The Ascension

Chapter 53 – Borrowed Time


Alara sobbed at the kitchen table. Ivadra was in the main room, standing near a window when she heard Aila's voice resonate within the house, and within her own consciousness.

She stumbled from the shock, was held up, and carried to a bench in Nuri's strong embrace, cradled against her chest. With those strong warm arms holding her, Ivadra couldn't stop herself from letting out her sobs.

"Master felt her sadness, Ivadra. She had to name your mother properly." She felt Ivadra nod.

"I know. I'm happy my mom received a name from our Master like she did, but Master went a step further and gave her sister a name too." She sniffed and hid her face from others. "Master is so kind to us. Names with meaning behind them. Imera has rumbled as the names were offered, and accepted."

"And this isn't the first time Imera has acknowledged Master's will." Nuri said softly. "If Imera herself accepted the names, no one can deny them. Are there any mementos of your mom back there?" Ivadra sniffed and shook her head.

"If there were, they would have erased them from existence. Each generation replaces the last when they are weaned. Mena died first, and was taken downstairs to that monster. Mother was 'made pregnant', and only allowed to breastfeed us until we could be weaned. She was taken downstairs to die after that." Ivadra said, and buried her face in Nuri's chest. Nuri lifted her eyes and saw a sight that sent shivers down her spine.

Ivadra just told them what happened to her family before Aila could intervene, and the steps the Black Guards would have taken in the future. Underground Black now lived on borrowed time.

Their Master was angry.


* * *


"Master." Nuri walked outside into the courtyard, and up to her side.

"You know I can't let them live." Aila said.

"I know." She said softly. "Life is a part of death, and death is a part of life." She said in an even softer tone. "Those girls were treated like slaves, and even worse. They knew what would happen to them one day. Alara knew what would happen to her sister, and what would happen to her not long after. The Black Guards didn't protect her, but felt there was glory in their ancestor's way."

"It is the death of more than fifty trained soldiers." Aila said. "I'm not a mass murderer." She closed her eyes. "Mom. Dad. What would you do?" Nuri turned.

"Master, you shouldn't put this burden on them." Nuri said and moved to her back. She wrapped her arms about Aila's body, and hugged her. "You know Alara and Ivadra. Your parents did not know them. Instead of asking what they would do in your position, ask yourself a simple question."

"What question?"

"If you were not here, what would happen to them? If you only passed through, and healed them, what would happen when you left? Even showing your unimaginable strength, but you left them in Underground Black, what would happen to them?" Nuri asked.

"That is more than one question." Aila sighed. "But I understand what you mean to ask. How would I deal with the guilt if I did nothing?"

"Yes, Master. Now, also ask yourself this. If you do nothing, and protect them here, what may happen in the future if Underground Black remains?" Nuri asked a question that struck her in the gut.

"They would attack, and probably either injure, or kill one of my lovers. That is just to attempt to acquire them back." Aila grimaced. "Ask Alara and Ivadra if they mind. I will spare them if I have to, but if they are still frightened, they won't last the week." Nuri hugged her tighter.

"They are scared, Master. They will never say it to you as they don't want to disappoint you. They want to appear strong. For you." Nuri said, and kissed her cheek.

"I don't deserve you ladies." Aila said softly.

"Master, don't say that. We all know what you've done for us. Now, you're out here for a reason, and it isn't to talk about evil people." Nuri said, which made Aila smile.

"True. Come with me. I have something I need to show you." Aila walked over to the wall, with Nuri right behind her.

"Master, I don't remember this large section. It looks like a really big wall, or a post, but it's too massive to be a post." Nuri said. Aila smiled a little, with a bit of melancholy in her gaze.

"This is a memorial. Normally, this would include a mausoleum, or a grave. Since there are no mementos, and no bodies to bury, I've decided to give the girls a place to pay their respects to their mothers, and great mothers." She looked at the wall.

"Here. Mena, sister to Tana. Tana, sister to Mena, mother of Alara, and Ivadra. I don't have dates of when they died, or how old they were, but I can add that when we learn that information." Aila looked up at the large stone pillar. "I will add a fountain, filled with ancient spring water, wild flowers will bloom here, and we'll have gardens for Alara and Ivadra to sit and visit."

"Master, this is a grave?"

"No, a grave holds the remains. This is a memorial, as it will only hold memories. In time, I may move it out further, or take it downstairs into the catacombs for the temple, but for now, they should have a place they can sit, and grieve for their loss." Nuri looked at the wall.

"My mother was beat until she stopped breathing." She said quietly. "I was sold not long after, and my parent married another."

"Do you remember her name?" Aila asked her. Nuri sniffed.

"Mom." Nuri had been four when her mother died, and sold at the earliest time her pathetic excuse for a father could legally sell her. Aila grasped her hand.

"The Mercenary Union owes me a favor for not destroying them. Information gathering is a part of their services." She smiled gently. "My wife should know her mother's name, and should have it on her marriage certificate." Nuri sniffed, but looked at her oddly.

"Marriage certificate? What's that?"


* * *


"I had hoped you would ignore us." The Union Master said quietly, as the woman who entered his office did so without an appointment, and no one dared to stop her.

"I did, but I felt that would not settle well on your shoulders." Aila said. "You owe me, so I've come to collect. You have information gathering services." The Union Master looked up quickly.

"What information do you need?" He asked quickly. This was their chance to clear the debt, and not give her a reason to massacre them when she grew angry enough.

"I have several servants. Each was sold when they were five years of age. Shaala and Kaala, sisters about forty years old. Elena and Ellie, twin sisters near the age of twenty. Nuri, whose mother was murdered by her father when she was four, and she is thirty now. Nadya, sold when she was five, and is twenty eight. Neither of them know the names of their mothers."  He saw her eyes glow red for a brief second.  "I care little about the father, except for Nuri's. I'll hunt him down when I find out who he is."  He pinned him with a firm stare.

"I want the names of the mothers, condition, and location. If still living, their status. Fathers, if still living, their location. I may not hunt them down, but the girls may wish to set their hearts at ease when they are strong enough."  Her voice sent shivers down his spine.  She wasn't asking.

"It will take time."

"Of course. Also, you know of Underground Black, and the Black Guards?" She asked.

"Everyone knows of them. They are currently quiet. Unusually so." He said.

"They murdered their Black Ones and Seers through their ancestor. They now struggle to find a way to survive after their power was lost." Aila said. "I think they don't need to exist any longer. Their area will be signed over to the Union if they are eliminated." The Union Master's eyes blazed.

"No complaint from the Black One, or the Seer?" He asked.

"They have fears of being attacked while I am away from the manor." She growled. "They will only be too happy to have this stain erased from Imera's soil." She placed five flame wolf cores on his desk.

"The information gathering is to repay what is owed. The elimination of Underground Black is a job. This is the advanced payment. Underground Black itself will be the remainder." She grinned, which sent a shiver down his spine.

"You may make a deal with the Assassin's Guild for assistance. I'm sure they would enjoy occupying a corner of that place for business and training purposes." Aila left the Union building, while the steward came back inside.

"That woman is scary in her intelligence, and forethought." He said quietly. The Union Master nodded.

"She saw the potential of cooperation, as well as the necessity. Underground Black was once a tough old bone that no one wanted a piece of. Now, they are a thick juicy slab of beef." The Union Master slowly started to smile.

"Send a missive to the Assassin's Guild steward, and request a quiet gathering. We're going to need help on this one."


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