The Ascension

Chapter 59 – Expectations


The two zombies walked towards the closest house, which was in a small farming village. It was dark when they got to the village, and there were no guards present. The first house was easily opened, and only had one occupant.

The older woman was already laying down to sleep. She had to get up early and take care of the food for the farmers or she wouldn't get a share of the grain. Her husband's corpse was already buried in her back yard, his skull caved in by her iron pan when she caught him coming home drunk again. No one would miss her.

She couldn't scream before the eldest sister covered her mouth so she could keep her quiet. The other ripped open her meager clothing.

"Uhhnnn!" Her covered mouth could barely pass the noise of her groan as the zombie dug her fingers into the less than pristine skin. The zombie had no reservation about the pain she would cause, her fingers pushed through the skin and began to pull at her flesh.

Her sister moved to the opposite side of the bed. Her hand came off the woman's mouth, but before she could cry out for help, the elder sister's fingers slid into the open wound. Together, with her sister, they pulled on her flesh.

Wet noises escaped as air entered the wound and the cavity squelched. Her ribs started to lift, and so they moved their grip to pull harder at the firm line of her ribs.

She closed her eyes and spit some blood out of her mouth. She tried to clear her throat to scream, but the muscle gave way and her rib cage swung open.

The younger sister reached in and pulled out the woman's liver. She gave the liver to her sister, and she gratefully consumed it. The younger sister blinked, and looked down. She reached in again, and pulled out a kidney. This was hers.

The old woman had her organs pulled out a bit at a time, slowly bled to death, while trying to force breath into her lungs. They could not inflate enough to pass air through her throat, and could not cry out, or warn anyone.

When she finally died, the younger sister pulled out her heart and fed it to her sister, as her brain still operated a little. She wanted to feed and make her sister better. An hour later, one zombie with no organs walked out to attack and kill others. The sisters went to the next house, and continued to feed.

By the morning, the fifteen people within the village were zombies, including the father that abandoned the two sisters years before. The small horde walked towards the next settlement in search of food, even during the light of day, when they were their weakest.

The elder sister zombie walked with her younger sister, and returned to the first house. Her younger sister followed without reservation, or any further signs of intelligence.

Since they had always been alone, they stayed in that abandoned house, and slept out the daylight. They had always been alone, and followed their original body's instincts.

Alone was safer.


* * *


"Shaala, what are you considering on doing?" Alara asked her.

"Well, I have a wind affinity. So I thought it would be a good idea to develop along the lines of what I understand. Wind flows similar to water, but is more free. I want to make fans that will allow people to cool themselves in the summer, but also ones that will move heat in the winter." Shaala said. Kaala smiled.

"My sister is quite smart. My flame affinity says that heat can be moved by wind, so a fan is a good idea. I can help her to test things in the future. I'm making bacon, and smoked meat, since I know about cooking." Kaala sighed happily. "Master encouraged us to do this because she doesn't want us to have a slave's mindset." Alara thought for a moment, and bit her bottom lip.

"I think I understand. My sister and I have a prisoner's outlook." She said, and sighed sadly. "We were raised to be slaughtered and sacrificed to feed the appetite of the so called 'Great Ancestor'." Ivadra nodded.

"Alara has light elements, so maybe she can work with things to make light? I work with dark elements, but can't see much use for it." She looked around. "Ellie has water, so she could probably figure out ways to move water. Water is a valuable resource. Elena has earth, and if she can learn Master's way of making bricks, she can make building materials, walls, and structures." Ellie and Elena looked at her quickly.

"You thought about how we can help?" Elena asked. Ivadra nodded. "I didn't realize I could do that." She started to relax. "I thought I was useless."

"Useless? Think about Nuri and Nadya. Their bodies prevent them from doing strenuous work until they fully heal, and get healthier. Their hearts will get injured if they work too hard." Ivadra said. "Both of them are suited towards mothering, and children too. Nadya has a strong affinity for light, and can comfort or soothe us when we're feeling down. Nuri has a strong maternal affection, along with life affinity. Her voice compels us to obey, which is useful for managing and organizing." Aila listened and smiled.

"It looks like you still don't understand your own worth, Ivadra." Aila said as she landed behind her. She had been listening, and out of sight, but most of them could easily find her presence anywhere within the walls of the manor. Nuri nodded quickly.

"Master is right." Her voice was husky, silky, but also strong. Whenever Nuri spoke, it felt like she used their Master's voice and will. "You easily see how people can use their own strengths. I think your current job is to help everyone learn how to utilize their elemental affinity, and encourage them to try. It's not a matter of succeeding, but trying." Nuri said warmly.

"Also, you fail to see your own worth in your elemental affinity." Nuri continued, which made Ivadra's mouth open. "You think Alara and Nadya can help with light, but you can also help. You can see where darkness gathers. By letting them know, they can adjust their lighting plans, and decide how to better make our house a home." Aila smiled.

"Well said. For now, I will not put burdens on you. When you decide what you wish to do, I will help with capital, writing down expenses, and show you how to make profits." Aila smiled.

"Kaala, when you're ready for the meat you want to smoke, let me know. I will also discuss cooperation with Toril and get him to make a meat grinder. It's a simple device to make grinding meat easier, which will allow you to make certain types of smoked meats later. For now, learn more about salting, pickling, and smoking so your product is the best available, even if made with normal pig, or rank three boar." Kaala blushed brightly.

"Master." She pouted. She felt Aila was being far too nice to her.

"I am helping you to work hard. This is not a gift, but a necessary burden." She smiled. "Tomorrow, you and your sister will have your night with me, and work together. That way, you'll have enough energy to stay awake for longer." Aila said with a grin. Kaala stamped her foot, but only hard enough to make a soft noise.

"Master!" She said with a pout. She immediately softened as she also looked forward to their night together with her sister. "So mean."

"Elena." Aila said.

"Yes, Master?" Elena lifted her eyes.

"I want you to walk around inside the house. Take note of any wall you think is weak. I am not tasking you to repair it as your channels are still not fully forged, nor have I taught you how to absorb earth element properly. I just want you to walk around, mark each place you think there is a weakness, and show me later." Aila said.

"Master, is this a test?" Elena asked.

"No, little one. This is so you can develop your ability. Even if you don't think it might be weak by look, but the wall 'feels' weaker than normal, mark it. Each feeling is your earth element telling you information, and you don't know how to interpret it yet." Aila pointed at the floor. "Look around this room and tell me. Don't just look at the floor. Look at the ceiling, and the walls."

"Okay, Master." Elena took a minute or so, but stood up and started to walk around with her eyes opened as much as she could. Aila suppressed her laughter, and waited patiently.

The rest soon realized why Aila smothered her laughter, and also laughed with their mouth covered. After about twenty minutes, Elena came back.

"Master, I'm not sure, but there are some places that I think look weird, and some look dangerous." She pointed to the weird places, which impressed Aila. "There and there. They look a little funny, like they are layered. But up there, it feels red." Aila looked up. Immediately, her face cleared of all amusement.

"Good eyes, Elena. That is where the walls are on top, and it's stressing the ceiling." Aila immediately climbed onto the table and put her palm on the stone.

"It looks much better now, Master. Like there is a ribbon of green." Elena said.

"I fused the stone together so it could carry the load. I'm going upstairs to take out those walls. Ladies, please do me a favor?" She asked. "Bring as many bricks inside as your can. I need to rebuild the upper floor walls before it collapses our home."

Their Master had never sounded so serious, nor had she asked for their help in such a way. As soon as she spoke, Aila ran outside and carried a few dozen stone blocks up the stairs, the others quickly gathered.

It was time to support their wife.


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