The Ascension

Chapter 96 – Aspects of the Sleeping Goddess


Aila watched the world below from her space, an actual place above Imera, but in a dimensional plane separate from the void that surrounded the planet itself.

Each of the gems that represented the core of her elemental essence sources, were now the size of small moons, and radiated elemental energy like a star. These were connected to her by elemental bands made from a complex weave of the essence of those stars.

Each of the primary stars were firmly connected to the more advanced ones, and held so much energy, Aila could feel the stirrings of life within them. It didn't surprise her, as she was still growing and learning about the elements, but she was a little surprised that each star felt like a beloved sister, or close lover.  Each time she looked at them, her gaze turned to one of affection.

She closed her eyes and curled up to sleep, as she really wanted to sleep for a time. Six pairs of hands reached out, and gently cradled her sleeping form.

"She's still recovering." A green clad woman said, who resembled Aila closely, except for the green and yellow clothing she was shrouded in. She heard a soft snort.

"Aconia, she crossed the breach. She'll need a lot of time to recover." The woman shrouded in dark energy, and a black cloak said, while she grit her teeth in anger. "But those people touched her! Tried to grab all of them!" A soft hand clad in silver gloves, lightly rubbed her shoulder.

"Calm, Nuldeir. My dear sister. Take Sol and go get some satisfaction for your heart." She said, her voice vibrating, while it sounded full of the echoes of a voice in a mine. Nuldeir pouted a little.

"And my Salia, Hulda?" She asked softly. Hulda, the silver and stone clad woman looked at Aconia. She saw her nod slightly.

"She is yours, as is Sol. Both are your daughters." Hulda said softly. Nuldeir grinned.

"May I have my way with her? I've greatly desired to make Sol submit properly, but that Salia, ah! I so want to ravish her endlessly!" She asked as she licked a set of fangs that elongated. Aconia nodded slightly again. Nuldeir grinned, and shivered.

"Only after you take Sol to the other kingdom, and reap their lives." Aconia said firmly. "Sister, I mean it. We are her shadows, and she is greatly angered by what they tried to do to little Ellie."

"Ailaconia, you know how angry I am as well, don't you?" She asked, using her formal name, her eyes began to leak her source of dark energy, but not death. She would never release death before Ailaconia.

"Of course I do, Ailanuldeir." She said with a soft smile, but her eyes hardened. "But I also know how lustful you are. Salia is yours to play with, but you must guide Sol on this. Don't make me remind you of your priorities." Nuldeir, the aspect of darkness and death, slowly nodded.

"You don't need to do so, sister." She said. "Ah, I can't wait to eat her up! She's repressed her own lusts to the point that she can not release them properly, and she is one of my girls! One of my daughters not being able to let loose on their lovers is a great loss for her poor wife." Aconia rolled her eyes.

"You're not worried about Clover at all, sister. You just worry that she will be too uptight to take it like one of your children should be able to." A being in pure white and soft blue see through garments said at her side.  Her skin had shades of white and pale blue as well, and her garments did little to hide her figure. Nuldeir rolled her eyes.

"Dear Naha, if you're going to show me so much flesh, at least let me ravage you for a while." Nuldeir licked a fang while she ogled her sister's scantily clad body.

"Be good, sister, or I'll freeze your nipples into ice." Naha said, her face calm and serene like a glacier. However, like the ocean waves beneath her skin, her middle rotated fiercely as her emotions were stirred up. Nuldeir grinned, and shivered.

"As long as you use your mouth, just like last time." She giggled and turned away. "I'm on my way to see Sol, sisters. Sit and watch the fun with our sister, Aila. She will enjoy having some company after being alone for so long." Aconia shook her head.

"Just get it done, sister. The longer they exist, the more upset she gets." She tapped her lips. "And see if you can find your dark avatar while you're down there!" Nuldeir stopped just outside of the first ring, and stayed still.

"Aye, sister. I will. We feel incomplete without her, after all." All the sisters knew what that meant.

Aila, their complete form, felt the loss of their avatars when she had not yet met them. Elena was only one half of Hulda, and she felt incomplete. Aconia was the only one who had both her avatars present, and her power grew faster as both women grew stronger.

Aconia, the complete persona of life and light, lamented about how her sisters would not feel complete unless they found their other half. She gazed quietly at the container of their existence, the goddess of all elements, and lightly stroked her cheek.

Aconia was only a personality trait of Aila, and only strong enough to coalesce while Aila slept within the void, as were each of her sisters. When she wakes up, they go back to sleep, and integrate into the whole being.

No matter which opinion was expressed, or which ever desire the other had, there were no arguments, or disagreements between the personas. They were Aila, an aspect of the whole, and would never rebel against the whole, or fight to go on her own.

They would never feel complete without Aila, or without their sisters. Aconia looked at Naha, and smiled softly.

"Now, dear sister. Where were we?" Aconia said as her arms opened wide. Naha's belly rotated with increasing strength as supple branches shot out from Aconia's hands and wrapped around her upper body.

"You were taming the oceans within me, dear sister." Naha whispered. Her eyes closed as she was cocooned by her sister's living vines, and by one of her favorite lovers. Aconia grew taller, and her figure changed to match Nuri's, with robust and full assets.

She pulled the cocoon towards her, and enveloped it like Nuri did Aila. The only difference was that her belly opened, the cocoon was pulled inside Aconia's belly, her flesh closed around her, while she nestled her within her living womb. She smiled, and lightly rubbed her round abdomen.

"I shall have to search for your other half, Naha. I can't have my wonderful sister feeling lonely now, can I?" She smiled, her pure green eyes reflecting the enjoyment she got from dominating someone so powerful.

Just like her avatar of life, Nuri.


* * *


Nuri watched Sol leave quietly, while she cradled Aila's body to her belly, and firmly held her head between her massive breasts.

"I never expected that you would instruct her to go punish them while you were asleep, Master." Nuri said softly. She looked down, saw the crown of her Master's head, and smiled warmly. She kissed the top of her head, and sighed a little.

"I don't feel right if I am away from you, but Sol goes out all the time. Does she not feel it like I do?" She asked.

'Of course she feels it.' Nuri blinked at the response. It was her Master's voice, but warmer somehow.

"Master?" She asked.

'Why the question? Do you not recognize my voice, my beloved Nuri?' The question asked back made Nuri blush.

"You feel different, Master. Not quite what I remember." Nuri said, and heard a soft chuckle, along with a soft caress of her consciousness.

'Only a part of me is awake.' She said, and a chill wind blew upon her consciousness. This was not only Aconia, but also Naha. 'When it is time, you may come to understand who your Master really is. For now, just know that we are watching.'

"Master. We?" She asked in a small voice. She groaned as two immense beings filled her mind, one in a nearly transparent white and pale blue gown, and the other shrouded in multiple shades of green and brown, the colors of an oak tree.

'Yes, my beloved. We are Aila, your Master, and so much more.' The cold voice of Naha spoke within her consciousness, sending cool sensations throughout her mind.

Nuri's consciousness aligned for a few seconds, and she stood just outside the void space where the two immense beings looked down at her.

'You are not strong enough to be here yet, Nuri.' Aconia said softly, while Naha blew a cool gentle wind that threw her consciousness out of the void.

'Work hard, little one, and grow strong. We wait for you in the void.'


* * *


"She was not ready, sister." Naha said from the cocoon within Aconia's belly. The others around Aila silently watched, and envied Naha's current resting place. The epitome of light and life was a mothering being, and had a most comfortable embrace that they all desired. Even Nuldeir greatly desired Aconia's loving.

"I know, but she shows great promise, don't you think?" Aconia asked quietly. She smiled, bit her bottom lip, and tightened the bindings on her lovely sister's body. "I wonder if she can cocoon Ellie out there too?" Naha rolled her eyes.

"My dear sister, you are such a pervert." Naha said as she moaned softly. Aconia grinned, and set the bindings to hold her sister in a more intimate way.

"You know you love it."


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