The Ascension

Chapter 99 – They Have Him


Giel sat quietly in the carriage, which did surprise Thay and Kana a bit, as she was always so energetic, and spoiled by their mother. However, Sol was quiet as well.

Thay looked at her wife, and smiled gently. She parted her robe, and put her large breast at her lips.

"Kana?" Thay looked over, as Giel spoke. "How did you help Thay become like us?" She asked. She looked curious, and solemn. Thay looked at her wife.

"It is simple, and not so simple, Giel." Kana, a woman as young looking as Salia, waved her over. Giel seemed to stare at nothing for the last few hours, but she stood up and walked over to her sister. Kana lifted Giel, and put her on her lap.

"When I bite Thay, I do not suck." She said. Giel frowned.

"I don't understand. We always bite, eat, or suck on their flesh." She said softly, her brow furrowed slightly.

"True, but not for our compatible ones. When I met Thay, I felt drawn to her. It was just as strong as the hunger to feed, but it went deeper than that." Kana said softly. "When I bit her, instead of drawing in her flesh to take her life, I puffed up my cheeks, and blew on the wound." Kana opened her mouth. "See my fangs?"

"I have them too, Kana." Giel said and rolled her eyes. Kana narrowed her eyes, and focused on her sister with some of her elemental strength. Giel swallowed a lump in her throat. "Sorry, Kana."

"Look closer, Giel. My fangs are hollow." Kana said. Giel looked startled. She leaned down and saw small holes in the tips. She licked her own fangs, and frowned.

"Why are yours hollow, but I don't feel holes in mine?" She said softly. Kana smiled.

"Open your mouth, Giel." Kana lifted Giel's chin, and when she opened her mouth, she smiled. "Yes, it is time for you to shed them. Come, Giel. I'll help you."

Thay watched as Kana lifted Giel, held her in her arms, and kissed her on the lips. After a few seconds, she heard Giel emit a small sound, like a grunt, and two small clicks followed, one after another. Kana lifted her lips.

"There. I've popped your fangs, just like Salia did for me when I first met Thay." She gently kissed Giel's cheek, while Giel looked up at her fearfully. "I had the same look on my face, Giel, but this is something each of us have to endure. They will grow back within an hour, but they will be like mine."

"Really?" Giel asked, now without fear, and a bit more excited.

"Yes, really." Thay said softly. She smiled gently. "If you want to, you can try to bite my breasts like your sister later. As long as you obey your sister carefully." Giel looked down at Thay's plump white breast, pale areola, topped with thick tasty looking nipples, and licked her lips. Her gaze traveled down to her swollen belly, and the lumps where the eggs currently laid.

'She is in this city, little one.' Giel tilted her head slightly. 'Your compatible one is here, waiting for you. You must learn, but you must listen to your sister, and not harm Thay. She carries the first generation of my daughters.' Giel nodded.

"I would like to, if you don't mind, Kana." She looked at her sister, and back to Thay. "Master said I might find my compatible one in this small city, and the experience will be good for me." She shivered, as that experience of having her core licked filled her with hunger. Not only that, but her natural instinct to bite, and inject her venom into her victims had also become stronger.

She felt invisible fingers run up and down her spine, and slide into her mind. These fingers lightly caressed her core, and sent slivers of pleasure throughout Giel's consciousness.

'Soon, little one. She is out there, waiting for you.' Giel sensed that the Master speaking to her also felt something akin to hunger. Even though she felt crazy powerful, Giel wanted to be near her.

Giel was over a hundred years old, and though she looked like a young teenager, she was already mature enough to have a mate.

She just lacked experience.


* * *


"A war, Master?" Sol asked as she left the carriage.

'If necessary.' Nuldeir said quietly. She smiled down at Sol, and reached out towards her. Sol's breath came in short gasps as she slid into her consciousness, and lightly stimulated her.

'We have not spent much time together, Sol.' Nuldeir said softly at her ear. Sol nodded, and nearly swooned as she felt warm lips directly on her ear, and a warm breath slide deeper in.

'You are my beloved Queen of Death, the wife I have waited such a long time for, and longed for you while we were asleep. We had to sleep, and as a result, we left you to develop on your own.' She said. Sol felt ghostly arms encircle her waist, but quite real fangs sink into her neck.

Dark elemental threads flowed out from the holes, and made Sol become inflamed with sexual hunger.

'I have waited so long to bite you, my dearest Sol. So long to inject my venom into your body, and your belly.' The voice was filled with desire, and Sol could feel her intent. It was a powerful lust, and made her feel intense longings that she had not felt in thousands of years.

Sol closed her eyes as another set of holes appeared on her breast, and more venom was injected into her.

'You are my wife, and should have already carried my eggs within you!' Sol felt her knees weaken as her Master put a claim upon her. 'You have been my wife the longest! You should already have been pregnant! Giel should have come out of your belly!'

Sol felt her Master's anger rise, and her grip turn fierce. She bit her other breast in anger. Twelve fangs, four canines, and two additional fangs outside each of her canines, sank into her flesh, and made Sol groan. It was sheer agony, as well as ecstasy.

The grip on Sol's hip tightened, and held her firmly in place.

'I have sent you a new platoon of zombie soldiers. Examine them carefully. They hold clues to your next stage of evolution.' Nuldeir inhaled her scent.

"Master, are you disappointed in me?" She asked softly. She groaned as the twelve fangs dug into her other breast.

'No. We were asleep for a long time, Sol. We were unable to guide any of the ones compatible to us.' Her possessive grip became gentle, and only used two fangs to bite the other side of her neck. She injected a steady stream of death and dark elements directly into her body, a powerful venom made solely by herself, and her children.

To regular humans, their venom would send them into a state of euphoria, and a deep sexual haze that would allow them to feed. To women that were compatible to the daughters of Sol, it would do the same thing, but also begin a transformation into one of their kind.

Nuldeir's venom was death and dark elemental essence, and to Sol, this was a form of pleasure and pain, both a reward, and a punishment. It was Nuldeir's way of dominating her, and forcing her to submit to a stronger being.

Nuldeir's venom had one more purpose. To provide Sol with the opportunity to evolve into her next stage of life, and power.

Without it, she would never be able to enter the place Nuldeir desperately wanted to take her. The void realm, where she could ravish and ravage her, was the one place she greatly desired to take her.

Once there, a piece of Sol would remain their forever.


* * *


"They have him." Hulda said in that hollow voice of hers, and gazed quietly at Nuldeir on the surface of Imera.

"You know she would never let him go free, sister." Aconia said with a soft smile. "Nuldeir loves you with fierce passion, and could see how this angered you." Hulda looked up at her sister, and reached out to stroke her large swollen belly.

"Is she happy?" Hulda asked. Aconia grinned, and sent a dozen supple vines out to wrap around Hulda's slender body.

"Why don't you ask her yourself?" Aconia said with a soft smile, and eyes narrowed in pleasure. Her belly opened, one cocoon became two, and her belly closed over her lovely sisters.

Daria and Phyria rolled their eyes. Their sister, Aconia, loved to pull her sisters into her belly, just so she could dominate them.

Life upon Imera was a dominant force, and Aconia lived up to that aspect of Aila's personality. Like Nuri, her mortal embodiment, she also loved to mother and spoil them.

Even Nuldeir would be pulled within her, bound tightly, and dominated thoroughly. Though death was a dominant element, death was also dominated by life. Nuldeir loved Aconia like she loved her other sisters.

Let anyone bring them harm, and they would learn just how frightening the goddess of death could become.


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