Super Urban Master

Chapter 313 - The Strange Vanishing of Qin Hao

Chapter 313 The Strange Vanishing of Qin Hao

Walking inside, Qin Hao saw a rectangular stone room.

It was an antique and solemn room delivering a heavy and serious atmosphere, which could make a flippant heart sober and calm.

Qin Hao stood in the room quietly, without making a tiny sound. It seemed that there was a sacred being that prevented one from blaspheming.

But Qin Hao did not understand why he had such feeling, for he could see nothing in this empty room.


Gu Hong’s voice came from behind. Ye Tianping, carrying Gu Hong on his back, followed Qin into the room.

Qin Hao turned to the old man, and opened his mouth with a puzzled face: “Grand-master, why is there…?”

“Did you feel something strange?” Gu Hong asked.

Qin Hao nodded.

“Great. Keep feeling and maybe there will be a surprise.” A smile mixed with a bit of excitement arose from Gu Hong’s aged face. It was truly right to take Qin Hao here.

But Ye Tianping felt odd: “Master, I didn’t see anything here. What did you tell Hao to feel?”

“Ha,” Gu Hong smiled, “Tianping, put me down so that you can also feel it.”

But there was another word he wanted to say: I wish it was you that could feel it, and I wish the chosen one was you.

Surely he could not say those words in front of Qin Hao.

“OK Master.” Ye Tianping did not fully understand Gu Hong. Now that it was his master’s ask, he would just do as told.

Soon, both Qin and Ye got into a state of meditation to feel the Qi in this empty stone room.

As time passed, the air around Qin Hao changed. It floated layer by layer like the ripples moving, among which some strange characters seemed to be flickering.

In contrast, nothing happened around Ye.

The only thing Ye felt was that this was an ordinary room. Except that it was cold, nothing was strange to him.

“Master, what’s wrong with Hao? Why didn’t I feel anything?” Ye Tianping looked at Qin Hao with surprise and asked in puzzlement.

“Alas, maybe it’s the heaven’s will.” Gu Hong sighed and plucked something from his chest. It was an emerald green jade, crystal-clear and shaped in a dragon.

“Master, what’s…” Ye Tianping was about to what was this when the jade hummed and emitted a dazzling green light. At the same time, it flew from Gu Hong’s hand, up in the air, heading to Qin Hao.

“Heaven’s will, heaven’s will! It finally finds the chosen one. Only he is not a Medicine Sect disciple.” Gu Hong gave another sigh, in which there were both joy and pity. From the bottom of his heart, he hoped Ye Tianping was this chosen one. What a pity that he was not, never.

Truly, if he was, he would not have to wait until today.

“Master, what is that? Why it can fly on its own?” Ye Tianping could not figure out what was going on.

“That is the Dragon Soul Jade, the supreme treasure of our Medicine Sect.” Gu Hong said indifferently.

“Dragon Soul Jade…The supreme treasure of Medicine Sect… Master, how could I never hear there is such a treasure in our sect?” Ye spoke more than usual on this day, probably because he was too amazed at what he saw just now.

“You certainly couldn’t have heard that. The jade, together with this underground maze and this room, were only known by person‒the Elder of Sect Guarding. Even the sect leader do not know them.

Hearing this, Ye became more surprised. A secret that was hidden from the leader? There must be more secrets than this piece of jade.

“This underground maze, without a guide, no one can reach here; even though some may go this far, without knowing the method to break the array, no one can enter the stone room.” Gu Hong continued. This secret had been hidden in his heart for too many years, so he spoke as if he had been eager to let it all out at once.

“But Master, Hao broke the array in his own way.” Ye couldn’t help but interrupt.

Gu Hong smiled wryly: “It is a rare case and an exception. I don’t know why he can break the array either. Maybe it’s his destiny.”

After Ye Tianping’s interruption, Gu Hong continued: “Those who know this secret and know the method to break it, are the exclusively the Elders of Sect Guarding. The Sect Leaders know nothing about it.”

“Every generation of the Elder of Sect Guarding takes the mission of finding the chosen one, and passes the secret to this person, in order to revive the Medicine Sect.”

Hearing this Ye Tianping could not resist asking again: “Master, do you mean that Qin Hao is the chosen one and we need him to revive our sect?”

“Yes.” Gu Hong nodded seriously.

“But he does not belong to our sect. Then how can he help us?”

“Fortunately, he is a descendant of the Medicine Sect. As the son of my disciple, he is at least a half member, and soon he will be a real Medicine Sect disciple, our real sect leader.”

Gu Hong’s face was full of seriousness.

The look on Ye Tianping’s face transformed quickly and a strange ray of light flashed in his eyes: “Master, you mean Hao can revive the Medicine Sect with that tiny piece of Dragon Soul Jade?”

“Absolutely not. Let me finish my words. The Dragon Soul Jade is not the ultimate treasure. It is only responsible for searching for the chosen one, and then it serves as the key to the ultimate treasure.”

“The ultimate treasure?” An indiscernible edge was projected from Ye Tianping eyes, “Master, do you mean…?”

“The Square Livid Dragon Cauldron.”

Although Ye had guessed the answer, he was still greatly shocked when Gu Hong said it in person.

It was all right that disciples of the Medicine Sect did not hear of other treasures, but they must have known the Square Livid Dragon Cauldron. It was the totem and the most sacred thing worshiped by all members. It was also the sacred treasure by which the ancestors established the Medicine Sect.

Everyone knew that originated in the Ancient Martial World, the Medicine Sect was well-known for medication alchemy. The Square Livid Dragon Cauldron was the most powerful and the highest-ranked vessel, which could make pills that the whole Martial Cultivation World were crazy for. In this way, the Cauldron was a semi-divine artifact.

Every year, the Medicine Sect would hold a ceremony to worship the Square Livid Dragon Cauldron. But it was the picture of this treasure that they worshiped at the rite. No one had ever seen the real Cauldron.

It was said that it was lost when the Medicine Sect moved to the Semi-Ancient Martial World. For hundreds of years, successive leaders tried their best to find it but they did not know it was right beneath their base.

But now in this empty room, they still could not see the Cauldron.

“Master, is the Square Livid Dragon Cauldron really here?” Ye Tianping looked around this underground room and the doubt on his face became more.

“Watch Qin Hao and you’ll see it is right here.” Saying this, Gu Hong turned his eyes to Qin Hao.

So Ye also fixed his eyes on him.

At this time, changes around Qin Hao got weirder. He had fallen into an unconscious state and the green jade was floating over his head. The color of the light became denser. In the end, it turned dark green.

The dark green jade started to rotate over Qin Hao’s head. As a result, streams of air formed a violent storm and a vortex, which then revolved rapidly. Qin Hao’s hair was raised upright and the edge of his clothes also rolled upward.

Next moment, something amazing happened. Qin Hao himself took off from the ground and headed to the whirl automatically.


Ye Tianping screamed and was about to rush forward when Gu Hong gave a loud and stern shout.

“Tianping, don’t move. Let him go.”

Ye Tianping paused and in this instant, Qin Hao was sucked into the vortex and disappeared.

“Master, Hao was…”

“Don’t worry. He will be all right.”

Gu Hong answered calmly. With a relieved smile, a word was whispered out from his mouth: “Truly he is the chosen one.”

A while after Qin Hao was sucked into the vortex, the strange phenomenon disappeared with it. The Dragon Soul Jade also vanished. It looked like nothing had happened and all was just an illusion.

Ye Tianping looked at where Qin Hao left from his sight transfixed. He scratched his head hard: “Master, where did Hao go?”

“He went to the world of the Livid Dragon Cauldron. As for what it is like, I don’t know either, for I’m not the chosen one and have no opportunity to see the real Cauldron.” Gu Hong smiled bitterly.

Ye Tianping frowned. Even a powerful man like Gu Hong was not the chosen one, in other words, the inheritor. Then why it was Qin Hao? What was special in him?

No one, even including Gu Hong could answer this question. It was totally under the guide of the Dragon Soul Jade that he found Qin Hao.

As for which world Qin Hao went to, only he himself knew.

The night was late. If counted by the urban time, it was already past three o’clock. This was the most dangerous time with the night dark and the wind strong.

In the tavern at the foot of the Medicine Sect mountain, Shadow just fell asleep when a light knock woke her up.

“Little Sister, let’s move.”

Outside the door came his Senior’s low voice.

Shadow got up instantly. As the mission would start at any minute, she slept clothed so that she could rise from bed immediately.

She took a short moment to make her clothes neat, and then flashed out of her room. Outside there had been more than ten black figures waiting for the order. The head was certainly Ghost.

Ghost glanced at the crowd and asked in a low voice: “Is everyone here?”

All the black figures nodded as a response.

“Great. I have just received the message that the target will show up soon. Now go to your post and the action begins.”

As Ghost waved his hand, the order was taken by the black figures. Then they vanished to their own position as arranged beforehand.

“Senior, what should I do?” Shadow found she had not been assigned to any task.

“Just stay by my side.” Ghost answered indifferently.

“By your side?” Shadow was shocked.

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