The Feed of the Fledgling

Confusion Pt. 2

**TW: Mention of mind control**


I woke up totally confused.

What happened?

I took stock of what I remembered. Chelsea left because of some bridge thing then mentioned Pete–No. The Great One. Pain flashed across my mind after I remembered what Tory had done just from the mere mention of the name, so I decided it was best not to think about it either. A blood bag. I grew fangs?

My hands instinctively went to my mouth. No fangs.

Did I imagine them?

Thinking about the blood made my eyes slightly glaze over as I suddenly became hungry. There was a pinprick on my finger and I reflexively pulled my hands away while trying to shake the pain out.


I was shocked for a second or two as I put my other hand to my mouth and felt the slightly longer, sharper teeth while I examined the slightly bleeding finger. Dark, rich red blood pooled at the top of my right index finger. I stared at it before slowly putting it toward my mouth.

The blood tasted how I remembered blood before my change, metallic.

I guess my own blood isn’t that tasty. Makes sense I guess.

I kept my index finger in my mouth sucking it, while I pulled my left out. I figured my saliva probably helped healing like when I was a human. I still find it weird that digestive enzymes help with clotting.

I began to slowly realize I was in my room with the curtains tightly closed.

Shit! Hazel!

I went to jump out of the bed, but stumbled as soon as my feet hit the floor. Something felt off. I looked down and sure enough my legs and feet looked a little different. My whole leg felt thinner while the bones in my feet surely shifted.

I fucking hate this! It was cool at first to get changed into a female, but why the fuck did I have to look so similar to Chelsea?? Most of the changes are dumb?!

My thoughts cooled off immediately.

Actually, why wouldn’t I want to look like Chelsea? I can deal with this.

Calmed down, I took a cautionary step. Relaxing more into the foot and getting used to standing, I was slowly able to take a couple more. Eventually, I perfected my stride by pacing around the room.

With that sorted, I was in less of a hurry to get to Hazel because I could see a little daylight streaking into the room from my new angle.

Okay. It’s not 10 PM yet.

My hand gravitated to where my phone would normally be to check the time and when I couldn’t find it, I went to the bedside. Empty. I had totally forgotten they probably got rid of it to change me. Sadness sparked through me. I steeled myself as I focused on more pressing matters.

Tip toeing across the floor, I made my way to the door and slowly eased it open. I didn’t want to try to leave without a little information first.

No one seemed to be home, or at least not in the living room. I quietly made my way to the kitchen to see the microwave clock because I figured digital was better than the massive Roman style clock that faced the elevator entrance. I didn’t make a sound as I entered the open floor plan kitchen.


I turned to go back to my room.

Good. Enough time to change and hopefully sneak out of here.

The soft orangey hue of the sunset was blaringly bright in the living room, but it was liveable. My head started aching as I shuffled back to my room. Silently, I closed the door, immediately going to my dresser after. It was empty.

Shit! Why am I forgetting everything? We haven’t gotten clothes for me yet.

I looked around hoping there was a clothes hamper or something that had the clothes I was wearing last night. I’d rather not go see Hazel in my PJs.

The walk-in closet towards the back corner seemed like the best place. I entered it and, thankfully, there they were, the clothes from yesterday, but the shoes were missing. Cursing under my breath, I resigned myself to just going to see if Tory would help me get dressed without making too much of a fuss about where I was going; I was not about to walk around New York with no shoes on, vampire or not. Pain still sucked and I didn’t want to step on random glass or needles, nor did I want to spend twenty years scrubbing the dirt off my feet.

With less finesse than before, I exited my room and headed for the stairs. I glanced back at the clock only seeing a few minutes had passed. I was anxious about the time, but only slightly relieved.

The final steps came quicker than I thought and I saw the closed doors.

“Chelsea? Tory?”

No answer.

Maybe this will be easier than I anticipated.

I questioned where they both were. I mean I figured something might have stalled Chelsea, but I was more confused about why Tory left me alone. I knew they were safe though. I could feel it. I pushed into Tory’s room, quickly donning a basic outfit. White sneakers, leggings, and an oversized sweater. Grabbing a hair tie, I left the room.

The ponytail completed my outfit and I made my way to the elevator. I tapped the button and time seemed to crawl until the light finally flickered. Ding! The doors opened and I stepped inside.


The walk to my old apartment actually took a while to figure out, but I got to the shabby building in time, at least I think. I wasn’t very good at judging time based on the rising moon that wasn’t super visible because of the buildings.

I walked up to the old door. It had only been a couple of days, so no surprise that nothing was amiss. I tried the handle, but it wouldn’t budge.

The keys. What is wrong with my head today?

I twisted it a couple more times before I heard footsteps coming from above. Wanting to avoid looking like I was breaking and entering, I ran down the stairs out into the street. There was an alleyway nearby, so I snuck in and let the darkness shield me from the random person. A middle aged woman made her way out of the building and headed off towards the end of the street. Breathing a sigh of relief, I tried to gauge how I could get into my apartment without attracting too much attention. Looking up, I spotted the AC unit that was a part of my room facing towards the street. A potential plan formed in my mind that was solidified when I looked left and saw the fire escape. If I could just kick the unit in, I could follow it in pretty swiftly.

It seemed like a good enough idea, so I began to make my way up the shoddy fire escape. This thing was definitely not up to code. It echoed and creaked with every step, making me seriously question if this was the best idea because of noise.

Better a crooked AC unit than a broken door.

My thought calmed me as I made it to my floor. Taking a deep breath, I reached out for the pipe that ran up the wall, hoping it would support me. It held but creaked a little. It scared me shitless, but, remembering what Tory said, I was sure if I fell, the pain would suck, but I’d heal. I reached my foot around angling a kick at the unit. I didn’t even kick it that hard but it fell inward. Now the hard part, swinging in.

I aimed and aimed then just did it. It wasn’t very effortless though. I realized if I could kick the unit, I could probably get my foot to use as a base. I did just that, thanking the random moments my friends made me rock climb in college. I rolled not so gracefully into the room trying to avoid the fallen AC unit and failing.

“Well that was certainly an entrance,” a flat voice spoke, electrifying the air. Still lying down, I looked up to see Hazel staring at me.

Trying to gather my senses and get up, I felt a foot on my back push me back down.

“Speak now. Who the fuck are you and why this address?” She sounded distressed and furious at the same time.

I resigned to my position, opening my mouth to speak.

“This was where I was moving into two days ago, but then something happened. Can you please get your foot off of me so we can be civil?”

“That doesn’t answer my first question so no.” Her aggressive tone was obvious so I fessed up.

“I’m Chris. Chris Higgins. More accurately, I was.” The foot that had been pinning me relaxed ever so slightly, likely due to shock. I used this as a moment to push back and slowly stand. Her surprised expression just gaped at me.

“What?” Tears were obviously clouding her eyes.

I went to the room adjacent to the living room and grabbed the bracelet I usually wore. Pulling it out, her knees almost buckled but she stood tall.

I wanted to explain, but my mind sort of short circuited so I just blurted out.

“I’m a vampire!” I put my hands up to block my face in case she decided to throw the closest thing to her at me. The silence was deafening. I lowered my hands and stole a glance at her.

Her face was contorted into a “What the absolute fuck” type of look.

“I can explain! I just moved here to start work when I went to a diner and–”

She cut me off by putting her hand up.

“For fucks sake, I know how the damn process works. I’m a vampire too you dimwit.”

My face instantly mirrored her shocked expression from before.

“What the fu–”

“You were trans? The whole fucking time? Why didn’t you fucking figure it out sooner you idiot?”

I was still confused, but even more so now.

Riiiiight. If she’s a vampire too then she knows how the turning process works.

“I–I didn’t really know until two days ago.”

“What? Who turned you? That kind of shit doesn’t fly.” She frowned then continued, “Oh fuck! You don’t look anything like before. It must’ve been a Pure then.”

I nodded my head.

Not just a Pure. The fucking pure of SoHo.

I tried to hide a smile as I thought of Chelsea’s status.

“Wait a second,” she paused looking out the window, “we’re deep in Hudson territory. Does that make you a Hudson member?”

“Uh, yeah? My new name is Isabelle Hudson.”

Her eyes went wide.

“Like officially? With the registrar?”

“Yeah? Why?”

“So that makes you, you of all fucking people, that bitch C. Hudson’s daughter?” She snarled the name Hudson.

“What’s wrong with that and why won’t you say Chels-” I tried to finish my sentence before she clamped a hand over my mouth, stifling my words. I almost had PTSD from what Tory did, but she continued quickly without hurting me.

“You’re real fresh aren’t you? Pure’s can scry on you when their name’s said, it’s even stronger if there’s a blood bond.”

I tapped her hand, trying to get her to move it.

“You won’t say her name right?”

I nodded.

She slowly removed her hand and I spoke up.


“Basically, see and hear exactly what you do in real time. Most people avoid saying any of their names to not have it happen. It’s a useful tool for spying though.”

I looked down, trying to take in the information.

What the fuck? Chel-

I made myself stop my thought.

“You said the scrying is stronger if blood bonded. What extra things happen?”

She stared at me. Her face slowly began to realize the implication seeing my extreme interest.

“If the Pure’s is thought of by name or image, they can feel your emotions and manipulate them. At least, that’s all I know. There might be more” Her face seemed to become conciliatory. “You’re bonded to her aren’t you?”

I nodded up and down, glancing towards the couch and sitting down. Hazel quickly joined me, pulling me into a hug.

“It’s ok. It’s something you’ll have to live with though. There’s no way to break a blood bond to a Pure.”

I began to sob, while she rubbed my back.

“Why? I didn’t even know I wanted to be a girl and now I am one, but I’m stuck with someone basically in my head?” I said through my tears.

“Shh-shh-shh. It’s ok,” she whispered while still rubbing my back.

We sat like that for a while before I pulled myself together.

I sat back up and stared forward. A question had been nagging at me.

“How are you a vampire and why don’t you like the Hudson clan?” I asked.

“Long story for another day on the first one, but the second one is because I’m loosely a member of the James’ clan.”

“What do you mean by ‘loosely’?”

“I only do anything for the James’ when it benefits me, but I stay out of their little turf wars. I’d rather be alive and in a clan, than basically dead if I didn’t play my part.”

“What do you mean?”

“The James’ have me do things for them, like bounty hunting and similar stuff occasionally, but I’m mostly independent. Plus, it was a James’ Turn who turned me.”

I continued staring forward. Here I was, reunited with my childhood best friend, but we were both vampires and I was a woman.

I was woman.

I played with the bracelet that I’d held throughout the whole of that ordeal. I slowly tried to put it on. I could see Hazel fidgeting in my peripheral vision.

“Here. Let me help you.”

She reached over, taking my shaky hand in hers while she quickly put the bracelet on me. Her fingers seemed to linger for far longer than necessary. I glance up to see her staring at me. She turned away quickly, while her face betrayed her by becoming redder than a tomato.

“What?” I slightly giggled.

“You’re just so damn pretty as a woman. This outfit, the hair, this little orange streak on the underside of your hair.”

“The what?” I turned my head trying to get a glance at my hair but only saw black.

“The orange streak or the other things?” she asked.

“I have a streak that isn’t just black?”

“Yeah, it’s kinda hidden though so I’m not surprised you don’t see it.”

Taken aback, I got up and went to the mirror. Sure enough, in the moonlight and my enhanced night vision, I could see the slightest streak of red hair a little bit above the baby hairs on the back of my head.

“Huh? I thought I’d look exactly like Che–I mean C.”

Hazel looked like she was about to have an aneurysm.

“Good save,” she said with her hand over her heart. “It’s not that uncommon. Pure’s blood doesn’t make you there duplicate, just really really similar. There’ll be some discontinuities.”

The sight of the hair made me think of my birth mom and a sense of longing overwhelmed me.

“I still wish I didn’t have to leave everything behind,” I said, frowning.

“It’s ok. I get it, really. The reason I’m in New York is another long story, but I felt similarly when I was turned. It’ll dull with time.”

She was probably right. I was closer to the kitchen and glanced toward the clock.


Oh shit! I have no idea where Chelsea is, she might be home already!

“I think I should leave soon,” I said while still staring at the clock.

Hazel’s hands enveloped me from behind in a tight hug.

“I get it. You still have curfews. No doubt with C. around.”

I laughed into her arms.

“She’s basically my mom, plus she’s super sweet.”

“I’m sure she is,” she said sarcastically.

I felt Hazel’s breath get close to my ear and a chill ran up and down my spine. She spoke quietly.

“I loved you a lot before, but I couldn’t bring myself to love a man. Now that I know who you really are, I’d love to just eat. You. Up.” She licked my ear affectionately causing a slight moan to escape from my lips.

What's happening? She was never like this before. What happened to her?

My thoughts spurred on in confusion until she spoke again.

“I’ll see you here again in a few days. I have a job. Thursday at 10 PM if you can make it?” Her licks moved down my neck, as I felt tingles spread all over my body. My eyes rolled back a little bit.

This is wrong. She's my childhood best friend. I can't just let her do this to me. Can I?

I registered what she said and spoke up.

“How will I let you know if I can’t? I don’t have a phone right now.” It came out more flustered than I intended.

She placed her phone in my hand. It was a crappy flip phone.

“Take my burner phone. I leave my normal phone with a friend when I meet strangers or do jobs. I can just buy a new one. Plus that one already has my number and it’s the only contact.” She had coated my neck in saliva at this point and I wasn’t complaining anymore. It was like my neck was on fire, but also slightly numb.

I felt a sharp pinprick as I realized she bit me, then a wave of euphoria crashed over me. I started to feel hot, while a yearning was emanating from my thighs. Heat was crashing in waves over me. I could feel myself almost peaking at the feelings. Closer. Closer. Closer.

Suddenly, it all stopped. I turned around expecting to see Hazel, but I was alone.

Groaning internally at what I expected was some sort of response to having my blood drank and not being allowed to reach its apex, I stood there for a few seconds. Trying to calm myself down, I touched the bite marks. My neck was still tingling while I closed my eyes and held my hand over the holes wishing she'd come back.

Thursday. I have to be here.

I started toward the window. I pushed the AC unit back in, walked back toward the kitchen, grabbed the spare key, and left the building.

Thinking the night over while I began my trip back to the penthouse, I realized I was passing by Tory’s Diner. I glanced over expecting it to be empty, but I saw two girls with dark black hair.

Shit! I didn’t think they’d be here! Chelsea cannot see me, no matter what.

Fear welled up in me as I got ready to bolt.


I froze.

Turning towards the source of the voice, I saw Chelsea staring back at me from the diner’s entrance.

I originally intended for this to be a part of the last chapter, so I'm just making this a Part 2 to the previous one. I'll update them as one chapter after I write the next one. Hope you enjoyed this one! Thank you so much for reading my story at all!  I love receiving comments, feedback or just talking! I definitely have a plan for where I want this to go, but I do like any suggestions to flesh it out. Also, what's your favorite genre to read on SH?

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