal is being held. A valet runs out and hands me a receipt as I walk around to the passenger side. Opening the door, I help Andie out, and she again takes my arm as we walk inside.

They must have had a hell of a budget because as soon as we step out of the limo, I can tell that Andie’s right. They rented out a ballroom at the Marriott, and outside, there are red and gold balloons everywhere, along with balloon and flower arches all along the walkway to the entrance.

“Wow,” is all I can say as we walk under the arches.

Along the way inside, there are a few areas where people are posing for photos. Some are even doing selfies.

“I think ‘happy’ is an understatement,” I say as I look over at her.

Andie nods in agreement. “We put a lot of thought and effort into making this a perfect night that everyone will remember.”

“Let’s go get our photo taken,” I say as I walk over to one of the empty areas in front of a wall of rhinestones and white beads.

The photographer has us stand facing each other while holding hands. First, we look at the camera, and she takes a couple of photos, but then, when I look at Andie and smile, I hear the camera keep clicking. When she realizes that I’m staring at her, she looks up into my eyes. Then the usual pose of her leaning back against me with my hands around her waist.

“If I forget to tell you enough tonight, I love you,” I tell her, then I lean down to give her a soft kiss.

The camera clicks again, and Andie blushes as she says. “I love you, too.”

When we’re finished, the photographer gives us a number, then she says, “If you don’t mind, I’d like to use some of your photos for advertisement. Of course, your photos will be free, and I’ll pay you as well.”

I glance at Andie, who shrugs, so I tell her, “Sure, we don’t mind.”

She takes my phone number and tells us that she’ll call to have us sign the release. I tell her ‘sounds good,’ and then Andie again takes my arm as we continue to the entrance. A short walk later, we enter the grand ballroom. There are tables to the sides with gold and red candelabras along with a buffet and drink bar.

Straight ahead is the dance floor with a band playing on the stage. The music is loud, but every single person in here seems to be having the time of their life.

“Welcome,” a girl’s voice says loudly, and I turn to see Mia walking over, then she stops to place a crown on my head. “Sorry, but we’re not doing the whole king and queen thing this year, so everyone is getting crowns.” Then she puts one on Andie’s head and gives her a kiss on the cheek. She winks at me and says, “Don’t you just love a good party? Enjoy tonight, you two, I’m off to give everyone their crowns.”

“Okay,” I say as I look around, and it all makes sense.

“She’s really in her element,” Andie says.

I nod and say, “That she is,” as we watch her walk up to the next couple.

“Love, do you want to take me for a spin around the dance floor?”

“Your wish is my command,” I say, which makes her giggle and smile. I take off our crowns and place them on a table nearby. Then I pull her into my arms and lift her slightly off the floor.

“Love, you do realize I am perfectly capable of walking, right?” She says smiling as she pretends to protest and wraps her arms around my neck. I know my girl, she loves it when I do things like this.

“Why should you when I’m right here to carry you?” She giggles as we move through the crowd, and the music changes to a slow song. Well, slow compared to what it was before.

We might look silly slow dancing to the music when everyone else is hopping around, but I don’t care. All I really want to do is take her home, peel her out of her dress, hold her in my arms and then make love to her until the sun comes up.

“You’re making every penny spent for tonight so worth it,” she teasingly tells me as she traces my cheek with her fingers.

“Am I?” I lean down and nip her ear.

“Of course,” she replies as she wiggles against me, and I groan.

“Stop that, or we’re leaving right now,” I warn her as she runs her fingers through my hair.

She giggles for a moment. “I’m sure you can keep yourself in check for a little while. After all, anticipation is the best seasoning,” she says as she leans back to look into my eyes. She must see the heat in there because she grins mischievously. “Okay, maybe we’ll leave after a few songs.”

“This is all your fault for looking so damn sexy in that dress,” I tell her as I slide my hand down from her lower back to her butt, and I pull her against me so that she can tell just how much I like it.

“Mmm~ Is that because of lil’ ol’ me?” she asks breathily, and her eyes close just a little.

“Damn straight it is!” She laughs. “Alright, just a little while, but then I’m taking you home.”

“I can live with that.” She tilts her head back, and I lean down, taking her offered lips and kissing her deeply.
We remain like this for a long moment, kissing softly and dancing slowly while the crowd around us fades away.

Ever since we began dating, I don’t remember a time from before when I was ever this happy. Waking up with Andie, going to bed together, it’s all a dream come true. We watch movies, go on dates, and study together. It’s all the little things each day that add up to this perfect life as far as I’m concerned. I can’t wait for what the future will bring as long as Andie’s by my side, but I’m so excited that we’ll get to see it hand-in-hand.

We dance to a few more songs, then we head over to the table, and I seat Andie and head off to get us some punch. When I get back, most of the cheer squad is there with their dates, laughing and talking.

About an hour later, we’re dancing to another slow song. “Take me home,” Andie says as she presses herself against me.

“Are you sure?” I lean down to rest my forehead against hers. “You know how much I want to be alone with you, but I also know how long it took you to get ready and how much you’re enjoying yourself.”

“Dan,” she grabs the lapels of my tux and smiles up at me, “the whole time I was putting this dress on, I was thinking about you taking it off of me.”

“As you wish, my lady,” I say, then I give her a quick kiss and take her by the hand.
It takes us a bit to make it through the crowd on the dance floor, but when we do, we walk towards the exit.

“I know one thing,” Andie says as we walk to my car.

“What’s that?”

“I’m more than ready to get out of these shoes. I’m not used to heels this tall, so my feet hurt.”

“I’ll give you a foot massage later, but for now…”

Before she has a chance to react, I scoop her up, and she squeals and laughs delightedly as I spin her around. Her smile, the sound of her laughter, the beautiful glow of the moon shining down on us, and the feeling of so many wonderful things ahead of us make my heart feel as if it might explode.

“I love you,” I say and kiss her as if it’s the only thing I need to live, which isn’t far from the truth, as I carry her to the car.

As always: A huge thank you to all my Patreons!

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