Supreme Emperor of Mist

Chapter 249: Attempted to Rob

"How accurate is your news? Can we trust the merchant that he's telling the truth about their merchandise?" an expert in the middle-attainment layer of Bone Reconstruction asked. Their number is around four hundred people currently, and more people are still coming to join them.

They're the men serving the Liaocheng Province Lord. The people over here were just a squadron of their total.

After the allegiance of this county has shifted from the Shu to Wu, many things have changed. The first and foremost was border control.

Previously, all they need was to show the authority token of their supervisor to be granted access. But right now, the broken nameplate was no longer usable. Furthermore, the control over imports was stricter than before, leaving them with a problem with bringing in weapons and equipment for their pillaging activities.

With weapons becoming harder to smuggle, their only choice was to purchase from the local blacksmith. And this was made difficult for them as well. The change of a county lord equals a great migration and renovation, leaving the villages out of capable blacksmiths.

As long the blacksmith was sane enough to think, none of them would give up the chances to move to the City of Yue. The salary and benefit provided were much higher than what a village could pay for.

With so many issues arise, it was understandable why their pillaging activity was disturbed.

Since they're not well equipped, attacking would means putting themselves into danger if it was done recklessly. Hence, the bandits shifted their objectives by using this one month time to scout for potential targets.

And this ten carriages convoy were so far the fattest target and also the safest. From the scout report, each carriage worth around 10,000 Bone Foundation Pills. The cultivating resources within said to be exquisite goods ordered by one of the counties under Liaocheng Province.

Since their pillaging activity does not separates allies and enemies, as long the target was a fat sheep ready to slaughter, they'll take action unconditionally. And in return, the Province Lord promises them safety from the country's law if they're caught in his Liaocheng Province.

It was regretful, but today's operation might be their last before everyone looked for their own way to return to the Liaocheng Province. This Wuyue County is no longer worth putting effort into and endangering itself.

"Leader, this merchant has been in contact with this subordinate for weeks. I'm sure that his merchandise is legit. To be sure, this subordinate left some of my pet's beloved feces as a mark on their carriage."

"As long we followed this little fox's sense of smell, it would be easy for us to catch up with them." the subordinate, a fourth-level Bone expert, said.

Judging from his tone, he was confident with the preparation he had done so far. As long nothing in particular happened, the convoy will travel past their hiding place in the next hour or so.

"You better be correct. With the control of this territory now changed hand to the lord called Chi-Lan Marquis, this place is no longer a suitable place for us to continue. Tell the others that after this, we'll return to this Hanyue County."

"Let us join another squadron and wait for his lord's order." the leader said. It seems that he's already started to plan for his path of retreat after this.

"Leader, what kind of reason can we get to leave this county? Don't forget that we've already registered ourselves as the villagers of a settlement and cannot freely leave the county without the Village Chief's signature." the subordinate said.

"Then just force that geezer in the village to get it written. By the time we exit the border, do you think the soldier will keep pursuing us?" the leader said.

"That's true..." said the subordinate with a nod.

"Sh! They're here!" the leader covered his subordinate's mouth the moment he noticed the light from the torches started to illuminates the path leading to the county's border.

Since the road construction wasn't started yet, two out of the ten carriages have to be replaced because of the damage caused during travel. This ends up delaying their trip by close to half a day.

But luckily, they're well prepared.

"We should stop here and take an hour's rest before continuing with our trip. Remember to guard the carriage in case there are people with ill intentions." said the merchant. Based on his appearance and the instruction he gives, he's likely the leader of this convoy.

"Look's like he's the leader. He didn't lie to me, boss." the subordinate laughed. It was unsure that his laugh was about the merchant was a fool to believe him or because he wasn't fooled.

"Get a mirror and look at yourself. Your expression earlier was full of the question as if you're worried that you got cheated." the leader shook his head with a grin on his face.


The leader whistled by putting two fingers around his mouth. The replies came in less than ten seconds. In total, he received five responses from those further away from him.

"Get ready with your weapon. We'll wait until the guards fall asleep." the leader said.

He was a patient leader indeed. The bandits waited there close to an hour for half of the guards to fall asleep before he decides to take action.


The same whistle was used. This time, there's no reply. Instead, the bandits headed to the guards covertly until they're just a tree away from where the guards fall asleep.


Another whistle came. 

This brings a smile to the bandits as they charged into the tent and start killing mercilessly.




Blood was splattered. By the time the leader reaches the point that allowed him to oversee the situation, he noticed that something was off.

"What is wrong with the attacking team? Why did they move without waiting for my signal?" the leader was puzzled. By right, they should know how he works based on the length they're cooperating together.

But it has to be today that the followers were making a mistake.

When those coming out from the tent were not the bandits but the guards instead, he realized he might have fallen into the enemy's trap.

"Sh*t!" the leader pulled a flare out from his pocket and fired it up into the sky, but it was too late.

By the time he turned around, he was surrounded by the men led by Wang Xun. Accompanying beside the captain was Jin-Xiong, Qin Lan's beloved Martial Beast.

"Ou!!!" Jin-Xiong howled. A ball of energy was gathered between its jaws as it fired at the bandit leader without notice. The attack immediately destroyed the cliff where the bandit leader tried to get the best seat to witness his operation.

"A trap! What a sneaky move you got there, soldiers from Shuiyue County! But if you think that it would be easy for you to capture me, then think again!" the bandit leader pulled his twin swords out and attacked Wang Xun.

As long he managed to overcome Wang Xun, it will eventually open the road to his freedom. As the leader of this group of six hundred bandits, he's not a weakling.

Although there's just a hint of Foundation Qi in his Dantian, he's still much stronger than the others without. This is why he was specially recruited by the County Lord to lead one of his six personal bandit groups.

But Wang Xun wasn't a weakling either. Pulling his sword out from the sheath, he countered the bandit leader's attack. Knowing that his opponent's strength was even a tad bit above him made Wang Xun feeling excited.

"Bring it on! Let's see who's better!" Wang Xun holds his sword with both hands. Channeling a hint of Spiritual Qi into his weapon, he delivered an attack at the bandit leader.

"Moonlight Wave!" Wang Xun shouted as his attack went to the bandit leader fiercely. But his opponent wasn't someone to be underestimated either. Using a similarly fierce technique, he countered the attack even before it arrives.

"Good! Look's like you'll be my first victim after I come out from seclusion." Wang Xun smiled. The sinister-looking face he gives out seems to be hiding something behind.

"Keep talking! I'll see if you're still capable of saying things like this after I took your head back as a trophy!" the bandit leader replied.




Morning next day.

"This is the City of Yue's Golden Ribbon Merchants. This is my permit to cross the border as we delivered the order from Hanyue County." the merchant that leads the ten carriages said. In his hand was Qin Lan's private token.

"This token is a valid traveling document. Please feel free to cross the border. If you have anything you need, please do not hesitate to let the guards know." the guard replied.

"Thank you, but there's nothing needed so far." the merchant smiled as his carriage continued on their way until they reach the capital of Hanyue County a week later.

After delivering all the products to their buyers, the merchant decided to return with ten carriages filled with local products from this county. Additionally, he did not forget to accomplish one of the tasks Qin Lan requested him to do.

After receiving approval from the City lord for an audience, the merchant came to him with a box of gifts in hand. After making sure that it was received in person by the City Lord, the merchant made his way back to the border in a hurry. Following him were a thousand angry soldiers.

"How dare the Chi-Lan Marquis send me the head of milord's beloved subordinate?"

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