The Flip Side

Chapter 44: Can She?

Chapter 48 is available for Patreons

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After a few times of me slapping his hand, he finally settles for laying his hand on my thigh. If I wasn’t driving, I wouldn’t have minded him playing with me, but having an accident is not in my plans for the day.

Once we arrive at the house, I park my Mustang in the garage, and we head inside to see Mom and Nadia making breakfast and Alla sitting at the table.

“Good morning,” I chirp brightly with a smile.

They reply, “Good morning.”

I almost skip over to Mom, kiss her cheek and tell her, “Thanks for letting me stay the night at Dan’s.”

“You’re welcome. Did you have a good night?”

I wink at her. “It was wonderful, and yes, we’re all good,” I reply in answer to the asked and unasked parts of her question.

She looks at Dan and says, “Good morning. Take a seat, breakfast will be ready soon.”

“Morning, and thanks for inviting me,” he replies.

“We’re glad to have you. Andie, you have time to change,” she looks me over, “or are you planning to go in that?”

“Of course not. I’ll be back soon.”

Baptists are rather… umm… conservative is the best way to put it, I suppose. They’re wonderful people, it’s simply that in some sects, women aren’t allowed to wear pants or slacks, in others they are, just not the painted on, low-rise ones. Our new church is much more liberal in that respect, but either way, I prefer to wear my skirts and dresses, or even occasionally shorts. I’m not ashamed to admit it, I’m a girly girl. Plus, Dan loves the way I look in them.

Heading to my room, I strip, drop everything in the hamper, and slip into a pair of panties and a bra. Then I don a long, spaghetti strap slip, and pick out something a lot more conservative. A mint-green short-sleeved, v-neck, summer dress with yellow roses printed on it. The skirt falls just above my knees. It’s almost see-through in the sun, hence the slip. Dan can ogle my goodies all he wants, but strangers? If I can help it, and I can, it’s not happening.

I slip on some sheer bright yellow stockings, then I don my dress and grab my emerald-green pumps with 3” cone heels. Sitting down at my vanity, I say “Mother, can we talk for a minute?”

Eris’s voice comes from behind me, and I turn to face her, “Hi, Darling. You wanted to talk?”

“I do. I have a question. How fertile am I? What I'm asking is, am I likely to get pregnant if we continue to make love without using protection?”

“You aren’t pregnant, yet, but if you continue as you have been, you will be.”

I nod. “Then, can I ask for a favor?”

“You want me to make it so that you can’t get pregnant until you’re ready?” I nod again. “Alright, but only because I know for a fact that it can possibly harm your future if you do get pregnant.”

“Harm it? How so?” I ask.

“Darling, having a child is stressful as it stands.” I nod in agreement. “But for you and Dan, doing so too soon could create enough stress to drive you two apart. It’s hard to say for sure since the future is always in motion, but I see several instances where you end up alone with your child, and I don’t want to see that happen. Remember me telling you that you have a destiny?”

“Yes, and you said that Dan is a part of it.”

“He is. He’s a very large part of that destiny for you. For it to come about, you need to be together. His love and support allow you to bring that future to fruition, and having a child too soon can endanger that. So, I’ll do as you ask and make it so that you won’t get pregnant until you tell me you’re ready. Will that work?”

“Yes, thank you, Mother.”

She stands up, walks over, kisses my forehead, then caresses my cheek. “I’d do just about anything for my darling daughter.” She laughs quietly. “So much for my reputation, eh?”

I giggle because historically, she has a reputation as a trickster Goddess. Looking into her eyes, I tell her, “I love you, Mother.”

She smiles. “I know you do, Darling, and I love you, too. Now, finish getting ready, your breakfast will be ready soon. Bye.”

“Bye, Moth…” She disappears as suddenly as she appeared.

Turning to face my mirror, I smile as I think about how lucky I am to have two Mothers who love and support me like they do. I quickly throw my hair up in a chignon with a large hair clip adorned with an even larger yellow bow, apply some minor makeup, then slip into my heels, and I’m ready.

I head back downstairs, where Mom looks me over and says, “Much better, Baby girl.”

“Thanks,” I reply as I sit down beside Dan.

He leans over and whispers, “You’re gorgeous,” which of course, makes me smile brilliantly. I kiss his cheek, then murmur, “Thanks, Love.”

Straightening up in my chair, I see Alla wink and smile at me, so I blow her a kiss and smile. I can tell that the two of us will be having a long talk about my night with Dan.

And that brings to mind, just what am I to tell Dan about us not using condoms when we make love? I much prefer going without, but he also knows that I don’t use birth control. Well, I suppose I can just tell him that I changed my mind about it, although I hate lying to him. But, it’s not as if I can really tell him not to worry about it since my other Mother is a Goddess and I’m a demi-Goddess, so we don’t have to worry about getting pregnant because she made it so that I won’t until I’m ready. Can you imagine the look he would give me if I did? Heck, I’d look at someone like they’re crazy if they had told me something like that before all of this happened.

We soon finish breakfast, and just like I told him would happen, Mom takes us to her room to talk.

She has us sit on her bed as she stands looking at us. “I’m sure Andie already told you that she talked to me about having sex. I still consider you two as too young for it, but as I told her, I know that I can’t stop you. I assume you are serious about my daughter?”

He nods. “I’m completely serious. I’d never do anything to hurt Andie, ever.”

“See that you don’t. She’s a very special girl, and she has a bright future ahead of her. I assume you used condoms?” He merely nods. “Good, just remember to always use them, okay?”

“Yes, Ma’am,” he replies.

“Excellent, then I have nothing else to say on the subject. Although, you’d best take care of my daughter. Just so you know, if you do hurt her, I’ll end you. Got me?”

“Yes, Ma’am,” he again replies.

“Perfect. Now that that’s settled, you can call me Mariam.”

“Mariam, we do have a question for you. Would it be alright if Andie goes on vacation with me this summer? My parents rented a house and can’t use it because they ended up having to work.”

“Where, when, and who is going?” she asks.

“They rented the house on East Sister Rock Island for their anniversary, June 13th through the 19th. Brian, me, Alla, if her mother will allow her, and Andie, assuming you agree.”

She looks at me. “Andie?”

“I’d love to go, and yes, we’ll be careful. Dan and Brian always watch out for us.”

“Alright, Andie can go, but remember our conversation. You’d best do as you promised to take care of my baby girl, understood?”

“Of course, Mariam.”

“Good. Now scoot, I have to finish getting dressed for church.”

 ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

I’m not going to say a whole lot about church, but I will say that I like this minister a lot more. You may remember that Mom and I changed churches because the other one basically poisoned my father’s mind. So, we now attend the First Baptist Church of Key Largo. It’s nowhere near as large, but I love the people there, and Minister Alonzo is amazing because he can sure fire up a crowd.

Anyway, we introduced Dan to everyone when we arrived. During service, Dan sat beside me and held my hand, which I enjoyed, of course. At the end, Jillian, Alonzo’s wife, asked for volunteers to help staff the bake sale fundraiser on Wednesday afternoon. Mom and I have already planned on contributing a couple of cakes, cupcakes, and muffins to it, but I see no problem with me helping out in that way as well since I’m not really doing anything that evening. So, I raise my hand and Dan immediately copies me. Though, I’m pretty sure why he did, and you probably know as well.

After service, we head to a local pub to eat lunch. It’s one of my favorite places as well, The Buzzards Roost. It’s almost always packed there, and for good reason, since the food is amazingly good and not all that expensive. Mom and I may be well off, but she was raised to not waste money and raised me the same way. I see no point in spending $150 a plate for lunch when you can get the same thing that is just as delicious for $20.

After lunch, we arrive back home and see Brian parked by the curb. Alla walks over to him, and then a few minutes later, she comes inside with him in tow to ask if we’d like to go to the beach. One of my most loved places to go. Admittedly, Alla and I are through and through beach bunnies, so going to the beach is something we always look forward to and do quite often. That’s definitely a huge perk of living in Florida as far as we’re concerned. We ask Mom and Nadia, and they tell us that we can, just to be back by dinner time.

So, Alla and I run upstairs to our rooms to get our bikinis and change clothes. Picking out my black and white striped bikini and a red lace cover-up, I pack them, a towel, and my suntan lotion into my beach bag. I change clothes and my bra to a white strapless one, a navy-blue mini skirt that barely drops 3” below my butt, a white crop top, no-show socks, and my sports shoes. Suffice it to say that it’s very cute, a bit sexy, and most of all, comfortable. Sitting down at my vanity, I take down my hair and brush it out, then fishtail braid it, and secure it with a hair clip adorned with a large white bow. Apply some pink-tinted smudge-proof lip gloss to protect my lips, and I’m done.

We load up into Brian’s truck and drive to a secluded little beach a half-hour away that’s mostly used by couples. The beach is isolated from everything else by a dense stand of trees and bushes. The bright ball of the sun blinds us as we emerge from the path through it, stepping onto the silent, empty beach. I smile happily at the sight before me. Small, gentle waves break against the white sand that make up the beach as a soothing gentle sea breeze rustles through my hair. I’ve always loved it here, even if it’s mostly for couples, and Mom and I have come here several times. Mom told me that this is a privately owned beach of an older couple that allows anyone to use it. By far, it’s one of the most beautiful and tranquil places I’ve gone to, and this place always leaves me in awe. It also always reinforces the fact that I’m definitely a beach bunny.

Alla smiles at me as she takes my hand to lead us over to the bathroom to change while the boys find us a spot and set everything up. Once we’re changed, we make our way over to the blanket. We set everything down, and I hand Dan my bottle of sunscreen to apply on me. His nips, kisses and caresses definitely make it take much longer than it should, but trust me, I’m not going to complain. Once he finishes, I apply it for him. It’s somewhat amusing to me that merely touching him arouses him. Of course, it isn’t as if he doesn’t do the same to me. That done, I stand on my tiptoes and softly kiss him.

I lovingly gaze into those brilliant blue eyes of his as I quietly ask, “Ready, Love?”

He merely nods and smiles. I grab his hand and lead him down to the water to play. While we’re in the water, I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

“Dan, I don’t want you to use condoms when we make love, so I’m going to ask my doctor to give me birth control pills.”

“Sweetheart, those aren’t 100%.”

I nod. “I know that, Love. It’s just that after last night, I realize that I much prefer feeling you over you using a condom. I feel closer to you that way.”

He doesn’t look too sure about it, but he finally says, “Alright. I’d feel better if we did, but okay.”

“Good. Now, what do you say that you make love to me in one of my favorite places to be?”

His kiss is more than enough of an answer for me, although I do end up biting his shoulder when my orgasm tears through me to keep myself from crying out. Goddess knows that I believe I’m going to be addicted to him giving them to me.

Obviously, we have a wonderful day at the beach, and I’m more than a little sad when we load everything up to return home shortly after 5 that evening.

As always: A huge thank you to all my Patreons!

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