Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points

Chapter 1474

Chapter 1474 I Have No Grandmother

Although the hippo knight group has attracted a lot of attention today, the number of people on Ye Han’s side is still quite large.

Her words immediately caused silence in the ward.

The smell of smoke is very choking.

“I have no regrets in my life, no need to be sad, no need to be sad.”

“We can also have chemotherapy and surgery!”

In fact, I am afraid that the children will be worried and do not want to affect the children.

There are also two daughters-in-law and a grandson.

“My body, I know it in my heart.”

He dared not look.

She said that, obviously already knowing something.

“I think Ye Han is good, and Xiao Qi is also good.”

She looked at her eldest son.

In any case, Xiao Qi can’t have an accident.

He noticed that Xiao Qi seemed to be dreaming at this time, and there were still tears flowing out of the corners of his eyes.

“Who would have thought it was such a disease?”

“Grandma can’t use a smartphone. My family has taught her many times, but she can’t learn it. She doesn’t know how to answer video calls.”

Ye Han sighed silently, then lay down beside Xiao Qi and held her little hand.

Su Xingzhi brought the cigarette to his mouth and took a deep breath.

Whenever something was wrong, he was going to ask for help.

Su Yang said.

“Mom, Xiao Qi, she’s fine.”

When she was a child, her grandmother gave her pocket money, for fear that she would not have enough to eat, she always said that she was too thin and she had to eat more.

“Cough cough!”

Seeing this scene, Xiao Qi’s family who were far away in the hospital were also full of sad faces.

Su Xingzhi said in a hoarse voice.

Throughout the morning, Su Xiaoqi spoke a lot to Ye Han on and off.

“The gardenias in the yard are blooming again, the little cats are meowing, and my grandmother fanned the palm fan to coax me to sleep, but I wet the bed.”

“How come so fast?”

“Boss, my grandma is gone.”

The night gradually darkened.

“It’s too late, YangYang.”

Su Jiangtao found Su Xingzhi on a step at the entrance of the hospital.

Countless viewers watched silently all morning, tears had already dyed their collars, but they didn’t know it…

“I dreamed of my grandmother. She said she went to find her grandfather and asked me to compete well and win glory for the country.”

Now it’s time to take a look, take a look less.

They dare not imagine that the old man will leave one day, but this day will come, and no one can escape.

He seems to have changed. ..

After working hard all my life, I ended up with cancer.

“Don’t lie to me.”

It’s like there’s a thorny sharp knife churning in his heart!

On the island, Ye Han couldn’t sleep.

“Boss, I don’t have a grandma anymore, woo woo woo…”

“YangYang, grandma misses your grandfather and will go to him soon.”

Su Xingzhi held the old man’s hand and said.

Ye Han always held her hand and accompanied her.

Grandma paused for a while and continued to ask.

In the middle of the night, Ye Han noticed that Su Xiaoqi’s body temperature seemed to rise again!

This disease is really not very visible in the early stage.

Su Xingzhi went to wash his face first, then squeezed out a smile, and then entered the ward.

But looking at it, his heart will hurt!

Some scolding battles on the Internet have basically never stopped.

Looking at this eldest grandson, a smile appeared on the old man’s face.

It’s not a question of money anymore, it’s just that no amount of money can cure it.

“The cancer cells have already spread, and Mom’s heart is not good. Let’s go over and guard.”

She looked at Ye Han who had been busy all night, tears flowed silently, she sat up and hugged Ye Han.

But grandma shook her head.

“If we could care more about Mom, it wouldn’t be like this.”

“Take me to the supermarket and buy me snacks.”

“Don’t lie to me either.”

But her fever had completely subsided, and she no longer had a fever.


This immediately made Ye Han nervous, and hurriedly fed Su Xiaoqi some water.

“Don’t blame yourself. I felt that I had no appetite at first. I think it’s normal for people to be old.”

After saying these words, grandma continued to breathe hard and began to rest.

She hasn’t seen Xiao Qi get married yet!

In particular, a large number of viewers who were concerned about Ye Han and Xiao Qi stayed in the live broadcast room.

By the time you really notice it, it will be too late, and you will be powerless to return to the sky.

Only Su Xiaoqi was not there, but the old man knew that Xiaoqi was participating in a very important game.

Really amazing.

Then she sighed again.

Continue to use ice cubes to cool the forehead to help cool down.

“How is Xiao Qi now?”

When the sky lit up, Su Xiaoqi opened her eyes.

Ye Han opened his mouth, but couldn’t say anything, he could only gently stroke Xiao Qi’s back.

At the same time, in the hospital ward, there were bursts of crying…

Obviously tired.

Every time I asked the old man, she said that she was all right, all right.

There is no cure for it now.

Difficult to speak.

“When I grew up, I saw my grandma less often. When people were outside, I could only use mobile phone videos.”

Every day, a large number of lives are born, pass away, the world changes, the vicissitudes of life change, and the sun, moon, and stars dare not be called eternity!

Su Yang said innocently. I was still young and didn’t know much about these things.

Every time Xiaoqi fell ill, grandma would be busy, until Xiaoqi was cured, and grandma was relieved.

Xiao Qi was crying while talking.

The doctor also told them that chemotherapy was of little significance and would only add to the pain.

she continued.

There were tears in everyone’s eyes, and tears were wiped away.

Then he looked at the two sons in front of the hospital bed.

And those who hated Shenzhou Kingdom, Ye Han and Xiao Qi, wished they both died on the island, and kept scolding and cursing.

“Since today, her breathing has become very short.”

Some people are praying all the time, hoping that Xiao Qi can get better soon.

At this time, Su Xingzhi was very decadent, with a cigarette between his fingers, it was about to burn his fingers, but he didn’t seem to know it.

One must have a mother to live a hundred years old!

Xiao Qi was crying in Ye Han’s arms, like a helpless child.

“You take care of your health and cooperate with the treatment. In a hundred or so days, Xiao Qi will be back.”

Su Xiaoqi cried all morning, her eyes were completely swollen.

He always pays attention to Su Xiaoqi’s situation.

“Brother, the doctor said that our mother may leave at any time.”

Pick up Xiao Qi from school, teach Xiao Qi to draw, and watch Journey to the West on TV together.

“Mom, when Xiao Qi comes back, she will almost get married.”

After saying a few words, the old man’s breathing became more rapid.

Time flies and never waits for anyone.

Upon seeing this, they also left the ward one by one, leaving only one person to accompany them.

Su Xingzhi’s tears dried up, and his voice was hoarse.

Grandma said softly.

“I don’t have a grandma anymore…”

Xiaoqi’s grandmother has only a few days left, and Xiaoqi is also ill.

“Grandma’s body can’t survive the surgery, and she doesn’t want to suffer the pain of chemotherapy.”

The ashes fell, fell to the ground, and went away with the wind.

Palms are sweaty.

“Every time she says she’s fine, she’s fine, who would have known she had cancer a long time ago!”

“She will always stand at the entrance of the alley, watching over me. If I go back in the future, I will never see my grandma again…”

At this time, the old man suddenly coughed.

“When I get married, you must come!”

At the beginning, my wife died of stomach cancer, and now she has guessed that she also has stomach cancer.

Su Jiangtao said and dragged Su Xingzhi back to the ward.

“Grandma, I have also been admitted to the military academy, and I will be an officer in the future!”

“Just stop, smoke less, and listen to Qingyi more.”

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