The Ascension

Chapter 55 – Little Tease


Everyone had an emotional day, and didn't want to initiate sex. However, they cuddled with Aila as much as they could because they weren't in a mourning period.

"Master, why did you do all this?" Alara asked quietly as she snuggled in to Aila's side. She heard a soft sigh, and a firm hand hold her close.

"For an important reason. To close the book on the things that Underground Black has done." She said firmly. "I've already arranged for the Assassin's Guild, and the Mercenary Union to destroy Underground Black, and take over their property." She kissed Alara's forehead.

"You did?"

"Their existence is a threat to you, and your sister. I could not let such evil people continue to exist, and leave them in their place like they've done nothing." Aila said firmly. "I've moved the only important people out of that evil organization, and will let them disappear from the world."

"For us?" She asked quietly.

"For you. For your mom and aunt. For my other wives too, Alara. You know that if I wasn't here to protect you, they would attack and hurt one of the others." Aila said, and Alara slowly nodded.

"We were scared that might happen, and you would blame us." Alara said softly. Her eyes lowered, but not for the reason Aila expected. A few seconds later, her lips sucked on Aila's nipple.

"I would not blame you for the actions of others, but I also knew you would blame yourselves. I made the decision without consulting you, or your sister. I am sorry." She said softly. She felt Alara's arm tighten.

"You did what was right, Master. Don't be sorry." She whispered. She lowered her mouth once again, and made Aila suck in her breath.

"I thought you wouldn't be in the mood." Aila said softly. Alara grinned naughtily, cleared her face, and looked up at her with an innocent expression.

"Mood for what, Master?" Alara asked. She heard the sigh, and when Aila rolled her eyes and looked at the ceiling, she lowered her lips again. This time, she lightly bit her nipple, and licked it between her teeth.

"You little tease!" Aila said, and flipped Alara onto her back. Ivadra grinned as she came back to the bed. She slid in so that her legs were on either side of her sister's head, reached down, and grasped her hands.

"I've got her, Master!" Alara looked up and saw her sister smile wickedly. "Eat her up." Alara looked down, and could only see the top half of Aila's head.

"So mean." She whispered. It wasn't what she thought though. As a talented tongue slid up and down her button, licked her slender lips from outside to inside, all she could do was moan.

Every time she wanted to reach down, her sister controlled her hands, and firmly held her in place.

"Ivadra. While she's distracted, slide out of your clothes, face me, and hook your lower legs under her arms. Sit on her chin and make her lick." Aila said, and watched Ivadra bite her lower lip, but smile brightly.

"Master, you're so naughty. I'm doing it!" She quickly doffed her clothes, and with her sister's hands captured, she was able to slide her feet under her sister's body, and capture her hands behind her knees. Since she couldn't move her hands down as Ivadra was in her way, she could only endure, and do as she was told.

With her sister's wet tunnel rubbing on her nose, Alara moaned and started to lick the slick folds above her. Ivadra moaned softly.

"She's not as reserved, but still trying to control herself. Lick faster, Master." Ivadra said. When Aila's arms wrapped up around the outside of her thighs, and held her in place, she could no longer squirm out of alignment, or control the pace.

"Now turn around, Ivadra. Put her arms under your calves, to pin her down, but not punish her. You just want to make it difficult to move, not hurt her. There. Now, put your fur on her chin, and let her work for it. See her eyes? She's telling you what she wants." Aila spoke slowly, and Ivadra was able to follow her directions. When she looked into her sister's eyes, she saw exactly what her Master meant.

She reached down, threaded their fingers together, and clamped her thighs onto Alara's head. She didn't let her move, or squirm away.

"Lick, baby. Show me your love." Alara blushed at her sister's words, but locked her lips onto Ivadra's thicker and more meaty lips. She sucked, licked, and flicked her button, all the while, her emotions grew warmer with each passing second.

Aila pushed light elements into her lover through her mouth, which heated Alara up from the inside, and caused them to resonate.

With exquisite control, Aila directed a stream of dark elements through Alara's body, and up into her sister. The two of them resonated with her, and as one began to climax, so did the other.

The internal pulse of elemental essence was harmonized, and vibrated gently within them. Their twin souls, linked at birth, spilled into each other to the point that their consciousness were awakened. They could see each other bathed in their elements, and actually speak to each other.

'It is Master.' Alara said as though it was a forgone conclusion.

'It is. When will we become pregnant?' Ivadra asked as she neared the edge of her climax. Her mental voice grew husky with need, but her body fluctuated. Alara turned her head and saw another person nearby. She immediately saw some details, and understood what it meant.

'We are not ready yet, sister.' Her body fluctuated much like Ivadra's did. 'Time to go back and enjoy her touch.' Alara rolled invisible eyes. 'Master is so strong that she can send elements to both of us at the same time.'

'Yeah. I can't wait until we can carry her babies.' Ivadra's elemental consciousness shimmered and dissipated, followed by Alara's. They both felt their physical body reach the edge.

When Alara shuddered, and Ivadra collapsed on top of her, Aila moved Ivadra, and laid her down on top of her sister so they could embrace.

"Don't sleep yet, little ones." Aila whispered in their ears. "I have so wanted to let you see what should be yours since I first saw Ivadra's deep brown eyes. Now, I get to see your deep blue eyes, and see the same things I see in hers." She hugged them, and rolled so that they were on either side of her.

"Of course you see the same things. We both love you deeply." Alara said, while Ivadra grinned and boldly licked Aila's shoulder.

"This time, I get to taste you, and you taste Alara. Then she tastes you, and you taste me. Oh yes, this night is going to be one we remember for a long long time!"


* * *


"Do you see that?" Nuri asked Ellie. They were both laying down, but couldn't help but watch.

"Yeah. Their chests and their bellies glowed with their elements. Do you know, that she's making them pregnant now?" Ellie asked. Nuri thought for a moment.

"I don't think so. I think she's making them stronger. Master is so powerful, if she tried, it might harm them. If we don't get stronger, we can't give her any babies." Nuri said. Ellie tended to agree, so she put her mouth over Nuri's nipple.

"Tasty." Ellie said quietly. Nuri rolled her eyes, and couldn't help but think that her Master was right.

Everyone here was a tease.


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